The Body Positivity Negative

Episode 3 March 31, 2023 01:03:38
The Body Positivity Negative
Papa Don't Preach
The Body Positivity Negative

Mar 31 2023 | 01:03:38


Show Notes

Self-confidence and self-image are two different things. The dads talk about the body positivity movement, celebrating it while discussing some potential negatives. Sometimes our insecurities are skin deep, and some we cannot change. Making sure we teach our kids to see the beauty in themselves, and others will hopefully make this world a better place. Well, at least we think so. Bennet and Obi share their insecurities when they were growing up, and if they are still dealing with them today. 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:36 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Papa on Preach. Thank you so much for swinging by to come visit us. My name is Obie and I'm here with Bennett Miller, as usual. I'm here. How's it going? Oh, it's going great. Uh, happy belated, uh, saints Patty's day, which we'll get to in a second. Yeah. Learning things. Yeah. So we are, we are always learning things. How's your week been, first off? Uh, I think good. I think it's a good week. Uh, it's a long week. Um, the kids, uh, I've been waking up a couple of times this week. Damn. A couple times every night this week. Uh, so it's been tiring. Yeah. My focus is not all there, but, uh, I'm working on it. Like it reminds me of them being in a, you know, newborn, that kind of face <laugh> not, not in a pleasant memory. Speaker 1 00:01:17 Oh, that's a <laugh>. It was like being half awake. Most that triggers me. Makes my ha my my, the hair on my arms stand up when I hear like, newborn and children and waking up in the middle of the night. Yes. It's rough. It is rough. It is rough. It's very, it's, we've said it before. The same tactics that fucking youi used to torture peoples. What a newborn will put you through <laugh>, sleep deprivation, uh mm-hmm. <affirmative> high pitch noise. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and screaming like you'll end up disoriented. But anyway, <laugh>. Um, I'm glad that your week was okay. Yeah. My kid hasn't been really going to sleep on time, so he is been sleeping in mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I've been having to wake him up. It's the first time he's consistently, I go to his room to wake him up and he pulls the blanket back over his head and he is like, I'm like, this dude's four. Speaker 1 00:02:04 Aw man. Four years on the planet. He is already over <laugh>. Hey, welcome to the club, dude. Yeah. Hey, good job, man. World record hos <laugh>. Record time. Record time. This is, this doesn't get any better. My, my mind, my boy doesn't get any better. Um, one thing I did here, uh, was that count my ear was that the Pope was, uh, saying that priests don't have to be celibate anymore. Yeah. What is the, what is the word on that? Is that, um, I, I think the pope, this like, Pope is like some teenager that's been in a disguise. Like, you know, he's just, he's been, is he Steve Bashim with a skateboard and his hat backwards. Yeah. <laugh>. He just like walks in there and like rattles the religious community real quick and then like, shimmy away, like finger gunning it, you know, he is like, he's like, walks up to the mic and he is like, pop, pop, pop, pop. Speaker 1 00:02:50 Hey, um, being gay is a sin, but it's not against the law. Mike dropped and he's just like, shimmy's away, and you're like, what the fuck is <laugh>? Uh, like, and, and yeah. Now he's saying that, um, he wants to the, for priest not to be celibate anymore and that it's, yeah. The quote is, it says there is no contradiction for a priest to marry. Celibacy in the Western church is a temporary prescription. It is not eternal like priestly ordination, which is forever, whether you like it or not. Um, so he just saying like, damn, you can marry who you want. You're still stuck with Jesus forever. Yeah. <laugh>. Which, I mean, I think it's the right way. Look, looking at it from the angles, like to the Catholic church here, this is the, you know, the, the, you know, we all, hey, we all the Catholic churches, I say for you, capable of, and what they did <laugh> for years and years and years up until this very day. So I think this Pope is, is shooting from the hip because he is like, we gotta do something guys. Hey man, you got a bunch of DIDs on the roof over there. What the fuck are you gonna do? That's, that's a, that's a Natalie thing. <laugh> funny <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:59 Nah, I, no, I mean like, like the whole, the joke about nuns being super mean, it's like, if you're not it, we're humans. We're social creatures. Like, if you're not getting any, you're gonna get, you know, be a little peeved. Yeah. Gonna get pissed. So, I'm familiar with, uh, mean nuns. Yeah. I went to Sunday school, man, everybody had a fucking stick up their ass. <laugh>. Yeah. Or they didn't <laugh>. That's the problem. Yeah. <laugh>. Oh. But yeah, I mean, uh, between that, uh, I know that, uh, we had the LA Marathon, so I really don't know what to do. When we had the LA Marathon, it's kind of like Carmageddon out here. Like, just don't leave your house. It's, yeah. It's, there's like a giant line drawn in the city. It's like, oh, if you're above Hollywood Boulevard or below Hollywood Boulevard, it's like, well, I'll guess I'll see you Monday. Speaker 1 00:04:47 Yeah. Pretty much. It's like, you're not going anywhere. Nah, you're not going anywhere. And like, the fact that they're, I couldn't go to my farmer's market because the LA Marathon today, <laugh> really, really, like, that's a first world problem. I know what it is. I becher, I've avocado toast. Yeah. <laugh>. Very pissed about it. I need my garlic spreads, bro. God damn it. God damn it. I can't get my home bread is sitting there not being eaten. Oh. They just throw it away. <laugh>. Um, but yeah, it, it's kind of a pain in the ass. But, um, yeah, I mean, speaking of la uh, I know our teachers are gonna be going on, not our teacher, but it is an LA Unified school strike. Yeah. I was, uh, like, uh, big guy. Miles had speech therapy and he has, uh, big guy miles in speech therapy in the big kid's school. Speaker 1 00:05:31 Okay. Like, take out from daycare and get a big kid school one day a week. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, and our teacher was, uh, telling him that we may not be having class. You know, I might be doing it next week because we're going on strike. Uh, again, again, uh, not because of, uh, the teachers, but because of like the bus drivers and custodian and like the, you know, the back of the, as we'd say the back of the house crew. Yeah. <laugh>. It's like, not Boh <laugh>. Yeah. Like the, the school board is just not negotiating. Like, they just put their foot down and like the offers were proposed and they said no, like, we're not doing, like they said no like that. I believe. Uh, the teachers were like, well, fuck no. Like, these people make our lives run, so they're out of, you know, uh, was it when people belong together to the strike? Speaker 1 00:06:12 No. No. What's, you know, the strike what's like, and uh, show, show of a camaraderie. That's a good word. Show camaraderie. Yeah. Yeah. That everyone's gonna be like, yeah, we ain't gotta do this. Yeah. So that's one. It's crazy. Like the teachers do have this power. They can agree on something that if you shut down schools and parents are like, wait, I have, I gotta take care of these. Like, no, like, I got a job. I need eight hours of peace. Like, wait, what's happening? And now that, like, like parents know, like they lived it with Covid os like, I know what I'm looking at. And we don't, like, never again get these fucking kids outta here. Never again. Never again. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Oh my God. I can't imagine if I was like older, if I, if this was like 10 years in the future. Speaker 1 00:06:54 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I had a fucking 15 year old in my house moping around on Zoom, like all the time, just around, go play some video games, Scott <laugh>, <laugh>. Like, get the fuck outta here. Stop it. God. Oh man. Uh, yeah. But yeah, I would literally tell him like, get the controller under the camera. Look at the TV above the camera. <laugh> and shut up. Yeah. <laugh>, I'll do your homework for you. You just leave me alone. Just shut the hell up. Oh. Uh, but yeah, the, uh, the strike is, you know, I feel bad. I'm, I'm with the custodians. Anything I can do to help, I'm gonna hopefully look up some things of how I can support them. