DadtoberFest Part Boooo

Episode 16 November 18, 2022 01:18:39
DadtoberFest Part Boooo
Papa Don't Preach
DadtoberFest Part Boooo

Nov 18 2022 | 01:18:39


Show Notes

The gang is still here will a spooky and grumpy take on Halloween. In full costumes, the dads discuss their opposing views on the fright-tastic holiday. Stick around for the end as the dads do a taste test on Tootsie Rolls. That's right, all the flavors but the original. What could possibly go wrong?

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:39 Happy Halloween. Hey, happy Halloween <laugh>. Happy Halloween ladies and gentle movie. Are are back here. Papa, don't preach. My name is ob, I'm here with Bennett Miller. How you doing? Not bad right now. Right now? Yeah. Are are you waiting for the Halloween storm? Uh, yeah. I mean, Halloween's uh, kinda been creeping in all month it feels like. Yeah. Like September 5th. It was Halloween season, <laugh>, and now it's here and I am let down. Yeah. It's already pushed out. Christmas is already here at Target. Yeah. <laugh>. I feel old as, I feel old as shit cuz like the last three days I didn't understand what was happening. You know, Friday night I got home from work and there's like a block party and there's music, dj, smoke, there's all these kids. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, you know, early twenties, late teens walking up and down the street dressed like idiots. Speaker 1 00:01:29 I'm like, what the fuck is going on? I'm like, oh. Oh yeah. It's Halloween weekend. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, I left work yesterday. I'm in all this traffic. I don't understand what was going on. I was like, oh, it's Halloween weekend. Yeah. People are having fun. Yeah. Yeah. I had no idea. No, not us. I was like trying to find a nice dive bar so me and the lady can go play some pools somewhere. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like everywhere. We're like, there's lines. And I'm like, what's going on? Oh, it's Halloween weekend. The Halloween weekend. <laugh> it. Uh, yeah. Halloween on a Monday is, um, it's a rough one. Like, especially if you're a kid. Like, imagine like how bummed out I would be if had Halloween on a Monday. It seems stupid. It seems wrong. I I know that, uh, we were gonna talk about it, but, uh, might as well bring it up now. Speaker 1 00:02:12 We gonna jump right in. Yeah. Uh, I think it was, was it Cincinnati? I got here on my, I got some notes. Yeah. At Cincinnati. Uh, yeah. So they were petitioning to move Halloween to the last weekend of October. And it doesn't move. It's just like the last Saturday of the month is Halloween. Always. Yeah. I think that's genius. I like that too. I, I, Halloween on a weekday is so dumb. Yeah. And it just seems like lost revenue. Yeah. It's just not, it's not as fun. Yeah. We all celebrate Halloween on the weekends anyway. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, it's just like Halloween's on a Wednesday. So the week before that <laugh>, it's whatever. Yeah. Make it like Thanksgiving or whatever. Like Yeah. Yeah. What the fuck? I feel like sometimes we don't try hard enough at human, like, at being humans to be happy. Yeah. We don't try hard enough. Speaker 1 00:02:56 You just make life difficult. Yeah. I, um, I get it seems like such a simple solution and I would, that's, I don't, I uh, I've got a no petition policy. I don't talk to clipboard people. <laugh>. But if it's like we're trying to make Saturday, uh, you know, permanent Halloween holiday of like Right. Fine. I'll sign. No, I, that's the one I'd breakdown for. Yeah. <laugh>, I love that you're no petition. You have a no petition policy as a human. Uh, I once, um, moved to LA and I was very poor. I, uh, found a Craiglist job to be a clipboard person and it was one of the single worst days of work in my life. Ah, yeah. I mean, to ask people for anything with a clipboard in your hand was, it's not for me. Yeah. I, I've done it once, but I'm a, I'm very outgoing sometimes. Speaker 1 00:03:40 And, uh, when I was at Pierce College, uh, it was one of the little day jobs I had after I got, uh, I quit my hotel job. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I, I enjoyed it. I, you know, I'd pick the best locations cuz I was loud and I'd make a day little thing of it. I had my little, my little radio and get high as hell. I'd be like, Hey, hey, hey, let me get you, lemme talk to you. Oh, no, it's okay. Have a good time. Oh, you're busy. I get it. You know, like, it, it was emotionally draining. Like, it doesn't matter what it is when you're getting rejected for 75% of your day, it, it starts to weigh you down. So it's not like something I can do as a living. No, I, and that's it. I was like, after one, I was like, oh, no, no, this is gonna happen all day. Speaker 1 00:04:19 Huh. <laugh> <laugh>. I love how, I love how you, uh, you the clipboard people is so I want to get like a poster of that. Like, I'm a clipboard. It's such an LA thing, like a California thing. Oh, they don't, they don't have that. I don't remember. Like, everywhere you go at this time of year, you cannot walk five feet in, in front of a store without someone of the clipboard trying to That's true. Assign something. Do you guys got the little like black and Mexican kids selling candy bars for their basketball team? Yeah, we have that too. Okay. All right. So I'm, I always see that and I'm like, I gotta help this dude out, but I'm not, I'm not gonna give you any money. Yeah. I give you some tips. <laugh>, study <laugh>. You ain't going to the nba <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:04:56 Yeah. There's a tip. Uh, so I, I'm for those of you guys at home, I, if you're watching us on YouTube right now, you're probably like, what the hell's going on? Oh, they're talking about Halloween. If you're at home, it's probably just a regular, uh, podcast. But Bennett, you are dressed like, is ITM Foley? Uh, yeah, the old hard car legend Cactus Jack, himself C Foley Cactus Jack McFoley the wrestler, like the, it looks really good. It's, it's one that I can blend into real easy. It's, and just so you know, if you wore this two months ago, I wouldn't have, I've been like, oh yeah, he's dressed like Bennett <laugh> <laugh>. That's why it's a great costume. Oh, nice. Uh, I like your costume. Thank you. And then you of course are, uh, the candy bar that turns your tongue green. Reptar. Yeah. You know it. Speaker 1 00:05:38 I am Reptar from the show. Uh, rug Rugrats were funny thing about that candy bar is that every time they had it, it was like, it looked like chocolate. Yeah. That they would eat a chocolate bar and it turns their tongue green. I figured it was like, like green dyed caramel or something on the inside. That's what I, in my child, had Cannon made up rationalize this and be like, this makes sense. Too bliss too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I was either this or I was gonna be, uh, I have another character and that I have, it's a black, it's not black, it's a panda, but I call it black panda. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he's a, he's a panda bear in the hood that sells drugs. <laugh>. So it's just a panda onesie with my glasses on and like a big fake mustache <laugh>. And that's a character I made up. Speaker 1 00:06:19 It was a huge hit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, sometimes I'll get a bag of money or a bag of drugs and Yeah. It's great at parties. That's, um, some of my favorite costumes have been like, ones that I've gotten from Goodwill and just made it into a costume. