DadtoberFest Part 1

Episode 15 October 28, 2022 01:12:53
DadtoberFest Part 1
Papa Don't Preach
DadtoberFest Part 1

Oct 28 2022 | 01:12:53


Show Notes

Fat Dad Fall continues to roll as we gear up for Booootober. The Papas swing by Kanye's corner before budding heads on the pros and cons of October. Did you let strangers scare your kids? Is traumatizing children only reserved for parents?
If your dying for a good time don’t be a basic witch and sink your teeth into this brand-new episode of Papa Don’t Preach!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:35 It is still that season. Ladies and Joan, welcome to Papa. Don't preach Fat Dad Fall is still in full effect. What's up, Fat Speaker 2 00:00:42 Dad? Uh, not too much feeling it today. It was nice and, uh, nice and Speaker 1 00:00:46 Breezy. Nice and breezy. I swear I, it's like every episode, every time you speak nice and breezy, I'm like, This dude needs his own goddamn show. <laugh>. He needs his own radio show. Speaker 2 00:00:57 Ah, yeah. You know, I'll think of late night slot anytime Speaker 1 00:01:00 Arizona Falls, <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:01:01 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:01:04 I love it. I love it. Anyway, how's your week been? Speaker 2 00:01:08 Uh, it's been good. Uh, I just worked a lot of it, you know, That Speaker 1 00:01:12 Sucks Speaker 2 00:01:13 It, uh, especially at like a weird, like, I worked from, uh, got to work at 1:00 AM and then left work at 1:00 PM Speaker 1 00:01:20 Dude, that must be weird. Speaker 2 00:01:21 It was odd. Speaker 1 00:01:23 It's like awesome as like a bachelor with no responsibilities. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but like, stepping into your house at the end of a shift in the middle of the day to like, be a family man. Speaker 2 00:01:33 Oh. Luckily they're still a daycare, so I just like crashed out, thankfully. Uh, no. It was very weird. Um, yes, we only had that location at that time and, um, we made it work. We had everyone, uh, wore pajamas, which was kind of fun. Who? We got a coffee truck around 7:00 AM <laugh> Speaker 1 00:01:50 At the end of your shift. Yeah, I The end of your Speaker 2 00:01:52 Shift? No, I was halfway through Dogs <laugh> and, um, you know, working, uh, working on a movie that's, uh, kind of what they do sometimes you just have bizarre times and it, it, uh, that's Speaker 1 00:02:04 Why I got outta the movie biz. Speaker 2 00:02:05 It stinks. Um, you Speaker 1 00:02:07 Know, I like the consistency of trash reality television. Speaker 2 00:02:09 That's where, hey, that's where bread butter is. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:12 <laugh> movies are rough. Speaker 2 00:02:14 People yell at each other, but at least it's on a schedule. Yes. Speaker 1 00:02:17 <laugh>. There's nothing worse than getting a call sheet and, uh, being at, oh, you have to be at Malibu at three 30 in the morning. You show up on there, you park a block away, you hop in a van with a bunch of rans. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> get dropped off and you're like, camping at work. It's terrible. <laugh>. Oh, the Internet's not working. Yeah, you're on the edge of the planet. Of course it's not working. Speaker 2 00:02:45 <laugh>. Yeah. You're on a side of the mountain. I can see the ocean. No, there's no internet here. Boss <laugh>. Yeah. Some of that Hollywood glamour, you know. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:02:53 It's good. I, I don't want bore anybody with Shop Talk, but, uh, before we kick in and I let you know how my week's in, I want to just dive right into our, our new segment. Baba ba b b ba Kanye's corner. Speaker 2 00:03:04 Ye Speaker 1 00:03:06 That's our theme song. Baba. B b b ba ye Kanye's Corner. Um, so, as you know, Kanye's been in the news. Um, I don't know where to start. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:03:17 I think, I don't know where to start. Speaker 1 00:03:18 He's fucking maniac. Speaker 2 00:03:20 I think that's it. I think this is the first and last segment. I think it's over for him. Like, I think he's so, like Jesus has walked away. Oh, <laugh>. I think he's all by himself. It's nothing but heartbreaks. No more. Eight oh eights. It's time to cash in. And Speaker 1 00:03:34 You're right, unlike Kanye, gradually, unlike diamonds, Kanye is not forever. Speaker 2 00:03:39 No. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 00:03:43 I swear to God. So one thing I think that is very bias and Speaker 2 00:03:47 He's a motherfucking monster. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:03:48 <laugh>. Oh my God. Speaker 1 00:03:55 Uh, well done. Thank you. Well done. Um, so one thing I think that's been overlooked is let's say Garth Brooks said the shit that Kanye said this, No offense to Garth Brooks. He never said any of this shit. I don't know if he's beaten women or touched kids. I've Speaker 2 00:04:15 Heard. He, I actually, I've heard He's actually very nice. Okay. I, Speaker 1 00:04:18 I have nothing against Garth Brooks. All I'm saying is that if Garth Brooks said the shit that Kanye is saying right now, this motherfucker would've been buried alive. Yes. No, no. There's no, Footlocker wouldn't be selling the, the, the Garth. The Garth, like, Speaker 1 00:04:37 He's not getting invited to anything. But then the nc mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Garth Brooks is done. Radio ain't playing his shit no more. People ain't selling his shit no more off Spotify, off title, like Garth Brooks is gone. I, I feel like Kanye is shielded by his skin color at this moment. And it's a, it's a, it is a hot take, but yo, you can't be dissing black people. You can't be dissing gay people. You can't be dissing Jewish people and saying, Everybody's the problem but me and get away with it. Like, he is very, very close to inciting violence. I don't think he's got the star power to like, get somebody to like, storm the FBI building. Speaker 2 00:05:25 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:05:26 Be like, Nah, I need the new Yeezys Pop Pop. Like, I don't think that's gonna happen. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but holy shit. I what Bennett what is going on with Kanye? Speaker 2 00:05:38 I don't know. That's sizzling hot. I dunno if I can even touch that. So, how to take it a bit? The thing is like, there's something here because you, I mean, obviously he's a fun, a fun bear to poke at in both sides of the media. Like, poking at him, you know, Fun Speaker 1 00:05:50 Bear you. And these Kanye references are on Speaker 2 00:05:52 Fucking fire. I guess that one was unintentional, but I'll take it. Speaker 1 00:06:00 This guy's a fucking dropout. Go ahead. Sorry. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:06:07 Oh, alright. Focus up in here. All right. I think is, I, I, you know, as an art from an artist, he hasn't produced like a lot of art lately. Just like what been doing lately hasn't really connected with audiences. I don't think so. I don't know why he's gotten so much leeway and why he's gotten so much rope, you know, to con continuously like, let himself go. Speaker 1 00:06:25 I, I agree. I, there's usually like a method to this madness. Anytime Kanye said something wacky, two weeks later, there was an album. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, I don't have anything. What's going on? <laugh>. I, it's like when you take, you know, like when you were in school and you got that ecstasy pill for your buddy, you took the ecstasy, nothing happened. You're like, Okay, cool. I got the drugs and none of the effect. Awesome. Like, I feel like I'm getting Kanye without getting the Kanye. Yeah. Like, I don't get any of that release of a new fire ass album. Like, Oh yeah, he's a musical genius. I forgot overall the bullshit coming out of his mouth. Speaker 2 00:07:00 I, I think he's just, I, he's probably too far up into Kanye world where like, I think his, he's just in a hall of mirrors where everyone's just like reflecting his views back at himself and everyone's like, You're so right. Kanye, you're great. This is awesome. You should, this private school you're doing is a fantastic idea where everyone's wearing Speaker 1 00:07:15 Donda University $15,000 a year, unaccredited school. Speaker 2 00:07:20 It's great. Move. Fucking Speaker 1 00:07:22 Wild. Yeah. Yeah. He Oh, oh, oh. My five year old had to sign an NDA to go to your school. <laugh>, by the way, if he has a full class going into winter, we failed. Humanity failed. Like, if you're looking at Kanye and you're like, Yes, yes. I want him to start a curriculum for my child. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:43 That's, it's like, And who's going out like Speaker 1 00:07:45 $15,000 a semester? It's unaccredited. Like it's not Speaker 2 00:07:48 Credited. Crazy's following crazy. But it's just like, I don't this wor Hey man, this world, this Speaker 1 00:07:54 World, Wolf, Speaker 2 00:07:55 Wolf, Speaker 1 00:07:55 Wolf. I swear to God, I, I saw Kanye's Pierce Morgan interview mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and I couldn't believe what I was watching. And like, he was literally giving Pierce Morgan shit for, He's like, I gave you my analogy. I told you that I understand that if a black person is driving a car and there's a bunch of black people in the car and they all get arrested, it's not like if one Jew does something bad, not all Jews are bad. You can't even give me that. And I'm looking at, and like, I realize as I'm looking at the, my little screen Pierce Morgan is making the same face. I'm making Speaker 2 00:08:36 <laugh>. I'm Speaker 1 00:08:37 Like, what Speaker 2 00:08:38 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:08:38 What? I, I, I guess like, they get what they want. They put him on tv. People talk to him. He goes bananas. They get a bunch of views, a bunch of clicks. And they're like, Yeah, we got it. This motherfucker said George Floyd died from Fentanyl. Fentanyl, Yeah. Like that motherfucker wasn't even on his neck like that. What the fuck does that, Like, Speaker 2 00:08:59 Who you talking? I mean, I know he's been talking to, he's been talking to Candace and all that crew Speaker 1 00:09:02 Lately. Candace. Candace. Yeah. By the way, we have not made fun of enough about how Candace is named Candace. I, Speaker 2 00:09:11 That's her birth name. Is that like a, uh, Ted Cruz thing where she changed it? Speaker 1 00:09:15 I, I mean, I'm sure her name is like Kisha and she's like, No, it's Candace. Cuz she hates every part of herself. And there has to be a reason. I Speaker 2 00:09:24 Think. I mean, there's part of me, the thing, she's just like, she saw what Donald Trump was doing is like, I can drift like that. Speaker 1 00:09:31 Dude, she was before Trump. Let me just hop in. It Speaker 4 00:09:34 Gets worse. It's Candace, Speaker 1 00:09:36 Amber Owens. Oh, our producer just chimed in. Apparently Candace's middle name is Amber. Speaker 2 00:09:42 Amber Owens sounds like a respectable person. Speaker 1 00:09:46 Yo, I feel like her middle name should be like, you know, dirt. Cuz that is the color of her