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and like if I, I love calling my, my council, me city council, my congressman. I've left some pretty nasty messages over the years. Speaker 1 00:07:39 It's like the, it's like the bare minimum. Yeah. That's the least I can do is call him, be like, Hey, o be here. Concerned citizen. I think you're fucking garbage <laugh>. I think you're a piece of shit. I think everything you're doing is incorrect. I think that we put you in a job to do something, you're not doing that job. Like if you wanna take a day out of not answering your phone and be a teacher for a day and then come back and say, this is cool, I'll stop calling and cussing you out. Bye. That is true. That is something we have an opportunity. As long as you don't threaten. Oh no. Yeah. But you, but you could call 'em shits and <laugh> freedom of speech. You call 'em idiots and you could say you're doing a terrible job. That is a really good outlet. Speaker 1 00:08:16 I think that night of Americans pursue. No, it's so good, man. A little cage rattling. Never hurt nobody. Yeah. I mean, I, uh, today I got in a little bit of an argument with a security guard who was defending police, Uhhuh <affirmative>. And just so everyone knows, my call time is 6:00 AM which means I'm there at like five 50. That means I woke up at four. Yeah. By like 4 30, 4 45. Um, there was traffic on the one 10 cuz of the goddamn la marathon <laugh>. And somebody flicked the car on Sunday. On a Sunday. But yeah, this security guard just like, you know, I don't want to not at 5:00 AM Don't cut to Todd and talk to me about, so he was like talking about how he, uh, you know, he was a, a, a guard and somebody was talking shit to him and he was telling the story. Speaker 1 00:09:05 And I'm like, I think there's more to this story because like, it sounds like you're escalating the problem and not deescalating cuz uh, you know, your job is a security guard is not to like, cause he is like, yeah, I have to hold him down. I punched him in the face and I'm like, he's like, well, I called. Were, what were you securing a hospital? <laugh>. So some so told me the whole story. Somebody who's clearly on drugs and having a mental episode, Uhhuh <affirmative>. He's like, yeah, we have to protect the property. That's why we're there. That's why the hospital pays us. I'm like, yeah, but you observing report. He's like, it could be way worse if I called the police. And I'm like, so, you know, it'd be worse if you called the police cuz you're acting like the cops right now. You just beat up a black dude, <laugh> at a hospital. Speaker 1 00:09:38 That's all I'm hearing. This is five 15 in the morning at five, fucking 15 in the morning, <laugh>. And I'm like, listen bro, like I, you have to understand who you're talking to. Um, he's like, well no, like you can't just go up to people and call, like call him a pig. And I'm like, uh, yeah, I can go up to a cop and call him a pig. Yeah. Yeah. And it's a ego of the cop and how they handle it. Cuz that cop has a choice to go Okay. And walk away because my words mean nothing to this person. Yeah. Or that cop can escalate it. And he was saying, well, like, you know, people need to have respect. And I'm like, no they don't. Like, that's what you're not understanding now. I'm like wondering like, I gotta call, I gotta call somebody cuz this guy cannot be secure. Speaker 1 00:10:14 I do not go at this guy here. Like, he sounds like a fucking problem. <laugh>. I, I mean, you know, through work, like we've had to deal with very security guards, um mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there's two kinds of security guards. Yeah. <laugh>. And neither of them make you feel secure. <laugh> maybe three kinds. The one kind is the, there's the old person that's just there because there's nothing else for them to do. Yes. The other two is the over militarized man. He's like, you don't need a gun. You're protecting a sound stage. Yeah. <laugh> in the belly. And then the other kind is just, is worthless. Just like, just a person that's just in the car, like a hot body, just like in the car, hot boxing it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's always smells like weed never awake. And somebody who smokes a lot of weed, it's just like, you could probably smoke a little less if you're securing property <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:11:02 So it's like, try and take your job a little bit. Yeah. Just try, let's try the occasional nunchucks. Oh yeah. And ninja just stars at the, at the back of the wall. <laugh>. I know the security guard you're talking about right now. And he's actually, depending on what day it is, he's one of those, he's one of 'em, he's one of those, he's a lethal weapon and, and a huge stoner <laugh>. Just a complete, just a warm body. Just a warm body. Oh man. Um, yeah, I remember I used to, Hey, God bless him though. Yeah. You know, bless their hearts. I remember looking at the old security tapes and seeing this dude walking in the parking lot with his nunchucks just like, w ba I'm like, he's obviously high as shit. <laugh>, but he's also using real fucking heavy ass. Yeah. Stainless steel nunchucks. Speaker 1 00:11:43 And I'm like, damn, this fool is no joke either. <laugh>, he's just like, those hurt. Yeah. <laugh>, he could hurt. Fucking kill somebody with those things. Oh man. But yeah. Anyway, uh, fun fact, fact that I bet you didn't know, uh, uh, I think is it this year, Blaine that, I think it's this, this year is the first year that vinyl has outsold CDs since 1987. 1987. Oh, wow. 87 too. Yeah. It's like that, uh, it makes sense. Like Yeah, it's 1.2 vinyl, 1.2 million vinyls, and I think it got a graphic up here against 483 million CDs. Wow. It's, uh, it's crazy. I mean, you know, I'm not like a, a cool guy or anything, but I've been listened to vinyl for a long time, <laugh>. So it's not really surprising. Like I've seen, I've seen how the records sections have changed in the shops and like, um, just, I mean, CDs just aren't a thing. Speaker 1 00:12:29 Like they just, you don't see them anymore. Once they took the CD player out of the car, there's no reason to have a CD player. Yeah. And like, you know, I, I understand like, especially like the generation above us who got rid of records. Like why Yeah. Why do you have them? Why are they back <laugh>? Yeah. I have all my moms like, yeah, I've been listening to records my entire life. It's the same thing. That's where it started. It's like, I got my parents records and like an old record player and like, I would make, I would make mixed tapes from their records <laugh>, so I can both lawn to it. Yeah. <laugh>. Uh, and then like in college, like I'd go to a mi button. Like I still have some of the stickers on my records. It's like four times as much now for some of the, some of the shit I got, like, give her five and four, four or five bucks just now like $30 records no matter what. Speaker 1 00:13:08 Yeah. I got the, I got the Purple Rain, uh, vinyl and I saw it at the last bookstore a few months ago and it was like six 60 bucks. 60 or 70 bucks. Oh yeah. And I was like, yeah, people have died too. That's, I got some records. People are still alive. Yeah. I was like, I'm like, wait a minute. Like my Bowies were still, he was alive. You know? So those all went up. I'm wondering how much I can sell some of my vinyls for that are like original prints. Yeah. They, you definitely, there's a market for sure. Yeah. There's a market. I gotta strike all the irons hot. Like now you check the little, uh, the engraving numbers when you tilt them, you know? Oh, that's, that's the real deal numbers. Okay. Fuck yeah. Look at that. I'm learning. I, uh, over the pandemic. Speaker 1 00:13:41 I, uh, I went through a vinyl like rabbit hole and got like the records I need. Like I need it. You need it. <laugh> like have my favorite, my favorite artist. Like, I completed play. I got like, all the Black Sabbath original prints and like let Shit Zeppelin and Talking Heads. Uh, you, you sure? You're not a cool guy. I mean, I'm coolish <laugh>. My, uh, cool adjacent. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm kind of cool. <laugh> Okay. <laugh>. At least when it comes to records, I guess <laugh>. Uh, but no, it really doesn't surprise me. Like it's, um, and the whole reason I, you know, we probably listen to record, you know, at least you know, five, if not every, you know, five nights a week, if not seven nights a week. Cuz at dinner we shut the TV off and at least do like one side, if not two sides of a record. Speaker 1 00:14:19 Okay. Um, just cuz like, they will just stare and not eat food. <laugh> Yeah. The TV's on. Uh, so yeah, it's something we do and it's like, uh, I don't know. I, that's why I like it. It's not, you don't, it's not random. It's not on shuffle. It's not, you don't skip tracks unless you're really, you know, it's something you really hate. Good. And you gotta get in there like a little surgeon and drop the needle. Yeah. <laugh>. It's like, God, the song fucking sucks. Like, it really, it really, you know, I'm, you really to wanna skip it. I'm trying, I'm in the mood for a new record player and I know that they have these ones now where it has like, substantial bass too on the, on the vinyls, which I'm like, I don't, don't know how they, that just, that seems like wizardry. Speaker 1 00:14:53 That's just, yeah. I'm not, I'm not that nerd. Like, I'm not a sound nerd. I'm a I'm a music nerd, you know, I gotta like, what I like, so, so the STT that sucks with my record player is that it makes this terrible beeping sound when it reaches the end. It's like <laugh>. And I'm just like, it's louder than all the music we'll ever play <laugh>. And I'm just like, yeah, man, I know how vinyl works. The music fucking stopped. I know it was over. That's all you composite. Yeah. Thanks for, for re you know, reinventing the wheel there, I guess. Yeah. It's very, very annoying. But I did see one for like $3,000 and I'm not gonna get that. Oh, no sir. Yeah, it has, it has amazing sound. It has like a little laser in the needle too. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it flips itself when it's done. Speaker 1 00:15:32 Yeah. That just seems re I mean, I mean, I guess that's nice, but like that it kind of takes the fun out of it. Like, I like walking back up to the record player and flipping it over and being like, be sad <laugh>. It makes me stop whenever I'm doing. Yeah. Yeah. <laugh> <laugh>. Yeah. Just, it keeps me on my toes. Um, but yeah. Uh, I'm a vinyl guy as well. I do like vinyls. Uh, I am bummed to see, like, when I see some of my CDs, like the, the only CD I have in my house right now mm-hmm. <affirmative> is Space Jam. Ooh. Do you dance? And it's, yeah. It's still in, it's still in the original CD case. <laugh>. It's Space Jam. It's just one of my favorite at that. So I had three of, uh, basketball Jones. Ooh. Baseball Jones. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:16:10 <laugh> Hit 'em. Huh? Hit em high. Hit em high. Hit em high. Uh, you're bugging with, uh, you're bugging with <laugh> Bugs Bunny. Bugs Bunny rapping. Yeah. I, I never owned that one, but Brock, my younger brother did. And I stole it frequently. Yeah. Fly like an eagle. I believe I can fly. Uh, everybody get up. It's time to slam now. That's a, you know, whatever. It's a fire soundtrack. Back, back in the day whenever the, like the theme song for the movie, like was the theme song, you know, like was the title of the movie repeatedly? Good. That's good. Shit. You knew it was gonna be good. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. It's just like, oh, song number one on this album's called Space Jam. I wonder what that's gonna be. <laugh> Hot Fucking Fire. Like you put that on Tomo Jam, you're just doing that like 1980s, like Sister Act Shoulder move. Speaker 1 00:16:56 You're just ready to go. Like it's over. Anyway. I could talk about Space Jam anyway, all day. You had that one single cd. Yeah, I had that. I had that one single cd, but I had that, I had Nelly because I was the first actual CD I ever bought for myself. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well done. Ah, shit. Well done. Well done. And then I had uh, sublime, I had a sub, uh, the first Sublime album. And then after that I got the Beastie Boys. But Yeah. Yeah. I didn't buy a lot of CDs cuz Right. When I was able to have my own money, that's when Limewire and Kaza came through. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So we're just burning shit. That's true. I mean, I, um, I did both, like, I, you know mm-hmm. <affirmative> shockingly had a bunch of records. I mean, not records. I had CDs growing up. Speaker 1 00:17:36 Uh, and then once I got a computer, like I downloaded, like squished them all on my computer. So every once in a while there'll be a rogue track that has like a, a random skip in it from like, so should I put there, you know, almost 20 years ago? Yeah. <laugh> like, oh yeah. That's something you, or like it has like, there's one like, you know, one album that like, has a track on it that has a click that I got from Kaza. Yeah. <laugh>. It's like halfway through. There's some weird digital click that I still fucking listen to. Cause it's still on my phone. <laugh>. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Man. Fucking a I I I jumped on the, uh, jumps on the Bad Wagon when it came to ripping off the music industry. Oh yeah. Like our, uh, shit was getting too expensive. CDs were getting too expensive. Speaker 1 00:18:14 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think, uh, Nelly's album was like $30 or some shit. Country grammar. Country grammar. When it first dropped, I think it was like 29 99 at Tower Records. And I was like, I can't afford this man. But I know I put all my money in. I got it. I didn't regret it for me. Yeah. I, but that's, I mean, country Grammar though. <laugh>, that was, that was another EI ride with me. Batter Up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Batter Up. Batter Up. Uh, what was that? Dear Mama? Oh, hey Ma. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, what, what was that song? Hey Ma, it's your son <laugh>. Yeah. That, uh, picked up the drugs, but I picked up the mic up, put the drugs down. <laugh>. Yeah. Like Dear Mama or some shit. Man, that song was Fire too Under was drinking in the back of someone's car listening to that record. Speaker 1 00:18:56 Fuck yeah, man. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and bad enough for me. Yes. Fire, fire Ass album. Fire Ass album. <laugh> Country Grammar. What, what year That came out in 2000 I think. I think it was year 2000. Yeah. Eighth grade. Uh, when that thing came out. But yeah. Hot shit. Mm. I'm going down, down Baby boom. Yeah. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Yeah. Like when that, when that shit would hit too, man. It was like your friends pulling up in their suburban with their four, four subwoofers in like, hey, they put on country grammar, we just want to hear the first two seconds. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Hot shit. Just, uh, rattling the rattling the windows. But yeah. Anyway. Yeah. Look, dude, fucking St Lunatics, country Grammar greed steal the show. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, uhoh Ride with me. Yeah. I'm a sucker for Cone Rules and Matter tools. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:19:51 Um, I think that's on vinyl. That's a good one to have on vinyl, right? Yep. How much is that on vinyl? I think I'm gonna, I think we're gonna get that on vinyl <laugh>. I think Country Grammar on Vinyl is, I think that's where we're gonna go. I think we're gonna get that one. Let's see how much it is and see if we can find one. Uh, a cd. Wanna see? Yeah. Yeah. Check it out. The country. Grammar on vinyl. Uh, what's that? Let's see. 30 bucks. It's 30 bucks. God damnit, <laugh>. God damn it. Okay. <laugh>. What the fuck? <laugh>. All right, all right. All fucking get free from you. The CDs. $53. Get the fuck outta, I mean, you get that used. I mean, that's a Oh my God. <laugh> that just upset me. <laugh>. <laugh>. That pissed me off. Yeah, that pissed me off real good. Speaker 1 00:20:39 But, uh, speaking of something being pissed off, I think I'm pissed off because Trump may be getting indicted on Tuesday. That's the whole thing. He truss it. He didn't tweet it. He TruD it, but it's one, I'll believe it when I see it. Like, I'm sick of playing this game. Oh, Trump's getting impeached. He's getting impeached again. Nah, the dude is fucking Kevlar man. Every time somebody, nothing sticks to this motherfucker. It's true. He's just gonna slide through life. So what we're gonna perp walk him out of Mar Lago, he's gonna get fingerprinted and he is gonna go back home and then we'll never speak up this day again. <laugh> <laugh>. I think that's, what am I wrong? Is that, I mean, like, that's just like one of a few, like, you know, he is got a couple, uh, couple pins in the roost right now. Speaker 1 00:21:16 Got a couple things brewing. They might just have to like, they might think it's gonna, they're just like, Hey, we'll knock 'em all out one day. Don like we'll get all three A with two, five and one election tampering, bro. Like he has, he is committed fraud. He's been money laundering for years. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, he has skipped out on multiple, uh, jobs where he is had to pay out people. Um, he's, I read an article, he's like taken a bunch of gifts as a president and like, he's like, I don't have to report that. It's like, that's a gift. Yeah. I'm sorry sir. That's not how this works. Yeah, dude, he's <laugh> he's the type of like, he's the type of motherfucker that steals the shampoo from the hotel. He's got Na Yeah, he's got like napkins folded up from all the fucking embassies. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:22:01 I remember when he had the documents and like everybody was like, Hey, he just wanted a cool keepsake. He just wanted a confidential binder, like 8, 8, 800 confidential binders. I'm like, bro, step off. So we'll see what's hap what's happening with that. I don't expect much. Um, but that whole family should be locked up. Bunch of criminals, but whatever. Um, but yes, uh, St. Patty's Day, we learned a lot about St. Patty's Day. We were talking about this before the show and looking about this and I think it really, like, it spurs a bigger issue. Uh, cuz we were both like, like there's like <laugh>. I'm sorry, that's my train of thought. No, no, it's okay. So basically like there's the, the, the accepted story of like St. Patrick drove the saints. Yeah. Not drove the saints or the snakes outta Ireland. Yeah. He drove the snakes outta Ireland. Speaker 1 00:22:47 Um, which we all know is not true. There's no snakes in Ireland. No snakes in Ireland. He could, but also that's because he could have driven all the snakes out. <laugh>. Yeah. <laugh>. We don't know. We don't know. I think we do know. I think the scientists just like, no, no. This is too fucking cold for like snakes to live here. Yeah. Uh, year round. Um, never gonna happen. But there's like viral videos of, uh, people say that like, he killed like indigenous, uh, black people there and that like, he was killing Druids and like, um, I dunno, he was like flicking people off the whole time. <laugh> like <laugh>. He's just walking down whole fingers up. He's telling me like, I'll eat my, eat my saintly shit. <laugh>. Um, he had a rainbow whip and he was like heartache. Like one of the things like, like he's not really a saint. Speaker 1 00:23:27 Like they were just calling him that affectionately and no pope has ever like granted him sainthood. Yeah. His actual name is Saint <laugh>. His name is Marvin Saint Patrick <laugh> DP May not be <laugh>, but but it's, it's like, that's the problem with information today, uh, is that there's no, like, how do you find out? And that's a, that's a shitty thing too, like you said, that's what sucks because somebody can hear an idea that's based with a nugget of truth and not real. