Trash That Toy, It Doesn't Spark Joy

Episode 14 October 17, 2022 01:29:50
Trash That Toy, It Doesn't Spark Joy
Papa Don't Preach
Trash That Toy, It Doesn't Spark Joy

Oct 17 2022 | 01:29:50


Show Notes

“Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination.” —Christina Scalise.

Have you ever had so much stuff that you had to get more stuff to store the stuff you didn't have room for? PDP hosts jump in to talk about how they walk a thin line between hoarding and just being "prepared." Do we all know the difference between art and trash? What's in your junk drawer? 

Finally, the Papas talk about the most troubling issue of all, the DC universe's backstory problem. 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 I need to, I need to change my underwear. Okay. I'm gonna take him off Speaker 1 00:00:03 <laugh>. Okay. Ben. It has dropped tr All right. Do Speaker 0 00:00:12 The broad trick with just my underwear. Speaker 1 00:00:14 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:00:17 Just Speaker 1 00:00:18 Rips out this like 50 by 50 flag. Yeah, it's my drawers <laugh>. Oh. If you did the carpet with It's got all that ball enough. Like, Sorry. Blaine acs staying on turn on the back too. Just, just for shit and giggles. See what we can suck up. Hey, y'all there? Cool cats. How you guys doing? This is Papa Don preach. My name is Obi Euna and I'm here with Bennett Miller. Bennett, how you doing Speaker 0 00:01:16 Right now? We're riding the storm into the midnight hour <laugh>. I'm doing good. <laugh> I, every once in a while, like I, that's, I think that's one of my callings is being at midnight dj. Speaker 1 00:01:27 Oh yeah. You got the voice for it, Speaker 0 00:01:28 Man. Yeah. This next song goes out to a couple in Arizona Springs. I don't know, I couldn't think of a place. Jesus. All Speaker 1 00:01:36 Right, moving on. Oh, that's good stuff. Oh, man. So it's, it's been, it's been, uh, it's been one hell of a week. Uh, but before we get into it, have you been on a date yet with your wife? Speaker 0 00:01:49 I, uh, I saw that question. <laugh>, The thing is, no <laugh>, uh, I've only seen my wife, uh, we've only gone to bed. Uh, I mean, I try to put it like, I've only seen her, I mean, we've both been awake like two nights out of the last time we've done it. Like, I'm shooting a, a movie right now where we've been shooting nights. Ooh. So my, my, um, it's like 11 to 11, two to two. Oh, shit. Uh, so like, yeah, I don't, I haven't seen her, but, uh, we've been planning, looking at, for her birthday, coming up in December, doing like a little Santa Barbara. Speaker 1 00:02:18 Oh, she's got the worst birthday ever. Speaker 0 00:02:20 She does, She has like a late December pre Chris's birthday. So you gotta pry it away from something, You know, you gotta, you gotta make separation from the Christmas, Speaker 1 00:02:28 If your birthday is after December 20th and before December 31st. Nobody's coming to your birthday. It's Speaker 0 00:02:35 A black hole birthday, and she realizes this. Um, so I, you know, we always should do something cool, but I think you we're trying to do a little camp, not camping. We're gonna do like a little cabin, uh, Ooh thing. Santa Barbara getting away. But yes, we did, We did talk, you know, the last episode we actually talked about it, like how I realized that like, we should do more day night stuff, and we are, we're going to, It's very healthy. As soon as we'll be awake at the same time, we're gonna work that out. Speaker 1 00:02:57 And, uh, Yeah. Speaker 0 00:02:58 Uh, and in the, the same city, like literally she just left to go on, on the tour for the, you know, the show she's shooting, uh, as like following a tour. So she's like gone for another, you know, four days. So Speaker 1 00:03:08 That sucks, but That's awesome. Yeah. That sucks. But it's awesome. Speaker 0 00:03:12 Yeah, she's, she's loving it. Um, and I am here. Speaker 1 00:03:15 Oh, right. Well, shit, uh, Sorry to bring it up, <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:03:19 No, no, it's, it's, uh, it was good. Like, it's something that we thought about and we talked about, and like, hopefully it'll keep in the forward, uh, part of my brain, like right around here. Speaker 1 00:03:27 Yeah. I'm, I'm about to be in your boat. Like, I'm, uh, I, uh, I'm going into like four weeks to finish my show. Shannon just started another one that's gonna go through January. So, like, Speaker 0 00:03:38 You know, Speaker 1 00:03:39 There goes to holidays. We're gonna save a lot of money. <laugh>, but, you know, it's, we're not gonna see each other a lot, so I'm gonna be in your boat. Yeah. You can ask me this question next time. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:03:48 We'll, uh, you know, we'll work on it. We'll get it. Well, Speaker 1 00:03:50 Good. Well, uh, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning in. We're still going hard through Fat Dad Fall. Fuck Hot girl. Summer Fat Dad Fall is here. Uh, interesting week. Uh, Joe Biden, our man decided to say, Yo, if you got a marijuana conviction at the federal level, you're free that. So I don't think everybody understands how fucking huge that is. Yeah. I don't know what it does for the people at the state level, though. Like, if you have a state conviction, I know they're urging states to like, Yo, if somebody's in jail right now, you're, uh, you know, at their county jail for some fucking weed, let 'em go. Speaker 0 00:04:25 I also think he's looking to reclassify it Speaker 1 00:04:27 Too. Yes. Which is, this is insane. Yeah. It's, this is one of those things that we live with, but it's like, Come on, bro. It's Speaker 0 00:04:34 Like, on the same Yeah. It's, it's, uh, the same medical, uh, effectiveness or medical, I don't know, as, as cocaine. It's like, it's Speaker 1 00:04:43 Whatever. It's, it's meth and crack and cocaine and heroin. Speaker 0 00:04:46 It's something I could go schedule one, I can go get delivered to my house right now in California. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:04:50 It's like I, if, if I, I can go down Rodeo Drive and go into a place that looks like a fucking Apple store. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and get a couple joints, uh, infuse Martinelli's, Apple <laugh>. Yeah. Hemp juice Speaker 0 00:05:02 Get gummies, they get, uh, drinks, they get shampoo, get lotion. And Speaker 1 00:05:06 It's fucking wild that some dude who is doing the same thing I'm doing is sitting in jail. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's fucking wild. But yeah, I'm glad he did it. Me Speaker 0 00:05:14 Too. I mean, it's definitely like we, you know, we're talking about a little bit earlier, like, it's, it's a, something on his campaign he talked about like, like got people out to vote for him. Maybe it's a, you know, it's a political thing as he is a fucking politician. Like, Exactly. It's Speaker 1 00:05:26 Like Speaker 0 00:05:26 Everything politics coming up. Of Speaker 1 00:05:28 Course. Or he's just doing this for politics. Oh, really? A politician's doing something for politics. Oh, no. Speaker 0 00:05:32 Weird <laugh>. He wants more people to like him bizarre. Speaker 1 00:05:35 Oh. Oh, that's nuts. How, how outlandish. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:05:39 So I think it's great. I mean, uh, we were talking briefly about, uh, our VP and, uh, her previous, uh, California da Speaker 1 00:05:47 The fucking coop. Yeah. Like Kuala Speaker 0 00:05:49 Hammering down people fucking coop marijuana convictions. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:52 I, we were just talking about this, you guys, I'm gonna let you guys in a little bit, uh, behind the scenes here, some BTS audio for you. Um, we were talking about Kamala and Kamala. It's Kamala. Speaker 0 00:06:05 I Speaker 1 00:06:06 I'm gonna fuck. See, Speaker 0 00:06:08 I, Kamala I Speaker 1 00:06:09 Know, it's, I know it's funny. It's Speaker 0 00:06:11 Like, it's definitely not Camilla. Speaker 1 00:06:12 It's not Camilla. Mm-hmm. It's Kama. What? Now? I forgot it again. It's Kamala. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Kamala Harris. Yep. I know people like her name's Kamala. I'm like, now it's whatever. Anyway, Ms. Harris, Miss Vice President Harris, Vice President Harris <laugh>. Um, Yeah, we were just talking about like, if, and I understand that politicians don't do this nowadays because it's either seen as weakness or pointless. But if you were to just come out and be like, Yo, as a da, I had a hard line. I did some shit. I did my job. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It was the way it was. Now I hear you. I hear the country. I, I'll do everything in my power. I can rectify this. I would've been like, Fuck. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:06:50 Yeah. I think that'd be a popular move, but I don't think that's like a, It's not a political move. Yeah. I say it's a person, it's like a stuff that a human being would do. And once you become a politician, I think you kind of throw your human being card out the window. You Speaker 1 00:07:01 Just get, they take it at the door. You Speaker 0 00:07:03 Yeah. Like, Oh yeah, you don't need this anymore. <laugh>. Just take your empathy. Like, we'll put that right over there. Oh, Speaker 1 00:07:08 We got a couple leftover souls in the Soul bucket. Uh, Speaker 0 00:07:10 Who's this? Speaker 1 00:07:11 Who? Who's George H. Bush Speaker 0 00:07:13 <laugh>. I didn't need that anymore. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:07:17 Um, yeah, I saw that. Uh, our boy, our boy Alex Jones. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, oof. Oof. A million, a billion. A billion. A billion. Like 900, like billion, 64 million. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like a billion. He got ordered to pay out to the parents of the Parkland Massacre, a billion dollars. And I, Does he have a bill? Is is, has he been a billionaire this whole time? And we haven't been talking Speaker 0 00:07:45 About it? No. I think now he's gonna start like scrambling. I think he's been playing the scrambling, hiding my money game for a long time. Speaker 1 00:07:50 Oh my God. Speaker 0 00:07:51 Because he, I, you know, it's like, I'm really happy because fuck, I mean, fuck him. And like, the people that are like, Ooh, Tru, it's his fir it's First Amendment. Like, you know, your, your Taylor Greens and the people that are coming out to support mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's like, just because you could say what you want in this country doesn't mean you have consequences. Like, especially what you shit, you know, what you say, uh, you know, Garners fucking, uh, you know, he was saying that like they weren't faking it, that their kids weren't murdered. They were calling him crisis actor. Like he was doing, People had had to move this shit. Yeah. People Speaker 1 00:08:22 Had to move. Their lives were being threatening. People were getting sent threatening letters. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 0 00:08:26 Like by his words, like, by his freedom of speech. Yeah. That mean you're not free of consequences. Speaker 1 00:08:31 I saw this, I saw this, uh, this story that, um, like, it was like a year after the Parkland shooting when he was still like digging into it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he was pulling in $800,000 a week, $800,000 a week. He was at like 50 million views. Like crazy Shit. That's nuts. It Speaker 0 00:08:52 Is nuts. And people are like eating, like, totally buying it. The, the Speaker 1 00:08:56 Crazy thing is that there's 50 million motherfuckers out here. Like, um, this fucking towed with arms is fucking right. Speaker 0 00:09:02 Yeah. It's like this screaming pimple is like, he's at a point <laugh> like, Speaker 1 00:09:07 What I see Alex Jones, there's nothing about him that screams like, you know, truth and honesty, Speaker 0 00:09:13 Credibility, but like Speaker 1 00:09:14 Credibility whatsoever. Speaker 0 00:09:16 Once again, Donald Trump was our president. Like, it's, he, he somehow managing events half the country. I, Speaker 1 00:09:21 I wish they would stop playing these stories of like, people talking to Trump supporters and they'd be like, all, you know, he's, he just says what no one else cares to say. Like, what? You know, he just speaks the truth. Like, what? You know, he's just a man's man. You're just like, just say what you wanna say, man. Speaker 0 00:09:36 It's, it's because they, I mean, alright, this is, this is a sizzling hot take. Speaker 1 00:09:39 Oh, let's see it. Speaker 0 00:09:40 I think his biggest supporters are, you know, are idiots. Like, I think Jesus Speaker 1 00:09:43 Christ <laugh>. Are you saying there's deplorable Speaker 0 00:09:46 People out there? Not even deplore. Not, no, they're not deplorable. It's, it's almost, it's sad. Speaker 1 00:09:50 Oh, Speaker 0 00:09:51 Shit. It's because I just don't think they're smart enough to get the concepts. They're smart enough to get, like, how, how hard they're getting fucked by every direction, you know? Yeah. Like the people that are like God damn Obamacare. And then like, literally like, Where's my Obamacare <laugh>? It's that those are the people that are defending him. Like, people that were just fucked someone else despite themselves. You know, <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:10:10 I love that comic. I used to love those clips. So those dudes being like, uh, you know, What do you think about the Obamacare? I don't have Obamacare. I got the aca. Okay, Speaker 0 00:10:20 Buddy. Speaker 1 00:10:21 Yeah. All right. Moving on. Moving on. That's a deep joke for some of you guys out there. Um, so, um, I want to go into this LA story real quick cuz this thing like, you know, we record once a week and this, this, uh, Los Angeles County story has been a wild Speaker 0 00:10:39 Yeah. It made National wild ride, Speaker 1 00:10:40 You know, national news, Wild, wild ride. But, um, I think it was a year ago. A year ago in an hour long recorded to, And did they even talk about who recorded them? No, Speaker 0 00:10:52 I didn't get that. I didn't get that detailed. Did you hear Speaker 1 00:10:54 Players? Did we hear anything about it? Dunno. Yeah. All right. So there was Speaker 0 00:10:59 A, I'm assuming the ring camera. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:11:03 Um, there was a redistricting, uh, meeting last year at the city council. Kevin De uh, Deon Gill, uh, I think it's Clio Kio, Kio Sado, uh, Gil Sado, uh, Sado one, whatever. And then, uh, the city council President Neri Martinez, they were all caught on a hot mic, just like going in on black people, Like going in on the Oaxacan population in, uh, Koreatown, talking about redistricting black neighborhoods to have more power Speaker 0 00:11:38 For, They sounded like they were on this podcast. You, Speaker 1 00:11:41 Dude, Like, it was, it sounded like it, like, you know what was crazy about it? Uh, what was really, really crazy about it was just like, you know, the language that Nuri Martinez was using, like, when she was referring to this other congressman who happens to be a gay man with a black child, just like this little fucking pussy, this fucking bitch. Like, it Speaker 0 00:12:01 Was the, like, that's the thing that struck me. Speaker 1 00:12:03 Like homophobic language, like pointed Speaker 0 00:12:05 Language, the venom. And like, that's the part that like, guys like, Oh, okay. Yeah. Like, yeah, it Speaker 1 00:12:10 Was like, you know, and like, Speaker 0 00:12:11 Not even, No, it was like the, not the casual, like how easy she said all those words. Speaker 1 00:12:16 Yeah. It wasn't like, you know, she was like, I, I, you know, he's just, it is just a bitch, you know? It was like, this is like when this motherfucker calls her phone and says Bitch ass congressman on it. Yeah. <laugh> like, you know, fucking candy ass congressman. Like, she just, and like the, the problem is like, she's the only one that, that has resigned as of now. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the rest of these dudes have not, and they're just like, you know, all care carrying water for each other, running cover. And I'm glad she's out there. But this sounds selfish. I, I'm glad these guys didn't resign. Like, I wanna see what happens at the polls. I wanna see if these guys keep their seats. I wanna see these guys get voted out, because I do think there is a lot of people, I think it's 50 50. Speaker 1 00:12:58 I think people are disgusted by that. And I think people are like, No, that's the guy I want, I want the guy, I want that motherfucker who's always thinking about us. Like, fuck everyone else. You know, I, I, I, I don't think I am wrong looking at the temperature of the, the country at the moment that people are very tribal. Yeah. But you know, I'm, I'm very interested to see what, uh, what happens. But God damn, like, holy shit, this woman fucking, like you said it, man. Fucking venom. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It was, it, it was nice. It's wild. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:13:30 I Speaker 1 00:13:30 Wish we could make politicians Speaker 0 00:13:31 All on our Alexa too. Speaker 1 00:13:33 Yeah. <laugh>. What if Bezos is the one just dropping all these audio be like, I don't know where it came from. Speaker 0 00:13:39 He's just, Yeah. It's like he and his seller, just like Speaker 1 00:13:41 Seller. We call it a satellite Speaker 0 00:13:44 <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. He is like Luther up there. I Speaker 1 00:13:46 Talking about space pooper. It's just a, it's just a room with a shitter and a fucking 200 inch screen <laugh>. Woo. Like I, we always try to compare Jeff Bezos to different villains and it's always less like, Nah, man, he's Dr. Evil. That's who he is. Yeah. He's literally, Dr. Evil. Dr. Evil flew into space on a giant dick and so did Bezos <laugh>. Like he is Dr. Evil. He's this bald motherfucker who just showed up outta nowhere, could have been frozen. Started, started small, you Speaker 0 00:14:14 Know, scrotum, shaved Speaker 1 00:14:16 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:14:18 Some of my favorite jokes in the Speaker 1 00:14:19 Movie. I want drones with laser beams on them. <laugh>. Okay. Okay. Anyway, Segue, Uh, the bottom movie trailers came out. Yeah. Um, some Speaker 0 00:14:33 Good, some Okay. Speaker 1 00:14:33 Some, some good. Uh, some Okay. Some very weird <laugh>. Yeah. Um, I know, uh, we have, uh, Megan spelled M three g a n. Oh, that's like the robot. Yeah. Robot doll. Girl. The robot doll, which is, uh, was built to protect some young girl, but takes it a little too Speaker 0 00:14:52 Seriously. And you know, it's not gonna go. It's like, Oh no, that's not gonna go well. Speaker 1 00:14:56 It's Speaker 0 00:14:57 Like, oh, in the, I Speaker 1 00:14:58 Built a robot. Like, Okay, stop there. You got something? Speaker 0 00:15:00 All right, you got it All right, fine. It's gonna be an evil robot. There's no, it's like, And they were friends and it was a nice movie. It's not, obviously it's a horror movie. <laugh>. And the thing, it's like, like that Washington's like, Okay, robot's gonna go evil. Which she does, but it looks creepy. Like how they designed the design of her and how she moves looks creepy. That's worth, Yeah. Worth a watch, I think. Speaker 1 00:15:17 Yeah. I I, it's one of those movies I'm not gonna see in theaters, unfortunately. I'm gonna, I'm gonna put on my prime when it comes out. Maybe HBO Max. I'm not sure I'll catch it during the day. Cause I, you know, I don't wanna be nightmares, <laugh>. Um, there's, uh, that movie Old Man, which we all thought was Speaker 0 00:15:33 Yeah. When you sent me the trailer, I thought it was like the third in like, the old Speaker 1 00:15:37 Don't breathe man trailer. Yeah. Don't breathe. Like, so they have, don't breathe then, uh, then they have, Don't Breathe too. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, what's the name of the actor in Don't Breathe? Uh, Gimme one second. Uh, I remember there's this, he's a, he was the guy in Avatar with the scar in his face. The Mean general. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah. So he lives in Don't Breathe and Don't Breathe too. And now they have this movie Old Man where he plays an old man. He's Speaker 0 00:15:57 An old man with a gun in his house. He can see Speaker 1 00:16:00 This time height. He's not blind. I Speaker 0 00:16:02 Did, I in the trailer. He, I thought he was blind. Speaker 1 00:16:04 I think I, I, I don't know if he's blind or not. He Speaker 0 00:16:07 Didn't know, Speaker 1 00:16:08 But he didn't, It doesn't seem like a plot point. It doesn't seem like a plot point. Speaker 0 00:16:12 I think I thought in my head can, I was like, Oh, someone's coming to get the old blind man. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:16:17 Well, like, I thought that too. I was like, Oh yeah, don't breathe two. I mean, don't be three. Cuz I know there was a second one. Speaker 0 00:16:22 Yeah. Just calling. I thought like, Speaker 1 00:16:22 Uh, straight to DVD by the way. I thought Find up a big Lots Speaker 0 00:16:26 Like evil Dead, Evil dead two Army of Darkness deal was like, you know, don't breathe, don't breathe. Two old man. Yeah. <laugh>, you know, but no, it's not. It's his own deal. It's Speaker 1 00:16:35 His own deal. I guess he found his niche. He's just like, I'm getting older, I just wanna fuck up teenagers at my house. Oh. Speaker 0 00:16:41 It's like, it's a long time though to Avatar movie. So he needs to do something. Three Speaker 1 00:16:44 Man, people love. Speaker 0 00:16:44 So he did, he did three movies between the Avatar movie, like three franchise movies in between one Avatar movie, <laugh>. And that's where you need three separate movies. Speaker 1 00:16:53 Yeah, I know. Yeah, he did three. Speaker 0 00:16:55 It's fuck it. It's, I don't care. It is, it's a third in the movie. A series. I don't care. That's how it is. Speaker 1 00:16:59 <laugh>. Um, and then, uh, Oh, Super Mario Brothers Speaker 0 00:17:04 Show, most notably the Super Mario Brothers, Speaker 1 00:17:06 Most notably, which Speaker 0 00:17:07 I, I thought was gonna like, be terrible. And like, I thought it just gonna be a gar, a garbage like Naval gazey, you know, breaking the fourth wall kind of thing. Uh, which they might have those jokes, but they were like, No, no, we're just gonna do the instruction manual. We're just gonna make that into a movie. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:17:21 That it literally is just, I was like, Oh shit. Okay. I hope this movie turns into a game. Oh, wait, I played the game. I was like, Speaker 0 00:17:28 Oh yeah. Is a really fun game. Yeah. It's like, yeah, it looks like they'll be in different worlds and like he'll hop around and Speaker 1 00:17:34 I'm wondering if, uh, because our producer brought this up, if they're gonna shit on this movie and make them change the voice, uh, like they did Sonic's Teeth. But I was, I'm like saying that's completely two different things. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:45 The only I saw like a funny meme was like, someone was like, Hey, we did with Sonic, let's do with Mario. And like, someone had like a big fat ass on Mario Speaker 3 00:17:51 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:17:53 Yeah. It's, that's what he needs. Speaker 1 00:17:55 He needs a, he needs some junk. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:17:57 He's all dump truck. That's what he needs. Speaker 1 00:17:59 Yeah. I guess because a dude who does a Mario's original voice is still alive. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, he's me. Yama. Yeah. But I honestly think an entire movie where he's not just going, Oh, if he's just like, Hey Princess, I think we should go over. He, I think I would murder someone. I Speaker 0 00:18:14 Like literally no one is saying that, That's my view too. I don't want to hear him being, uh, you know, Italian and a guy like, Oh, this is my emotional establishing er moment. Like, I don't wanna hear, I don't wanna hear it. Like, I'm fine with like, maybe was like an actor doing. If it wasn't Chris Pat, I'd be okay. But I don't like, I I see what you're saying. I know what you're saying. And yeah. Speaker 1 00:18:34 I, I, I under, when they announced the movie and they're like, Chris Pratt's gonna be Mario, people were like, Oh, he's Italian <laugh>, this is not cool. And I'm like, Okay guys, Relax. It's a video game. Yeah. And then, you know, I went down to Rabbit Hole, I'm like, Well, maybe he should be Italian. And then I thought like, you know, Sopranos a pussy Bump. And Sarah like, Hey, yo, Luk know, I got my fucking edge is acting, acting up. What's up with the fucking Fireballs over here? And I'm like, Okay, wait a minute. That's not gonna work. Speaker 0 00:19:01 Yeah. Somewhere in between. I don't Speaker 1 00:19:03 Know. And then I thought of like, Oh, they should just have the original voice. And then when I started to like, mimic the original voice, I was like, Speaker 0 00:19:09 Oh yeah, Speaker 1 00:19:09 Let's, I I did not like it. Mm-hmm. I dunno. I'm like, I think the studios are smart enough to have gone down that rabbit hole and been like, Nah, we're not having this situation coming here. And voice over Mario. Speaker 0 00:19:21 Hey, I tell you what, we're gonna stick with Star Lord and the dinosaur man. Yeah. <laugh>. How about that? Who's doing Luigi's voice? Do we, do we know this? Speaker 1 00:19:29 Wasn't it South Rogan? No, I don't know. No. Is it Speaker 0 00:19:32 Ja gad? It's, it's probably Josh Gad. Josh Speaker 1 00:19:34 Gad. The Fr Frozen dad. Speaker 0 00:19:36 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:19:37 I know that, uh, Fred Armerson is a character. I think he plays, uh, uh, Who's Fred Armen play? Like Yoshi. There Speaker 0 00:19:43 We go. Speaker 1 00:19:44 Nah, Speaker 0 00:19:45 I think it'd be funny for the, We j was just crazy Italian voice. Like, Mario was Speaker 1 00:19:49 Like, Hey Wei, what's going on? I don't, No, no. What's all going on Speaker 0 00:19:52 <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:19:54 So like, if I imitate an Italian voice, is that racist? Speaker 0 00:19:57 It's uh, Speaker 1 00:19:58 Is that offensive? Speaker 0 00:19:59 Well, I don't think Italians are a racist people. Or was that racist? Oh, Speaker 3 00:20:03 Charlie Speaker 1 00:20:03 Day. Oh, Charlie Day. Charlie Day is Speaker 0 00:20:06 Luigi. I thought he was towed. Who's towed? Oh, Jack Black Speaker 1 00:20:08 Is Speaker 0 00:20:09 Bower Uhhuh. Jack Black is Ba and is Speaker 1 00:20:12 Donkey Kong. What's Rogan's? Donkey Kong. Speaker 0 00:20:14 What's Donkey Kong doing in this? Speaker 1 00:20:15 Well that's good because I, if they made it a black guy would've been super offended. Yeah. No I didn't. Terry Cruz was Donkey Kong be like, this dude keeps fucking up. Speaker 0 00:20:21 Fuck up. You Speaker 1 00:20:23 Should said Speaker 0 00:20:23 To that're gonna make him Funky Kong. Speaker 3 00:20:28 Charles Martin. Michael. He to, Speaker 1 00:20:35 Uh, Speaker 0 00:20:35 Oh. Okay. That's alright. Speaker 1 00:20:36 Uh, fucking Kegan. Michael Key Speaker 0 00:20:38 Is towed toed. All right. But Armerson is Cranky Kong. Yeah. Oh, I, So they do have the Kongs in here. They got the Speaker 1 00:20:43 Kongs in there. Kongs? No, no. DD Kong. He got canceled. Yeah, he got canceled. You saw how he was clapping. Donkey Kong racer, fucking all quick and shit. He was doing that. The proud boy Sal, he makes, he, he makes different cocktails in Bill Cosby. That motherfucker needs to take a seat. Audio Speaker 2 00:20:58 Action in the movie <laugh>. How about Speaker 1 00:21:00 That? Oh man. But, um, moving on, man. Uh mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, I swear to God like this, uh, this whole week has been nuts and I never, ever, I'm enjoying my upcoming work from home situation. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, one thing I started to dive into looking at my house is I got a lot of shit. I want you to come down this rabbit hole with me about all the shit I have in my house. Cause I texted you earlier. Yeah, I know. It was a random text. I'm like, let me know everything you have in your junk drawer. <laugh>, we're gonna get into this in the next segment, cuz I wanna find out what you have in your junk drawer and what the fuck I'm talking about. Yeah. So let's take a quick break and ladies and gentlemen, be right back with more popping on. Preach. Speaker 1 00:22:13 All right. Are you ready, Bennett? Oh, yes I am. All right. So first things first. I'm gonna give you, I guess, the top five useless items I found in my drunk drawer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Then I want to hear what's in your drunk drawer. All right. All right. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. All right. I'm gonna go from five to one. Number five, there's a pack of Big Red, I think that has moved with me to three different houses, <laugh>. But you know, I've, I don't like the taste, but I'm like, if I ever need some emergency gum, I know where it's at. Perfect. But I hate hot Cinnamon. I think it's a terrible flavor. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But it's there. You, you know, that like, the foils all stuck to that gum too. It's gonna be inedible. It's probably a break by now. Yeah. Yeah. Um, number four is an old, I don't even know how to describe it, but, um, Ozo had this toy shark Lollipop. Speaker 1 00:23:09 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, remember it's a lollipop. So it's like one of those, like, it spins it like one of those jokers. So it, it doesn't spin. It's like a, it has like, almost like a, uh, a push pop end that it's shaped like a push pop at the end. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> on the other end is a little button that would extend a shark that clamps. It's almost like, you know how you have those fake punching gums that would extend this one has that, but it has a shark at the end of it. That clamps. He liked it. I got mad at him one day cuz he was being very violent with it. So I put it in the drawer. So it was on time out, Forgot about it. Have seen it multiple times since then and be like, Oh, maybe I'll just pop this out when he needs to play. He's got plenty of toys. I don't know why I'm keeping this old toy. Discard, whatever. Number three, a little bowl of used batteries. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, These are batteries. I can no longer use <laugh>. When I was young, I would take old batteries to Office Depot or Staples and be like, Yo, got some batteries for you. They don't really do that anymore. Speaker 0 00:24:03 They don't Speaker 1 00:24:04 Really do that anymore. Uh, number two are empty. Small cases of things that I think I can put small things in as like Tke Speaker 0 00:24:15 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:24:16 So I've, I've got like, you know, this old jar of sand. I've got like, like a stamp holder that's just in there. Speaker 0 00:24:24 No Speaker 1 00:24:24 Stamps? No no stamps. The stamps are on a magnet on the fridge. <laugh>, <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:24:29 I have, I have a great holder for <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:24:31 I have a great holder for it if I need it. And then number one most useless thing, which comes into two part that I have in there is a little cage of paperclips. And, you know, it's useless because I have the up in my office, two square magnetic, you know, paper mm-hmm. <affirmative> paperclip holders that you see at the office is back in the nineties. I've got two of those upstairs full to the rim. <laugh> of paperclips. I have one of all silver jumbo paperclips and one of like, regular size and multicolor. Jumbles. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like fun ones. And then for some reason when something has a paperclip, I just take it off, go to my drunk drawer and be like, Oh, I can use you later. But I'm not ever using it. Never gonna ask. It's just collecting. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's just collecting. Um, so that's, uh, that's what's in my drunk drawer. So, um, those are the top five items in there. Speaker 0 00:25:18 I didn't, I so, uh, got a little picture of my drunk drawer. Ooh. And looking at it now, it's not as bad as I thought. I'm guessing cuz Natalie probably went at it not too long ago and did a little, a little clean <laugh>. But in my drunk door we have, uh, 1, 2, 3 types of gum and OIDs. Oh, shit. Yeah. Are you guys like, since na started stop smoking a few years back? Like, we have gum all the time. Oh shit. We have a flashlight, which is practical. Sharpies uh, scissor. It's honestly like, I'm kind of, I impressive. I, and this is not my work. How Speaker 1 00:25:52 Many, how many scissors are in there? Speaker 0 00:25:54 One. But yeah. But two tape measures. Okay. <laugh> one, one for a, you know, one for guests and one for, you know, not a one. Just get informal tape measure. Yeah. <laugh> batteries that we're never gonna use like a bunch of nine volts. Um, no nothing. Use nine volts. Like, or smoke detector use nine volts. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:26:11 Maybe like, you'll come up to like a child's toy that uses nine volts. Speaker 0 00:26:15 See? And then it looks like some sort of unidentifiable, unidentifiable rubber in cap. Um, <laugh> Speaker 1 00:26:23 Just Speaker 0 00:26:23 So who knows what. And I'm sure like, it, like there's a basket in there that has the scissors and the tape measure in the, the sharpest. I'm guessing once you've reach into that basket, that's where the good stuff lies. I Speaker 1 00:26:35 See a loose Nerf in there. Speaker 0 00:26:37 Uh, is Oh, that's a good indicator. Probably. Yeah. The yellow Speaker 1 00:26:41 Thing. Speaker 0 00:26:42 Oh no, that's not, not enough. It's a dry erase eraser board. Oh, Speaker 1 00:26:45 That's, that's a dry eraser. Speaker 0 00:26:46 Board's a dr. It's a dry erase pin with the eraser on top on the cap. Oh, shit. Speaker 1 00:26:50 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So why is the dry erase board in your, Speaker 0 00:26:53 Oh no, it's not the board. It's the marker for the board. Oh, got it. Yeah. And it's Speaker 1 00:26:56 Yellow. Speaker 0 00:26:56 It's the yellow marker in case you wanna get fancy with your dry eraser. Oh, Speaker 1 00:26:59 Gotcha. Speaker 0 00:27:01 Um, so yeah, besides like the couple of, uh, odd things, pretty good junk drawer. The rest of the house full of crap. Speaker 1 00:27:09 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:27:10 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:27:10 Well, uh, uh, here is a, uh, I guess an unre. Like, I, I can't give the, I don't know where this quote came from. Um, people gather stuff to feel protected and safe, but it's not real. We get busy gathering stuff to finding, uh, and finding places to put stuff to fill some invisible hole. We, we keep stuff to make us feel safe. We don't need it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, um, you know, America's got a clutter problem. There is a laundry list of reasons. I really want to, I wanna, I wanna find, like, I wanna go over you with some of the interesting facts that I found out and find out, like how you were raised mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how you're gonna raise your kid. Cause like Yeah. Cause like, would you say right now, could you fill up like, like if somebody's like, Hey, you gotta, you gotta tone down. Could you fill up a three yard or five yard dumpster with stuff to throw out? Or do you think everything in your house is needed? Speaker 0 00:28:05 No, it's not. Um, but this is it because I feel like we, and this is like an addict talking, I feel like we do a pretty decent job of, of going through and like, purging things every once in a while. Like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, getting through clothes, getting through kids' toys, uh, getting through my toys, uh, like action figures and comics and stuff like that. Like outside, you know, I feel like we do that. But there's some stuff that I absolutely like could all of it can go and like, you know, to get Speaker 1 00:28:33 Like Speaker 0 00:28:35 <laugh> to get serious, Speaker 1 00:28:36 To get a little, just to let you guys know at home. Like, Ben's sweating right now talking about this <laugh> like Speaker 0 00:28:40 To get, like, to get, I, this is, Oh, I'm sorry. I'm literally, I'm rubbing my scar and that's one of my tells. Oh, <laugh>. I were playing poker against me and I'm doing this fucking go all in <laugh>. Uh, anyway, um, Speaker 0 00:28:57 I, alright, so in Katrina I lost everything. I had all my stuff was gone. So I, from there, I got all the stuff back. So like, literally, I know for a fact how little you can go by in this life having, you know, I know how little things you can go by living, you know how much clothes you need. You don't need, you don't need all these things. Like, all you need is a basic handful of things. Like you put in a backpack, Honestly. Go through your life and be happy. Yeah. That being said, with this knowledge, I have so many fucking comics, so many records. I've got, uh, fucking albums of DVDs and blue rays that, you know, I'm never gonna get watched. Like <laugh>, you know, books that are never gonna get read. Like there, like I got it all back. Like I know the knowledge of how much little, how little you can use to get by. Like how little tiny house of a life you need <laugh>. And I just fucking went the other direction still, you know, So hypocritical, Speaker 1 00:29:51 Hypocritical, Speaker 0 00:29:52 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:29:53 All right. Well I got a, I got a fun fact for you because you mentioned about all the toys that you got rid of mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, you know, America has 3.9% of the world's children and 40% of the, the world's toys. Speaker 0 00:30:04 That makes sense. It's like, Speaker 1 00:30:06 I mean, 30% of the, Speaker 0 00:30:07 Remember I remember seeing my house right now. I remember photo. Yeah. I literal feel like that was gonna be my joke. <laugh>. And it's tough cuz like, my dude's sharp. Like, he's like, Where's my ambulance? Like where's the three world ambulance? Like it had three wheels. It had to go like, I'm sorry man. Like he knows when things are missing, but we still try to like pair it back cuz he's got so, like, literally he's got so many fuck. He cover the, he could cover out, cover an entire car with all his goddamn Speaker 1 00:30:32 Cars. I have an attic with a ball pit and it's still right now, like I, I'm not sure if you were coming around those days, but I used to have a full ball pit like that In your attic? No, that was in my living room. It was a, uh, it was a four and a half foot by six and a half foot ball pit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, you know, I think those, those sides were about 30 inches, 32 inches. And you know, I would put o those, those little nugget, we got a nugget for him. And he'd just launch off that thing into like, every time we came home, he would just jump into the ball pit, swirl around a little bit. It was like he cleaned himself in the ball pit. <laugh> got out and went around his day and you know, we were like, Shannon would always say, We gotta get rid of his ball pit. We gotta put the ball pit away. Like, I want a living room. Like this isn't chill. Like he doesn't use him like he uses every day, but you're right. If we get rid Speaker 0 00:31:21 Of it eventually, he'll Speaker 1 00:31:22 Yeah. Dude, the day I, I pulled that, he walked in the house. Aw man, where's the ball pit? I'm like, Oh, we're gonna bring it back out. And every day for like a week when he came in the house, he'd be like, Aw man, where's the ball pit? And then one day he didn't say that and now it's just upstairs. Yeah. And now I like, don't wanna bring it back. Cause I don't want it to be like, Woo. Ball pit. Speaker 0 00:31:44 Yeah. Then it's another six months of ball Speaker 1 00:31:46 Pit. Yeah. I mean like, I can set it up outside for like a birthday party. I'll do, but that's the hoarder talking in my head. Yeah. Which we'll go into later. Um, but yeah, like, uh, I heard that the, uh, here's another one. The average American household, household has 300,000 items in it. I think that is a severe undercount of what is in my house currently. <laugh>. I think there's 300 items within 10 feet of me right now. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:32:14 It's like we talk about individual legos or like a box of Legos, <laugh>. Cause if that's the case, like Whoof, I'm gonna throw your number system out there. Speaker 1 00:32:23 I was thinking like 1.2 million items was a little more accurate. <laugh> on the low end, like the severe low end. Speaker 0 00:32:30 It um, it is wild. Like, it's wild. This, you know, and it's true. Like we, it's like watching, uh, Matt and I were joking like during one move, like we just watch hoarders and like, it may just be like, okay, get all the shit outta here, <laugh>, we don't need this shit. But every hoarder says the same thing. It's like, what about I could use this piece of paper on something else? And it's like, we all do the same thing. It's like, you know, I could use this suit. I I'm not gonna wear a suit unless someone dies. Like Yeah. I don't, It's like, you know, not just an example like of other of stuff that like we just have that. Speaker 1 00:33:02 Yeah. I mean, like, we're probably, I would say we have the, uh, we have the largest amount of storage units on the planet in our country. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And you know, I, uh, I actually, I actually have some math on this. There's a night 9.4 of the US households rent a storage unit Speaker 0 00:33:22 Out of nine, four point percent. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:33:24 Yeah. 9.4% of US households rent a storage unit. And out of that 9.4%, 60, 67% of those, uh, live in a single family home. That's insane. Yeah. That means that they have a basement. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that means that they might have attic space. That means they have a garage. I heard this crazy statistic that 75% of people that own a two car garage say they have no room to park a car in there. Speaker 0 00:33:54 Yeah. We're cl I mean we could get one in. Yeah. <laugh>. We're currently podcasting in yours, so getting this one Speaker 1 00:34:02 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:34:05 But it's, Speaker 1 00:34:06 There's no way a car could fit in here. Speaker 0 00:34:08 No. That's the other thing is cars got bigger. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:34:10 Man, I'm looking it around in here. I'm like, I can get one car in here. And the Speaker 0 00:34:14 Thing is, I I, yeah. This is, it's Speaker 1 00:34:18 Yo like detached garages by the way. Detached garages in the backyard I think is the stupidest invention on the planet. Unless you need a podcasting studio. Speaker 0 00:34:27 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:34:31 No. Yeah. It's, it's nuts. Like we have so much shit. We have so much shit. And I think about like what you were saying, like I'll pull something out and I'll be like, I don't need this, but I might need it at some point. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:34:46 Yeah. Like there's so much stuff in our house that are, like, for me it's like books or tear. It's like, I love, I like this book or I'm never gonna read this book. Or even if I read this book once, maybe I wanna read it again. You could just either get it online, like you could go to fucking library and get it. Like there's apps for your phone to get books. Like, there's so many things where you don't need to have physical things carrying around. But there's something in our brains that like, we just need, we need like we are, uh, Blaine was showing me, uh, this fucking fantastic George Carlin bit about like a place for your stuff and like how it's just such a comfort to have all your stuff wherever you go and like to bring your stuff with you when you go somewhere else. What, what kind of your stuff are we gonna bring with you? Like, you know? Yeah. Uh, it's just, I don't know. It's, I dunno if it's a human thing. Speaker 1 00:35:29 Yeah. It's, Speaker 0 00:35:29 Or just like an ingrained in, I don't know, an American thing. But it just, Speaker 1 00:35:33 You want to have everything that you, like you could possibly need. And this, this idea that you need things is something that's been drilled into us. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> now. Like I know that I suffer from this because I know that, you know, when uh, we had our brown out the other week, we went to the beach and when we went to the beach, you know, I brought my little solar panel charger. I brought some sandals, I brought some speakers. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I brought my reusable, uh, aluminum solo cups. Brought a little bit of, uh, some, some claws, some cocktails just to sit on the beach. <laugh>. I brought some headphones just in case somebody's like, Hey, turn that music off. We can plug in. Say fuck it. Brought a little blanket just in case it got cold. I brought another blanket. I brought a towel in case we wanted to go in the water. Speaker 1 00:36:17 Even though I am never going in the water at Santa Monica Pier. Not gonna happen. Never ever gonna happen. I brought little paddles just in case he wanted to play. And Shannon ain't gonna be running around the beach like at six o'clock at night. No. So that was like, Oh, what do I need? And I was like, this opportunity to grab all my beach stuff. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I hate the beach <laugh>. I fucking hate the beach. I have a whole bag in my closet that's like beach stuff cuz my, my, my little boy loves the beach. Yeah. So I take him to the beach. He's like, Yes. And I'm like, I hate you. I hate the beach. I hate the beach. I hate the fucking beach. But he loves it. So Speaker 0 00:36:54 He get stuff, I get Speaker 1 00:36:54 It. I got the stuff, you know. Um, we, we all, we always get a sh like all this stuff is always getting shoved in my face. I had literally follow an Instagram page about like, some of the coolest shit I've ever seen. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, this guy's got like a non-stick, like this non-stick pan, uh, that has a clip handle. And it comes in three different size. You have your sauce pan, your pot, your skillet, and a small skillet. It's all stackable and it only comes with one handle and it clips on every single one. So once you like throw it, uh, throw your steak up there and see each side, you can just clip it, throw it in the oven, unclip it, let that steak cook. And I'm like, Oh damn. That is dope. Speaker 0 00:37:37 That sounds like I'm gonna burn myself personally. But yeah, you're gonna be like, Yay. Speaker 1 00:37:41 Yeah. Yeah. But I'm like, that is sick. It's sitting in my wishlist right now on Amazon <laugh>. Cause I, so I do have a process. I do have a process. Like, I put stuff that I want on my wishlist and I'm like, if I, uh, you know, one day I come home and I'm like, you know what? I want this motherfucker. I get it. But usually I got like a, I got like 200 items in my wishlist that just sit there <laugh>. Half of 'em aren't even being sold on Amazon anymore. Speaker 0 00:38:04 It's definitely like the, the instant gratification of everything now is, uh, is not good. <laugh>, you know, I don't know. I don't know the scientific way to put not good that you can get whatever the fuck you want delivered same day. Some point in some Speaker 1 00:38:17 Cases that is not good at all. Like there. And you know what's crazy? So, uh, I got some custom suits made and they take a while. Um, I just got my shirts today. It's been like two months. But like, just opening that, like getting in, I'm like, Yeah, this package showed up. I'm like, I know what this is. Fuck. Yeah. And I havet worn a suit in two months. I don't need that suit until like, you know, wedding season in the next couple weeks. So if I just clicked it and got it, it'd just be sitting in my closet. But the fact that I knew it was coming, I had something to look forward to. And now my life is an empty shell Speaker 0 00:38:54 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:38:55 I have nothing to look forward to. Speaker 0 00:38:56 There's um, you know, I love, love to paraphrase a web comic, but it's like a dude surfing the internet and it's like new stuff. And then it comes in the, the mail and the package comes in and it says new stuff and he's holding it. And then the new goes away, just says stuff. He just, and his face drops and just like <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:39:13 I like Speaker 0 00:39:14 That. Yeah. It's like, that's the process. It's, it's, I'm sure it's a chemical, you know, some chemical in our brain actually. What chemical is it? Speaker 1 00:39:21 <laugh>. Well, no, that's, Well thanks for bringing that up because that's actually, uh, the chemical in our brain that says that we need stuff that like a little serotonin drip of like Yeah, I got the new Dyson and like, oh yeah, I got this new spatula. Oh. Oh, I have a grilled cheese skillet. You know, <laugh> like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I, I have, uh, I have two skillets for, uh, one like really, really small ones. One is just for making, uh, uh, an over easy egg. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which I can make on any fucking skillet with the top mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And one is just for a grilled cheese cuz it could slide out and it has an easy flip. And I was like, no way this easy flip works. So I did the whole flip the grilled cheese and I was like, holy shit, that worked. And now I've made like 11 grilled cheeses in the last three days since I've had it <laugh>. I'm never gonna eat a grilled cheese ever again. Yeah. So that thing's going to the good will Speaker 0 00:40:08 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:40:08 Waste of money. Speaker 0 00:40:11 It like, Speaker 1 00:40:11 But it was $6 <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:40:14 It's like we, you know, I I, you know, noticing this behavior myself, like I tried to like do a couple things to like curb it. You know, like I, uh, I'm real bad about like records obviously. And uh, t-shirts another thing I was real bad about. So like, at this point, like if I, if there's a t-shirt, I absolutely have to have some stupid funny ti dye t-shirt, Speaker 1 00:40:35 <laugh>. You wear funny t-shirts. Speaker 0 00:40:37 I'd love me a funny weird t-shirt. Uh, I've gotta get rid of one. Like if I'm getting one, you Speaker 1 00:40:42 Get Speaker 0 00:40:42 One you get rid of one one's gotta go. Yeah. Oh Speaker 1 00:40:44 Shit. I did that with my shoes. It's a slippery slope. I, Speaker 0 00:40:47 It's, it's, it's a slippery slope. Pick and choose. Dude. Speaker 1 00:40:50 I got some shoes that I threw away and I'm like, yeah. That I fucking regret. I Speaker 0 00:40:54 That Speaker 1 00:40:55 I'm like, I don't know why I got rid of those. I'm like, I do not know why I got, I had these. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:40:59 Shoes are definitely a big, a bigger advancement than like a $30 with shipping t-shirt, you know? Yeah. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:41:05 I, you, the amount of money people spend on shoes, it's crazy cuz in theory you need, like, I wouldn't even say you need, like, you could survive with two pairs of shoes. I would say comfortably. You can have six pairs of shoes. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, you can have your two work shoes. You can have your two everyday shoes. The ones you go to the mall with, the one that you go in the backyard with. And then you have like your athletic training shoes if that's what you do. And then your sandals. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's it. That's all you need. When one fucking breaks down, you replace it. You only need six pairs of shoes. And maybe if you're a fancy dude like me, a a seventh pair for fancy events. Speaker 0 00:41:42 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:41:43 But like, even that, like fancy events come in waves. Like, like I would say between 20 and 30 you need two fancy pairs. You're gonna go to a lot of weddings. Speaker 0 00:41:54 That's thing is you don't, you don't need all those things. Speaker 1 00:41:57 Yeah. Look at, look at me. Look Speaker 0 00:41:59 At me. You need one pair of sneakers, <laugh> and one black pair of sneakers that aren't as dirty. Yeah. <laugh>. So, alright. So think like, what are, so we were looking at lists of like, what are some things that we can get rid of just to kinda like, to get us talking, to get us thinking about like what, Speaker 1 00:42:17 Oh shit. Let's start with the closet. Speaker 0 00:42:18 All right. In your closet. So like, you know, my t-shirt for t-shirt. It's, it's a good, I think it's a good idea cuz na and I do this all the time. We try to purge mm-hmm. <affirmative> like clothing and stuff that doesn't fit. You know, cuz like we, I think everyone that, uh, you know, like myself that has like issues with weight or has been struggling with their weight, it's like, I'm gonna fit in that t-shirt eventually I'm gonna, I Speaker 1 00:42:38 Don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, yeah. Speaker 0 00:42:39 <laugh> clearly I'm not gonna not gonna point any fingers here. That Speaker 1 00:42:44 Extra X has just been creeping on my, on all my shirts. I don't know when it happened, but it just Speaker 0 00:42:48 Started happen. But those single leg shirts, maybe I'll come back one day. The thing is, don't you'll just buy more shirts. Like you'll get like, so you have to like the things that don't fit. Let him go. Let him just clothing. It's okay to let the clothing go. Speaker 1 00:43:01 Yep. If you have something in your closet that you haven't worn for six months to a year, get rid of it. Now. That might change if you live in la mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cause I got a jacket. I, I don't wear that. I'm gonna break out. Cause I saw what today was like, It was not worn <laugh>. It was little gloomy and I was walking around like it wasn't, But yeah, there, if, if you have stuff like that, get Speaker 0 00:43:23 Rid of 'em. This is another, another one of my rules. I didn't know was like a good rule. I apparently I'm, I've got a good brain for throwing things away. If you got a hole in it, throw it away. Yeah. I, Speaker 1 00:43:32 I've, I literally sat at like, I had one of those I guess novelty boxers, you know, it was like funny Speaker 0 00:43:40 Elephant nose in the ears on the side. Yeah. You Speaker 1 00:43:41 Know, funny shit. You, it was SpongeBob and his nose was like a little phole. Yeah. Yeah. And I was like, Ha ha Speaker 0 00:43:46 Look, I'm, Speaker 1 00:43:47 You know, a little SpongeBob thing. And it had a fucking hole in the back, like right where the Lasta band was. And like, I washed it. That hole got a little bigger and I was like, Oh, I have a sewing kit for this. And I was like, Wait, <laugh>, I've worn these things once in the last five years. Speaker 0 00:44:02 For real. I Speaker 1 00:44:03 Like to, there was, was no reason for it to end up in the washing machine. And I was like, all right, I'm tossing this. And I just threw it out. I threw it out and it, that's what brought me to this subject. I was like, wait a minute. I got so much bullshit. Speaker 0 00:44:16 Yeah. You, you can get rid of stuff. It's okay. Speaker 1 00:44:18 All right. Um, what about stuff that you have that are stained that like, I always have like, I had like this whole pile of stained shirts mm-hmm. <affirmative> that I wear. Like when I'm gonna go gardening or if I'm gonna paint, Speaker 0 00:44:27 I do have a downgrade system. Right. Oh, now that, hey, let's lay my system out here. I wanna hear Speaker 1 00:44:32 The Speaker 0 00:44:32 System. So if it's one for one, Okay. And some, if the shirt is a soft shirt, it's gonna be downgraded to a sleep shirt. Ooh Speaker 1 00:44:38 Yes. Speaker 0 00:44:38 Sleep shirts. I've got some soft t-shirts that are sleep shirt. They have to be soft. They have to be lightweight. Um, otherwise you're getting good will, You're getting outta here. I Speaker 1 00:44:46 Don't sleep in shirts. Speaker 0 00:44:47 Well, yeah. I like, I must sweaty guy. I need, I need Speaker 1 00:44:49 A lay. That's why I don't sleep I shirts cuz I got that titty sweat <laugh>. I got the titty sweat and like, I gotta let these puppies Speaker 0 00:44:55 Breathe. Nah, I need, I need a layer to protect me from anyone around me. Any Speaker 1 00:44:59 Attackers. I Speaker 0 00:45:00 Got you. No, not attackers. In case an Adela just Nestle, it's a slug. At some point in the Speaker 1 00:45:06 Myla comes in and gives you a midnight titty twister that Speaker 0 00:45:08 She's, Speaker 1 00:45:10 That shirt will protect you. He's like, I missed Speaker 0 00:45:13 If it's uh, you know, if it's got holes, it's got stains. But sometimes, you know, I'll, I'll wear stained shirt just around the house. Cause ain't nobody gonna see my stains except who I'm married to. Speaker 1 00:45:22 Yeah, that's true. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like I do have stained shirts that I'm like, this is my house shirt. Cause I know I'm cooking. I know I'm dealing with the bozo. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:45:29 Garden Speaker 1 00:45:29 Shirts sticky. Kids are so sticky, Speaker 0 00:45:32 So sticky. Like, Speaker 1 00:45:33 It's so crazy. Like, they're like, I learned this late and I've seen comedy bits about it. I've seen sitcoms reference this about kids. But you know, like I'll have like my new white shirt that I have. Like I, I got like a white tee from h and m I liked it. It, it fits great. It's a long tee. It looks great. I woke up in the morning, I popped it on, I made breakfast and I thought to myself, I'm like, whoa, why am I cooking in the white t-shirt that I like to wear out of the house? This is dumb. And then like, I give Ozo his breakfast and he is like, Daddy come here. And he jumps on me and there's like a little syrup, hand print on my shoulder and I'm like, what the, I can't get mad. Speaker 0 00:46:13 No. Why Speaker 1 00:46:14 The hell am I wearing a white t-shirt on a Saturday warning handing a kid maple syrup? Speaker 0 00:46:19 No, it's just disaster. Disaster. Like the amount of times I've had a change for hand prints on like the shirt, the arm I hold my kids on like it countless, countless times. It's Speaker 1 00:46:30 So funny to see, uh, the shirts that I have where the stains are like the back cuz that's like how I carry my son. Yeah. He puts his arm around him and he's just holding right at the top, like the bottom of my neck. And I have so many fucking like little stains. Like, I'm like, what the hell is this blue smudge? I'm my god. Yeah. I'm not putting a pen back there. Didn't leak in the back of my Speaker 0 00:46:49 Neck. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:46:51 All right. Um, uh, do you have any old shoe boxes? Speaker 0 00:46:55 No. All Speaker 1 00:46:56 Right. Good. I don't either. I don't know people who keep shoe boxes, just like for Speaker 0 00:46:59 Shits and giggles. I used to have the Tim to, it's like one of those that's like, would we need a shoebox? It's like, you don't, no one needs, like, I, Speaker 1 00:47:05 I would always come like, I, I remember when I was young, I get in the new sneaks, I wear 'em out of the store, I put my old ones in the shoebox and I get That's a good move. Yeah. And then I'd just like, for like a month, I would just have this shoebox that I would place those new shoes on top of. So I knew like, you know, if they, if it didn't have a shoebox that meant like, you know, I can wear you to the park, I don't mean fuck. Yeah. If it's sitting on top of a shoebox, my mom knew like, don't fuck with those shoes <laugh>. Like if you're vacuuming, you better take those out. Put 'em on the bed and then get in there <laugh>. I mean, it happened once, cuz like, you know, I was the one vacuuming in my house. My mom was not having it. <laugh>, Speaker 0 00:47:42 Just like That was one of your chores. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:47:44 I was one of the chores. Um, but that's good. Do you have any broken jewelry? Speaker 0 00:47:48 Uh, no. I'm not a big jewelry guy. You're Speaker 1 00:47:51 Not a big jewelry guy? No. I have a bucket of beads that I'm like, Oh, I'll string these together, <laugh>. And my kid like, will grab one of my necklaces and it's like, oh, beads everywhere. And I just put 'em in a little cup and I'm like, I'll fix this. I should go straight in the trash. I Speaker 0 00:48:04 Do. Now that you mentioned, every watch that I have in my little top drawer, it's broken. So Speaker 1 00:48:08 Is mine. <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:48:10 It's like every single one. Like I, it's not in my eye. My eye watch is fucking broken. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:48:16 I have a whole little, like, little like jewelry box thing. Like, you know, like your watch is coming these big prestigious box. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I took out the cushion. I've just been shoving broken watches in there. I'm like, eh, I'll take it to a watch guy at some 0.1 Speaker 0 00:48:28 Day. I'm Speaker 1 00:48:28 Never gonna do that. Speaker 0 00:48:29 No. I'm literally, I, I, I occasionally just wear it as a fucking, as a piece of jewelry. Like, not as, even as a watch, just like, look, I have something Speaker 1 00:48:36 On my wrist. I, I used to wear, I had these, I went to like a wood watch stage mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I have a couple broken ones. And so I just wear 'em like on fancy days and I turned them around <laugh> and people were like, Oh, all this guy has a new way of wearing watches. He's, So I'm like, I just don't want anybody to know that says fucking three 30. Don't ask Speaker 0 00:48:53 <laugh>. Pop up my phone. Speaker 1 00:48:56 All right. Um, so let's move on to the bathroom. Um, so I'm gonna go off with the five, uh, most common things people have in their bathrooms. I wanna see if you have any of 'em. So all I need is a, a yup or nah. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I'm gonna, actually, I'm gonna go through the whole Yes. I just need a Yep or nah. Are you ready? Yep. This is things that you have in your bathroom. These are all things that need to go in the trash. Bennett's gonna gimme a Yep or a Speaker 0 00:49:19 No. Speaker 1 00:49:19 Here we go. Expired medication. Speaker 0 00:49:23 Yep. Speaker 1 00:49:24 Expired toiletries. Speaker 0 00:49:27 No. Speaker 1 00:49:28 All right. Lipstick. Colors that you will never use. Speaker 0 00:49:34 That's all. This is a bit of a ya with a asterisks. <laugh>. There's certain things to, as a couple, like, she doesn't fuck with me around my comics. Her nail polish and, and, uh, lipstick collection. She can do whatever she wants. Her makeup, however she wants to make it big. How much makeup she wants. I will not, you know, that is a, don't fuck with it. That's a real like, you know, Cause then then the, you know, then it could invite the like, Well now Mr. 200 pounds of comic books in the garage. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:50:00 Yeah. Yeah. When's the last time you read? You read the human torch goes solo. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:50:04 As opposed to my little lipstick. Yeah. So, yeah. Okay. The s gets are fine. Remember what you want to have. All Speaker 1 00:50:10 Right, here we go. How about half empty shampoo that you have never used? Speaker 0 00:50:15 Oh yeah. I got, I got shit that's for guests. <laugh>. I literally never fucking used my Speaker 1 00:50:19 Shower. I, I have like, main entail, uh, the like horse shampoo main entail that I was like, Oh, you know, if I wanna do a deep clean, I can use this Speaker 0 00:50:29 In case of fucking cinar Speaker 1 00:50:30 Spins the night. Yeah. Just, yeah. Just in case. Just in case a secretariat's coming over, I'll be like, Hey, you know what? I got some main entail. Oh, I Speaker 0 00:50:37 Got Maine entail Speaker 1 00:50:38 <laugh>. All right. Um, do you have any old towels that sit in the drawer that you'll never use with bleach stains or that are ripped? Speaker 0 00:50:49 Y'all? Speaker 1 00:50:49 Y Speaker 0 00:50:50 Y but it's part of the system. Speaker 1 00:50:52 <laugh> Speaker 0 00:50:53 Old towels. How old towels become cleaning towels? Well, yeah, I Speaker 1 00:50:56 Got, so I have a rag drawer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then I have a towel drawer. So upstairs in the bathroom we got our towel drawer and I pulled out a towel the other day. I was like, Ugh. And I knew it just came out of the dryer, so I know it's clean. Yeah. But I'm like, I'm not, I'm like, Mmm. Speaker 0 00:51:10 No. And some of those rags are like, serious. Like they're, they're fucking rags. It needs to be gone. Like just barely holding on Speaker 1 00:51:17 <laugh>. All right. So, okay. My turn. You can either do, uh, entry wear or living room, whichever one you want to throw at me, because I know I'm not giving you a lot of, Just Speaker 0 00:51:26 Let's give you, let's do the living room. Okay. Uh, first off, remotes that don't serve a purpose. Speaker 1 00:51:32 Yeah. Speaker 0 00:51:33 What about old cd slash Speaker 1 00:51:35 DVDs? Na. Well, so here's a yaw slash na. Here's, So I do have, I do have a, like, um, some go-to DVDs in case in case the internet goes out. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I got like Planet, Earth Life and then all the Indiana Joneses and all the Lords of the Rings. <laugh>. Just in case. Just in case. Cause I know like the directors cut a Lord of Rings. Those are three hour movies. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I know it's like, if I'm having a day no internet, I can cut out nine hours. <laugh> just Speaker 0 00:52:07 Shit Speaker 1 00:52:08 In the background. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. All right. So yeah, I have, uh, I do have some old DVDs, um, but not at, like, not to throw my sister under the bus, but my sister's got like, them old school. Like, she's got like a 900 sleeve thing of DVDs, like big Lots DVDs. Like, you know, I got, I got Speaker 0 00:52:27 A couple of them jokers too. Cuz I used to, I used to have so many DVDs like for, you know, and then a few moves ago I was like, I can't, I cannot this, you know, So I throw away all the boxes and put 'em down so they, you know, it looks like you, I'm a cool kid. Like, it looks like I'm a DJ in 1998. <laugh>. But, uh, Speaker 1 00:52:43 Got these CDJs bro. Oh wait, hold on, let me pull out. Oh yeah. This is, uh, Bie Millers mix tape. 98 <laugh>. Yeah. The old, the old, the old, uh, the old breathing rub on the back of the CDs. Speaker 0 00:52:57 I did the ceiling too. The Speaker 1 00:52:59 Ceilings. Ooh, Speaker 0 00:53:00 Interesting. Soft ceiling. Get all that fuzz off. Speaker 1 00:53:01 You just had this one area that's clean that's been buffed out over a few years. Exactly. You know, uh, side note, I had to, I was in Colorado, uh, in May and we got a 2020 Dodge. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, it was a, I forgot it was like, uh, the Dodge Caravan cuz we need to get these vans. And then we upgraded to the Dodge suv. I don't remember what it was called, but I had a, a CD player in it and I was like, Wait a minute, this is a 2020. I didn't believe it. I like, I I I was like, I gotta look up the VIN number here. And like, I, I went as far as a look up the VIN number cause I think it's very easy for enterprise to throw a fucking manual for 2020 and stick it in the fucking, stick it in the glove apartment. Skeptical. I was that skeptical. But low and behold it was the 2020. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> And it had a CD player in it. Speaker 0 00:53:52 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:53:53 Where the fuck do you even get a CD Speaker 0 00:53:55 From like a dark corner of Best Buy. Like, even like, you know, last store. Speaker 1 00:54:00 Yeah. Vinyls came back. CDs are not. Um, so yeah, that one's a, yeah. Nah. Uh, Speaker 0 00:54:07 What about extra chords behind the tv? Speaker 1 00:54:10 Uh, nah. Every chord serves a purpose. Good Speaker 0 00:54:13 For you. I definitely have a couple that could be, that are just in case chords. Well, Speaker 1 00:54:18 I do have never mind. Nevermind. Hold on. I'm gonna give that one a ya because I do have like a couple baggies of HD M I cords back there that came with the tv. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But like, I know those ones crap out, so I should just take 'em and throw 'em in the trash. But Speaker 0 00:54:32 You need eight Speaker 1 00:54:32 Backups. I need eight backups. Speaker 0 00:54:34 <laugh> <laugh>. Yeah. I have that many too. For sure. What about, uh, coffee table clutter As kids? It's tough. Like, cuz we don't, I we usually can't keep shit children high yet. Yeah. So I don't have a lot of clutter at Speaker 1 00:54:46 That level. See, I, I don't, I don't have a coffee table cuz of kids they bump into shit. I got an ottoman <laugh>, I got an ottoman with very soft corners. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I do have, uh, a little, I don't even know what it's called, Those little, it's like a placeholder. It's like a, a flat plate decor in a weird shape where, you know, extra keys, pennies, broken paperclips stuff I pull out of my pocket throughout the day. Pens without caps. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:55:15 The, the drawer list junk drawer. Speaker 1 00:55:16 It's a joyless junk drawer. And I, I literally, like once a month I'll, I'll literally take out two items that I'm like, Oh, here it is. And I dump the rest in the trash <laugh> and I put the plate right back to be like, Hey, please fill me up. Speaker 0 00:55:29 <laugh> refresher. Speaker 1 00:55:30 I, I have thrown out so much loose change. It's nuts. Speaker 0 00:55:34 What about, uh, worn out or gross pillows? Speaker 1 00:55:38 Uh, I hope Shannon's not listening to this podcast cuz there's a couple pillows. She's like, We need to get rid of this. I'm like, well we gonna do buy another pillow. Well, you what? I look like Zuckerberg. You want me to buy another pillows? Speaker 0 00:55:47 A perfectly good pillow. You just make Speaker 1 00:55:49 Pillows. What? Fuck. Oh, let me go outside of water. My pillow tree. Speaker 0 00:55:53 I gotta harvest some more pillows. Speaker 1 00:55:55 Sorry. Princess Shannon over here. Think pillows just grow on trees, but Yes. Uh, that's a y Yeah. That's Speaker 0 00:56:02 A big old ya. That's Speaker 1 00:56:02 A big old Yeah. We're gonna have to come back Speaker 0 00:56:04 To it. Yeah. There's a couple in our house that every time you like wash the pillow cover, it's like, Jesus Christ. Why we still have this thing <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:56:10 I will, I'll like, when I take off a pillowcase and I look at that pillow and I'm like, yuck. Speaker 0 00:56:17 Yeah. It's like for guests we don't like, Speaker 1 00:56:19 Yeah. But then I put a pillowcase and I'm like, Ooh. Ooh. How downy fresh. Oh my God. Back to new. Back to new. All right. Um, we're gonna do a couple more. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I want to hit you with this one cause I know you're a cook Uhhuh. So I wanna go with your kitchen. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, this is all educational information about what you can get. So if any of these apply to you, Let me see how you're doing. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:56:38 Get rid of your shit. Speaker 1 00:56:39 So in the kitchen, we're all victims of this food passed its due date. It's, uh, used by date. Speaker 0 00:56:45 Uh, yeah. Although we recently, I, cuz I had a, I was cooking the other day and like had like hit two in a row of expired things in the fridge. I was like, mother fuck. So I did a purge <laugh> and like, did it. So like a lot, you know, there's no more olives in there and no more pickles that have been sitting there for a year and a half. But just like 19, 2019 is pretty pandemic pickles, the shit outta here. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:57:07 Yeah. I got, well I know when I moved there was like some stuff in the fridge I brought me, I'm like, why am I bringing the mustard? I don't even like mustard. Why am I bringing a mustard? Speaker 0 00:57:16 That's that. I, yeah, that's that. I Speaker 1 00:57:18 Got some a one sauce that's, that's like 2014 a one sauce. Some Speaker 0 00:57:22 Vintage, like a couple labels ago. Speaker 1 00:57:24 I'm like, you can go in my fridge right now. Right now. And you'll look at a Haynes bottle ketchup bottle and be like, Where, where'd you get that Haynes bottle? <laugh>. I don't think that's Speaker 0 00:57:34 Their local anymore. Yeah. Like, I'm pretty sure that's from of the 1830s. Speaker 1 00:57:37 All right. Um, how about take away menus? Speaker 0 00:57:40 Uh, no, not now. Good. We in New Orleans, but we performing to la We had a fucking binder that was a nasty binder take on Speaker 1 00:57:47 Menus. I'm like, I could find a menu for any place. Anywhere. Like Speaker 0 00:57:51 What? Fuck. A little more findable now. All Speaker 1 00:57:53 Right. All right. How about, um, any type of plastic wear? I, plastic spoons. Plastic knives. Speaker 0 00:58:04 Yes. Y'all are ya, We got some ya We've got some hid in a, some in a closet somewhere for guests. Speaker 1 00:58:10 So what about, um, old soy sauce, sweet and sour packets? Speaker 0 00:58:14 No, that's a personal, that's a pet peeve of mine. I, in previous houses with previous roommates, I always find that those motherfuckers are gonna break at some point. I really know <laugh>. So you just, you get 'em all outta there and you eliminate it. Just get some soy sauce in your fridge. Speaker 1 00:58:28 So this one's gonna be hard. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, any cooking gadgets that you have not used in the last year? Speaker 0 00:58:35 Oh, that, that's the drunk drawer. We should have got the picture of. Yeah. I've got two kitchen junk drawers that are like, literally like the gadget fucking fun choky bottle opener. Like one use bullshit drawer. It's so much stuff that I don't, And the thing is like, I've gone through a purge. I've, I've gotten rid of it and just, it grows. Like how many potato masters do I need? Two? Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:59:01 I got a waffle cone maker. Oh, Speaker 0 00:59:03 That's a good, that's a good Speaker 1 00:59:05 One. I got a waffle cone maker. My sister got me an ice cream maker. I've used it three times. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And every single time I've just had a Tupperware of ice cream. That's delicious. That just sits there. Yeah. Cause like, you know, I'm like, ooh, let me see what I can make. Ooh. You know what I'm gonna make, I'm gonna make a strawberry vanilla swirl. Nobody likes that. <laugh>. I made a pistachio ice cream gelato makes a better one. Yeah. It Speaker 0 00:59:28 Turns out you make better. You know, everyone makes better ice cream than me. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:59:31 Yeah. I just like, it's good. But then you try, you know that Hogan dos vanilla, then you're like, Okay, OB <laugh> take a bat backseat. Like I'm putting raw rawi in there and it's mix in. It's got the freezer bowl. It takes like two days to make. Yeah. I don't have that. Yeah. So yeah, I gotta get rid of that. Ice cream. It was a great present. But ice cream maker waffle co maker. I do have a popcorn maker I'm never getting rid of. Speaker 0 00:59:53 Is it one like from your childhood? Like that kind of model? Speaker 1 00:59:56 Um, or Speaker 0 00:59:57 Like the yellowed plastic. Speaker 1 00:59:59 It's not yellowed <laugh>. There is a severe crack on it, but it still works. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:00:04 Oh, hey. You know, if it still works, can't get rid of that. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:00:07 It's got, it's like that plexi where it's got like those stress cracks where you're looking at it at a certain angle. It looks like glass, but Yeah. Like stress stained glass. But yeah. Okay. All right. So you're gonna do, uh, we're gonna do the last one with you. Okay. Speaker 0 01:00:20 With me. I thought you were, thought we were still doing kitchen or Speaker 1 01:00:22 Oh, oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I got one more. Um, any old, Ooh. Do you have any tops to pans that don't match? Speaker 0 01:00:37 Yeah. Yes. Ya With ya. With an asterisks. Cuz it, it fits other pans. Okay. Speaker 1 01:00:42 Like the one comfortably? Speaker 0 01:00:43 Yeah. The one that it <laugh>. It's so fucking, it's like literally like, I like the show about clutter. I know that like, it's, it's a chipped, it's got a wood top. It's fucking chipped. It's just big. It's a walk I haven't owned in five years. Oh man. But the lid, it could just pop on any big pop pan for the most part. And it's, it's universal. I Speaker 1 01:01:05 Have, I have two different steamers and a bamboo steamer <laugh>. Like, I was just in Chinatown. I'm like, Ooh. A bamboo steamer. Yeah. I used it when I got home. I got a bunch of dumplings and like, I was just steaming shuma and dumplings. I'm like, Yeah, this is great. And then I didn't buy any more dumplings or shuma. So that bamboo steamer has just been on the shelf. Yeah. On the shelf. And those things are hard to clean. Speaker 0 01:01:29 It's, it, ugh, I couldn't know that, that that'd be a one and done for me. <laugh>. Yeah. Once, once a fucking dumpling burst in the bamboo greats, I'd be like, All right. Later bamboo. All Speaker 1 01:01:38 Right. And then the last one, here's the last one. Um, do you have cleaning supplies that are either half full a quarter full, or could have been consolidated? Oh Speaker 0 01:01:49 Yeah. Yeah. The cleaning supply shelf is, is a cavern. It's not a shelf. It's like, I think it goes down seven feet. Oh yeah. I got a six, Speaker 1 01:01:56 I got a six story parking garage of cleaning supplies myself. I feel you. Speaker 0 01:02:00 And it just all like, it's all open things at come. I don't know how many I have. That's all it is. Speaker 1 01:02:07 I got f I got some, I got some cleaning supplies they don't make anymore. Oh, Speaker 0 01:02:11 For sure. Yeah, for sure. I Speaker 1 01:02:12 Got some like strawberry sced fso that you can't find. Anyway. Speaker 0 01:02:16 This one has cocaine in it. Speaker 1 01:02:17 Yeah. Um, alright. So yeah, I'll do the, I'll do the last one. I'll do the last one of, uh, Speaker 0 01:02:25 In the bedroom. Speaker 1 01:02:26 Uh, you can do bedroom. Um, yeah, you can do bedroom. All Speaker 0 01:02:30 Right. Let's Speaker 1 01:02:30 Do it. Jesus Christ. I'm looking at the bedroom one now and I'm not gonna do well folks. Spoiler. All Speaker 0 01:02:36 Right. First one, uh, betting that doesn't fit the bed. Speaker 1 01:02:39 I have a king size bed and in that room I have two queen size <laugh> Ya. That's a ya That's a huge jar. That's a huge, Speaker 0 01:02:51 Uh, be that's older, stained, Speaker 1 01:02:53 Uh, nar Speaker 0 01:02:55 Dead plants. Speaker 1 01:02:57 So Speaker 0 01:02:59 <laugh>, Speaker 1 01:03:00 I have a yard with an asterisks. <laugh>. So, uh, uh, Shannon and I have this bon eye. We've been trying to nurse back to health. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then she sent me this, uh, article about the art of the brown bon eye. Like bon eyes that lose their color, but are still alive. Uhhuh and like Speaker 0 01:03:16 The art of lying to yourself. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:03:18 <laugh> the art of searching the internet until someone agrees with you. <laugh>. So I, I, I officially remove the asterisks from that yard. I just had to explain myself. No, Speaker 0 01:03:34 Same here. Like, we have a tree that like, some weeks it's great. Other week. It's like, I don't know, man, that, that tree is, Speaker 1 01:03:38 Oh, I got a, I got an herb. I got an herb garden. That's not doing well. <laugh>. Luckily it's not in the house, which is prob probably the reason it's not doing well. <laugh>. All right. All right. Moving on. Go ahead. Speaker 0 01:03:50 Moving on. I already know you got old. We both got them old pillows. Yep. Speaker 1 01:03:53 I got the old pillows. Speaker 0 01:03:56 This is, Speaker 1 01:03:57 I don't like that. Speaker 0 01:03:58 Well, the last question, just not, it's like reading glasses with the wrong prescription. Yeah. <laugh>. And like I have, for me, I got a top drawer full of like, I got three prescription old glasses in case my two backups fail. Speaker 1 01:04:11 So this is embarrassing. This is a ya for me mm-hmm. <affirmative> because I have three different pairs of blue blockers. <laugh>, and I have 2020 vision. I don't need glasses. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I, I do not have any prescription glasses, but if you go into my drawer in my office, I got three different pairs of blue boxers. I have my black frame ones. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> when I'm just talking to the homies online. <laugh>, I got the clear frame ones when I'm on work Zoom. So, you know, I like, Oh, OB wears glasses or is he protecting his eyes? I don't know. He looks so smart. And then my brother got me these old retro glasses that are fresh as fuck. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he's like, Yeah, they're just blue blockers. You can wear 'em during Zoom meetings. I thought they were so dope. I wore through a zoom meeting once, got roasted by my coworkers, like relentlessly roasted. And then I was like, I gotta ditch these. And I wore 'em again during, like, my buddy had like a, like, this is obviously doing Covid had like a, a, a zoom, a baby shower. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I had these glasses on and it was like, Oh, those are dope. Are those are dad's old glasses? Like what are those? And I'm just, just like, ah, you know, these old things. Speaker 0 01:05:18 What you talking about <laugh>? Speaker 1 01:05:20 So these like, I don't know whether the trash 'em or not. I don't know whether the trash 'em or not, but yes, I, I do have those. Um, Not a fan. No, not a fan. And uh, yeah. Speaker 0 01:05:32 Last but not least, What about bedside clutter? Speaker 1 01:05:35 Oh my God. My table is disgusting. Speaker 0 01:05:37 Yeah. It's a big yard for me. Like mine in particular, like I, it's a mind field of not a mind field. It just like, it just top to bottom bullshit. I, things that don't need to be in there. Speaker 1 01:05:46 I thought I was doing myself a favor by, I, I did not get myself a side table. I just got a side, uh, plane. Like there's no drawers on my side table. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's just a charger with a little lamp that's built into it. I'm like, fuck yeah. You know. And then I added, you know, a amount for my phone so I can like sit it up and charge. And now, you know, I had my Apple charger on there and you know, then I started coming home and taking out my son's trash and I'm too lazy to go downstairs. So it ends up over there. And then all the pens I accumulate out of the day. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I don't smoke. But I have two lighters on that side. Cause I just ended up in my pocket. Uh, you know, I have a rolled up belt, <laugh>, it grows. I got four different chapsticks over there. I got an empty box of OIDs with one Aloid. And I might need in the morning <laugh>. Uh, I have an, uh, I have my hydro fla that comes with me and then like the hydro fla that sits there that I'm like, let me open this and smell it. Yeah. That was the best All it smells like water drinking it Speaker 0 01:06:39 <laugh> a literally the one I was gonna say, you gonna open a few weeks and smell. Yeah. Like, Speaker 1 01:06:45 No. Nope. Nope. This water's been fermenting <laugh>. So yes. I've been a, I've been a victim of that. I've been a victim of that. Um, Speaker 0 01:06:53 So yeah. So that's all shit we can get rid of. Yeah. For me it's a lot of c p supplies I don't need. Speaker 1 01:06:58 Uh, Yeah. You don't need those anymore. You just like have <laugh>. Well, Speaker 0 01:07:01 I have, I have backups, but I don't need eight backups. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:07:05 Yeah. The backups on backup's. A whole nother cluttering issue that we have. You're like, Oh, I have an extra one. I'll just put this over here. Like, if it, it's a dollar. If it breaks, this is probably gonna break in your junk drawer. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:07:16 Like, Yeah. Speaker 1 01:07:18 Yeah. I like So listen, uh, everybody out there, um, the reason we're diving into this, cuz I think we all need to purge. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I think we all need to purge. We need to like take, um, take back spring cleaning, do it once a year. Get a 5, 6, 10 yard dumpster, go through your house room by room. Uh, as our producer says, Marie Kondo that shit, if it does not bring you joy, get rid of it. Yeah. Uh, you know, on average we spend 17 minutes a day looking for something that's been misplaced or lost. That's almost 344 days in your li in the average lifespan, you know the amount of stress that it puts on you, like looking at things you don't need saying like, do I need this? That mental argument. You go with yourself before you throw something away. You don't need this. The stress that puts on your relationship when you see something, you know, your partner is not using and they can call you out for 17 things that you are not using <laugh>. It's terrible. Speaker 0 01:08:13 All the s all the lipstick and fingernail polish can stay. Oh Speaker 1 01:08:16 Yeah. I, I there's, there's things that we need in our lives. There's things that we want, there's things that we need to have that we have to have. Um, I think we should all take a look at what we have in our house. Downgrade. Create more space for yourself. Increase the fun. Shu mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I, it's, I I've cleaned my garage once when we first started the studio and we like got rid of all this stuff. Like, it was, this feeling was unbelievable. I couldn't believe all the things that I had that I did not need. And you know, I, I tossed a bunch. I had eight bins that went to Goodwill. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> eight bins. Like you guys, these are like 32 gallon bins. These are not small bins. Speaker 0 01:09:00 No. Speaker 1 01:09:00 These are huge bins. <laugh> and Speaker 0 01:09:02 I, uh, like I, I think that like some people are little ify about goodwill in those places now. Cause I think there's been words spread about how much they throw away. Uh, one of the things that we do, uh, we, meaning my wife, uh, is there's like a buy nothing groups and stuff like that. So like a lot of kids' toys. Uh, or just like, you know, like our electric mo you know, we got a mower. You know, our, I can't talk anymore. Speaker 1 01:09:25 I'm sorry. No, it's all good. Speaker 0 01:09:26 The thing you use to cut your grass, we got to buy nothing. A mower. Mower. Alright. Good. Fucking a. Speaker 1 01:09:32 Yeah. Um, yeah. I I would love to get some of those. I like, I wanna put it in the bio for our pod. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I wanna spread the word about those groups cuz like, um, the la consignment for kids, like kids clothes, strollers, everything. It's a great group. Speaker 0 01:09:45 Yeah. There's lots of like, individual like teen programs. Uh, there's lots of places you could donate that aren't goodwill that will get real immediate use out of it. Hey Speaker 1 01:09:54 Man, I got a 55 inch TV in a box sitting in my kitchen in my dining room. Sorry. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's been there for two months. I've been trying to get rid of this thing. It's like if I was like, It's free if you can come pick it up, it's yours <laugh>. And people were like, Eh, Speaker 0 01:10:10 It's far <laugh> Speaker 1 01:10:13 And it doesn't fit in a lot of people's car. Speaker 0 01:10:14 Yeah. I think on a buy nothing group, you'd be gone by the afternoon. Speaker 1 01:10:18 So Yeah. We're gonna, I'm gonna get into that with you. I want to, I wanna be a part of this experience. So is it, This is my pledge. This is my pledge. By the end of the year, I would like to get rid of half of the things I have in my house. Half. Speaker 0 01:10:32 Wow. Half that. That's not a lot left in this year. Speaker 1 01:10:36 That's, uh, that's I believe it's about 1.3 million items. Speaker 0 01:10:40 <laugh> Speaker 1 01:10:42 No. Like I am a hundred percent serious about this. We're gonna do a check in. Um, it's gonna be in our holiday episode, like how we went. Because I know that Christmas time is a big time where I throw a lot of stuff away. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, I have a bunch of toys of Oso. I'm like, You gonna use it at some point that I'm like, Nah, he just wants to play video game Speaker 0 01:11:00 Now the kid's stuff is that, the kid's stuff is the hardest, you know, Speaker 1 01:11:03 You Speaker 0 01:11:04 Know, because it's sentimental too. But also it's like we're they're gonna get more shit they love. And we, we don't, you don't have to give it all the way. Speaker 1 01:11:09 Yeah, no, you're right. You're right. Uh, speaking of sentimental, this is another big thing that people have, and I actually wanna find out. If you have anything like this, there's things that we keep from our parents that we apply sentimental value for. I, I might give it to my child or mm-hmm. <affirmative>, this is my late fathers, or this is my late grandfathers that we do not need, that we keep because it means something to us. But that ends up in the back of a closet somewhere. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I remember Mitch was telling us, uh, his grandfather had like this old sword that his dad gave him from like the, his grandfather gave him from like the Civil War or some shit. And I'm like, first of all, your white roots go deep. <laugh>. Second of all, what the fuck are you gonna do with a sword <laugh> do with a sword? Like, if it's just a sword in the back of your closet, hang it up somewhere, you know, get rid of that space. But I digress. Um, do you have anything from your parents that you're like hanging on to? Oh, Speaker 0 01:11:59 I mean, I actually have an inheritance sword in my garage. I get from my grandfather. Speaker 1 01:12:03 Oh. That it might be a white thing. People Speaker 0 01:12:05 <laugh> Speaker 1 01:12:07 Don't black people Speaker 0 01:12:09 Over here. Hand Speaker 1 01:12:10 Sorts. Speaker 0 01:12:12 Like I'm a heritage <laugh>. It's a, it's, I mean it's not, it's like a, it's like a decorative piece of metal. Yeah. But after he die, my mom got it for me. <laugh>. I thought it was pretty fucking funny. Yeah. I got, I got, yeah, I got Speaker 1 01:12:28 A heritage sword Short. Speaker 0 01:12:30 Uh, the thing is like, I've got, we, yes. Like, it's mostly stuff that like my mom held onto books and some toys that like me and my brother had and played with when we were kids. So, uh, my kids get to play with that and that's pretty cool. But it's also, it's like I, they don't really, it's like, Oh, this is the toy you played with and you were a kid. Like, they didn't give a shit. Like Yeah. Either like it or they don't. Like, Speaker 1 01:12:52 You know what I recently got rid of? Um, so I used to hang onto like all the trophies I ever got. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, all the trophies I like held on 'em. Like if it was like some status symbol I had, like, these are the trophies I've earned in my life. And then when I moved into the valley, I, my mom had a box of like, some of her trophies and some of my dad's trophies. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I was like, Fuck yeah. Like this. I'm gonna have a trophy room. Why Speaker 0 01:13:20 <laugh>? Speaker 1 01:13:21 Why would I have that? Why would I have my dad's 1972 soccer trophy from the intermural league at Nigeria? Speaker 0 01:13:29 <laugh> actually. Why? Actually that's pretty red. Yeah. But I'll be like, it Speaker 1 01:13:32 Looks, looks like any other Speaker 0 01:13:33 Fucking trophy. Trophy. You Speaker 1 01:13:35 Like sitting there dusting it off. Like, I remember when I got rid of that shit and it's when we got a bunch of trophies made on XFactor, <laugh> Speaker 0 01:13:42 <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:13:42 I was like, wait, I can just go make my own Speaker 0 01:13:44 Trophies. Yeah. It's pretty easy. Speaker 1 01:13:46 But yeah. You know, we always give like gag gifts to friends. We have tchotchkes that, um, you know, all these old art projects. Like I know NA is, you know, Mrs. D, diy, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I, there, I have a record holder that your wife built for me years ago. Yeah. I'm still putting to the good use, but now I'm thinking of getting rid of cause I don't need that many records. But <laugh>, Speaker 0 01:14:06 The Speaker 1 01:14:06 Record holder's dope. I get a lot of compliments on it. <laugh>, it fuels it, it brings me joy. I'm keeping it. Nevermind, nevermind. Speaker 0 01:14:13 I'm keeping it Marie. Speaker 1 01:14:14 I'm keeping it. Um, but yeah, so there I I do make this pledge. I'm going to get rid of this shit. Um, I don't wanna force you into my pledge, but Speaker 0 01:14:23 I feel Speaker 1 01:14:24 Like can get Speaker 0 01:14:25 Rid of, I'm an ongoing get rid of person cuz early this year get rid of about half of my comic collection. Oh Speaker 1 01:14:30 Shit. Speaker 0 01:14:31 Uh, Yeah. Speaker 1 01:14:32 You sell it? Or Speaker 0 01:14:33 Did you just I sold it. Um, Okay. I didn't get a lot of money, but it's also, it's like, it's, I don't have a lot of stuff, you know, it's, you know, it's weird. It's like selling stuff, but also I don't, I didn't, I didn't bother me that I didn't get a lot of money either. You know, just like, it's more space I don't have, They're just literally paper that's sitting in a fucking cl in my garage for a decade. Like, Speaker 1 01:14:53 Man, should I get rid of my X-Men cards? Speaker 0 01:14:55 No. <laugh>, You Speaker 1 01:14:57 Guys, you should <laugh> I got, so I I I, I stopped collecting at like 17 mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I remember like the last thing I came up on, I was like walking to a buddy's house and there was like this little store and I'm like, Oh shit, they have some retro cards. He's like, Yeah, I'm getting rid of 'em. Like, whatever you can grab, you can take. And I was like, fuck. Yeah. And I was, I'm like, I, I don't use them for anything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they just sit in a bag and like in the, their little kid brain that I have, like, that's whispering to like, the adult brain's like, don't do it. Obi one day <laugh>, it'll be worth millions. It'll be worth millions. They won't be, I'm sorry. It will not be, Speaker 0 01:15:38 You Give 'em to Ozo and you'll throw 'em around and bite 'em and tear 'em in half and they'll be the, that's as much fun as they should be having. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:15:44 I think that's what I'm gonna do is like, I'm just gonna take all this stuff that used to bring me joy and watch my child destroy them. Yeah. Speaker 0 01:15:50 Well like, like I, it is, you know, I was trying to downplay it. It is, it is cool to see like, like today, um, I was like, I got your Tiger dad and he is holding my heman like, uh, what's his name? Battle Cat. Like, like the one that has my initials on it for my mom. Put on day, you know, when I went to daycare. Oh. Oh, shits like, I got your Tiger dad. It's like, that is my tiger. Speaker 1 01:16:09 Oh, that's pretty cool. Speaker 0 01:16:10 That is kind of nice. Speaker 1 01:16:11 All right, well now see now we're going full circle. We're coming into reasons why we shouldn't get ready, but Speaker 0 01:16:16 We're keeping it up. <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:16:20 Yeah. Um, so I, I think we should take a break and like compose ourselves. Cause I really feel bad about the things that are gonna be leaving me right now. <laugh> uh, ladies, gentlemen, we're gonna be right back, uh, with more Papa Don preach. And hopefully I throw some of this shit out. Speaker 0 01:16:36 <laugh>, it'll start right now. Like that kettle bell. What are you do that kettle bell? Eh, Speaker 1 01:16:41 We'll be right back. Speaker 1 01:17:05 Yo. Yo yo. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome. Thank you so much for sticking around. We know it's a longer episode, but we had a lot to clear out. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> pun intended. So, um, today we have something very special for you. Um, normally, uh, in this last segment we do some one offs, pop's pulpit. Uh, we do. In other words, uh, sometimes we do a taste test, movie review. We got a little bit of a, uh, a hydra where we are gonna do almost a non taste test. Uhhuh. Cause we have not seen it. Uhhuh a non review cuz we have not seen it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and a pulpit all into one. All right. So a ladies and gentleman, uh, Ben and I have a, a Papa's pulpit about the new show that's not new. I think it's coming on to season three. Season three. Yes. HBO Max Pennyworth. Speaker 0 01:17:58 And it's a story, it's like a prequel story about Alfred Pennyworth who is Batman's butler. Speaker 1 01:18:03 You guys do not need to check your speaker or your headphones. Bennett did not slip. Yes. This is a show about the famed Batman's butler. Speaker 0 01:18:14 Before he was Batman's Butler, he was John Wickes Secret Service. You know, Speaker 1 01:18:20 Ans Speaker 0 01:18:20 Like James Bond, not John Whis James Bond's secret servant. It was Speaker 1 01:18:24 Part of Bri, the sas, uh, British Intelligence. Speaker 0 01:18:27 And it just, All right. Okay. Speaker 0 01:18:31 <laugh>. So as the, as the comic book nerd in me, it's a recent continuity development to make Alfred a badass. Yes. Historically, he was an out, he was an actor. That's part of what we knew. He was a family, had served the wanes and he was called to serve the WANs after, you know, at a certain point in time. And then at some point, uh, comic got written where they made him at X, you know, X sas, X whatever, m i six. And that's kind of been his backstory since like, he's got a bit of a Alfred's, a bit of a badass. That's Speaker 1 01:19:02 Why he, he's old, but he's there for a reason. Speaker 0 01:19:03 Yeah. Like he was Yeah. Which is I think is a fine, interesting backstory. Um, but ultimately I don't fucking care about Alfred man. Like, I don't care about the, about Batman's butler. Like Speaker 1 01:19:15 If they made a little mini series about what Butler uh, what Alfred does when, you know Bruce Wayne is off getting, is like leaving blood all over Gotham City. Speaker 0 01:19:23 That's more interesting to me. Great. Speaker 1 01:19:24 Like, that's cool. Let's have a little mini series of like the, the day in the life of Alfred. Like, Speaker 0 01:19:29 But like an action show about young Alfred. Like, I, like, I just don't, Speaker 1 01:19:35 I do, you know, it's hard, Speaker 0 01:19:36 It's hard to express how much I don't care about Alfred as a kid. You Speaker 1 01:19:40 Know, in Pennyworth bat, uh, the Waynes give birth to a girl Speaker 0 01:19:43 Is like before. Is it like, is she gonna die? I think it's gonna be Speaker 1 01:19:47 Plot. I mean, I think they would've mentioned at some point that Batman had an older sister that died. Speaker 0 01:19:52 Or they just gonna be like, it's a, it's girl. It's uh, Bruce, Bruce Wayne or something like that. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:19:57 It's just, Oh, nevermind. Speaker 0 01:19:58 Or Dallas Wayne Speaker 1 01:20:00 Or Bruce Wayne transitioned at some point. Speaker 0 01:20:03 That's a, that's a good hot take too. That's Speaker 1 01:20:06 A good hot take. I'd Speaker 0 01:20:07 Watch. The thing is, I'd watch that show <laugh>. That's how the show it is. It's some generic spice show with Alfred <laugh>, with the man who cuts the corners off of Batman sandwiches. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:20:18 I mean, I'm gonna, for all of you out there who are listening and they're like, What the fuck are these guys talking about? Like, seriously. That's imagine, you know, these superhero movies that you don't really care about, but sometimes you see because they're action packed, they're funny, they get great reviews. Now imagine they took one of the most useless characters in those stories and made a stor, uh, a show about 'em, not a movie. A show on season three. Speaker 0 01:20:40 Yeah. Oh, did you know that Batman's mechanic <laugh>? Like he's the one that fixes Batman's car. That's pretty interesting. Right. He was also a Secret Service agent. And you're gonna see his adventures <laugh>. And we're gonna vaguely mention villains <laugh>. Oh, ooh. That's the last name of a, a guy, bad guy. Batman's gonna fight. That's what we're gonna do for three seasons. I Speaker 1 01:21:01 Mean, they did, They had this new movie, uh, Super Pets that came out about Superman and Batman's Dog. I Speaker 0 01:21:05 Did watch that one. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:21:06 Like, you know, That's great. It's a funny movie with Dwayne Rock, <laugh> Johnson and Kevin Hart doing the voiceover of animated dogs. Stay in your fucking lane. Penny Worth. Speaker 0 01:21:17 Yeah. God Speaker 1 01:21:18 Damn. Speaker 0 01:21:18 And I think it's like, I'm fine with, uh, interesting char, you know, of bad characters with taking a bad character and putting a new interesting take on it. Like, I'm totally midnight Speaker 1 01:21:28 With Speaker 0 01:21:28 That Midnight fucking Guardians of the Galaxy. Like, there you go. It's so many options to like, take boring characters and turning, Make it interesting. Fucking, you know, vision Speaker 1 01:21:37 Like Iron Fist, womp, womp. Speaker 0 01:21:39 You can't, you can't win 'em all the time. Yeah. <laugh>, Speaker 1 01:21:43 They all can't be bangers. They all can't be bangers. But it Speaker 0 01:21:45 Just, I I don't know why the Inker grew in Congruity of Alfred, the secret agent. Great word. It took me a while to get it out. Speaker 1 01:21:53 <laugh>. I got poops like that. Speaker 0 01:21:55 Oh, hey. Uh, I just don't, I don't know why it, it's make me care about somebody. Like there's DC has so many interesting characters in so many other characters. They can make a story about that. Isn't Batman's Butler. They Speaker 1 01:22:09 Could've did a, they could have did a live action Static shock. Speaker 0 01:22:12 I they think they did. Oh, Speaker 1 01:22:13 They did? No, they did Black Speaker 0 01:22:16 Lightning. That's the one they did. That's Speaker 1 01:22:17 Another black guy. Lightning. It's another blacking characters. Speaker 0 01:22:20 There's a comic series where, uh, called in Incorruptible. I'd say Speaker 1 01:22:26 It's Negro. It's, Speaker 0 01:22:27 There's a difference. That's a difference. I think there's a book called Incog Negro. Speaker 1 01:22:30 I thought I made up that word. Speaker 0 01:22:31 Nah, I think it's, I think it's a graphic novel. Ah, I Speaker 1 01:22:33 Used to tell people in high school, Yeah. I'm about Incog Nero and this motherfucker, they won't me. It's a word. Yeah. I thought it was great. Speaker 0 01:22:39 Anyway, the Black Lightning character in that comic makes a comment how like, Oh, just cause I'm black, I gotta have lightning powers. Ah, that's funny. It's like, it's like a stereotype. I don't know why it is, but it is. Speaker 1 01:22:47 Yeah. Storms got lightning powers. Damn. Yeah. All the black people have lightning powers. Mm. All right. Speaker 0 01:22:53 Well, Static Shock, Black Lightning. Speaker 1 01:22:54 But they made Thor White. The God had to be white. Yeah. Okay. All right. Speaker 0 01:22:59 Oh, is, no, it is. Oh, it is. Speaker 1 01:23:01 Mythology is Norse myth. Yeah. Whatever. I fart on you. Uh, Speaker 0 01:23:06 I, I don't think, uh, what's his name? He just, Albert get a lot of hate. That's who he, It's just Al Albert is in there, right? Speaker 1 01:23:12 Uh, is in what? Speaker 0 01:23:13 He's the he's the black dude. He's the black guy in tho. Oh Speaker 1 01:23:16 Yeah. Yeah. I mean he's uh, what, what's his name? Hri. Speaker 0 01:23:19 Him Heimdall. Yeah. I Speaker 1 01:23:21 Think I'm gonna go with Speaker 0 01:23:21 That. Did he get a lot of heat when he was like a black North guy? Speaker 1 01:23:25 No, I don't Speaker 0 01:23:25 Think so. Think. Cause of the albums. Cause that's the thing is like, he could play any character in every, That's why I Speaker 1 01:23:29 Fucking Hatera album. If you've been a fan of this podcast, you know, my, my Deep Hate for Iris album, he's like, he can do no wrong. And I'm waiting for him to fuck up <laugh>. I am. Wait for Speaker 0 01:23:38 It. You know that he sings too. Like he does a bunch other Goofy as Speaker 1 01:23:40 Yeah. He sings. He's a fucking dj. He does writes poetry. Fuck Speaker 0 01:23:45 Him. Didn't cast his daughter in the last movie. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:23:50 Yo man, he's, he's like a man. He, Okay, I'll give it to him. He's like very, very talented. I don't know what the fuck he did reading this script for Beast and being like, you know what? I'm in like, Yeah. I don't know where he wasted his money. Like what show didn't go, Like maybe he wasn't touring enough during the fucking, If Speaker 0 01:24:07 He then was Alfred, I'd watch that show. Speaker 1 01:24:09 Oh, that. See, that's where it should have went. That's how they should have fucked it up. They're like Pennyworth. It's about Batman's Butler before he was Alfred and he's just a black Speaker 0 01:24:17 Dude. And guess what? He is black. Is he like, is he like British? No. No. He's just a black guy. Yeah, he's just black. He's like Luke Cage. But it's a Pennyworth. <laugh>. <laugh>. That's what I wanna watch. <laugh>. If you're gonna fuck with continuity, let's fuck with it man. Let's fuck with Speaker 1 01:24:31 It. Let's fuck Speaker 0 01:24:32 With it. I want Luke Cage to be Batman's Butler. Speaker 1 01:24:35 Hey. And that's another thing. First of all that Bennett, I don't know why everything coming outta your mouth sounds racist. <laugh> like the nicest dude I ever met. I don't know why, but I think it's Keep it coming. Keep it coming. Speaker 0 01:24:47 I don't think it's racist. It's a good idea. Speaker 1 01:24:48 Yeah. Cuz you're not black. That's why. Oh, Speaker 0 01:24:50 Blaine, you back me up on this idea. Hey, Speaker 1 01:24:52 Hey, hey. Don't listen to him. Don't listen to him. Speaker 0 01:24:55 There's lots of crickets over there, <laugh>. There's a whole lot of silence. Speaker 1 01:24:59 Speaking of bullshit. Yeah. I would say, speaking of all the bullshit that people are changing, why the fuck is shaggy black? Now Speaker 0 01:25:09 I, people didn't like that. So like, Speaker 1 01:25:12 All right, ladies and gentlemen, I know how this started, but I'm still angry and I'm gonna tell you right now, I understand what it's like. I know what inequality's like, and I've said this before on this podcast, and I know what representation means, especially in a cinema, uh, in cartoons, in comics, in every aspect of life. It's fucking great to see yourself represented. Like that feeling to be represented is amazing. Like, the reason Black Panther did so well is because they've been countless superheroes that are just white, these white cis males. Like, that's it. But there is an issue from taking historically white character and, uh, I'm gonna use some colorful language here and blacking them up. I'm not, I do not appreciate that you can still have your white team. But give Shay a fucking cousin or a college roommate that joins a team. Speaker 1 01:26:15 You know, get Fred's fucking neighbor to come in. Like, Ariel doesn't need to be black. That could be a whole bunch of black mermaids that we do a movie on. Like, yo, look at these black mermaids <laugh>. Like I I'm glad that uh, Little Mermaid is black. Like I haven't seen the movie or I haven't seen the trailer. I don't know if King Triton is black. Cuz that will not make sense if he's white. I think it's just Alba. I fucking hate this guy. He can do everything. <laugh>. Ugh. I'm serious man. Like, you guys gotta stop taking these characters and turning them black or Hispanic or Asian or whatever to try and show that you are woke and you hear the tenored language. There are so many characters, so many stories that are out there that you can just tell. You don't have to appease these fucking studios. Speaker 1 01:27:04 You think Black Panther was a, a character? Everyone knew. You think that Black Panther was gonna be this groundbreaking thing. Like, Oh, let's get this black guy who, who's supposed to be a Panther running around this made up town in Africa. Ooh, this is gonna be a fucking like, do the work. Make a good, like hire good people, hire great actors, Get a dope soundtrack. Put a fucking move your TV show together and just put these already existing characters in there. You don't have to fucking copy something. Put a black person in it and say, Hey, we did our part. I don't like it. I don't like it. You like, I would say like, I don't know whose idea it was, but there's been five Rocky movies, Six now six Rocky movies. But the turn they made with Creed. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. They didn't make a, they didn't say Rocky had this black kid. They didn't redo Rocky, but Rocky was black. He was this black dude from Jersey. They took an existing character in there and they spun it off. They're like, Let's tell this story. What the fuck? Speaker 0 01:28:12 Yeah, I like that take. Speaker 1 01:28:13 It ain't hard. No. And I use ain't because I'm black and I'm angry not to be a stereotype. Speaker 0 01:28:22 So let me just say like, Luke Cage's, Batman's Butler, <laugh> A meant more of like Luke cages his father figure as opposed to like him doing chores for Speaker 1 01:28:30 Batman, <laugh>. These regular Indians or <laugh>? Nah, these are just regular people. <laugh>. Oh man. But yeah, you guys, thank you for sticking around for my pulpit. Our pulpit. Really? Um, we, we got angry, but I'm calm now. I'm glad I got it out. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if you guys have a chance, um, leave a terrible review for Pennyworth. Even if you haven't seen it. Speaker 0 01:28:57 No, I'd just be like, like everyone else on the internet. Yeah. Leave a bad review. Speaker 1 01:29:00 Who cares? They can't see your face. No one asks for your opinion, but give it anyway. That's what we do and that's why we're the Papas who preach. I wish you had the, uh, national anthem we could pull up right now. <laugh>, don't worry. On the YouTube we'll put in a we'll, we'll, we'll Chrome aqui American flag behind me. Yeah, yeah. Preach. Put a blue Eyes Matter strip right down it. Just make it controversial. So y'all get up, Tune in next week on another episode, we'll start a new segment called Kanye's Corner to see what Kanye's up to. <laugh> Ladies gentle Mrs. Papa, don't breach. Uh, thanks for playing Pierre, our producer, uh, Aaron Mo dna, who do our music. Bennett Miller, thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Peace out y'all. We'll see you next week.

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