energy. <laugh>. That's a little pun for my, my white people listening. Speaker 2 00:09:56 A three 11 pool <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:10:00 It's good. I liked it. Speaker 2 00:10:01 <laugh>. Wow. Uh, yeah, like the whole, like her husband owns Parlor, Parlay, whatever it's called. And that they're trying to get Kanye to buy it like Speaker 1 00:10:10 They're grift and Kanye in real time. Like, Speaker 2 00:10:11 Grif, like Grif is gonna gr and she knows how to do it. And he, she's like, Oh, crazy person with lots of money. I'd like some of that money. Speaker 1 00:10:17 Hey, you know what? My husband has a dying platform. You have a lot of money and, and Speaker 2 00:10:22 Crazy shit to say. Yeah, why Speaker 1 00:10:23 Can, why matter? White Lives matter. You like me? I like you. We're both the skin, same skin tone. They're trying to silence me. They're trying to silence you. Buy my company <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:10:34 So it's like, where does it, where does Kanye end? Does he run outta money first? Nah. Does he run out of exposure or does he just like go like, the thing is like, he's got no one on his life right now. It doesn't seem to be like, okay, dude, Kanye doesn't, no one has put someone put his hand on his shoulder and be like, Kanye buddy, look around you. Dude, Speaker 1 00:10:52 Jay-Z tried that a decade ago. Speaker 2 00:10:54 Yeah. There's no one in his life anymore that's gonna do that. There's the, ugh. Have you ever seen that uncomfortable ass clip where Dave Chappelle shows up? He's like, All right, Dave here to let your spirits come on Dave, tell us a joke. And Dave's like, I don't, I just got my coffee, man. It's like, I'm just here. Like, I'm just like, you know, it's like, come on, tell us a joke. Dave <laugh>. God, no. Speaker 1 00:11:12 Man's weird. I love that. Speaker 2 00:11:15 Yeah. He's got nobody left. Speaker 1 00:11:16 Yeah. I, uh, I saw this like listicle of like top 10 controversial things that Kanye has done. And number 10 was George Bush doesn't care about black people. <laugh>. And then the other nine has happened the last 18 months. Speaker 2 00:11:35 <laugh>, I was like, Taylor Swift didn't even make it. Speaker 1 00:11:38 No. Taylor Swift was not on. She Speaker 2 00:11:41 Knew crack the top Speaker 1 00:11:41 10. No, she wasn't even on the top 10. She wasn't even on the fucking top 10. That is how nutty it's been in Speaker 2 00:11:48 Awards show. Speaker 1 00:11:50 Remember this dude like publicly threatened his wife, his kids, and Pete Davidson like, was Abu like verbally abusing his wife on social media and Facebook was like, Yeah, man. Freedom speech. Speaker 2 00:12:03 <laugh> wild. Speaker 1 00:12:05 Well, you guys Baba ba up. Ye that's the end of Kanye's corner. Uh, we'll check in next week. I have a feeling we're gonna have something to talk about. Speaker 2 00:12:14 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:12:16 It's been a wild fucking week, man. Yeah. I, I, I, So I, for all of you who do not live in Los Angeles, um, we are gearing up for the Olympics and it is not a happy time right now. Um, there's a, there's a very silent move going on. And this might be ob tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. By the way, if you're listening to this on the pod and you're not on our YouTube page, I do have a hat that I do not think is cultural appropriation. Speaker 2 00:12:49 I think you're good. Speaker 1 00:12:50 I love this fucking hat. Speaker 2 00:12:52 It does have tin foil on the inside. It Speaker 1 00:12:54 Does have tin foil on the inside. You Speaker 2 00:12:55 Can't never be too careful, Speaker 1 00:12:56 Man. You can't let those radio waves hit you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I wanna start saying shit. I'm not supposed to say I'm start spitting truth the gospel. Right. Speaker 2 00:13:05 Anyway, that's talking that the hat's getting away from me. <laugh>. Oh God. Speaker 1 00:13:12 Um, but yeah, I'm, I'm watching like this subtle sweep of the city. Like, I don't know where our homeless population is going. I don't know where all the trash is going, but there's like this subtle sweep. Everything is getting moved, things are getting built. And I'm wondering what's gonna happen after the Olympics when we have like, facial recognition in front of fucking Ralphs <laugh> and the homeless comeback. Like, Speaker 2 00:13:41 I, I've been, I've been, I was in Hollywood, uh, getting my hair cut this last week and I saw that they had you got a haircut? Well, some of 'em. Okay. Like around the bottom? Not all, not all of them. Okay. But like in Hollywood, they had like, right, this, you know, attention, this block is getting a deep cleaning on this day. From this day, anything left on the street will be thrown away. Like they've been doing that block by block. And what they mean is like, they mean like, people, like, they don't mean like trash. I mean like your, you in that person right there, were gonna move you. If you don't move, Speaker 1 00:14:11 If you don't get your goddamn Hello Kitty backpack in your shopping cart outta here, we're gonna pick it up and move it to Upland. Yeah. Jesus. Speaker 2 00:14:19 So that's, you know, and that's un construction's crazy. I, you know, I'm someone like, I love the Olympics. Did not want them in my in, not in my backyard. Speaker 1 00:14:26 It's something I've, I've said this before and it's something I wanted in a distance. It should be in Athens every four years. It should never move. The infrastructure there should get built. It should be built for everything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> going to every city and destroying it is stupid. Speaker 2 00:14:40 Yeah. Just completely like making all these unnecessary structures and leaving. Speaker 1 00:14:44 I mean, like the o some of the opening ceremonies I've seen in the last like, uh, 12, 16 years have been incredible. Like, Beijing's opening ceremony made me fearful of China. Speaker 2 00:14:56 Yeah. All people rounded up and shot afterwards. That's how they were. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:15:01 Well, I hope that's not true. Speaker 2 00:15:03 <laugh>. Oh no. I'm like, ha ha. Speaker 1 00:15:05 Murder Speaker 2 00:15:07 <laugh>. Yeah. The one that, the one drummer that went Boom. <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:10 Up. Oh, sorry. Ping missed his mark. We're gonna awesome. If I said Ping is that, you know what? I'm not gonna analyze it. I said it, it happened Speaker 2 00:15:18 Anywhere. You're already wearing the hat, Speaker 1 00:15:18 Bud. I'm already wearing a hat. <laugh>. Hey, Disney named a Dragon Moose Shoe played by a black guy moving on. Um, just Speaker 2 00:15:27 Stayed in facts. Speaker 1 00:15:28 Do you guys remember the London opening, uh, where they had, uh, the, what's that song? Bu bu bu Speaker 2 00:15:38 Oh, uh, Chariots of Fire. Chariots Speaker 1 00:15:40 Of Fire. They were playing that the London opening games. Do you remember who they had as their feature? Which is just like hilariously British. Speaker 2 00:15:50 Was it Mr. Bean? Speaker 1 00:15:51 It was fucking Mr. Bean <laugh> sitting there on the keyboard, bump, bump, bump, bu bu bu bump, bu bump, bump, just playing the keyboard and being annoyed that that was the only note that he was given. And then as the piano started going crazy, he's looking over at the other piano like jealous and annoyed just being Mr. Bean on a keyboard while an entire orchestra plays cherry to fire. And I'm like, this is hilariously British. Speaker 2 00:16:15 Yeah, that's, I Speaker 1 00:16:16 Think it's like so minimalist. Well, Speaker 2 00:16:17 Mr. Beans like a great export. Are they gonna have like Johnny Knoxville getting hit in the nuts? Like as part of our Speaker 1 00:16:21 Yeah. I, I honestly <laugh>, I think what's gonna happen is Johnny Knoxville's gonna get the Speaker 2 00:16:26 Knoxville welcome to the Olympics, bear worn air Speaker 1 00:16:29 And gonna cut to him at the emergency room. Be like, What's your insurance? This is gonna be Speaker 2 00:16:34 10,000 down the stairs on fire. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:16:38 And then some kid walks in with foaming of their mouth on a, with a GoPro on his AR 15 and shoots up the whole hospital. Speaker 2 00:16:44 Oh man. Too soon. <laugh>. Too soon. Speaker 1 00:16:47 Is that not American? My bad. Speaker 2 00:16:49 That's very Speaker 1 00:16:50 American. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is, uh, I'm sorry guys. Let me paint a different picture. It's actually Johnny Knoxville getting hit in the nuts. He gets dropped off at Ciella over in Englewood. There's a bunch of black people in there. And as one goes out to get help, he is shot by the police. That is that not American? That's Speaker 2 00:17:08 Also Speaker 1 00:17:09 American. I'm sorry. Am I bad? Let me paint another picture. I can do this all day. Speaker 2 00:17:14 <laugh>. Yeah. Like I said, anyone, the Olympics coming to, uh, Los Angeles <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:17:23 Um, yo uh, so next time you go to Florida, you're gonna get some weed at the Circle K. Speaker 2 00:17:28 Yeah. Oh, like, I love that idea. The fact that like, weed will be not be sold at a Circle K. Cause Circle K was like one of my, one of my, uh, you know, convenience stores growing up. That was Speaker 1 00:17:39 Like Speaker 2 00:17:39 Your go-to. It was one of 'em. Like on the way home. Speaker 1 00:17:41 Yeah, I was an ampm dude. Speaker 2 00:17:43 Oh, we didn't have those. Speaker 1 00:17:44 Oh, so AMPM is not like a national thing. It's Speaker 2 00:17:47 Just, I mean, it probably was not in Lafayette, Louisiana. Okay. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:17:52 What was like your circle K Uh, like get at like, you know, you coming home middle of the night, you stop at the Circle K. What was your get Speaker 2 00:18:00 Like, Probably like a gummy or like in the nineties they always had like obnoxious, like sugar snacks. Like, Oh yeah. Like, like a sh like a tube of just like liquid blue sugar <laugh>. Yes. Like something like that. That's what I'd get. Speaker 1 00:18:13 Just liquid blue sugar. I would, I was always fucking with a hot dog and a, you know, one of the orange bang Slurpees. Speaker 2 00:18:22 I, I did not do not trust, uh, gas station food like that. Speaker 1 00:18:27 Oh. I, I did not care about my life. <laugh>, like, some, like Russian roulette has nothing on going to a seven-eleven or ampm looking at that spinning piece of mystery meet and being like, I'll give it a shot. Speaker 2 00:18:44 I know Speaker 1 00:18:45 I <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:18:46 I can't do it. I Speaker 1 00:18:47 Was just like, sh let's roll <laugh>, let's roll. Speaker 2 00:18:51 I Speaker 1 00:18:51 Mean, you know what, I'm still standing. I'm still here. Speaker 2 00:18:55 Yeah. All those hot dogs Speaker 1 00:18:56 Later. Oh. I mean, I blew out my legs playing basketball, just like going for Leo. And I'm blaming these hot dogs, these mystery meat hot dogs. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:19:04 It's like accumulation. Speaker 1 00:19:05 Yes. Yes. That's what happened. Um, for those of you on the pod that have been following, I did join a basketball league. And um, for those of you who are not sports enthusiasts, I went for something called a layup. Um, and like, it sounds, it's very easy. It's, Speaker 2 00:19:22 I think it's like the, it's the, what they teach you first. Speaker 1 00:19:24 It's what they teach you first is how to lay up a basketball into the hoop. And, you know, I did a quick little move where I faked to the right, faked to the left. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then went back, right? And the guy guarded me was shook. And I'm like, I got him, got him. And as I sprinted to the basketball, I felt my left hamstring strain. I was like, Oh, that sucks. <laugh>. And so I took a dribble and I'm like, Oh, I can manage this. And as I went to jump up, I felt like this almost like when you take a tin foil and you crush it down. Oh Speaker 2 00:19:56 No. Speaker 1 00:19:57 I felt that in my right groin. I was like, Oh, I'm not gonna be able to land. I missed the layup. I hit the ground. The entire squad went down the other side, <laugh>. And I got up and my homies looked at me and I gave them like the neck turn. I'm like, Nope, not good. I gave them not the thumbs up. It wasn't, I, I was up and he looked at me and I was like, mm-hmm. M just a little, the little hand at the neck. Like uhoh guys. I'm done for the next two to two to six business weeks. <laugh> like, if we make it to the championship, I'll show up in a suit. I'll sit on the bench. But I'm done. <laugh>, I'm done. Because Speaker 2 00:20:36 He's an Speaker 1 00:20:36 In though. Like, I normally, I'd be pissed about an injury like this, but the fact that I strained two different parts of my legs on <laugh>. On a layup. On a layup. Oh my God. It's so sad. It's easy. How are you feeling now? So, um, I, I feel good. I just spent an hour beating up my son to feel better about myself. <laugh>. I showed Blaine the pictures. I did the hockey shirt over the head and I pulled down his pants. And then when he like got his shirt over, he tried to run after me, but his legs, his pants were at the bottom of his legs. So he fell. And then Shannon started laughing. So he felt really embarrassed. He's like, Stop laughing at me. I'm like, Ah. Speaker 1 00:21:21 But he, he eventually thought it was funny as well. And then I'm like, Bro, pull up your pants. <laugh>. It's the daytime <laugh>. It's how you get 'em. Yeah. So I feel good. I feel good about myself now. <laugh>, I am bigger than someone. <laugh>. I feel good. <laugh>. He tried to run after me, so I had to disable him. Cause I can't run, I can't run out for another couple of weeks, <laugh>. But hey, we're gonna come back with, uh, more of the fat Dad fall to get ready for this Bastic se uh, festival. So let's take a quick break and ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back with some, Speaker 0 00:22:12 Uh, uh, Speaker 1 00:22:14 Hey, ladies and gentlemen, we are back. And after not a lot of pushback, I have to pitch my movie idea that we had at the break. Um, they're going, I, I want them to remake twins with Sha O'Neal and Kevin Hart. I think that the movie should be Shaq being Shaq, a retired basketball player, living his life, eth the stretch, uh, you know, acting. Just be himself just has to be himself. Real blue chip performance. Exactly. Uh, Kevin Hart is gonna be reprising his role as whatever the character he was in Get Hard, like this guy who has a car wash, but he's an amateur comedian at night that has been searching for his real family. And he goes and finds his birth mom, who is Whoopi Goldberg. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, huge pothead. Um, uh, Whoopi Goldberg tells him about his dad that lives at a retirement home where we should cut to a c Nile, Samuel Jackson. Speaker 1 00:23:12 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And the only person that leads Hi. The, the person that leads him to Shaone is' brother is his adoptive sister. Mile Rudolph, who introduces them all and be like, Yeah, you were split up at birth. You were part of this experiment. I was too high to give a fuck about you. They find Shaq and let the high jx go, Enue that. Let it let it enue and scene. That's my movie. Yeah. I don't hate it. All right. Sweet <laugh>. Um, they're gonna make that exact movie. It's gonna stink. I'm sure it's already in the worst probably with the Rock. Yeah, you're probably with the Rock <laugh>. Actually, you know what? It'll probably be Kevin Hart in The Rock. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:23:50 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:23:50 Those, those dudes love each other. It's fucking great. Speaker 2 00:23:53 They're adorable Speaker 1 00:23:54 Together. Uh, anything, any time I see a clip of Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson, I'm just like, both hands under my chin. Just like, yay. Speaker 2 00:24:01 I mean, Kevin, her general just seems like a dude that you, Jews kind of want to be around. Like he's, when he was on Conan, he's hilarious. It's like no matter who he's with, he seems to be a really fun, enjoyable dude. Maybe he's just a complete fucking asshole as soon as the cameras are off. Speaker 1 00:24:13 Did you hear about James Gordon being a dick? Speaker 2 00:24:16 I, uh, I, I've heard that for a long time. I actually had one interaction with him on set at craft service table. He was part of, uh, it was like a talent show thing. He was the host, He was part of the Magic show. Like Magic Act that happened. Yeah. And I was like, Dude, did you know before? And he's like, No, I promise. I promise. I had nothing, Knew nothing in advance. I was like, All right. Okay. I believe you. That was our one interaction. He was pleasant. So he's fine in my book. Well, Speaker 1 00:24:40 It sucks cuz like his whole, I his whole all personas like being this lovable British guy mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so I think it's absolutely hilarious if he's like a true dick in person. Speaker 2 00:24:53 Yeah. I mean that's like, Speaker 1 00:24:55 Well people have been coming out with these stories about him at restaurants and I really find it funny that his main triggers food <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:25:06 I mean, to be fair, if I was a famous dude, that might be mine too. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:25:12 People's probably lost his guy's keys at car washes. Yeah. He's probably had like a, a, you know, housekeepers rob him. He's probably gotten some road rages. Like, who knows. But the only stories that are coming out about him. So I, you know, he got the wrong, he got the wrong order. His like, food wasn't the right way or it took too long. He lost Speaker 2 00:25:31 His shit. Well, Right. My personal experience, he probably liked who he was having a crafty having a good day. Oh shit. That might check out, dude. Speaker 1 00:25:38 Oh my God. He's just like, everybody sucks except for this dude handing me biscuits. I love this guy. Look at this spread. This motherfucker needs a promotion. Speaker 2 00:25:47 <laugh>. That might be it. Speaker 1 00:25:48 Holy shit. Speaker 2 00:25:49 I could have been the front line if I didn't have what he wanted. Speaker 1 00:25:52 <laugh>, I I we gotta get him on the podcast then. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:25:57 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:25:58 He's gonna give Mery. He is gonna be like, I need this, this, and this. I'm like, All you're getting are green m and ms Bro. Speaker 2 00:26:03 <laugh>. It's a garage. Speaker 1 00:26:07 Uh, yeah. You can park in the driveway from like one to 2:00 PM Speaker 2 00:26:11 <laugh> and driveway privileges. Pretty, pretty sweet deal. James. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:26:14 You're gonna park on the lawn, bro. Like we got two cars in parking in the driveway. Speaker 2 00:26:18 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:26:19 You're gonna have to park on the lawn. Um, so, uh, we wanted to talk about our upcoming Spooky Fest before our Halloween episode, um, October as a whole. We just, we were trying to figure this out, apparently. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you love October and I hate it. Speaker 2 00:26:34 Yeah. Yeah. We were complete opposites. Speaker 1 00:26:36 That is nuts cuz like, I'm small and black. You're big and white. Who would've thought that we would be different? Speaker 2 00:26:42 You know, it's like, uh, Ebony and Ivory, like this song Speaker 1 00:26:45 <laugh>, you know, it's pronounced Ebony. Right? Speaker 2 00:26:50 I, that's what I said. Speaker 1 00:26:51 I could have sworn he said Ebony. Speaker 2 00:26:53 Ebony and Ivony. Speaker 1 00:26:54 Okay. I don't have a, a Lafayette accent, you know, that just pulls out my mouth. Like my glasses. But <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:27:00 I think I was right. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:27:05 Yeah, of course, of course. Our producer agrees is identifying with this white set, Speaker 2 00:27:11 Uh, October. Speaker 1 00:27:13 October is a great month that I hate <laugh>. Like October 1st shows up and then I see Christmas lights at Home Depot and everything gets needlessly scary. I don't like it. Speaker 2 00:27:27 <laugh>. It's, you know, I, it, my counterpoint is that like, it's all these creepy people. I'm not that creepy, but I like a creepy, I like a creepy thing. Creepy. Speaker 1 00:27:34 I say that with a creepy, Speaker 2 00:27:35 I identify creepy. Speaker 1 00:27:36 You. I so you're creepy adjacent. Well, Speaker 2 00:27:38 I've got some creepy, I've got like shirts with like, skulls on it and like some creepy stuff. True, true, true, true. But I'm not like, uh, it's not, it doesn't define me. Yes. Speaker 1 00:27:46 <laugh>. Yes. Speaker 2 00:27:48 Um, but I think it's time for, it's like the one month of the year they get to be creepy. Speaker 1 00:27:52 Yes. I, But it's, there's people who take it over the top. Yeah. That's my issue. Like all, like during February, Valentine's Day is a foot. Yeah. There's people who go crazy and they'll have like a mattress sale for loved birds, but like, nev it never seems over like, where I'm like, Oh my God, I hate this. But when it comes to Halloween, when it comes to the spooky season, when it comes to October, fuck man. Like, god damn. Like, I guess for me, every Halloween I'm gonna, somebody's gonna send me a post of some elected jackass doing blackface in 1984. And I'm gonna be like, Oh, surprise, surprise. And I fucking hate October. I hate it. I, um, like, Okay. So what's your favorite candy? Speaker 2 00:28:44 My favorite candy? Well, Reese, like if I, if we're, if we're talking about the tiers of like a Halloween candy, tears of Speaker 1 00:28:49 H like, not like Speaker 2 00:28:50 Greasies what cup? So like, if you got a Reesey's cups, that's getting eaten first. Speaker 1 00:28:53 That's it. Mm-hmm. Really? Speaker 2 00:28:54 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:28:55 I I I've always been a nerds guy. Speaker 2 00:28:57 Yeah. And that's a nerds girl. Speaker 1 00:29:00 You said girl real hard there. I felt like, Girl, you're coming at me. <laugh>. You Speaker 2 00:29:04 Said guy. I Speaker 1 00:29:04 Know, but still I feel attacked. Speaker 2 00:29:06 You're, you're a nerds Day. <laugh>. Let's go on <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:29:11 Moving on Speaker 2 00:29:12 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:29:13 It's just emasculated. So Speaker 2 00:29:14 Moving Speaker 1 00:29:15 On. Um, uh, like I, I'm like, I'm a fruity guy. Like I've never been like a savory type of candy person. Speaker 2 00:29:21 I think it's this the, how we're opposed to like, the sugar sweetss are usually not my favor. I wanted a chocolate peanut buttery kind of sweet first. Speaker 1 00:29:29 So are you, would you say Milky Way or Musketeer? Speaker 2 00:29:33 Uh, Milky Way. Speaker 1 00:29:34 You're a Milky Way guy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Wow. You're not a big, like just NuGo. You want some caramel? Oh Speaker 2 00:29:38 Man. Like they shouldn't have Musketeer a moose Aete. Moose <laugh>. That's my accent's really Speaker 1 00:29:43 Showing. Yeah. Well, three, three Maskers in the <laugh>. The three maskers in the Milky Wa are very Milky wa are delicious. Um, so I, I know I told this story on the pod before you've heard of like the Milky Way Musketeer mix up? Speaker 2 00:29:56 I have not, Yeah. Have you Speaker 1 00:29:57 Heard about this thing? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I don't know how real this is, but this has been like an urban legend has been passed on through all the different playgrounds from student counselor to student counselor to all the kids. Yeah. But apparently when Nestle released these, they mixed up the rappers and they just left it mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And if you think about it, a three Musketeer was supposed to be chocolate, caramel and Nuit. The Three Musketeers, Uhhuh, the Milky Way was just supposed to be this flowing Speaker 2 00:30:32 NuGet stone void of Speaker 1 00:30:33 This void of milk. And I like the Milky Way was just chocolate and NuGet and the Three Musketeers where the three heavy hitters of chocolate, they mixed up the rappers. So now Three Musketeers just flowy Nuit and Milky Way is these, And it doesn't make sense when you think about why they called One Milky Way and One Three Musketeers. Mm-hmm. Like Three Musketeers has two flavors in it. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:30:54 That does, like that story makes sense, but also like, it does not make sense that they went through an entire run of candy bars. Like, oh fuck. We kind of mixed up. Speaker 1 00:31:02 Well, like, they released it and you know, back then they're like, Ah, fuck it. Speaker 2 00:31:05 <laugh>. I, I don't think that. Yeah. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:31:08 It was like, ah, fuck it. Remember they used to put co they cocaine in Coca-Cola? Speaker 2 00:31:12 Yeah, but I, I don't think they'd label a diet or they didn't label it. Sprite. You know, <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:31:18 We call it Sprite. Oh shit. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:31:21 I called Sprite now, Speaker 1 00:31:22 Now Sprite. Hey man, he got some Sprite. Speaker 2 00:31:25 I get the kid Logic to it, but I, I like, I think you'd, you'd, they'd stop after a minute. They'd be like, Wait a minute. Also, you could all go Google now Google. Yeah. You can go Speaker 1 00:31:35 Google it. But like, I Speaker 2 00:31:36 If they're created the same year or not. So like, the Speaker 1 00:31:38 Way that it was explained to me is like, usually when they announced something like that, there was like a whole campaign behind it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And so like, they had commercials. They had every advertising rappers and Speaker 2 00:31:51 Like, I'm, I'm assuming both those candy bars are older than television. Speaker 1 00:31:56 Ooh, that's another good point. Speaker 2 00:31:58 Blaming saw this mystery for us. Speaker 1 00:32:00 So the television came out in what, 19? The late Speaker 2 00:32:03 Fifties. Speaker 1 00:32:04 The late fifties. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I thought they had TVs in like the thirties. Mm, no, it was late fifties, huh? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. What's older tv? Speaker 2 00:32:11 The Speaker 1 00:32:12 Musketeers? Well, I'm thinking of movies. Movies came before tv. Yeah. Talkies. Yeah. Talkies. <laugh>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cause I remember Snow White came out in 47, I believe. Speaker 2 00:32:21 Probably postwar. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:32:22 I I'm gonna look this up right now. Oh wow. Speaker 2 00:32:24 We're all looking up upstairs. Speaker 1 00:32:25 Yeah, we're looking up stuff. Because I think, I think that Snow White came out in 47 or it might be fucking 57. No, Speaker 2 00:32:34 February 4th. Speaker 1 00:32:35 19. 19, 19 37 was February 4th. 19, 19 38 Speaker 2 00:32:39 Was the what? Speaker 5 00:32:40 Snow White in Speaker 2 00:32:41 The seven door. I'm 19. What about candy bars? Man, <laugh>. Why are we talking about Snow White now? I thought we were talking about the goddamn candy bars. Speaker 5 00:32:50 And specifically Speaker 1 00:32:52 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:32:54 Now they're just dead air. Cuz you're looking on your phone. Speaker 5 00:32:58 1923 is when Milky Way Speaker 2 00:33:00 Came out. You know, What about the Three Musketeers? Speaker 1 00:33:04 Just so you know, TV was invented September 7th, 1927. Speaker 2 00:33:08 Oh wow. Good for tv. Speaker 1 00:33:09 Yeah. It was, uh, invented in 27 and it was distributed in 1930 and Speaker 5 00:33:15 1932. So Milky Way was first. Speaker 2 00:33:18 Yeah. So the both of them never came out at the same time. So I hate to crush your urban myth. Well, Speaker 1 00:33:23 I, you know what's crazy is I never even looked into this <laugh>. I heard it in like fifth grade and have been repeating it since then. Speaker 2 00:33:29 It's one of those things like you at a playground you just hear and like, no, they were not created the same year way before. Well, apparently not way before. <laugh> close to the invention of television. I Speaker 1 00:33:38 Always think how it's funny that urban, like there's like these internet fads, like these conspiracy theories that can be crushed with a quick Speaker 2 00:33:48 Yeah. Even like the, you know, like I remember as a kid, like the hospitals would be like, We'll X-ray your candy. Like, because because razor blades and drugs are gonna be in all of our candies. Speaker 1 00:33:58 Razor blades. Jesus Christ. When they were putting razor blades in apples, they were saying like, that was the thing. I was like, who the fuck is gonna eat an apple from a stranger? Speaker 2 00:34:09 Yeah, you did. But yeah. A bad plant. I think one time we got a candid apple. My momma just threw that shit right away. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:34:14 They were, If there, if it didn't come in like a known American rapper mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that candy was thrown Speaker 2 00:34:22 In the trash. And also now that we have the internet, you just see like, Oh yeah, they were, there were some poison candy people from their own family poisoned their kids' candy for for some reason. Speaker 1 00:34:31 Dude, Speaker 2 00:34:31 There's this, it's, it's never been a case of some stranger poisoning candy. There's been, except for the Tylenol. No one. They didn't That guy. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:34:40 <laugh>. He's, he is, he's kicking it with the zodiac right now. Yeah. He's living like, But, Speaker 2 00:34:47 But hey, you're, uh, Reese's Species A Okay. Speaker 1 00:34:49 Yeah. Yeah. You're gonna, If if somebody sent you a Reese's Pieces that was just like in foil that said Happy hole Halloween, would you still eat it? Speaker 2 00:34:56 No. Speaker 1 00:34:57 You would eat it in po. Speaker 2 00:34:58 Was it homemade thing? Was it like a cake? Speaker 1 00:35:00 No, it's a Reese's Species just opened and they're like, Oh, oops, I wanna wrap it in foil and give it away. Speaker 2 00:35:04 Oh no. Speaker 1 00:35:05 Yeah, I guess so. That's gross. Speaker 2 00:35:07 You're portion, you portion it out. Speaker 1 00:35:08 <laugh>, There's two of them. I want one, but I should pay it forward. Speaker 2 00:35:12 <laugh>, that's like the psychopaths that leave like half a banana at the crafty table. It's like no one is gonna eat your half a banana. You complete fucking psychopath. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:35:22 I see. I'm a victim of this. I'm the type of dude that walks up to crafty and I see a dozen donuts and I cut a glaze in half and I take a bite and I take two steps to the left. And I say, Obie, you know you're gonna eat that whole donut. Who, who you fucking fooling <laugh>. So I sa her around crafty, like looking at the coffee and you know, Oh, you got cereal here. Cool, cool, cool. Until Mosy on back to finish the other half of that donut. Now am I a psychopath? Speaker 2 00:35:54 No, no. That's, that's a donut that you ate. And you're gonna come back to eat. Someone is like, Hey, I only had half of the sugar packet. I bet I'm gonna fold it up and someone's gonna use a sugar packet later on. Yeah. That'll put it with the rest of the sugar. That's crazy. That's someone that is, uh, you're not being helpful. You're the opposite. Helpful. You Speaker 1 00:36:11 Probably see some nuty ass shit, like the way people treat food. Like at work. Speaker 2 00:36:17 Yeah. Yeah. And not so like post pandemic, like people are still behaving themselves, but like Yeah. Pre pandemic. Like people could be real gross. Like wild when they didn't have to worry about someone else cleaning after them. Speaker 1 00:36:28 Jesus. Speaker 2 00:36:29 Yeah. The like, the one, the story I always tell is like, this one dude and he wasn't a regular crew guy cause it was a regular crew guy would've fucking told them something <laugh>. Like, he makes himself a PB and j and he walks away and like, it's like the natural peanut butter, which I usually don't like. Cause it's gross. It's the peanut, the peanut butter's fucking on everything. <laugh>. I open up the lid and there's a plastic knife and it's a quarter of an inch exposed. He just dropped that son of a bitch in the peanut butter and walked away like a whole plastic knife submerged down to like a quarter of an inch. So Speaker 1 00:36:59 He thought, so, oh, I'm doing people a favor. Speaker 2 00:37:01 So I don't know what he thought <laugh> like, you know, And I had to pull it out and I was like, What are you, what is this buddy? Like, what is this? Is this unusable peanut butter everywhere? And he's like, motherfuckers in his thirties, like, he's not like it. He wasn't like, it wasn't like a six year old rolled in and made it bb and j i Speaker 1 00:37:22 I see some wild shit. And like, so when we were on mc together, I do remember when you started doing this. I forgot, uh, there was a woman you were working with. Lovely, uh, lovely lady that you were working with. And one thing I appreciated about the way she kept everything was clean. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like cleanliness. And she paid attention. I see a lot of crafty people that are just like in another room on their phone. Like, ah, the food's out. And I think that's irresponsible. Yeah. Cause like these children <laugh> are coming in there to fuck up the kitchen. <laugh>. I, it was recently that I saw dude pick up a bagel, look at it, be like, uh, maybe I want this other one. And when he went to pick up the other one, he's like, Okay, yeah, I want this other one. Went to put the other bagel back with his hands. Fumbled dropped it, it hit the table, rolled on the floor. He picked it up. And it would've been terrible if he put it back, but that's not all he did. <laugh>. He looked at it, blew on it. Speaker 2 00:38:23 Oh buddy. Speaker 1 00:38:24 And then put it back. I saw this was this like looking around. I'm like, am I the only one that saw this? I walked straight over there, picked up the bagel and threw it in the Speaker 2 00:38:35 Trash. Yeah. I would've like, even if I wasn't doing crafty, I'd been like, Dude, who's going to eat that bagel? Like you dropped on the floor and spit on it. The Speaker 1 00:38:43 Dude that I saw do this was like a very important person on set. And so I'm like, I always assumed that this guy was on the spectrum. So I was just like, Mm. <laugh> this confirmed that this dude is not let it Speaker 2 00:38:54 It slide. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:38:55 Cause I didn't, I didn't just want to go up to like, you know, my boss's boss and be like, You animal <laugh>. No. Speaker 2 00:39:02 You know, at, at one point, like during the height of covid, like we were like, no one was allowed in the crafty area. Uh, at all. Everyone's super fucking masked up and tested up. And one of the hosts from the show just walks in on his cell phone is like, no mask. Just fucking chatting away. I was like, uh, <laugh>. Uh, cause I, I had to go get like, I did an adult. I went to go get one of the ad's like, Can you help me buddy? I need an adult. Yeah. He's talking to tell, you know, on his phone really loud with no mask on. I'm not gonna tell him anything. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:39:31 Dude. A year ago from today. It's just wild where we are now. Yeah. It is wild. And that's why I hate October Speaker 2 00:39:38 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:39:39 I'm telling you. That's why I hate That's spooky. Speaker 2 00:39:42 It is spooky. Everyone wearing masks. You Speaker 1 00:39:44 Haunted houses. Fuck that. Like fuck. They're either cheesy, which is fun. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> or they're over the top. Borderline dangerous. Yeah. There's no in between. Speaker 2 00:39:54 I, uh, one of our good friends, Nat and i's good friends, uh, would do a haunted house. I think he might be doing it again this year, but he used to do it for years and years. Like a little homemade haunted house. Okay. Uh, and it was really fun. Like the kids would dig it. Uh, it was fun to scare people, you know, like in a, uh, not like, in an awful way. Could just look, you know, pop out and like ah, like with a mask on thing. Wow. Uh, I, you know, that's the thing. I dig it like, it's fun. Cuz we were talking briefly about this, like actual scary things that like walk around downtown Los Angeles and there lots of really terrifying things. <laugh> and then like controlled scary things. Like a monster movie or a haunted house or something like that where it's like you get your fear, you get your fear kicked up, but it's like you get to go home afterwards. You don't have to think about the Speaker 1 00:40:36 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:40:36 I guess that's repercussions. Speaker 1 00:40:38 I guess that's why I don't like it is cuz I am scared of the unknown. Like Yeah. You know, I'm not scared of like a robber or a deal with a chainsaw. Like, I always, you know, I always see a scary movie and I'm like, Yeah, that big ass dude ain't moving that fast with a chainsaw. Like, you can run and you'll be fine. What's gonna throw the chainsaw at you? It's a safety clutch on that thing. Like once he's not holding it, it's not a chainsaw anymore. It's just like a bunch of metal. They tell, they Speaker 2 00:41:01 Tell us that. Yeah. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:41:02 I've tried to throw a chainsaw. It's not gonna go very far. It fucks off. Yeah. It's just like, man, I'm not holding it, It's not working. <laugh>. You know, I'm just like, okay, cool. Like, you know, these fucking haunted white dudes aren't ninjas. They're not throwing knives at you. Like haunted. I'm Speaker 2 00:41:16 Not haunted. White dudes are not ninjas. Speaker 1 00:41:18 I've said this before, I'm scared of dinosaurs, aliens and monsters. Speaker 2 00:41:21 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:41:22 Like, I, Jurassic Park to me was a horr flick Speaker 2 00:41:27 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:41:27 It was fucking terrifying like that. I, I remember being like this nine year old sitting there watching this little boy and little girl in a fucking kitchen and I see this raptor foot like clicking. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:41:40 Click, click, click, click, click, click, Speaker 1 00:41:41 Click, click, click. And I'm like, Nope, nope. I'm done with this. Speaker 2 00:41:44 It's like breathing up on the fogging up the screen. Speaker 1 00:41:46 I'm like, I'm done with this. It was years later, I'm like, Yeah, that's probably not what Raptors looked like. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:41:53 They're much smaller and probably had feathers. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:41:58 But yeah, I think those things, like, I, I've always hated October. I don't consider it part of the holiday season. I, I think it's okay. Speaker 2 00:42:10 I'm, fuck, I'm someone as far as like, I think you should make Halloween, not the 31st, but like the first of the last Saturday of the month. Speaker 1 00:42:17 Just like, so it's all like, Speaker 2 00:42:18 So it's always a weekend. Like I'm one of the, I'm like, I'm Speaker 1 00:42:21 That funest. Yeah. That is genius. Speaker 2 00:42:24 I think it's, I think so. You know, everyone gets to have fun like Speaker 1 00:42:26 Halloween on a Monday. Come Speaker 2 00:42:28 On. Fucking lame is shit. Speaker 1 00:42:29 Come on. Speaker 2 00:42:30 It's only fun for kids. I, and it's barely fun. I, I hated weekday Halloween. Speaker 1 00:42:35 I found out that my neighborhood doesn't really do, I don't know if it was a pandemic thing, but like, we had candy, we had our lights out, we had decoration. Not one person came to the door. Speaker 2 00:42:45 No. Our neighborhood, like, I think now, like we know all the kids in the neighborhood. So I think we're just be trick or treating at each other's houses. I think that's it. Like, it's gonna be like a 30 minute Speaker 1 00:42:52 Out deal. I'm, I'm driving over to a rich neighborhood Monday night. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:42:55 Like, Yeah. Like our neighborhood was insane with kids growing up. Like, it, I remember just like, it was like a goddamn movie, like seeing kids run across the street, like lines of people at houses and stuff. And it just does not seem that, at least here, so Speaker 1 00:43:08 Like I, I grew up over the hills, same shit. Like, Halloween was like a party. I think that's what kind of happened is that now that I'm adult I'm like, fuck this holiday. Yeah. I remember my first time trick or treating where I was like, talked down to like, you should not be here <laugh>. I was like in high school, got a lazy ass co like costume with my buddies, you know, I was like a freshman in high school went over to like trick or treat. He's just like, What the fuck? <laugh>. And I was like, What <laugh>? Well you don't like my outfit, you don't like this. I'm, I'm a nun, Speaker 2 00:43:44 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:43:45 Boo. You know? I was like, Nah, you guys are too old to be trick or treat. And we're like, Okay, we're gonna egg this motherfuckers house. Speaker 2 00:43:53 I think I have the gall, they're like card trick or treaters. Speaker 1 00:43:57 <laugh>. I was just like, you know, I was always a big kid, so mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I guess it looked creepy. You know, I'm in this white neighborhood dressed as a nun sitting there with like a bunch of football players dressed up as idiots. Like, look like we're eighties bullies. You know, like where it was like trick or treat, Speaker 2 00:44:12 Like riding your bikes. Yeah. <laugh> throwing exit kids. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:44:16 I think what I want to do on Halloween is just like get a bunch of buddies dress up as Jedi's and just have like a big lightsaber fight in the middle of the street. Like on like Western and Vernon. Yeah. Like close down the street. Like Hollywood and Highland just be like, Yeah. People would would be like, Ah, I'm trying to get home to my family. I'm like, No, no, I have bit I'm doing for TikTok. Move over. Speaker 2 00:44:36 We, uh, we lived in West Hollywood for a few years and that's like where Halloween is here and it's, it was Speaker 1 00:44:41 Dude Halloween and Hollywood is not chill. It is, Speaker 2 00:44:46 It's insane. Like, like, like I remember like anytime I saw like, like, Oh wow, that's such a cool costume. I'd saw like two other people with that same cost. Like homemade version. It's like, what is going on? Like someone was like, I remember a group costume was like Tetris and like another one was Mario Cart and like one was the Ghostbuster with homemade, you know, fucking ghost and shit. It's like, this is crazy. One was the whole South Park crew. Like, and like the only, the only human was Mr. Slave in like in leather gear. Yeah. <laugh>. Everyone else had the big heads. I like shit like that. It's, Speaker 1 00:45:17 It's awesome. I remember I was in West Hollywood and I saw this group of very, very fit gay men dressed as the 300 Uhhuh. Like the Spartans. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they would walk any time somebody like, Oh my God. They'd be like, Oh, oh. Like, they'd like circle around them. They put up their shields and I'm like, holy shit. That is terrifying. Speaker 2 00:45:39 <laugh>. I can see how that works. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:45:43 I, so I, I really, really want to help lobby this idea of moving Halloween to the last Saturday of the month. Like, or second Saturday of the month. Yeah. Just like, it's always the last Saturday of the month. That's Speaker 2 00:45:56 Halloween. Let's get Brandon on this. Speaker 1 00:45:58 I, I God damnit Brandon Speaker 2 00:46:01 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:46:02 I saw, I saw this uh, internet clip where these guys were selling shirts that said Let's fuck Brandon <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:46:09 He's Speaker 1 00:46:10 Like, Hey, you want, let's fuck Brandon. Like that's inappropriate. He's like, Is Speaker 2 00:46:13 It, is it Speaker 1 00:46:13 Now? Is it now Speaker 2 00:46:15 <laugh>? Speaker 1 00:46:15 I, uh, I he is like, and like a couple guys were like, Fuck yeah. Like give me two, it's 30 bucks. Fuck yeah. Give me two of those. And like, took pictures with them and like, most people are like, that's not funny. That's not cool. <laugh>. And it kind of gave me this side like, oh, there's humanity inside of these in humans. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:46:33 Oh, so you do have a line. Speaker 1 00:46:35 Oh, so that's inappropriate. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But the whole like, oh no, wink wink. Let's go. Brandon is fine. No, no, Speaker 2 00:46:41 No. I don't wanna have sex with Joe Speaker 1 00:46:42 Biden. No. That's weird. Speaker 2 00:46:44 <laugh>. No. Fuck him. Fuck Speaker 1 00:46:46 Him. <laugh>. I want him to go fuck himself. Yeah. But if I'm fucking him, that's just No, you've crossed the line, sir. You've crossed the line. I love that. I love that. Absolutely. All right, so I wanted to talk to you first cuz you told me the name of it and I forgot about it. And everybody will know what I'm describing. I have never bought them. I've never seen them in stores, but I always get them. Those are little candy rappers that look like strawberries Speaker 2 00:47:18 With the green top. Oh, they little strawberry, Like with a, at the end jelly like cream, but like, Yeah. Jelly. Yeah. Yeah. What Speaker 1 00:47:23 Are those called? Speaker 2 00:47:23 I don't know. Strawberry. Strawberry sweets. Speaker 1 00:47:26 Strawberry sweets. How come everyone ha Like what? Like, there I can't be three decades into my life, three and a half decades into my life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and have never heard the name of this candy. Speaker 2 00:47:38 No. I think that you get 'em like with your, uh, like with uh, Medicare, your social security check, they like send them with you <laugh>. So you get 'em like that way. Use Speaker 1 00:47:45 Your a card. Yeah. And have a strawberry candy. Oh. What's the name of this easy buddy? It's Speaker 2 00:47:50 Strawberry candy Speaker 1 00:47:51 Easy buddy. Speaker 5 00:47:52 They're literally called Strawberry Speaker 1 00:47:53 Hard Speaker 2 00:47:54 Candy. There you go. Speaker 1 00:47:54 They're called Strawberry Hard Candies. Yes. Speaker 5 00:47:57 Some people call 'em Strawberry Speaker 1 00:47:58 Buds. Speaker 2 00:48:00 My strawberry Speaker 1 00:48:01 Buds. Strawberry Buds. <laugh>. That's unreal. So there's just not a name. These things just exist. No, Speaker 2 00:48:07 They're not like, you know, Rocking Normans or <laugh> Red blasters or whatever now. I Speaker 1 00:48:12 Mean, So like Candy corn. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So first of all, I had no idea why they were called Candy corn. Speaker 2 00:48:19 You didn't, you didn't think it looked like corn? Speaker 1 00:48:22 No. I thought it looked like a triangle of three different colors. Speaker 2 00:48:25 I, You're not wrong. Like they're, that's not corn color as far as we know. Speaker 1 00:48:28 Well, I saw somebody set up the candy corn, so you know you're supposed to build them. Speaker 2 00:48:33 No. Like you, like you build put 'em together. Speaker 1 00:48:35 So yes, you, if you get candy corn uhhuh, you take 'em out of the packs and you stack them in a circle and it makes a corn on the cob uhhuh. And then you have to yell on the outside with the white part of the corn with orange in the middle. Oh. Or Speaker 2 00:48:48 The corn. No, I've never done that. Speaker 1 00:48:49 Dude. It is wild to see people do it. And I was just, I had no idea. That's what I was like, why do they call this candy corn? I was like, Oh no. Because it looks like corn when you put together. Speaker 2 00:48:59 Could you just make like, if you like use food glue or something and just you make it ear of corn with it? Speaker 1 00:49:03 Yeah, you probably could. Yeah. Uh, I wouldn't think that's safe though. Cause I would eat. I think it would. Speaker 2 00:49:08 Yeah. I feel this destroy my teeth. Yeah. <laugh>, I love like the candy corn was always whatever, but those candy pumpkins, Speaker 1 00:49:16 There's candy pumpkins. Speaker 2 00:49:17 It's like the same texture of candy corn probably before you get 'em the same place as strawberry candies. Speaker 1 00:49:22 <laugh>. Uh, but Speaker 2 00:49:23 It's just like a pumpkin shape with like, but there's like soft, like candy, corn, sugar. Get Speaker 1 00:49:27 The fuck outta here. Yeah. I've never even heard of those. Yeah. Get the fuck outta here. Candied pumpkins. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. What the fuck? My mind, ladies and gentlemen has been blown. Speaker 2 00:49:39 <laugh>. Kapoof Sounds like somebody is gonna start lock in October. <laugh> can't talk. Speaker 1 00:49:44 That's the sound of my mind getting blown. There's not much in there. That's it. <laugh> drop a sack. Potatoes in a 1950s cartoon makes the same sound. Same sound. Same sound. All right. So my favorite candy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I know I said I was a nerds guy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But like, something I will never be able to like resist and I'll always go for more. Now. Laters really? I've that taf like just, I, I love just like opening up and seeing the colors that I got and I'm like, all right, I'm gonna go for the green. I'm gonna go for the pink and just like standing in there and just suck on that thing. It, Speaker 2 00:50:19 It tastes like candy sweat in my mouth. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:50:21 I love, I love Candy Speaker 2 00:50:22 Sweat. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:50:24 If I like, I, it's like the whisper song from the, the Yingying twins in my mouth. <laugh>. That's what I love about it. Speaker 2 00:50:30 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:50:31 I just love all like, and I'm a, I guess I'm like a sugar dude. Like I love all that shit and I like all that chocolate and I'm like, eh, save that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But all I know is that like, uh, you know, a Hershey's kiss that may get deformed open, destroyed, or turned into Disgustingness after time and hour later will be in my life forever Speaker 2 00:50:53 Now Speaker 1 00:50:54 Or later. That's Speaker 2 00:50:55 Right. <laugh>. Yes. He's also using for construction. They're so goddamn hard. God Speaker 1 00:51:01 Damn it. Are you changing my mind about October? Speaker 2 00:51:03 I'm trying. Speaker 1 00:51:03 Jesus Christ. Speaker 2 00:51:05 I'm also a big gummy guy. Speaker 1 00:51:07 Oh, Speaker 2 00:51:07 You like a gummy dude? Speaker 1 00:51:09 I'm a, I'm a Pio. Sour worms gummy bear Speaker 2 00:51:13 Titan. Yeah. Oh yeah. What about a harbo Speaker 1 00:51:16 Ha Oh, Speaker 2 00:51:18 HaBO Speaker 1 00:51:18 Hot bowl. Speaker 2 00:51:20 Bowl. I think they're German. Speaker 1 00:51:21 I believe it's pronounced hot bowl. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:51:23 You're right. Speaker 1 00:51:24 I I am never letting this go. Speaker 2 00:51:26 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:51:27 You weren't here for season two. We had a conversation about H Bowl, Speaker 2 00:51:31 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:51:32 And I can't say it any other way, but Hot bowl. Speaker 2 00:51:35 Yeah. Harbo. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:51:37 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:51:37 Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:51:38 <affirmative>. Coca-Cola. Honey Bowl. Amazing. Yep. Sour worm. Hot bowl. Amazing. You Speaker 2 00:51:44 Match a Coca-Cola with a cherry one. You just have a Cherry Coke boss. Speaker 1 00:51:48 Ooh. Speaker 2 00:51:49 Ooh. That's next level gummies. Dude, Speaker 1 00:51:51 You're changing the game right now. You're changing the game. Holy Speaker 2 00:51:55 Shit. Yeah. What can I say? I like a gummy. Speaker 1 00:51:57 Yeah. Uh, me and my, uh, my brother and I used to do gummy bear taste test. Not taste test, but you know, to guess. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So he close his eyes. I give him a gummy bear. He eat it. He has to tell me what color it was. Never, ever, ever succeeded. <laugh> like strawberry. Well, now that's green. That's pineapple. I don't, I don't think strawberry is a, a flavor. I think it's cherry Speaker 2 00:52:20 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:52:22 No. And like, I would eat the clear ones. You know what the clear one flavor is? Speaker 2 00:52:25 Those are pineapple, right? Those are Speaker 1 00:52:27 The pineapple. Speaker 2 00:52:27 I thought so. Speaker 1 00:52:28 I was asking Speaker 2 00:52:29 <laugh>, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:52:30 I, Speaker 2 00:52:31 Yeah, Speaker 1 00:52:31 I think so. I, I think I came at the question with, uh, did you know? But I was like, Do you Speaker 2 00:52:35 Know? Yeah, I think they are. Speaker 1 00:52:37 Get the fuck outta here. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's the pineapple. Speaker 2 00:52:39 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:52:39 These guys are fucking up <laugh>. What's the yellow one? Uh, Speaker 2 00:52:43 Lemon. Speaker 1 00:52:44 Disgusting. Speaker 2 00:52:45 Yeah. It's worst gun. Speaker 1 00:52:46 The green is what Speaker 2 00:52:48 I think. Apple. Speaker 1 00:52:49 It's Speaker 2 00:52:49 Apple. Like green apple Speaker 1 00:52:52 And orange is orange. I Speaker 2 00:52:54 Think. Speaker 1 00:52:54 What if orange was like, Speaker 2 00:52:56 Oh, wait a Speaker 1 00:52:57 Minute. Uhoh. We have some facts coming in. Okay. All right. Let's go with this. Blaine, our producer's gonna let us know is Speaker 2 00:53:04 Yellow lemon's yellow? Speaker 1 00:53:05 Lemon's yellow. Okay. He's gonna let us know. Where is green? Speaker 2 00:53:08 Strawberry is green. St. Speaker 1 00:53:09 Strawberries green raspberry Speaker 2 00:53:11 Is red. Speaker 1 00:53:12 Raspberries, raspberries. A color of gummy bears. Speaker 2 00:53:14 This is Harbo, right? This is horrible. Okay. This is heart bowes. Hearty Bowes Honey Speaker 1 00:53:18 Bows. They come Speaker 2 00:53:19 In five flavors. Uhhuh raspberry. Red orange. Orange uhhuh. Strawberry Speaker 1 00:53:23 Green. Strawberry green. Colorless Speaker 2 00:53:25 From the clear one. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:53:26 Pineapple pineapples, colorless. That makes sense. Speaker 2 00:53:29 Wow. All Speaker 1 00:53:30 Right. And lemon's yellow. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:53:32 <affirmative> St. Strawberries Speaker 1 00:53:32 Green. Strawberry is green. Speaker 2 00:53:35 Mine. Whoa. Speaker 1 00:53:36 All right guys, we're gonna have to take a break. I have to Speaker 2 00:53:40 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:53:41 I, uh, my whole, my whole childhood has been destroyed. Speaker 2 00:53:45 Yeah. Things have to be reassessed. Speaker 1 00:53:46 I, there's some things I need to do and some phone calls I gotta make to my brother. Speaker 2 00:53:50 <laugh>. Right? Speaker 1 00:53:52 You were right. Right. Yo, I, like, I have been shitting on this dude for years about this, like, this book of big strawberries and Honey bo idiot. I thought red was cherry. And I never eat red gummy bears. Cause I don't like, Oh my God. Denying yourself. Jesus. I like raspberries, Speaker 2 00:54:16 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:54:17 Oh my. I don't know what to do here, Bennett. Speaker 2 00:54:21 Oh, we gotta get some har bowls. Speaker 1 00:54:23 We gotta get some hot bowls Speaker 2 00:54:24 Bowl, honey bowl. Speaker 1 00:54:26 Well, we're gonna do our candy test, uh, next week. Speaker 2 00:54:29 Yeah. I eat some candies. Speaker 1 00:54:30 Yeah. Are you gonna dress up for our Halloween episode? Speaker 2 00:54:32 Sure. Speaker 1 00:54:32 All right. Do you know what you're gonna Speaker 2 00:54:34 Be? Yeah. I have a couple of real easy costumes. Always ready to Speaker 1 00:54:36 Go. Are you gonna put a name tag that says Bennett on it? No. Speaker 2 00:54:39 Like I, I just wore costumes. Speaker 1 00:54:40 I got rid of one of his costumes, guys. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:54:43 No. I, I, I want to spoil a couple easy costumes have in my costume bucket. Speaker 1 00:54:47 Just, just gimme one of your easy ones. Uh, Speaker 2 00:54:49 I got a very nice Jesus costume. Speaker 1 00:54:51 Oh, shit. <laugh>. It was a, uh, that tracks Speaker 2 00:54:57 It was a Roman costume that I got on the cheap, like, as like one of those, like, it was the last costume on the shelf, one Halloween. Oh, shit. And I was wearing, and they're like, You guys look like Jesus, Are you Jesus? And I said, Yes, I am. Oh my God. And the next one I made like a little, uh, like a little halo and spray painted a gold and stuck lights in it. So I have a little halo light, you know? So it's like a, Speaker 1 00:55:16 Well, I always go drag in Halloween. Speaker 2 00:55:17 Oh, yeah. I've seen, I've seen You were there Speaker 1 00:55:20 When I dressed up as Ursula. Yes. I was. Yes. I was very proud of my, my wig <laugh>. I was very proud of my wig. You Speaker 2 00:55:26 Went, you were head to toe. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:55:27 I, I remember, um, we, I went there with Liz and she was dressed up as Ariel that just washed up. So she just literally put a bedsheet with rope around her <laugh>. And I'm like, I feel like I'm trying Speaker 2 00:55:39 Harder. <laugh>. Yeah. Literally in like in paint. Head to toe. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:55:42 Yeah. Head. Head to toe paint at the purple on. I I was a great costume. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:55:47 Yeah. Tentacles. The whole deal. Speaker 1 00:55:49 So I'm trying to decide either Wicked Witch of the West, like Maleficent or Koala Deville. Speaker 2 00:55:55 Mm. Speaker 1 00:55:56 I'm gonna, uh, so next episode, full drag. You're gonna come in a costume. Sure. All right. Well, we'll see it guys. We're gonna have a really hard conversation and I have to make a phone call. But we're gonna be right back with more Papa. Don't preach. Speaker 2 00:56:09 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:56:10 October sucks. I, This is why I hate October. My, I was, I was on board. Now. My life is shattered. Speaker 2 00:56:16 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:56:46 Ladies and gentlemen. We are back. Um, and you know, with this argument about October, it seems that we're on the, uh, opposite ends of the spectrum here. Um, we are talking about scaring children. When is it too much? Is it necessary? Do we protect our kids? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so Bennett, this started off this story, uh, about Little Blessings Learning Center in Mississippi. Speaker 2 00:57:11 Yeah. It was a daycare in Mississippi that I guess some, some of the workers were recently fired and even more recently charged. Charged. They were like wearing like a scary mask and like scaring the toddlers in the daycare. Speaker 1 00:57:23 It was the mask from Scream, Right? Speaker 2 00:57:25 It looked sim I don't think it was, It looked similar. Speaker 1 00:57:27 It was Speaker 2 00:57:27 One of those, it was like a whiteface, like screaming looking mask. Speaker 1 00:57:31 The Google face. Speaker 2 00:57:31 But they were charged with, uh, felony child endangerment. Um, which I think this is where, I think this is where discussion happens. Like, I, I don't want my daycare workers scaring my kids. Speaker 1 00:57:43 Yes. Speaker 2 00:57:44 I don't think they should get a felony charge for it. I don't think you should go to like, I don't, I I mean, maybe if there's other like, forms of neglect going on, or like, maybe they'll plead bargain down to be like, you can never be around kids again. Uh, I don't, It just seems like a lot. But also look in those mugshots. I don't want those people around kids at all. <laugh>. Like, let me just say this. I know this is mean. The Mask is an upgrade. Speaker 1 00:58:08 So wait, is this, is this Louisiana coming after Mississippi here? Speaker 2 00:58:12 I mean, maybe, but Speaker 6 00:58:14 <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:58:15 Maybe. Speaker 1 00:58:18 Oh, Tar Nation. Speaker 2 00:58:19 Yeah. 49 and 50. Always getting, uh, Speaker 6 00:58:22 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:58:24 No, you're worse. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:58:29 Uh, the fight for second place Speaker 2 00:58:31 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:58:33 Um, so what if the school sent a letter to all, Hey, we're having spooky day and we're gonna scare your kids tomorrow if you don't want them scared. Keep them home. Speaker 2 00:58:46 I, Speaker 1 00:58:47 I'd say scare 'em. Cuz I'm not missing work for this motherfucker. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:58:51 I'd be like, I don't like, the thing is like, it's such a weird line cuz I don't want to be a parent that's like draws. It's like, well my kids, but my kids sometimes is sensitive. And I don't want you scar my kid if I don't, you know, like I'll scare my own kids. Thank you very much. Speaker 1 00:59:08 <laugh>. It's Mississippi Speaker 2 00:59:10 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:59:10 I'm, I'm sure it was like some hippie ass lady in a mass. I was just like, Oh, there was slaves back in the day. C r t. And they're like, No, no, do not do that. But I could be wrong and I could be trying to poke fun in a serious situation. Who knows? Who knows? Who knows. I, I'm down with it. I, I don't, I don't mind, like, I, I don't know if these kids are traumatized. They said they were toddlers, but sometimes they play it up. Speaker 2 00:59:42 It's Speaker 1 00:59:42 Like <laugh>. I'm sorry. Speaker 2 00:59:45 It's funny. It's, it's, it, it's very difficult. Cause I feel super hypocritical about it. It's like Speaker 1 00:59:52 Little blessings. Speaker 2 00:59:53 I'm gonna be the one traumatizing my kids. Thank you very much. I don't wanna stranger to do that. Do that my own I my own speed. Speaker 1 00:59:59 That's your job. To, That's a traumatize, Speaker 2 01:00:02 Like Speaker 1 01:00:03 Little blessings learning center of Mississippi. I'll look up the video. <laugh>. It doesn't look like they came in there and they're like, blah. Speaker 2 01:00:09 Like, they're definitely like the video I saw, like they're chasing after kids and kids are running away screaming, you know? Which is not something I, I just, it, um, and is like, you know, like we, you know, we surprise our kids like we do, you know, we pretend to be scary. Like they pretend to surprise us. It's like we play that game, you know? Speaker 1 01:00:28 But not, not for strangers. Speaker 2 01:00:30 No, I don't, I don't, I don't want someone surprising my my three year old yet. And like, trying to literally scare him till he screams and runs away. Because the thing is like, he might not remember that, but I'm sure it's fucking remember that. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:00:42 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:00:42 Like, that's, that's probably where the line is drawn. It's like he might not, like he probably will get over it. I Speaker 1 01:00:48 Will not, I you will not get over it. I guess Speaker 2 01:00:50 That I don't, I don't think I want you to have a felony charge, but you sure is fucking gonna be around my kid again. That Speaker 1 01:00:55 Is true. So, yeah. I mean, I guess the firing was justified, but Speaker 2 01:00:58 A felon felony Speaker 1 01:00:59 Charges is rough. I mean, like, Speaker 2 01:01:02 Unless they were like poking them with sticks and like, I, I just saw them chasing after the kids with masks, which I don't want them to do. I don't think you should not be allowed to vote for doing that. See, Speaker 1 01:01:12 You didn't see the video I saw where they like had the kid like locked up in the, and they were hitting him with the, the <laugh>, the car cables and they got 'em on the nis and it's like, Speaker 2 01:01:20 But did the kid sign a waiver? <laugh>. That's what I wanna know. Speaker 1 01:01:24 <laugh>. You guys should, if you, if you signed your kid up for a daycare, read the fine print <laugh> October. Spooky says, see, Speaker 2 01:01:32 Hey, got real spooky. Speaker 1 01:01:33 We're gonna throw a chainsaw at your kid. <laugh>. Uh, I, yeah, I, I agree with you. I mean, I guess like, if I would be diff I would feel different if it happened to me. Yeah. I look at a story like that, I'm like, ha ha <laugh>. That's hilarious. Yeah. But I guess if my kid came home or like, I picked him up and he's like shaking mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I'm like, what happened? Speaker 2 01:02:02 Yeah. If someone's telling me about this scary man or scary person that chased me a daycare today. Oh, excuse me. What the fuck was Speaker 1 01:02:08 That? Oh yeah. I'm go, I'm busting in a daycare and I'm like, What's going on? Explain. Speaker 2 01:02:12 That's gonna be his, you know, he tells me when he gets time out, like he doesn't have a filter. Like he knows, like, he's like, Oh, so and so got time out for this. Like, I was in timeout for that. Yeah. <laugh>, Miss Ja, you know, Miss so-and-so said this <laugh>. Yeah, I guess Speaker 1 01:02:24 I, I remember, I remember picking up my son from daycare and, you know, he always has some type of way, like, he's sad that he's has to leave school or his friends or mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he wasn't expecting to see me. And he is like, You're not beautiful daddy. I went to see my mommy. I'm like, Well fuck you idiot. I I get that. That's normal. Um, there was one time I picked him up and he was silent and he wouldn't look at me. He came out head down and I was like, What is going on? And the teacher looked at me and was just like, Ozo had a timeout, a really long timeout. So apparently a girl in Ozones class took his, his coloring set. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> when he had to go potty, he came back and there was nothing there. And he saw another girl using his coloring set. And my son, which I believe is my fault, I'm taking the blame, walked up to this girl, flipped her desk and pushed her over. When she told me that, I was so embarrassed because I was like, Ah, shit. Yeah, teach that bitch a lesson. Don't take my shit. But I can't say that. And at the same time I realized, yo oh, so you can't be attacking kids in class or something. Speaker 2 01:03:46 That's not how people, that's not how people work in the world. That can't live your life like that. Speaker 1 01:03:50 No. You can't be like, who took my starboard? Like kick over a cubicle. Like you can't do that shit. And he was on, so he was on timeout. And the way they do timeout is like old school ways. Like they have a, there's like a little corner mm-hmm. <affirmative> with one chair, Speaker 2 01:04:07 Mandatory minimum sentences. Speaker 1 01:04:08 It's like plain white. There's nothing around. You sit there facing the other way and you're not a, like, everybody's still having fun behind you. Yeah. You literally sit in a chair at a wall and the more you cry the longer you stay there. And so apparently he put up a fuss and his chair got moved outside. Oh, Speaker 2 01:04:29 <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:04:30 So not only were kids playing inside, you had to sit outside and then the kids got outside time. They were all playing. He had to sit there. Speaker 2 01:04:38 That's a long time out. Speaker 1 01:04:39 Mother fucking felony charges. Speaker 2 01:04:41 <laugh> Speaker 1 01:04:43 Fucking treat my kid that way. They Speaker 2 01:04:45 Needless to say they no longer practicing the state of Speaker 1 01:04:47 California. God damn. Put my kid in the system. <laugh> Speaker 2 01:04:51 Fucking Speaker 1 01:04:52 Put 'em in the put 'em in the hole. No. Scare him. Don't fucking put him in the hole. <laugh>. No, but I, I don't know, I I I'm seriously split about this shit. Like I understand completely what you're saying. Like, yo traumatizing a kid or scaring a kid, that like reaction like that should be left up to the parents Speaker 2 01:05:13 Because it's like, I don't know, like my mom used to scare us as a kid and I don't have like, I don't know, I don't think I'm deeply affected by it, but it's just like, is one, you know, one of the stupid things we do, like, you know, we, we still do it to our kids. It's like, Speaker 1 01:05:26 Yeah. I mean I guess that like what you said, like they can, they can stick with them. My brother scared me once. It still sticks to with me. Like I was just telling our producer this story about, uh, the movie with, uh, at the time asked America's sweetheart, Jennifer Aniston. There was a scary movie called Lepon. Speaker 2 01:05:44 Oh yeah, The Lepon. The Speaker 1 01:05:46 Lepon. Yeah, of course that movie freaked me out. Speaker 2 01:05:49 The original. Not not when he was in the hood. Speaker 1 01:05:51 No, no, not Lepon in the hood. That one was uh, offensive to my sensibilities. Speaker 2 01:05:55 I think that was wack, right? Speaker 1 01:05:56 <laugh> don't see it. Speaker 2 01:05:58 <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:06:00 Yeah. It was not Hip. Bennett. Speaker 2 01:06:02 <laugh>. Sorry. It whack. Right? It was whack. Right. <laugh> throw you off. <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:06:10 But yeah, that movie scared the shit outta me. And my brother knew it scared the shit outta me. And I was like seven or eight years old or six or seven years old. And my brother, uh, I was in the shower. My brother came into the bathroom, reached his hand over, turned off the light and I was like, What the hell? And then he, I heard the door just open and such. I'm like, What? And I turned off the water and I opened it. He's like, Lepon. And I was like, and he ran out the door and locked it and held it closed. And I ran. I was like, ah, bad. And as I was shoveling for the lights a butt naked, I slipped on the bathroom floor, I fell. My mom came running. Like, who's yelling? I got in trouble cause I was screaming bloody murders. Like I hope he's in a bathroom. Freaking out. It was such a traumatizing experience. Speaker 2 01:07:02 <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:07:04 So if that happened at school, I'd understand what you're saying. Speaker 2 01:07:06 <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. Said that you don't shower with the curtain closed to this day. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:07:11 I have like all the lights on in my shower <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:07:13 So, and a backup light just in case. Speaker 1 01:07:15 So if you go into my upstairs shower, there's a clip light hanging, there's a hip clip like hanging on like the little blinds uhhuh of the brush window. And we were like, What this, this ghetto shit. And I was like, um, I haven't gotten to it, but there's a motion sensor timer in the bathroom. So when I go in the bathroom, I'll take a shower. After a minute of no movement, the light turns off <laugh> and then you're just in the shower and the light's on the other side of the Speaker 2 01:07:41 Room <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:07:42 So I hung up this clip light. Cause Speaker 2 01:07:45 Because you're traumatized Speaker 1 01:07:46 Because I know that if I fucking didn't have that clip light, that goddamn lecom would show up. And then in front of the, my fucking girlfriend, the, my fucking love of my life, I will fucking flail scream but naked on the floor and then my son and my girlfriend will come and be like, This is not a man <laugh> this naked loser on the floor. Isn't there a goddamn leer God <laugh>. Oh shit. Well yeah, I guess I agree with you. But I still think <laugh>, I still think scaring kids is funny. Speaker 2 01:08:21 <laugh> it uh, you know, if we got time for one quick one, like I, there's one that I remember distinctly cuz it was the premiere over the show. Are you afraid of the dark? Uh, my brother and I hold. Yes I am. We're Yeah. Just turned 39 <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:08:35 Wait when? Speaker 2 01:08:36 Uh, it was my birthday on Friday. Speaker 1 01:08:39 Wait, Friday Like this first. Speaker 2 01:08:40 Not last Friday. Two days ago. Speaker 1 01:08:41 Two days ago. Yeah. Yeah. We don't know. It's your Speaker 2 01:08:44 Birthday. Nah, I'm pretty looky about it. Speaker 1 01:08:46 God damn. All right. We're gonna talk about this <laugh> happy birthday. Speaker 2 01:08:51 Thank you very Speaker 1 01:08:52 Much. I didn't get you anything Speaker 2 01:08:54 <laugh>. No, I mean, it's okay. Most people don't cause they don't tell 'em God. Speaker 1 01:08:57 <laugh>. So you were saying birthday boy. Speaker 2 01:09:02 Uh, yeah. So Premier. Are you afraid of the dark? Me and my younger brother were, were huddled around the, the TV just terrified. And I remember my mom opening the door to our room and she was wearing, uh, we had a gorilla mask, <laugh>. But she just went, Are you afraid of the dark? Speaker 1 01:09:17 Oh my Speaker 2 01:09:17 God. And literally I remember Brock and I just screaming <laugh> and I screamed so long. It took me, I screamed for so long, like I saw as it was mom, I realized it was her wearing the mask and I'm still screaming <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:09:29 And Speaker 2 01:09:29 She took it off so fast. She's like, Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I had no idea. Like, I thought you guys would be playing. I didn't know you the like, we were like so like zoned into the show and uh oh Speaker 1 01:09:40 Yeah. Yeah. There's like that <laugh>. First of all, I know your mom and that is fucking amazing Speaker 6 01:09:46 <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:09:48 That is fucking amazing. Uh, but yeah, I remember every time Are you afraid of dark? Came on my brother and I would turn off all the lights. We get the, we get pillows, we put the cushions on the floor, we get a blanket and we just sit there with the little popcorn <laugh> and we're like, Ready? And every single time we're like, that wasn't that scary. That wasn't that scary. That wasn't that scary. <laugh>. That wasn't that scary. But yeah, my brother, Speaker 2 01:10:11 That theme song is the scariest part about the whole show. I know Speaker 1 01:10:13 My brother got a kick out of tormenting me growing up <laugh>. Cause I told you I wasn't as scared of much. Yeah. Just things that didn't exist. <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:10:20 Yeah. You're dragging you dinosaurs. You're aliens. Speaker 1 01:10:23 Dude. I, Speaker 2 01:10:23 Aliens do exist, but Speaker 1 01:10:25 Oh yeah. I, I I I will tell you about the closet story on another pod <laugh>, but I'll give you a little snippet right now. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I was locked in a closet. It was a joke. I decided I was gonna be a big boy about it and not give them what they wanted. It was my brother, my buddy Zena like locked me in a closet. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then I, I was just like checking the door and I opened, all the lights were off and I said nope. I closed the closet and I stayed in the closet until my mom got home. <laugh> my fucking brother left me in. Speaker 2 01:10:58 I was Speaker 1 01:10:58 Like, I know where this is going. I don't feel like shit in my past today. These are new boxers. I had no, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:11:06 There's like just a room that's, Oh wow. Look at this quiet room. Nothing going on here. Fucking, no. Speaker 1 01:11:12 My mom came home. I heard, I saw the dr the the door, uh, her car pulling up in the window. I made sure I listened to the door. When I heard her open the door, I heard my brother and Cena talking to my mom. And then I came out and they clowned on me for staying in the closet all night. And I'm like, You guys didn't get your prank. So I went and I realized that they locked me in a closet for two hours. <laugh>. And it was unlocked. I could have left that any point in time. Uh, that's the best kind of prank. Yeah. So that's the story. I'm not gonna save it for another pod. That was it. <laugh>. I just have to get it off my chest. Uh, but yeah man, um, spooky seasons upon us. I can't wait till our, uh, Halloween episode. Speaker 1 01:11:52 Yeah, let's go scare our kids. All right. I think we should ruin our kids. <laugh>. Send me a video of you scaring your kids. I'm gonna send you one of me scaring the buzz out. <laugh>. We'll, we'll compare. Let's see. All right, ladies and gentlemen, that's the end of our bud. Uh, big shout out to blame Pierre, Producer, uh, dna. Aaron Mo, do our music. This is on Preach Tune next week for our Halloween episode. Check out our podcast on the YouTubes at Papao Preach and our Instagram at Papa don Preach podcast. Ladies and gentlemen, we out Beanie Man. Get later. See you later. Everyone.

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