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> fucking go on TikTok go viral. Cause you broke the internet saying that. Yeah. St. Patrick killed, uh, a bunch of black people. And those were the snakes, like hat's how we drove this. Those were the snakes. It was the, uh, uh, the snakes or were black people. That's how, and it's like, stop inventing slurs. I don't wanna be <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:24:17 I've already marginalized enough. Jesus. Fuck <laugh>. I got another one. But yeah, we, um, it looks like, uh, there's a little of nuggets to truth like Yes, he did, uh, spread Christianity and convert a lot of people and dedicated his time to it. That's what it does seem. Yeah. Uh, and like, it doesn't seem like he was violent about it. Um, doesn't seem, he wrote like a book about like his, it's called like my confession or whatever. Uh, I actually didn't get to the part about what he was confessing. I stuck that part. I, uh, spoil alert, probably touching boys <laugh>. Um, anyway, little ones he didn't know he can get married. It wasn't year a thousand years later that somebody came out said he could get married. But Yeah. Um, St. Patrick is, uh, they, the fact that he was, uh, he went there to convert. Speaker 1 00:25:01 Like it was, he was ordered to go convert Catholic, like spread Christianity, like on that, on its face. That's a, that's fucking annoying. The effect, the fact that people, and like, it was just the way humans are. We still that now, like living their little animal sacrificing happy lives. Yeah. We go over to somebody and say, we know more than you. We want you to do it our way. Where are you from? Not here, but I'm gonna tell you what to do. And it's like, I mean, that's honest face is shit shitty. And that's, that's the thing is like, we know that's the way of the world. We know that people, uh, have been subjugated and, uh, shoved religion down their throats are forced, uh, forced, uh, religious thoughts throughout history. Like, but I think like this case is like somewhere in the middle. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:25:41 I don't think he was like a horrible monster. Uh, but he also like was, you know, yeah. He definitely was like converted a bunch of druids who maybe may or may not wanted to be, uh, converted. Yeah. Like it could, he could have been a terrible person. He could have been a great person. Like, he could have been really nice, but super fucking brutal and bloody blood thirsty. Or he could be very peaceful, but kind of an asshole, like kind of a prick, you know? Mm-hmm. Like, he would take a, he would take a shit in front of camp instead of behind camp. Like, you know, stupidest things like that. Like, he wasn't considered, we don't know. We don't know. We don't know. I do know that in human history, if there were black people there, white people came, fuck them up and took it. Speaker 1 00:26:19 That's just how it's gone. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, there was too many of us in Africa, so they just took our shit. They left us there. They just took our shit. But every like, every single story is about white people coming somewhere and taking land from the indigenous people because they think they know better. And I found it very funny when talking about what white people do and what white people do wrong. And there's a lot of white people that get like instantly triggered or offended or, and I'm like, I'm not talking about you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you were born 20 years ago <laugh>. Yeah. You should not have seen what I was doing before this podcast. Yes. <laugh>. <laugh>. I was colonizing the fuck outta this place. <laugh>. No, it's true. Like, I was just running through my head. Not like, just like it's, I mean, but yeah, think about it. Speaker 1 00:27:05 Like, yeah. I'm trying to think of one good thing. Like, we're like, you know, the, you know, and hey, we could say it. Hey, we could say it on this podcast. It's mostly the British, like, we know that America's hey, we all know that, you know, we all know bad how we, we, we had it, we did it, but the British showed up a lot of fucking places. Like, Hey, I like those tea leaves, or Hey, I want that. Yeah. And we're just byproducts of the, they started cutting off fucking hands. We're we're byproducts of Belgian. We're, we're byproducts of the British. And it's very, very funny to look at where we are now that our country was started because we wanted our religious freedom from Brit. And so we came here and now we have a government trying to push Christianity on its people. Speaker 1 00:27:41 Like, this is why we gotta do, we gotta we gotta read our history books, man. Like, this is why we gotta understand where we're come from. And that's why a lot of people don't want you to anymore. Yeah. <laugh>, that's why they're telling you the phrase woke is a bad word. Yeah. They don't even know what the fuck it means. It's harder to define. Hard to define. Oh yeah. That's what happens. They read a whole fucking book about it is another thing that white people stole from black people and made it terrible. It's true. That's just what happens. It was a compliment before the, before the, uh, the plague. Before the pandemic <laugh>. Yeah. Before the pandemic. You just gotta stay woke. That was it. And now people are shitting all over things. But, um, I do want to, I do wanted to, uh, talk to you about our main subject today when, uh, body positivity mm-hmm. <affirmative> and what that means to you. Um, how we're going to, I guess, instill these ideas that we have about po bo uh, body positivity to our children. And when it actually goes too far, like when do we say, yo bro, take a lap. <laugh>, take a lap, eat a banana. All right. But yeah, we'll be right back with or papa on, don't preach. So me and Bennett can get right into this. Speaker 1 00:29:10 Hey, we're back ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for sticking around. So, um, today we're talking about body positivity and if you haven't heard it, my man, Ben, it's gonna break it down for you right now, what we're gonna be getting into. Yeah. It's, um, this is the old definition from Wikipedia. Body positivity is a social movement focused on the acceptance of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender and physical abilities, all challenging present day beauty standards as an undesirable social construct. Proponents focus on the appreciation of the functionality and the health of the human body instead of it's a physiological appearance. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it basically means if it, if it's working, you know, just let it work. The fuck why. Yeah. What's the matter to you? Yeah. You know, I, it's great. You see how like movements like this, which potential to do good, how people interpret it in their own ways and run like crazy with it. Speaker 1 00:30:00 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like having somebody who's morbidly obese that's putting their life in danger. There's nothing beautiful about that. Yeah. And it's the same other way when somebody's extremely dieting and is skinny as fuck, where you could see their bones and they're just like eating, uh, a leaf a day. Yeah. And they're hel they're not healthy. Like, it's not cool. It's not cool at all. I, I, um, I don't know. I think it's like one of those things that like, it's, uh, women, it's a topic. They talk, you know, women, women, women, <laugh>, you know them. Uh, but no, it's Dame Gashes. I'm sorry, forgot about that one. Yeah, sorry. <laugh>. It's a subject that women, uh, are, are, uh, often, um, like put upon. It's like, well, what do you think about this? But I don't think it's something that men, uh, deal with too. Speaker 1 00:30:45 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like that. Um, like, you know, like I, we were talking before that, like, my whole life, like I, uh, always thought like I was fat. Like even when I was like doing like two a day football, like <laugh> like, you know, lifting weights fuck over two a days and I wa I was always a large dude and like, you know, but I wasn't, I was in shape. Like, but I always thought I was fat no matter what. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> because that's what everyone Yeah, that's what I thought. Like yeah, that's what I, you know, but like, it's just, it's a hard, I don't know, it's, I know there's a line to draw between like, oh, like, oh, this person is, is so giant and obese. Like obviously that's a bo body positivity needs to draw a line. But like, it's also like people are like stuck in, it's really hard to get stuck in your head sometimes and like break that, that what you think you look like versus opposed to like what you actually look like. Speaker 1 00:31:35 Yeah. Like your self-image and your body image are like your self-image and like your body image and like how you feel about they shouldn't be tied into each other, but they are. And it kind of sucks that, you know, kids who wear most of the brunt of this at a young age and have to deal with it until like, you know, they're not around a bunch of other mean kids. <laugh>. Yeah. Um, but they're being told that like, you know, oh, you're fat. Like, I, like I'm considerably smaller than you are. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I was an athlete. I was in shape my entire life. Like, I played three sports. I was never not playing a sport, but compared to my brother and my sister who were just like physically cut and jacked mm-hmm. <affirmative> and the fact that my nickname was the garbage disposal. Speaker 1 00:32:18 Cause I ate everything in sight. <laugh>, which is also a mean thing to say to a kid. <laugh> <laugh>. But they, like, they would call me fat. I was like, oh, hey fat boy. Hey obs Fat's the fat one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I would like to say that I would never do that. But my brother has got, uh, been working a lot. So he is put on some weight and I've been ripping into him <laugh>. Well you need to buy some bigger shirts, bro. <laugh> guess Jim Bree doesn't come in that size. And he like, so it's not like I know I, it's if the hand, I would always say like, I would never do that. But then I remember as I was saying it, oh, I did do that. Yeah. Like once the, once the shoe was on the other foot, I kicked him with it. Speaker 1 00:32:53 <laugh>. Like it was not chill. But, um, you know, when, uh, like when we have our children, like I remember what I had to like, what it was like for us mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cuz sometimes, you know, exercise was like a punishment. It wasn't something that we felt good about doing. It was like, I'm doing this to look better, not to feel better. It was never kind of given to us as a way to feel better, but it was only about a way to look better. And, you know, we were talking about this earlier, like, if 10 like 10 years old, you notice your kid starts getting chubby, are you gonna have a talk with that kid or just change their diet and not kind of deal with it in the background? Because somebody's gonna tell that kid he's chubby <laugh>. Like, somebody's going to tell that kid he's chubby and it sucks that a 10 year old have to deal with that. Speaker 1 00:33:43 But Yeah. You know, like how, how would you handle something like that? Like how would you think you would handle it? Yeah. Um, I mean like we are in control of their diets like for like, for a very long time. Like, it's up to us to do what we do. They ain't got jobs. It's uh, it ain't got jobs. We gotta feed them. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> feed them kids, <laugh>. Um, so I was gonna say, fuck them kids. Yeah. Fuck them kids. Feed them kids. No, we gotta feed them kids. Uh, nat and night. It's like one of those important issues for us that like, they need to be active, like, doing something. Cause it's, uh, I don't know. The more I think about it's like we, it's hard. It is hard. Like, cuz it's like, it's very hard. Like sports was something I was made to do. Speaker 1 00:34:26 Like it wasn't something I wanted to do. It was like something that I was made to do. Yeah. I mean, you mentioned that nobody really made fun of you and I kind of laughed because I'm like, yeah bro, you're, you're big <laugh> who's gonna walk up to you and be like, Hey, you're overweight and get thrown through a building. Like no one's gonna fuck with you. But yeah. I, I completely understand what you're saying. Like, your kids, they might, you don't know. Yeah. They might like hit a growth spur. You're like, okay, this kid is gonna play basketball or this, well, like, they, they definitely like, have like athletic tendencies and I think they, I'd like to see what they want to try be interested in, uh, in that. Like, she, like she did, was dancing like she, uh, you know, dance role, uh, high school career and in college and then she taught dance post-college. Speaker 1 00:35:08 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, so that's something like that she wanted to do. Like, I don't want to like make my kids do, you know, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's such a fine line man. Cause it's like, I don't want her to be like, I don't wanna be a quitter. Like you're not gonna be a quitter. Yeah. But like, if you don't like it, like let's fucking do something else, man. Like <laugh>, I want you to, I don't want you wasting your time doing so not wasting your time, but like, you hate doing soccer. Like, let's not do it. But like right now we're doing swim class with miles once a week and he fucking loves it. Nice. Like, loves it, loves it like the heart. The biggest problem he has so far is that he keeps his, you know, he just smiling the whole time and keeps getting watered his mouth. Speaker 1 00:35:39 He's just like, yeah, exactly. You're just like, dude, you got dick. Dude, your kid has such an infectious smile too. Like he Yeah. He just lights up the room every time I see him. Like, ah, yeah. Every get that kid an agent, we're gonna Yeah. <laugh> make some money off this motherfucker. Get get your ass to Harvard kid. <laugh>. No, I, I I totally get it. My kid, uh, we put him in gym class and gymnastics and we thought he'd be great little ninjas. That's what his class was called. <laugh>. And then he was just over it and I was like, how long do I push him to be in this? And then eventually I was like, it ain't worth the wallet. Yeah. It ain't worth the money to put my kid through something he does not like. Yeah. Yeah. Like he, he's like, oh, I hate this. Speaker 1 00:36:17 But every time he touched the mat though, he was running around and like loving it, jumping in the ball pits and like the foam pits and uh, jumping on the trampolines. It was just getting him out of the car. And I guess we were, both of us were just over it. Yeah. At that point, like driving across town, he's over it. I'm, he's been telling me he is over it for weeks. I'm over this fucking drive. I literally walked in there, I'm, uh, like dragging him and I'm like, he doesn't wanna be in his class anymore. Yeah. He's like, here, take him. Yeah. So I just got him. I just got him some apple juice from the little thing and left. But it, I mean it's, it's, it's, you know, it is tough because they pick up on our vibe totally. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, you know, if I'm, if I'm mad and I correct miles, like it's, it's, it's much worse than if I'm in a good mood and I correct miles, you know? Speaker 1 00:37:00 Yes. <laugh>. So it's, you're uh, it's tough cuz it's like Yeah. It's a balancing act. Like I want you to be interested in this, but I also don't want to waste my fucking time. Like Yeah. <laugh> and they only these 24 hours to go by fast kid. Yeah. <laugh>, like you said, we need like a few more hours in a day. Yeah. We need a few more hours in a day. So like, my thing is first the what we feed our kids. That's the most important part. Eating, uh, stress, like eating healthier or just eating right is the number one way to make sure your kid is healthy. Yeah. Whether they end up bigger or smaller, doesn't matter as long as you're eating correctly. That's, that's, that's the most of the balance. It's like 80% of it. It's like 80% of it. I know that sugar is almost in everything now mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:37:49 <affirmative> and it's almost really hard to avoid. So staying away from processed foods is another big one. And it's just everywhere. Yeah. And it's really, really hard to cook every single day and get natural foods. And like now people are like, oh yeah, we're gonna put natural in this and it's just fucking sugar. It's just corn syrup and fucking salt. No, I was, uh, I mean, yeah, the, uh, the FDA is a whole other thing. It's like, it's really hard to like when the, when like the vaccine was happening, it's like, it's really hard to support an organization that like I know you guys do some fucked up shit all the time. <laugh>, uh, one of the ones including was like, I was making chicken the other night and I had like frozen chicken breasts and it was like natural an no antibiotics, no whatever. Speaker 1 00:38:27 And then the asterisks about it, I was like, huh, wonder that asterisk is, and it's like the asterisk says like, there's no antibiotics are lining on any chicken in the us. It's like, oh, you're just advertising something that all fuck the chicken has. Yeah. <laugh> <laugh>. Oh, awesome. Thanks. Yeah. Maybe it's like, it looks like it's better than it is, dude. Like I remember this scam that McDonald's pulled off in the nineties. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I don't know if you remember these commercial like new hundred percent beef pat's new hundred percent. The company, the name of the company that made the meat was called a hundred percent beef <laugh>. So they like the meat was never a hundred percent beef. No. And like McDonald's was just like, it's like the teron the tech, uh, the Teron scam for Chevron. Like Chevron with Teron. Yeah. Yeah. Like they just say some shit <laugh> and nobody checks 'em. Speaker 1 00:39:10 That's like some 1950s advertising shit. Yeah. It's fucking the old, uh, a scammer that's of cigarettes. Yeah. Yeah. <laugh> <laugh>. I'm a doctor. These cigarettes are great. This is magnificent man. Uh, so yeah, I think I would say that, uh, right, the average American eats 57 pounds of sugar a year. It's right in front of us right now. That sounds like may for me. Yeah. That's the average American. That might be a lot. Cuz you know, the, that Midwestern motherfuckers put sugar and butter in everything. I'm a, I'm a sugar monster. Like I've, I've said it before, like, that's Matt is my biggest addiction is dude brown sugar. That's how I, that's how I season my meat through a little brown sugar in that shit. Put it in the fridge. People like, what's your secret ingredient? I'm like, love. Yeah. And brown sugar. And brown sugar <laugh>. That's my nickname Nick. That's what they called me. Little brown sugar <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:39:57 Your name's just sugar, I'm sorry. <laugh> bleach Sugar from the Ohio State <laugh>. Oh, <laugh>. Thank you for that. Thank you for that. Thank you for that. Uh, but yeah, yeah, eating correctly and making sure they stay active is definitely very, very important. The active part is great. Getting your heart rate up for at least an hour, uh, in a day is great. Finding time to do that. My kid loves working out and stretching, which is awesome. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm gonna be using that for my advantage. Um, but another thing is the idea that the body positive movement is being hijacked, where people who don't take care of themselves are like, yeah, see, I'm fine. I'm like, no, no, you can, you can swap out that meatball sub for a salad <laugh>. Like, I'm just, nobody's saying that you have to eat salads every day, but maybe just don't eat three meatball subs a day. Speaker 1 00:40:54 I, um, I'm gonna defer to my, uh, and this is like the most <laugh> All right. And that's the end of the podcast. Everybody. I love when, I love when Bennett does this <laugh> well just like the pre cancelling <laugh> <laugh>. Ultimately it's the same thing with like, like drag drag queens reading books to kids or like kids, you know, saying that they're kid, you know, their kid is born or kid, they're born and born a kid and he wants to be a man. Yeah. He's born, born of born a female wants to be male. It's what, it all falls under the same window as me. It doesn't affect me. I don't give a fuck. Yes. Like, it's like if you wanna be boss Bo, you know, if you're like, I, hey, I'm living large and I'm in charge and I'm healthy and living, life's like, okay, that's fine with me. Speaker 1 00:41:34 Like, I, I'm not a doctor. I'm not your doctor especially. So if you wanna do that, like, I don't think, oh, you live with a, you're sending a bad message. People are sending bad messages all the fucking time. Yeah. And being happy with your body is a bad message. Yeah. Being happy with your body and, and being like unhealthy I think is a, a message, a bad message I can be okay with. Yeah. I mean, like, I I would say like, if there's a point where your health is effective, obviously do something about it. But there is space for larger people, like all shapes and sizes, colors and skins to be depicted in the media. So when you are a little bit tubby and you just got the shortt stick of the genetic lado <laugh>, yeah. Like, you just, you know, you didn't, it's just you're a big boney kid and you might thin out as you get older, who knows, you might struggle with your weight your entire life. Speaker 1 00:42:21 But being able to see someone living life, enjoying life and knowing that you can live life and enjoy life, uh, because it's depicted. That's great. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's not, yeah. It's not happening now, but that's great that that's out there and like, we're understanding that that's where we need to go. This, um, I mean like all things in my life, it all go back to professional wrestling. <laugh>, uh, my favorite wrestler as a kid and to this day is Mick Foley. Mankind. Like, he was the dude that, like, he looked like a dad who ran, who got off the bleachers and like decided to wrestle, fucking catch jack up against the rock and up against fucking man, you know, like up against stone cold, like these fucking cut from stone people. Yeah. And there's Mick Foley doing his thing. Um, the guy was shaped like an egg. Speaker 1 00:43:03 Yeah. He looked like an egg with like the flat as butt in the, in the business as he said. Yeah. <laugh> take up bumps. But like, you know, he was doing it and he was like, not, not a in-shape looking guy mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But he would fucking do half an hour, uh, kick an ass and running around. And like lots of, lots of athletes look like, you know, like your world's strongest man type dudes. It's like those dudes, like, they sure as fucking athlete in my eyes. Like Yeah. <laugh>. And it's, and you bring up a great point because like if somebody was bigger, that was their shtick in wrestling was being the big one. Like, you know, the Yoko Zs or the Rahi or the, the invaders, like the big massive dudes that was their thing. But if they weren't, they were these super cut and Speedo, 26 inch pythons, like chiseled from stone mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:43:48 <affirmative>. And then you had mankind. Yeah. Yeah. Then you had mankind that just fit in there. And it was nice that I, I never really thought about that way. And that's a great point, uh, because, you know, there's normal looking people in the world and I like the idea of body positivity and being okay with how your body looks and not being forced to like diet, uh, extreme, which is all like, we'll get into that. There's a whole nother scam. But, you know, like people, you know, like, I think, you know, being an athlete, I remember seeing other kids, uh, and this thing is like, they're fucking kids like mm-hmm. <affirmative> wearing, uh, garbage bags to, to make weight for, uh, certain sports and shit like that. How was that? How was that kid doing supplements? So whatever. Crazy bullshit. Like, like 14, 15, 16 year old kids. Speaker 1 00:44:33 Like, just for something you're gonna play for a couple of years. Like, dude. Yeah. I was putting, I was putting creatine in my protein shakes when I was so Yeah. When I was 15. Like, that's not okay. No. Yeah. Like all pressure to like, to be better and to be more and to be, you know, to have a certain look and a certain whate, you know. Yeah. A certain one. It is. And certain people, you know, like maybe I could have a six pack if like I dehydrated myself and like did nothing but like body type didn't no chance I'd have a six pack. Just like, it's just a body types. Just certain body types just ain't gonna happen. It's not gonna happen. Yeah. I, uh, a funny story that I have is, I remember when I was, I think I was 14 All right. Speaker 1 00:45:11 I was a freshman in, I was a freshman in high school and I was on the freshman football team that summer. Uh, you know, I was eating like dinner for every meal. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I was working out every single day and I ended my summer at a hundred fifty five, a hundred fifty six pounds. And then I came into the football season at like 210 pounds. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, you know, my head was bigger, my shoulders were bigger. And one of my coaches pulled me aside and was like, Hey, we know you're juicing, like we're gonna take, get your parents involved. We'll let you know right now that it's not okay. <laugh>. And I'm like, juicing, like, what the fuck are you talking about? Steroids? I'm like, steroids, bro. I think I got steroids, money. I, I faked to sick so I didn't get my la like my vaccines are forged cuz I don't like needles. Speaker 1 00:45:57 Like I am not, I'm not taken steroids. And he is like, are you serious? I'm like, no man. Like, he's like, what? He is like, you just, you're so much bigger and like three months. I'm like, yeah man, I'm African, I just hit puberty. My mom feeds me a full cow <laugh> a week. <laugh> like all four legs up on the table. <laugh>, <laugh>. I was just, it was just, yeah. So body types are different. And when these guys are kids, they're going to change. They're going to change. Like you've seen people that were like super slim in school and then got bigger now. Or like the people that were like chubby or fat that are just like killing it now. Like your body will change. And, you know, I, I, once I was seeing like this argument about body positivity, I was like, holy shit, how am I gonna address this with my kid? Speaker 1 00:46:43 Because I know that he's gonna, he's got half my jeans and he's going to be like, he's gonna get thick outta nowhere. Yeah. It's just gonna happen. <laugh>. It's gonna happen. Like, I don't know. He's, you know, he's half white so his ass might disappear or might get bigger. I don't know. I have no ideas. Full ass reduction. Just a full ass rejection. <laugh>. That's like, it's one of the things like having, uh, you know, like two adoptive kids. Uh, that's one of the things that I, you know, I don't want to impress my, uh, feelings about my body and like, the way I feel about myself growing up on them at all. Like, and I don't have to. It's like, you know, it's one of those things that, um, like seeing them, uh, be themselves. Like, I don't have to look at them and be like, oh look, there's a little Fat Bennett <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:47:26 It's just like, it's like a nice, yeah. It's like one of those weird fucking things I don't have to worry about. I don't have, talk to my therapist about, you know. Yeah. New fear unlocked. Let's talk to you about it. Yeah. New, new Fear unlocked. Thank you for the amount <laugh> for that. There you go. Now when I look at Little Obie, who's scared of the dark, he'll be like, oh God. <laugh> keeping all the lights on. Like, I feel you, bro. There's monsters behind every corner. <laugh> now. But yeah, I'm, I, the biggest thing is I want them to feel good about themselves. Um, and I don't want to have a, I don't wanna contribute to them feeling bad about themselves, which I think is the, one of the big positives about the body positivity movement is letting them know that they look great as long as they feel great and they're living life in a healthy manner. Speaker 1 00:48:06 Yeah. That they're gr they're gravy. Doesn't matter if their, they think their head is big or their shoulders aren't big, or they have a pot belly and they don't have a six pack, or they're not tall enough, or their skin doesn't match or like it, the list goes on. Yeah. It just, like, it goes on. And like, a lot of those things that really bugged me as a kid. Like, no, like, you know, I don't think Na has ever noticed half the shit, you know, none of the shit that bugged me that I thought was like, well, someone's gonna see my elbows like, yeah. <laugh>. So it's like, like people don't give a shit like, about that when you get Oh, oh, yeah. Um, I would tell you. Right. Like, are you cool with talking about one of your bi before we go away? Are you cool with talking about one of your biggest insecurities? Uh, no. <laugh>. <laugh>. All right. So what we're gonna do is when we come back, I think we're gonna, we're gonna come back. Uh, we're gonna take a quick break and I wanna see we're both gonna give one of our biggest insecurities when we were kids. All right. All right. All right. Sweet. We're gonna be back with more Papa. Preach. Got exposed, Bennett. Speaker 1 00:49:22 And we're back. All right. Ladies and gentlemen, right before we end this pod, we promise that we're gonna go over some of our, uh, in the theme of our episode, go over some of our insecurities that we had as teenagers, some that may linger on today. Would you like to go first, or you want me to go first? Yeah. While I run a break. We actually switched it over to the terabyte drive, so we make sure you have room to, uh, fit it all into one episode. Yeah. <laugh> all of your insecurities. Yeah. It's gonna be a one. Oof. It's like the cartoon or the list just keeps rolling up. Yeah. <laugh>. Uh, no, I mean, it's like all the same shit. It's like my weight, uh, has always been, you know, insecurity and like, like I've said, like, I don't remember being made fun of, of my weight, but it's always something I have been self-conscious of. Speaker 1 00:50:02 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, how, like, my size, even though I'm not the tallest guy, you know, I'm not the whitest guy, but, uh, like, I remember my dad cause I got in trouble at some point, like talking to the library, my dad was like, you're always gonna get in trouble first cuz you're taller than everyone and you're louder than everyone. So, it's so funny because you such a soft spoken guy though. Oh, I wonder why <laugh> <laugh>, uh, so yeah, like airplanes. Uh, one of my, and like Natalie knows this and she's gotten a lot better about it. I can't stand a fucking photo booth when everyone's like, Ooh, it's a photo booth. How fun. It's like, oh, a show. A a a chance to, for me not to fit or to show how gigantic my fucking head is compared to normal people's heads. <laugh>. So add my head the size of my head to the list of insecurities. Speaker 1 00:50:47 Good. <laugh>. Um, no, it's, it's stuff that like you just work on. Like, you realize that either people are accept you for who you are and what you are. And everyone has like, all the good people have, like mm-hmm. <affirmative> a mean shit. Like, don't give don't care about the size of my head. <laugh>, I hope not. Ob I can, I'm just looking at him like, damn, he has a big head. I'd never noticed it. <laugh>. I, uh, I had an art teacher who still I follow on Instagram. She's fucking great actually. I never had, she wasn't my art teacher, she was just all my friends had her for art teacher. I'd just bum, I hop in <laugh>. But she said, I had a movie star head. She's like, well, all the big a all the actors have big heads. Oh shit. <laugh>. That's funny. Speaker 1 00:51:23 I was like, it was like a fun co a weird compliment. Movies a fucking, she's the best. See, it's like little things like that. And I can change your whole perspective on things. Yeah. Like, you still remember this one. That's great. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's great. Um, I, I had, uh, I had some weird ones. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I'll go over my top three, um, from least to worst <laugh>. Uh, the least one that I was really, it happened to me one day and I didn't realize it, but I'm flatfooted. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I didn't know that people weren't flatfooted growing up. And, uh, we go to the little pool, like the, the swimming set, the swim center. And I remember getting outta the pool and this girl's just like, your footprints are weird. And I'm looking at everybody else and they have like these things that look like footprints, uhhuh. Speaker 1 00:52:08 Like when you see footprints in the sand or like in a cartoon, they look like footprints. But mine was just this flat slab and it looked like I was just, somebody was wetting some bricks and following me and I never noticed it. And I was like, oh, shit. So then I would sh we looked at the bottom of my feet, they're like, whoa, you don't have an arch, da da da da da. And I, that's how I found out I was flatfooted. Yeah. And I got really self-conscious mock Jesus. I got self-conscious about it and I was like, oh, this fucking sucks. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, another one is, uh, another physical trait is my, uh, because I was a little bit chubbier, I realized how fat my face looks when I don't have a beard. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Hey, I think you can relate. You can relate mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:52:50 <affirmative>. Um, but yeah, I remember, uh, when I was working on, uh, a show that you, that you've worked on, um, I lost a bet with my production manager and I had to, oh no. I had to shave and I was just gonna shave like downs the ot. I was like, Hey, you can shave it down cause I know you wanna lose it. So I tried to do it myself and one side came off mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I was like, oh shit. Like I gotta, I gotta shave this all off and I don't grow facial hair very quickly. So it was like three months. Yeah. I was going around looking like a fucking fat baby. And it was the, and I was like, you know, I was 30 at the time. I think I was like 29 or 30. Like I was an adult. I had a fucking kid on the way <laugh>, but I was still very self-conscious of how my face looked. Speaker 1 00:53:36 And I was like, man, I had to wake up in the morning. I'd be like, oh yeah, I'm a monster. Just touching my face. Oh, that's right. I'm hideous. Uh, and my last one, which was weird, which is, uh, I'm allergic to nickel, like the metal mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which most gene buttons are made out of. And I didn't realize it. Huh. And so I'd get this rash like right under my belly button mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I'd scratch it and a bubba blah and just left this big scar. And I've always had it so like, it's just like this big black scar. And I was, I was like, oh shit. Like, it looked worse and worse. And some days in the summer get really bad cause I'm sweating on it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And you know, like, it's funny cuz you know, uh, I know that some of the girls I've dated be like, yo, why is like, they'd look at my pants and I'd have like a piece of tape over it or I'll button over it or some shit. Speaker 1 00:54:19 Yeah. Yeah. And I would be like, oh, I'll explain to them what's going on. And sometimes when I wear belts it just, it makes me break out. And I got really like, uh, my, I remember it was my own family would call me reptile. They said, they would say like, I had reptile skin and they'd call me reptile. And I was like, cool, that hurts <laugh>, right? Yeah. I was like, cool. The fat reptile <laugh>, the fat reptilian garbage disposal. That's the household I grew up in <laugh>. But the, uh, you know, thank you for them. I've learned how to roast people very well at a young age. So like you say one thing to me and it's yo mama, this yo mama that you face this your daddy this. I think that's why, uh, like you're like your larger chubbier guys and also like gay guys are some of the funniest people, you know? Speaker 1 00:55:04 Cause Oh yeah. Defenses are up like this at all times. Oh yeah. When you get ridiculed, uh, you learn how to use your words to fight back mm-hmm. <affirmative> and you're ready to fire on all cylinders. Just like someone be like, good morning. I'm like, oh, what are those <laugh> like what? Oh, I'm sorry man. <laugh> put these six shooters away. Yeah. Sorry. My bad. Human interaction back. Yeah. Um, but hey, before we leave, um, thank you for sharing. I, um, I know last week I, uh, made fun of the trailer of the whale. Yeah. Yeah. And I was not allowed to watch it with Shannon <laugh>, so I had to watch it by myself. She watched it mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And she gave her a nice little eye roll and said, let me know what you think after didn't give me any spoilers. So I watched the whale and I do think Brendan Frazier did a great job of I, in my lifetime, I have never seen anyone not be funny in a fat suit. Speaker 1 00:55:56 <laugh> and Brendan Frazier made it not funny. Yeah. Now he made it believable. He made it believable. But yeah, I mean, Darin, our, uh, AOVs Darren. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So he's really good at kind of putting you in that person's position and like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, it, it deals with alcoholism and, uh, death and religion and all. There's all this stuff, things that tie into it where you're thinking. But I mean, the movie was very dark and it just wasn't good. Oh, really? It, I don't like this. It just seemed like it was trying really hard and like, I guess I just could not relate to this fucking character. Yeah. Is it Oscar bait? Like that kind of thing? It is. It's like, oh, I see what, yeah, it's just Oscar bait because like, what they don't tell you in the trailer is that this is basically one week. Speaker 1 00:56:48 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and I'm not gonna tell you the end, but it's one of the dumbest fucking endings of all time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, are you gonna see it? Well, is it, is it like I saw like the poster. So is it like his da his daughter's like, it's like all the rocks are there and his daughter's like holding her hand up and then spoiler, the whale like jumps up over, uh, her daughter. Yeah. Michael Jackson singing as Yeah. Exactly. As he's like <laugh>. So Brenda Fraser is escaping. Um, it may be another whale of moving. I'm getting, I think you're mixing up your whale movies. <laugh>. Fair enough. Uh, this one is about, uh, this actually is about Brendan Fraser at SeaWorld and, uh, uh, dragging a trainer down into the wall. <laugh>, yes. No. Okay. So spoiler for everyone, if you, um, you know, if you don't want to get the movie spoiled for you, I suggest you tune out here. Speaker 1 00:57:38 Thank you for so much. I can subscribe to us. Move on. Like, as the rest of this is going to be a spoiler. Big shout out to our producer Blaine. Pierre. Thank you very much. Bennett DNA does our music. Aaron Mo out does our music. This is papa. Don't preach. I'm warning you. Spoiler alert. Moving on. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So in this movie, uh, there's a bit, there's a big scene where his bitch of a daughter, that's the only way to describe her. It's a stranger things girl. Right. It's the stranger things girl who's I guess her character's just being a bitch. Cuz she was the stranger kid. She running up the hills girl. Yeah. She was the same person in this movie. Just meaner, <laugh> <laugh>. You know, she walks in there, he hasn't seen her in since she was eight. So like eight years. Speaker 1 00:58:19 She's like 15 or 16. Um, you know, he walked out on his family cuz he fell in love with somebody. Mek. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he, the man died and he let his weight get outta control. He just didn't know how to cope with it. So his daughter, he's like, doesn't want her to leave when he first meet. Like, don't leave. He's like, can you walk, walk here to me right now and I'll stay. And he's just like, trying to get up and he's like making all the grunts, which you can't do seriously. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> table falls over, he starts coughing. Daughter leaves. Yeah. Yeah. So at the end of the movie, um, you know, he, he offers his daughter some money to he to stick with him. Um, cuz he wants to get to know her. He is like, I'll give you all my money in my savings. Speaker 1 00:59:00 I don't go anywhere. I just work. I just, I don't do anything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so, uh, he asks, she's like, if you write this essay for me, because apparently she's a gifted writer and he's a English teacher, that's a creative writer. And the only way he can calm down when he is having a stress attack or a panic attack is here either reading some his students writing are being somebody reading something to him. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So his daughter's like, Hey, uh, you need to go to the hospital. I don't want you to die. And he's like, I'm not going, this is it for me. Like, blah, blah, blah. And he starts panting. He's like, just read me, just read me your essay. So she starts reading it and he's looking at her and he's looking the worst. He's looked in this movie Uhhuh <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:59:46 And so he tries to get up to walk over to her. And I'm telling you, there's just no way I was a, I would've been able to see this in the theater and not start laughing mm-hmm. <affirmative> uncontrollably because this guy is trying to throw his arm over and he is like trying to get up. And then when he finally gets up, they just zoom in on his left foot ka boom. And like, I'm like, is this 4d? Like, did this entire house to shake, but I do have the base up. And he's walking, he's like shoveling over to his daughter while she's reading and then his feet lifts off the ground, it fades to white. And he's like, and that's the end of the movie. So you assumed that he had a heart attack or died or whatever. He ascended, like he keeps cutting to the beach. Speaker 1 01:00:32 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like the only memory he has of his daughter and them together, the whole family together. And the movie was just like, okay, so this girl just saw her fat dad die trying to walk over to her. That's the end of the movie. And I just, it was, it was an hour 50. I didn't get back. I'm, I, I want back that I'm never getting back. I don't think it was it sound shrimp. 20 off of that and making a solid 90. Yeah. I mean there was, uh, there was some weird parts in the movie. You know, like the first scene, like it goes hard in a paint. The first scene is him violently masturbating to gay porn while and then having like an anxiety, like a, like an attack and like, and you know, the pizza guy like, uh, the the the church guy, it's this like missionary guy who keeps, uh, like walks in on him and sees it and like, it's, it's a whole thing. Speaker 1 01:01:24 Well, that, I mean, I'd rather watch that <laugh> <laugh> and that's it. You just sold me on the movie and that's <laugh> that you sold. You sold. She's like, oh man, that sounds like sold a movie I wanna watch. Yeah, man. Oh God. The binge eating and like, it's just not a great movie. Uh, SHA uh, Shannon made a very good point. She was just like, I realized through the entire movie I was making this absolutely sour squinty, sour fizz face. And she's like, I'm like, yeah, man. Like nobody wants to go put themselves through that. Like, yeah. Why, why would you do that? But yeah, I, um, yeah. Actually makes me wanna watch it. It's like, oh yeah, let's, ugh. Yeah. I like making faces in movies. Yeah. I, I saw, I suggest watch it and report back. Yeah. All right. I was, well it's like, you know, like reco for a dream. Speaker 1 01:02:09 Like that's a movie I watched once. Yeah. Cause that's all you need to get. That's all you need do is watch it once. That is the movie I compared it to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I was like, I remember like, some of my weird friends and this had to do with like, I don't, don't know, weird white teen angst in like the two thousands. But they would watch that and like, they'd watch record. I'm like, again. No, like, how about Johnny Darco? I'm like, again, again. No. Why you wanna watch that put on Space Jam? <laugh> <laugh>. I'm not gonna do that again. Fuck. But yes, that was the whale. Um, it made me uncomfortable. I I I gave it two thumbs down. Oh. I'm gonna, why you I wanna watch it now. You gonna watch it now? Yeah. Yeah. Cause I feel like the movies you really don't like are the ones I I wanna watch. <laugh> <laugh>. I think you're correct. <laugh>. All right everyone. Well thank you so much for uh, sticking around with us at our pod. This is popping on. Preach big. Shout out to blame pr. Producer D does our music. Aaron mos out throwing our our beats down Big Bennett, thank you so much for bearing your soul <laugh>. This is Baba Don. Preach everyone go see the whale. Let me know how terrible it is. <laugh> we out later.

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