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Like one Halloween I got, I found like a really awful cheap suit and I wore it like three different parties. Like, I, one party I was like, I was like, I was your step, I was your stepdad, <laugh>. I'd be like, how are you doing sport? Like, you know, like that kind of stuff. Like, how are your grades? And like, then I think one, like, some friends were flight attendants and I was like an unruly passenger the other night, <laugh>. It was, uh, it's a fun one. It was like just a really crappy suit. Speaker 1 00:06:53 They got a lot of work out of, man. That's, that's, that's hilarious. I, I, I, my intention was to be in drag. I was gonna do koala deville. Uh, there's no time. I had no time to do my art. Va shopping, you know, hit the, the second hand stores, get a nice wig, no time whatsoever. I, it's, if it was on a Saturday, <laugh> might have squeezed some more time. I might have squeezed some time together. It's a little ridiculous. I feel that the, the world's not set for me. Um, before we catch up on the rest of this week, I just wanna get this outta the corner, uh, out. I just wanna get this out of the way. We're gonna hit Kanye's Corner real quick. Oh, okay. The Ye House, he's still here. He's still here. Uh, he got escorted out of Sketchers. I, uh, I saw that too. Speaker 1 00:07:38 And it's, um, I don't know. He, like, do we still want to keep talking about him? Yeah. Because you know, we were, we were talking before the pod and you know, me and my producer were having some debates about this, but we are fully aware that Kanye is mentally, he's got mental health issues and when he's off his meds, he's not well. And when we see him having a public episode, the rush to put him on camera to see what he's gonna say and drive up their views and hold him to that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, you know, we're not, Kanye isn't defined by his last album. He's defined about the, like, the latest, craziest thing that he's done. Yeah. And it really sucks cuz I sometimes, like when people are having breakdowns like this, I was telling you like, when it happens the first time it happened, like day one, I'm like, haha, you fucked up day two. Speaker 1 00:08:32 I'm like, oh shit, who's gonna be crazy day three? And I'm like, all right, we had our fun. Can we get this guy some more girls, some help. Yeah. Day four. I'm like, yo, this is, is there anyone in his world that help him at this point? This is not chill. I'm wondering if like, you know, when Britney Spears was having a breakdown, same shit happened. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, same shit happened. And then like, people were like, they're taking, taking advantage of Britney and like her vans were like, stick up for, and I see that the media got behind this let's free Britney. Like, she's obviously was not mentally stable, but she's doing better. Yeah. You know, um, sometimes I wonder if Kanye being a black man, they just wanna see this motherfucker burn, like crash and burn. You know, I sometimes I feel like if there was somebody in a similar situation who was white, there'd be a little more sympathy to a situation. Speaker 1 00:09:21 And, you know, it sucks. It definitely, like, I feel he gets, I mean, I mean being, you know, such a gigantic star, I guess it's part of it, but yeah, he's gotten so much attention in everyone and just be like, oh yeah, look at, you know, I mean, us included. It's like, oh yeah, look at that guy. Like, look at him being the crazy guy. Yeah. And now it's just like, oh wow, okay. Alright man. Like, it, it, it seems that like people around him are taking advantage of him. Like they're fleecing him for money. And of course it was fun for a bit, but now it's just like, oh, like, this seems like a guy that like, if he didn't have money, he'd be on the street screaming. Like, yeah, definitely. He's close. He's closer to that than, you know, fucking graduation. You know, dude, I'm pretty sure I saw him on 48th of Vernon at the liquor store, <laugh> like that couple days ago trying to sell me a rosary without a crucifix on it. Speaker 1 00:10:06 He used rosary. Yeah. Just a used rosary. It's like, the Jews will come with you, man. I'm like, ah. Right. Get outta here, Kanye. Yeah. It's like you ye <laugh>. Um, but yeah, I see people burning their, their shoes, their Kanye's, their yeas, their Yeezus. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> see them burning 'em online and I see resellers just like, woo, stock just went up. Yeah. Yeah. <laugh>, let's stock <laugh>. And it, I feel bad. Like, I, I feel bad for Kanye and that no way, shape or forms depend, uh, defends any of the things that have come out of his mouth. Yeah. Yeah. I do remember him saying slavery was a choice. I do remember him retraumatizing, uh, the George Floyd family. Yeah. He did apologize, uh, uh, but made a dumb ass reference after his apology. <laugh>. Um, I don't appreciate anything he said about the Jewish community. I think it's inflammatory and we all know, you know, there's certain communities where you've, you publicly say some untrue, stereotypical, like, bigoted shit. Speaker 1 00:11:05 There's gonna be some bad actors to jump on top of that. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like, yeah. I mean, you know, once you get people saluting, you know, hing Hitler on the 4 0 5 in your Honor, you definitely on the wrong way. Like, you're ready to go fast in the other direction. Dude, if somebody was sitting on the 1 0 1 freeway here in Los Angeles with a sign that said OB was right, fuck the Jews. It like, I would look internally immediately. I'd be like, what did I do? Yeah. How do I change? If I, if I got out of the bed on the left side of my bed, I'd start getting outta bed on the right side. I would start brushing my teeth with cold water instead of warm water. I start drinking my cereal with apple juice instead of milk. I would try to figure out something that I am doing that I need to change immediately to distance myself from those people. Speaker 1 00:11:55 But yeah. Fucking ye. Yeah. That guy sucks. He sucks. He sucks. All right. We'll see ya. See ya. Never I are, uh, do you like any, uh, uh, Kanye songs? Are there songs from Kanye you like? Uh, yeah. I, before like, I liked him a lot. Like I had all of his album, you know, listen to all of his albums except the last couple. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I just gave him a couple tracks. I was like, eh, not for me. Yeah. Uh, but no, I think he's like, you know, as a producer, he is fucking unmatched. Like, he, he makes some un unbelievable beats. Um, but, you know, it's, it's like you gotta separate your art from your artist and you gotta make, you know, and you gotta make personal calls. Like, you know, are you still gonna listen to whatever, you know, whatever artist is a complete asshole that you know about, you know? Speaker 1 00:12:41 Yeah, I know, I know. Trust me, I listen to remix to Ignition and I'm like, damn, this just slaps <laugh>. But I can't defend anything that r Kelly has ever done, you know? Yeah. I'm still have a hard time listening to Michael Jackson songs, even though it's unfounded. Like, after I watch that documentary, it's like, that seems like a lot of very valid stuff that they're talking about. See, like, that's the pride problem. Is that like the, I've, I explained this on the podcast in the past, the amount of bandwidth that Michael Jackson music dance, like the art takes up into my brain. I don't think I can function without it. Yeah. Like, it, like, I came up in the generation that if you did not know how to moonwalk, you weren't a dancer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. If you didn't know. Like I, I knew every Michael Jackson's song. I knew the beat breaks. Like I knew, I, I used to watch Moonwalk every Friday at my dad's house. We'd watch Moonwalk before anything else. We'd go to Blockbuster and get new movies and we'd go, okay, cool. Let's pop on Moonwalk, eat this pizza, and then, you know, take a bath and we'll watch the movie that we saw and like that we rented. Like, it sucks. And, you know, uh, college Dropout is still one of the best albums of all time. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:13:48 Um, but yeah. That's, that's my feeling on ye uh, I guess, uh, that's the end of Kanye's Corner for this episode. We're gonna, we're gonna move on. Fucking poor guy. <laugh>. Uh, are you worried about your kids having rainbow fentanyl in their candy <laugh>? Yes. That's the top of my list of things to be worried about. I can't believe sometimes that people, like, you can't just look at a story and be like, come on guys. Put some effort into it. It, no, it's, it's like, it's not even a story. Just someone just had this idea. It's like, well, there's lots of stories about fentanyl and then this Halloween's coming up. Let's, let's just put all these ideas together. It's never, it's not happened. Never happened. And, you know, maybe there's only been two cases that I've ever heard about. One was a kid who got into his dad's like LSD or acid OD'ed in the dad put said acid in his Halloween candy and said that that's how he got into his drugs. Speaker 1 00:14:39 Oh shit. The other one was an intentional poisoning from a family member. Uh, and that's it. Like that, those are, those are the only two instances of confirmed Halloween poisoning of candies. I don't know why the, the local media assumes that the most non, like, like the most unprofitable day of the year for a drug dealer is Halloween. Cuz that's the day that all drug dealers across America get together and say, yo fuck profits, we're gonna start giving this shit out for free and see what happens. Like <laugh>. And it's like, it just, the logic, it's like to get there, it's like, I'm a drug dealer, <laugh>, I got this fentanyl, I'm gonna put it in the candy. I'm gonna give out the candy at my house. <laugh>, I live at this place. Everyone in my neighborhood knows who I am. I'm gonna give it out like I'm a normal guy. Speaker 1 00:15:28 No one would ever suspect I'm a drug dealer. I, I dress like, like a normal guy every day. I'm not sketchy. All these kids are coming to this not sketchy guy's house. It's Halloween. He can be dressed like a drug dealer. Yeah. <laugh>. It just like, the logic is so fucking flawed. And I, it, uh, it just, you know, it's scary bullshit to fill 90 seconds on the news. Yeah. I mean, I don't know when I, I I kind of wanna start trying to see if I can make up my own scary Halloween stories mm-hmm. <affirmative> and start putting 'em out there to see if they can get some traction. You know, like, oh, you know, don't eat Snickers. Like, there's been this rogue vet on the LA County vet that's been wrapping up dog shit to make it look like Snickers and giving it out to kids. <laugh>, you know, and he's, he's putting, he's putting Angel dust in it. <laugh>. Yeah. You know, old school. An angel does. Angels when Quaaludes in there. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:16:17 Oh man. Um, but yeah, this is right. So, yeah, it's been a rough week. It's been a very rough week. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I'm so glad we're going in the Halloween. We can just have some fun. Um, I don't know if I, you know, we're gonna get to it in the next segment. I wanna talk, like, I wanna talk about, uh, some trick or treating stuff, hacks, <laugh>, some trick treating hacks, uh, in the next segment. But before we move on, uh, I definitely wanna bring up the, uh, what, uh, I think it's Bacardi. Blaine Is that Bacardi? The company? Bacardi. It's Bacardi. We wanna bring up, uh, Liccardi is doing, and it's a, a nice dad clap that I'm putting together for Bacardi. Like, well done. Bacardi. Uh, they stop providing plastic pores, uh, with their bottles. And it's about 140 tons of single use plaque plastic annually. And they're like, you know what, we're not gonna do that anymore. It's fucked up for the earth. Yeah. I don't even understand. Just eyeball it. Yeah. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:17:20 You, you know what they should do? Is they should have like the little, a little, this etch a little, uh, what are those things? The measuring the little measurements. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's like just four levels down. It's like a good time. Not for heavy drinkers party time. Yeah. Just like a novelty glass. Yeah. Built in. Just built into it. Yeah. There you go. I got, I got my, my novelty. It, uh, I, I, I like that move. I think it's Hasbro, one of the major toy companies that started doing that too. Instead of doing plastic front packaging, they started doing pictures of the toys. Oh. Uh, which I think, you know, it's like, it's, it's something, you know, it's not nothing <laugh>. That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah. I'm, I'm all for that. Like, I, I've started to cut out little things in my house where, you know, we don't u we only get the big box of soaps. Speaker 1 00:18:07 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like the big boxes cardboard box. We don't use the plastic stuff anymore. Uh, we don't use tide like laundry detergent. We use the laundry sheets that comes in the cardboard box. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it sucks that, you know, they send you all this cardboard full of cardboard for the one thing of cardboard <laugh>. That part's annoying <laugh>. But, you know, I wish I could just go to the store with my, like, big jug, whether it's glass or whatever. It's just my single use jug. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I can just go over to this section, press a button, it fills it up of shampoo or fills it up with soap <laugh>. And I weigh it at the end and be like, that's, this is what I want. Leaving, like, it, like, I, I have my reusable bags, but we should take it one step further. Yeah. You know, like, I, everything should be set up. Speaker 1 00:18:50 Like, we're all gerbils just refilling our shit. <laugh>. We shouldn't be getting boxes of boxes of shit. I know. What the fuck Frosted Flakes look like. I don't need a goddamn tiger on the box. And tell me what Frost flakes look like. Just fucking pour it in the bag. I'm outta here. Moving on. Moving on, moving on. But guys, we got a lot of stuff to cover today. Uh, Halloween wise, spooky wise. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I've got some fun stuff coming up. Uh, I have a few spooky surprises for Bennett that I'm not gonna tell him now. Ooh. Yes. I love it. Uh, so you guys please stick around. This is Paone. Preach. We're gonna be right back with more Dad Tober Fest, part two, the Big Boo. Speaker 1 00:19:56 Hey ladies and gentlemen, thanks for sticking around. We are still here doing everything we can to have a astic day, uh, setting up for Halloween. Uh, Bennett, I'm gonna go ahead and just hit you with the hard questions. <laugh> hard, hard questions. All right. What scares you? Um, well, <laugh>, the one right off the bat is I'm, uh, I'm like afraid of heights. Like Noma, like as hard as I fight it, like I could sometimes get over it. You're, you're afraid of heights. Yes. Yes. Yes. But you're still tall. I know. <laugh>. I know. It's like me being afraid of blacks, <laugh>, it doesn't make any sense. But you're so never <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:20:34 Uh, yeah. Like, the one that really gets me is like, if I'm like at a, at a mall, like once you're, like at the third story, like, if I hit my eyes, hit the ground floor, my knees will like just shake off automatically. Oh, really? Yeah. And like, I've had, you know, multiple jobs where I had to work with in scissor lifts and lifts in the air, and like, Jesus Christ. And it's terrible. Like I just had to, you just have to like, just hope for the best. Oh. Like, there's like one gig that was like, you know, a couple years ago, like, I was doing like, uh, some grip work stuff and the guy was like, oh, we just gotta go up to the grit. You know, the grid up upstairs real quick. Ah, that's terrifying. Uh, and I was like, oh, okay. No big deal. Speaker 1 00:21:09 Like, they didn't wanna be like, oh, I don't, I don't really go up higher than six feet. <laugh>. Uh, so like, literally, can you explain to people what the grid is? Cause like, I don't think people understand how terrifying this actually is. So we're like on sound stages, like all the light, all the lights are like being hung in from the air. And that's, that's like, you know, a 20 feet in the air. And then up there, there's piece, there's another 20 feet or 50 feet up in the air where the actual pieces of metal they hang the lights from, or called the grid. Uh, so I had to go, he was like, oh, it's gonna adjust something real quick, and he give me a hand. I was like, oh yeah, sure. Um, and then he's like, oh, you'll, you know, this part kind of sucks, but like, you gotta crawl under here to get to it. Speaker 1 00:21:47 So you let it crawl on a, like a, you know, a five, five or six inch wide beam to get there. And like, <laugh> goes, he gets working, he turns around, he's like, what? Where are you <laugh>? And I'm just on all fours on this beam and I moved yet. He's like, I'm, I'm working on it. I'm working on it. <laugh>. And he's like, dude, you just told like, I didn't even need your help. I just didn't even, you just told me you're afraid of heights. It's like, well now, you know. Yeah. <laugh>, this is a better way for you to understand <laugh>. It's like, I'm, I'm going, here it comes. Speaker 1 00:22:22 Oh, well, shit. At least I know how to scare you now. Yeah. You just waking me up in the top of a building. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> gonna roof you fucking put you on top of the tallest building. I could find no way out. Yeah. Good luck moving me <laugh>. I did not think about that. Did not think that far. Yeah. Good way to pull my back. <laugh>. Wake up. Wake up on a picnic table. <laugh>. I just told you it was high. That's still probably get me see me trying to move you. I could blow up my shrinker. That's one of my fucking biggest fears. Really. Like, I, I, I not like in the literal sense, but I actually No, in the literal sense, I don't wanna shit my pants. Oh, that's something you I'm terrified of doing. Like the embarrassment on top of the actual action. Speaker 1 00:23:02 I just, everything about it. Yeah. Yeah. Like I, I don't know what I, you know what it was, you know what it was, it was grow like through my years, even high school on the job in professional environments, I have known people that have been in a situation where they shit their pants. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's, uh, no pun intended, it stains you, <laugh>. You know, like I, I know people at, I've seen, they'll be like, Hey, what up? I'll be like, what's up bro? And you know, they'll go in for a handshake, I'll give 'em a little elbow nudge and it's like, yeah man, that happened 20 years ago. Get over. I'm like, yeah, but you shit, your pants high. Don't think so. <laugh>. Sorry. 20 years ago. Sorry. No, I mean there's, there's, you know, know one person, there's two people that come to mind in high school that like, you know, no matter what accomplishment they come into life <laugh>, no matter how, you know, what awards they win. Speaker 1 00:23:54 One guy shoot his pants in class and the other girl got drunk and kicked shit under a trampoline at a party. Oh yeah. And that's it. That that's, I'm sorry, those your only two accomplishments in my brain. Roll the decks. Oh yeah. I knew, I knew a girl who's very successful right now. You know, she got a popular Instagram. Very, very successful. And I just knows the girl shit. Her pants <laugh> at a party. I'm just like, I was there. Sorry. Yeah. Fuck it. He was there. Two of these other motherfuckers there. Your boy, your husband, now that you have did not know you at the time, but he was there <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:24:27 Uh, but no, uh, one of my real fears is I think a common one. And it came from growing up in like, the woods of the valley. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So like, I don't know if it's the dark. So let me think about this for a second. I'm not scared of the dark. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I am scared of not being able to see anything around me in an uncontrolled environment. So picture like this, if there's no lights off in my house, I don't care. I'm going to go downstairs, go in the fridge, pour some water. I don't want to hurt my eyes mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But if I'm going into the backyard to throw some trash out, I gotta make sure the backyard lights on. I gotta make sure I have a clear line from the trashcan back to the back door. Like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I don't, I just, I always feel like there's gonna be a monster around the corner. Speaker 1 00:25:15 Like a literal mon. I'm like, I'm like, what would I do if a mountain lion just jumped on the roof right now? <laugh>, it's pretty extreme. Like, like a very high pitch fish. Oh. I used pitch fashion. Oh yeah. I, I used to live in Bell Canyon in the Valley. And um, for those of you who don't know, bell Canyon was like one of those gated communities, like built into the hills. So everybody had like, you know, a 20, 30 yard driveway that went up to their house. So I remember I had to take out the garbage, I'd have my little flashlight and you know, my mom would make me take out the garbage cuz she's like, I know you're not gonna wake up early enough to do this <laugh>. And every time I did it, I was like, okay, cool. I put on my sweatshirt, I'd put on like my, my running shoes mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 1 00:25:54 And I would just sprint back to the front of that house. Cause I'm like, I know there's a bear behind me. <laugh>. Yeah. Just like every single mountain line just slowly crawling at you. Yeah. Yeah. And like, I can't look behind me. Cause I know if I look behind me, I'll be paralyzed with fear. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I, I, so that's one of the things that like, if you want to get me just put a fake coyote in, like my backyard <laugh>, that's one of those like, I'm sure you know, I dunno if everyone does it, but like, give yourself anxiety of like, what if someone's coming to get me right now, is this the right key? I can't get the key in the door right now. <laugh>. It's like just making up a killer in your head. Yeah. You're just like, oh, fucking key. I would've been dead. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:26:30 I don't know why that comes to my head. That happens to me a lot. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's so like, so accurate where I'm just, oh, that's not the right key. Okay. I got five seconds to find the right key <laugh>. Nope. Okay. He's stabbing you in the back. Nope. I'm being stabbed. I'm dead. I'm dead. No reason to put yourself through that self, that trauma mm-hmm. Doesn't exist. It's ridiculous. Um, so I would say there's real stuff. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that I'm terrified of, that you can't make a horror movie out of. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like taxes, like crippling debt, <laugh>. Those are things that I'm terrified of that like, you know, you can't have a movie called like, you know, social Security <laugh>. Well, it's like just a drama, you know? Yeah. Yeah. I guess so. It'd be a drama horror, not like a really slasher film, if you will. Yeah. Like, not a dramady, you know, it's like a, a horror horror. Speaker 1 00:27:23 Harra harra harra <laugh>. A drama. A drama mar a drama. Yeah. It's like, it makes you cry. And also, uh, scream and dare. Yeah. That's <laugh>. Like I have, like, I have my little automatic drama reader. So if I go down and somebody finds me, there's just gonna be a letter. It's like obs, final words, delete my browser history. <laugh>, that's it. Before you put me in the ground, my brother's like my emergency contact. Yeah. Throw my phone in the ocean. <laugh> my phone, my computer, all my hard drives throw. Oh, must go. I throw, throw it all away. You must not know who I really am. <laugh> just a little white girl. <laugh> at heart. Speaker 1 00:28:09 So many Hello Kitty stuff. <laugh>. I have a full storage unit of all Hello Kitty memorabilia from like the eighties and like, think about how, like, would that be work? Like what would be, if you found that like if there was a key around my neck, you saw it had like a little storage unit code in a dress. You're like, what's this? And you go and you open it up and it's just a storage unit full of Hello Kitty memorabilia. Would you think any less of me or more of me? I wouldn't think less. I, it definitely add a new dimension. Ah. It'd be like, if you're like Smithers and had like, you were like a premiere Barbie collector, like that'd be something that's like, that's really specific dude. Dude. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:28:49 I guess if you have a specific hobby like that, you're a little bit of a weirdo. Yeah. A little bit of a weirdo. Uh, speaking of little bit of weirdos, I have to bring this up before we move on. Our producer, Blaine, uh, was telling us about a national candy ranking system. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that they did. Oh, like per state? Per state's. Yeah. Like per state they rank candy, right? Bla Yeah, that's right. Uh, okay. So apparently most states picked Reese's Pieces. Was it the cups or the pieces? Uh, so we got the, the Reese's Pieces Cups. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, the Cups ofs. I mean, that's the number. That's my number one. I'm not a peanut butter guy, so I never, I can never enjoy anything that was like that. That's most of the candy. Well not most of the candy. Most of the good candy. Yeah. Most, I guess most of the good candy. Like, I, like I never fucked around with Snickers, but you know, I got TWIs between Muskier, Milky Way. What's California? Speaker 3 00:29:40 California. Speaker 1 00:29:41 California's probably Reese's Cubs. You know, Speaker 3 00:29:43 California Speaker 1 00:29:45 Be Reese's Cups. What's uh, what's one of the oddball ones? Speaker 3 00:29:48 I'll tell you, Connecticut is the only state that picked Speaker 1 00:29:51 Almond Joy. Whoa. Connecticut. Oh wow. That's my mom's favorite candy. And I always use that as to be like, oh, I love my mom, but she's kind of weird. Yeah. Well, so they have nuts. Yeah. Mounds don't, yeah. I, I understand that. Like almond, but Almond Joy is just like coconut. Anything is disgusting. It, I don't mind almond joy, but every time it's like, I felt like I've eaten a bunch of paper. It's like just stuck in my, it's like, what did I eat? It's like everywhere. Like it's a coconut. It's not meant to be. It's one single almond. Yeah. It's weird. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I can't call it Almond Joy. If it has one almond in it, it's barely joyful. It's gotta be like, you know, almond Hey, almond's here. Yeah. <laugh> Almond present. Almond Me <laugh>. That's what it almond available. Yeah. <laugh>. Just almond <laugh>. Any other al balls out there? Blaine, I'll tell you that we should know about That's super weird. Speaker 3 00:30:45 Uh, North Dakota. Speaker 1 00:30:46 North Dakota. North Dakota. I don't even know what you're gonna say about North Dakota. And I'm already, I already have like a million reasons why I agree that it's a weird choice. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:30:54 North Dakota and Virginia. Hot tamales. Speaker 1 00:30:57 North Dakota and Virginia. Hot tamales. Hot tamales. That's my mom's favorite. A hot Tama. So we got weird mothers. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. We have weird mothers. Like Hot Tamales is not a candy. That's just something uncomfortable. <laugh>. Like, nobody likes cinnamon that much. It's just uncomfortable. You're just like, Ooh. Yeah. It just makes your mouth a little spicy and chewy and then you move on. Yeah. That's, it's disgusting. It's like a mic and egg. Yeah. The two worst things about candy. Something super chewy and spicy. <laugh>. <laugh>. It's like getting some hot milk. Love it. <laugh>. It's fucking disgusting. Uh, but yeah. So moving on here, um, do you have, are you gonna go trick or treating? Did you already do that with your, with your children? Not yet. Uh, I'm actually working tomorrow, so I'll be, uh, yeah, I know I'm not a, not a fan, but like, they're still, miles is like, he's in it now. Speaker 1 00:31:49 He's three little dudes, uh, you know, wanting some change and not really, you know, doesn't know what's going on. Yeah. But he big guy in it and like, I'm, I am disappointed I'm not gonna see him this year, but like, next year, like the following years I think are like, I got to like, I gotta be sure I'm here for it. Cuz I think he's gonna, you know, he'll start remembering it. Like, he really enjoys the decorat, loves the decorations, love carbon Pumpkins, loves costumes. I mean, of course Loves Candy. Uh, this morning that <laugh> went to a party, like a costume party last night. And I just had, I was crazy with work all week and really time to get anything together that's not a flannel in a t-shirt. I own <laugh>. Uh, so I dropped her off and picked her up. She got, you know, got me a cupcake and stuff. So this morning I woke up to Miles, had all his cars in the line, and then a red velvet cupcake on her couch. He's like, I found a cake. I was like, oh, you did now <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:32:38 So he is, is, he loves candy, loves cakes. Like he, he is in it now. I found the cake. I found a cake. Wow. Look at you. Yeah. I, so not to get off the subject. Has miles eaten something of yours that you were excited about yet? Not when, yes. Literally every time we eat he's like, like yesterday, like, Nat made a sandwich and he's like, Hm, what's, what are you doing? My mind like, what are you eating? And like started reaching for it. He's like, you don't even know what it is. <laugh>. It could be terrible. Just as I have it <laugh>. So yeah, it's everything that, you know, that he wants that we have, he wants at this point. Yeah. And I'm glad, uh, Oza no longer appreciates my chef skills. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, anything I make is garbage to him now. Oh no. Like, I, like, I'm, I'm, I'm drizzling, I'm, I'm slicing I'm cheese. Speaker 1 00:33:26 Doesn't like it. Doesn't appreciate anything. Yeah, you haven't tried to eat it. Then he tries to eat it off of your plate. Cause that's usually what, like, if any like literally think that they will not eat if offered to him like a Bowl of Raisin brand. Like he loves Raisin brand. When I, when it's mine, <laugh>, I've never tried that. I'm gonna try and Yeah. Usually when I'm eating he just, you know, it's like, I don't know if he like watched Yo Mama or something in another life, but anytime I'm eating, he's just going on a rip session on me. He's like, oh, that's, that's disgusting. That's gross. What are you eating daddy? Ah, that looks like poo. I'm like, okay, <laugh>, fuck outta my face. Ozone sounds like your son. Go play some trades. I literally hear like, I, as I say it now, I'm like, ah, I know where he gets this <laugh>. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:34:12 Oh God. I just found out what the problem is. <laugh>. Uh, also you back on it like literally Miles has been like, I needed my coffee. Like where are my keys? Like, <laugh>. Right. Fine. We'll be cool about that. I guess. <laugh>, I gotta get my coffee. He's like, you don't have coffee buddy. <laugh>, I gotta get my coffee. It's so cute. Uh, do you have like a particular Halloween that is like your marker of like, that was the best Halloween I ever had. I was thinking about this and it's not like it's, you know, it's an interesting Halloween. Cause it was the first Halloween after Katrina. Like, uh, everything was like half the city was still shut down. Like we weren't, I wasn't living there. Like my place was long gone. I had some friends that like had found a place and were living there. So we went out to Frenchman Street, which is kind of like the locals version of Bourbon Street. Speaker 1 00:35:03 It's like much chiller and Oh, I know everyone's in costumes and everyone's dressed up like, uh, big FEMA tarps or they're dressed up like fridge is all taped up and like, fuck. Like, like, like New Orleans is like a not give a fuck kind of town. Like, like a tongue in cheek. Like this is our city kind. Like, and I think I loved it. That's what so awesome. Cause like we were drinking and like literally parts of the town were blackout, like no electricity. And like we were still drinking, having a good time. And like at the end of the world, everyone's celebrating how fucked we were. Like it was, it was a weird fun time. <laugh> like, the costumes were so fucked up. And so like, you know, like we're, you know, like this is us. Like, you know, this is us. Like, oh damn <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:35:41 You know. And it's like, oh, look at like, another group of fridges all taped up. Cuz that's how all the fridges were abandoned on the side of the road. Like duct taped up full of food, you know, <laugh>. Uh, so that was a really fun, memorable one. That's awesome. Yeah. I don't, I was trying to think of this too. I don't think I had, like, I've thrown, like, I've thrown some crazy Halloween parties as an immature child, <laugh>. Um, but as I, as I got older, um, you know, there was Halloween turned into like this thing I felt forced to do. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like I, I loved like a little house party with friends. Maybe a bar and a costume contest. Um, but like going to huge Halloween parties, I I got a, you know, I remember being 20 and saying like, I, some people, like, I don't wanna go to a party. Speaker 1 00:36:26 I'd be like, bro, I'm never gonna stop partying <laugh>. And now I look at me and somebody says, party. I'm like, don't finish that sentence. Yeah, no, thank you. It's fucking eight o'clock in the evening. <laugh>, go to bed. Um, no, but like, I try to think of like the best one I actually had. And I, I would have to say like, we had like a company Halloween party that got out of control and that was a lot of fun. And the most fun about it was us like stressing about going to work the next day. Cuz it was another thing. It was like on a Thursday or some shit, <laugh>. And we all had to go to work the next day and it was terrible. Yeah. But the best part about it was everybody showing up on set the next day, still hungover, still drunk, some that couldn't get the makeup off or the hair die out. Speaker 1 00:37:10 And having to like all look at each other and be like, all right, here's the dog. Let's keep this party going. Let's keep the party going. You know? And you know, we all burned out around like 1:00 PM but like, it was a fun morning. Yeah. It was a fun morning. And like, uh, I remember that. Uh, but I, I wouldn't say that Halloween is, I'm ready to pass the torch to my son. Yeah. I'm ready to pass the torch. I'm gonna try and take him a trick or treating tomorrow. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I'm not, so, I don't know if it was a pandemic thing, but you know, last year I got the candy, I was ready. Not one trick or treater came to the house. Yeah. And we look, I like, at one point I looked out and like all the lights are off in the neighborhood. Speaker 1 00:37:49 It was eight. And I was like, I, this is not the town. This is not the town. So I think I was gonna drive over to Culver City, go to one of the fancier parts of LA Yeah. Park my car down the street and walk up <laugh>. We, uh, I mean I think you might have a point like, I mean like at this, this year, like all the, uh, the lockdown kids are like three and like hidden on four and like Yeah. So they'll all be out trick or treated. But yeah, I mean like Miles is a lockdown kid. Like, you know, it's not, not technically like, you know, he is adopted. Yeah. <laugh>. But like, you know, like all the kids in the neighborhood were friends with, like, a lot of those kids are in that same age range. And like, I'm sure this is the year they're all be out and about. Speaker 1 00:38:26 But Yeah. Last year is very similar to not a lot of people in our neighborhood, but I think the kids are getting older now. Yeah. You know, when I hear this lockdown kid, I realize how irresponsible I was as a parent. Cause I wasn't like, not taking him out <laugh> like, you know, he was, he was on the, he was across the, he was across the states for a while with his mom. Yeah. Uh, because like, you know, in that 2020 when it first happened, everybody was freaked out, but like, literally by October, 2020 everybody was over it, even though it was still scary. Yeah. You know, like we were still going out and I, I'm like, oh, am I not supposed to be at this Dodger game? <laugh> like that not happening. <laugh> 2021. What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? Um, no, but like when, uh, when, uh, I, when I, when I take him trick or treating, I wanna make sure he is happy in his costume and we get also all the candies we need. Speaker 1 00:39:16 And like, it's weird, like going to a neighborhood where it's like one or two houses. You have to go to those neighborhoods where it's just everybody walking around the block. And, you know, especially to have that full trick or treating experience for kids, it's, it's better. Yeah. Like, I remember it like, maybe just ideally, but I remember like being like a movie. Like it looks like a movie is my a kid trick or treating like a kid. Like is an i har pocus or some shit. Yeah. Like, like, like a bunch of extras. Like in in the background being huge. Like that's how many people it looked like it was. Yeah. I it's been a while. I haven't seen it. Um, I, I, I remember I told the story last week, I was trauma. I not traumatized, but you know, I was told when I was too old to go trick or treating. Speaker 1 00:39:58 Oh yeah. I'm like, I guess you're right. <laugh>. I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I do have my learner's permit <laugh>. I have a three year extension, sir, from the mayor. Um, yeah. Uh, what, uh, what are, what's Oza gonna be this year for Halloween? So, um, he's already, he's gone through two costumes already and he has a third. So the next one we're gonna do for tomorrow is Fit the Human from Adventure Time. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. We're gonna try and do that one. Or we're both gonna be dinosaurs. So he is done. Jacks Kellington on Friday, uh, on Saturday. Uh, is Edward Scissors hand Scissor Hands today? I'll show you some pictures. Throw it up on the Instagram for y'all. It looks weird. He's giving all these Vogue looks. I'm not sure if he's being coached, but I think he's, you know the character he's leaning into it. Speaker 1 00:40:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's got, um, silver, the Silver Forks, like silver knives from uh, the Dollar Store, like taped to his hands. <laugh>. And he is just like, I got to like, I saw him on the train. His mom took him on the train. Uhhuh. And it's weird just watching this, like everybody coming home from work, I was a bit defeated and this four year old dressed as Edward Scissors hand running up and down the car <laugh> like it's a little disturbing. What? Yeah. Five o'clock on a Friday. Like Yeah. He's just like clinking his nails on the, on the, the pole. And that's the thing is that I can tell what he's humming cause he is like, do Boo Boo. I'm like, oh, he's singing. This is Halloween from Nightmare before Christmas. I get it. But he just turns everything into that again. I know where he gets that from. Speaker 1 00:41:27 But <laugh>. Yeah. He's like, I want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to a school. And I'm like, yeah. That's clever shit. You're going to school though, <laugh>? I do. Yeah. We sing constantly to them. Ah, yeah. Do the same thing. Yeah. So I, it's gonna backfire on you. Just letting you know <laugh>. Yeah. It's problem having a hilarious kid. I know. That's funny. But not right now. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. Miles is gonna be, uh, aj uh, from BLA in the Monster machines. His favorite show we've talked about previously. Yeah. Let's Blaze. Let's Blaze. Yeah. Need some speed. <laugh>, gimme, gimme some speed. <laugh>. Uh, so he is got like a little zip up hoodie thing and a T-shirt and then uh, Miro and Nat are gonna be mechanics for him. Oh. And he is got a little monster machine he's gonna drive around in. Speaker 1 00:42:16 That is cool. Yeah. So that should be fun. Are you gonna be the camera guy? I'll be working. Okay. <laugh>. I'll be, I'll be like, I didn't hear a costume. I'll be Calamus Calamus ranch. Oh, you mentioned that. <laugh>. You're not even working close. That's far as fun. Nots fucking far, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Gotta take a flight. Probably sleep overnight. <laugh>. Damn, that's gonna suck. Well, we're not gonna focus on that. Yeah. We're not gonna focus on that. I know you're afraid of heights. I'm afraid of traffic laps, dinosaurs, and crazy night stock monsters that I invent in my head. That's a valid, valid fears. Yes. Very, very terrified of that. Yeah. Oh, you know, one other thing freaks me out. Oh, I can't believe you. So it's a habit I do now. So like if I pull out my, uh, my like grilling gloves or if I get my shoes out from the closet that are in the back, I always clap 'em together and like stop 'em on the ground. Speaker 1 00:43:06 Cuz I'm afraid of like putting my foot in there and getting bit by like, you know, a huntsman spider. Yeah. Like something that's not even indigenous to Los Angeles. Something that would never be here, but like sticking my hand into something and being like, Ooh, wow, what's that? And then seeing like this black widow body drop out or like crawl out and understand that like, oh shit, I got one hour to get to the doctor. I got minutes <laugh> for I seize up and die. Like that's, um, terrifying. Yeah. Being bit by a rabid animal that I think that'd be up there. Cause that's a, that's got a timeline on it too. Yeah. Like being bit, I've been bit by like one of, we had a dog a couple years ago that she would, you know, she bit me, not not many other people, but definitely bit me a couple times. Speaker 1 00:43:51 Yeah. It sucks. But, uh, last, the last thing that bite me was my child <laugh>. Like I I told you I was bullying him last week and, and when I, I know when I've pushed him over the edge when he just comes at me and then bites me as hard as he can and I always have to be like, game over. Yeah. Go into your room. I think it's funny you got me, but you can't be biting people. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like that's a label. You don't wanna be the guy who shit his pants in school. You don't wanna be the Guy Bites Kid bites. Nah. The biter, the shitter, the pets pants and the crybaby <laugh>. Stay away from those labels. <laugh>. You might be grow up to be president. That label will never go away. No. I'll be some dude to be like, like, yeah, I'll be me. I'll be the, I'll be the one funding those Attack adss. So shit. His pants <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:44:39 Um, but yeah. Uh, I I I'm wondering if I love scary movies. I know you love scary movies. I, I, let me rephrase. I like the scary movies. I like, I'm not a huge horror. I don't give a fuck about hor the horror genre. I feel this, like, I do like horror, but I'm not one of those like, I gotta see everyone, like I'm not on, you know. Yeah. But the ones I like, I really like a lot. Like, I think they're awesome movies I like because like, I think the Horror Genres Over is out played almost mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's just been, there's not much you can do. Oh, what? There's a girl, she's in the house, she's screaming the closet opens up some weird convulsing gymnast dressed in black, starts crawling at you. <laugh> Spooky. You know, like, I like some people to kind of, you know, get a little creative. Speaker 1 00:45:26 Yeah. Something difference at the new. So like, or the classics, the class, like the thing we were talking about, the thing like John Carpenter, the thing is awesome. Like, it's got crazy effects. The acting's great. It's got super tense scenes. Oh my God. Such tense scenes. There's a flame thrower number one need for any horror film Yeah. Is a flame thrower. It adds it, it adds another level to it every time. Yeah. The, the just like those the puppets and like the costumes that they were doing and the effect, like that thrill of like, who is it? Yeah. Who is it? We don't know. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like, oh, then yeah. Got Keith David freaking out in his voice being, oh, get me outta, yeah. <laugh>. That's good stuff. Good, good, good stuff. Um, have you seen Ka in the Woods? Uh, yes. That's the one that's like where the, um, B b B But it's like the horror tropes. Speaker 1 00:46:18 Yes. That one. Yes. That one. I, that's when the kids go to the cabin mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they figured out how to stop the end of the world by unleashing these demons on these kids and they have to pick. It's a whole, yeah. Yeah. It's such a smart take on horror. The, like, all these horror classics. It was creative. I liked it. Yeah. I, I enjoyed that one a lot too. I did, did like it. I did like it. Um, we just watched, uh, I remember that there was a, a scary movie we just watched. I can't even remember the name, but we're gonna come up. We're gonna come back to that one. But they're just not good. Yeah. You know, um, Jordan Peele had the Candyman remake. I didn't see that one. Garba. Yeah. Don't even watch it. Garbage. It is terrible. I, I wish I could like, that's what I think we should make our own horror film. Speaker 1 00:47:01 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. We should make our own horror film. I have to think of the things that you're terrified about, the things that you're terribly scary about. Throw a couple thrills in there. Maybe some aliens. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And by the way, aliens is such a cop out, you think? I think it's such a cop out when there's like all this stuff and they're like, oh, it's aliens. You're like, ah, come on, come on. What? Like, run out. It's like running outta space or like, you know, <laugh>, you know, it's like you have to make 500 words. You had 500, you at 490. You're like, all right. And when they opened the door, aliens and Aliens. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:47:36 I, uh, I would think like making a horror film about like a cruise ship. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think like a ghost ship. Well, not like a ghost ship, it's more of people on a cruise ship. They're about to go on this vacation. Weird things start happening on this cruise ship that, uh, this couple, they're partying on this cruise ship. The husband wakes up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he's the only one on the cruise ship now. The only one. His wife, family, everybody is gone on the cruise ship. He's walking around. He can't figure it out. He goes up to the top. He's trying to use the instruments. He can't get into some rooms. He's starting to go a little crazy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. He goes back to his room, he's like trying to look for his cell phone and like trying to figure out what's going on. Opens the door, everybody's back, everything's fine. Speaker 1 00:48:28 He's like, am I freaking out? Maybe I got too drunk. Maybe that's what's going on. But people are back and they're being a little weird. They're being a little weird. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Now this is, where do we put a twist in there? Do we put a lot, a little twist? Like, why did that happen? Like, does he come back and then they find out it's a bunch of crisis actors playing a prank on him or some shit <laugh>? Or is it something that where he is got a brain tumor? Or is it a haunted ship, or, um, want me hear you hear me out? Okay. Go ahead, aliens. God dammit. <laugh>. God damn it. Yeah, I ran outta room. I see why they did it. <laugh> Don, how to finish it. Aliens, <laugh>. No, I, I think that sounds interesting. Like, I'd, I'd watched that based on that preview. I'd watched that movie. Speaker 1 00:49:11 You watch how that mo you watch that movie? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. All right. I'm thinking that one's good. I love a movie that, uh, has a guy going into a movie theater. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, he's watching this horror flick people. He is like, oh, shut up man. Boo. Like, man, that guy's gotta really shut up. He goes down there to be like, Hey, you gotta stop. And once he looks at this guy, the guy's got no face. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he looks at everybody in the crowd. They all have no face. He's like, what the fuck? And he runs out. And when he opens the door, he's in his bedroom. He's like, what the hell? He looks back and it's his closet. He's like, what the hell? And his alarm goes off. Mom comes in the room, Hey, you're awake. He's like, ye uh, yeah, I am. He's like, come on, he's gonna have some breakfast. He comes downstairs, he eats some breakfast, everything's going fine. He's riding his bike, goes to school. Kind of getting over the fact that he was in a movie theater last night. Friends were like, Hey man, you dipped outta the movie last night. Where were you? And they're like, what the fuck you talking about? Yeah. He didn't say anything. I'm like, okay, cool. He's in the cafeteria. He's thinking about what his friend says. Now his friend's talking. He starts to zone out. It starts to go stone, like Douch and co. Speaker 1 00:50:17 And then the fucking sound comes back. He turns to look at his friend, no face. He looks at the lunch lady, no face. He looks around no face. He tries to run out. He's like, oh my God. Why is he have a face? Ah, ah, he starts freaking out. Ah, he runs to the, he runs towards the lunch door, opens it up. Now he is in his living room, looks back the front door. He's in this loop as keeps happening to him. And then one day we just look at this light when he is freaking out, he threw the movie. He pans in his light, the light turns into a hospital light. He's actually in an ASA asylum. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> reliving some crazy trauma. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they're look at his brain waves. Yeah. He is freaking out again. We can't figure out why. And then you look down the line and it's all the friends that he was with, and they're all part of this little, it's like anti Wizard of Oz. Speaker 1 00:51:04 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Nice. All right. All right. You know what I should do? Make fake movie trailers. Yeah. I should do that. I, uh, I always like a, like, maybe like a movie in the woods. Ooh. Woods. Like a Blair Witch kind of thing. Like, oh shit. Like, something really make you rethink going camping, you know? Yeah. God damn. Like, I love, um, like The Strangers, one of those movies that I really dug. Uh, one of the parts in it, it's like one of those shots that like, I love the movie, you know, maybe, maybe just for this shot, but like, for a lot of other reasons, just for this shot. She's like, it's like late at night. Like, they're being stalked by these crazy people and they do not realize they're being stalked yet. Uh, so she's in the kitchen and it's a big wide shot, you know, uh, big depth of fields. Speaker 1 00:51:51 You kinda see a long way behind her. Uh, so she's in her kitchen, like maybe she's like making a drinker. Like something like that. And then in the background, you see one of those guys in the bag, under the head just step in the frame and you're just there. Yeah. Watching her doing her thing. And then he just steps outta frame. And that's the, it's like that kind of stuff, but like, in the woods. Yeah. You know, like everyone around the campfire then like, Ooh, is someone behind you? No. Maybe there's not someone behind you. Like, oh yeah. What's that sound like? I like that shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I think I like when horror movies incorporates sounds a lot more, uh, like when you go to see a movie and you can hear like, like silent movies. Like, I don't, like when they put big orchestras behind horror flicks, it gets su kitchy. Speaker 1 00:52:28 I'm like, I don't need any of this. Yeah. It Cause he tells you how to feel like Exactly. I, one of my favorites is The Shining, uh, and I always like, I always cop out. Well, everyone likes The Shining. Hold on. Okay. I always like The Shining. I was like, it's a really, really great movie. And then I saw a double feature of it in a theater. It's like the documentary, uh, I think Room 2 37 is the name of it. And it's like a bunch of fan theories. It's really interesting. It's like there's all found footage. You don't see anyone being interviewed. It's all footage, like Corick films and news, whatever interesting stuff. And then they shot Show The Shining right afterwards. Uh, and then like, hearing that soundtrack like Giant around you, like the, the Yeah. Screeching violins. Like, it makes you feel claustrophobic and terrify. Speaker 1 00:53:10 Like, like whenever he is driving up the big, like, boom, you could feel it in you. It's like, it's one of those soundtracks. It's like, oh, okay, this is the experience here. It's like, it's not, this is not Sit is not a sit in your room movie. It's like, you gotta feel the sound around you and like, you feel the menace and the terror with this, with the orchestra. Jesus Christ there. That's terrifying. Like, okay. That I love, you know? That's what I saying. Okay. Well I love this movie now. Like, oh yeah. Hear those violins crackle. Like that creepy. Like, like, oh, you know, it's like skin crawling, you know? Yeah. I shit. Uh, that's very scary. I guess I, I, you know, like, I feel sometimes like our classic monsters have been left behind, like Werew wolves and, uh, you know, vampires and witches. Speaker 1 00:53:54 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. They just did an, uh, another witch movie. Uh, was it Sex in a City? No. Ho Bo Ah, that's the one. Yeah. Yeah. The other, other old bitches. <laugh>. Um, nah. So Hocus posi. And you know, it was whatever. It's exactly how you thought it was gonna be. No <laugh>. It's no bueno. I always liked, uh, monster Squad as a kid, monster Squad, which is not, you know, not cool today. That's very not cool. Not, there's a few not cool lines. Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. They call first off, one of the characters only referred to as Fat Kid for, for the majority of the film. You can't right off the bat, can't do that. Yeah, it's definitely does. It would not fly today. No. That one is a, uh, a leg are great. Uh, at one point my mom was like, cuz uh, my brother was like, oh, I got, he got me in the Nas <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:54:47 My mom was like, what is he talking about? And then she saw, it was like, cuz at one point they cook, they kick Wolfman in the Nas <laugh> and he goes, oh, Wolfman's got Ns. Uh, so my brother was screaming about his Nas at One Point's. Yeah. His Nas And your mom's like, what the, what? I gotta watch these a little closer. Wolfman's got Nerds is Nerds. Yeah. Um, I wanted, I guess what I think, I never thought it in these slasher, I never found it believable in slasher films. How, you know, you have these main antagonists that don't run, that don't do anything. They just slowly walk mm-hmm. <affirmative> with their chainsaws and their knives after people. Like, how the fuck is Jason sneaking up on motherfuckers? He's like seven feet tall. Yeah. Like, how is he sneaking up on people? Not sneaky as someone, as a large man, it's hard to sneak. It's very hard to sneak. You know? Um, I have, I, I really wanna watch Halloween ends since we, uh, you know, I saw the one last year, the Halloween. What was Jamie Lee Curtis' Halloween. I'm behind on the Halloweens, like, I think the last one I watched was Halloween. Three season of The Witch. No, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:56:06 Oh my god, guys, this is Ben Miller. <laugh> <laugh>. I know. I The last one, the last one was so wild. Yeah. Because like, if I could tell you, like, when people started to believe Jamie Le Curse that this psychopath is out there, like the whole town, like it looks like they blew their budget in the first half of the movie and then they just had to film the rest in the parking lot. <laugh>. It was like the whole town, like met Jason on the street mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they beat the shit out of him. Out of, of Michael Myers. Michael Not, not Jason. Fucking Jason's a chainsaw. Uh, Michael Myers, they beat their shit out of Michael Myers, like stomping his face in hacking at him, kicking him. He's just like, you know, lumbering around. Like, they shoot him a couple times. This one cop shoots him in the arm. Like, I mean, come on, let's, for real cop, he would've emptied that clip and like, ah, I felt threatened. <laugh>. Uh, but like, they beat the shit outta this car coming to you. Fair. He is white. Yes. Yeah, Jason was white, so he is like, oh yeah, Michael Myers gotta take him in alive. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:57:08 Yeah. Michael Myers. He keeps cha, I'm gonna keep calling him Jason. No, it's Michael Myers. But um, after that they're like, yeah, we got him. And he just like, hand like jerks up. He stands up and there's like 40 people around and he just kills everybody. Oh, wow. That sounds fun. Yeah. I, it was just what <laugh> like the number one thing, double tap chop off the head. Yeah. What the hell? Now here's the thing that doesn't make sense and why I hate sometimes I really hate sometimes the way ho flicks go because they made you believe in the first like, new trilogy of Halloween that this guy Michael Myers was in an as sale asylum this entire time. And then when he got transferred and got out, he got his little mask, he started killing motherfuckers again. And then he gets beat up in the street. He gets burned in a basement, but he keeps coming back. Speaker 1 00:58:06 How the fuck, you know, keep this dude in a insane asylum just quiet for decades. I mean, it's voluntary. He could leave at any time, I believe. Just rehab. Yeah. He was just chilling. <laugh> take a load off. Like, well, you could leave time. You want Michael, I've been killing no one kill no more <laugh>. I haven't been killing. I don't wanna kill no more. I get it. Um, but you know, we're almost outta time. And before we run off on everyone, I wanted to find out about inappropriate costumes, uh, from you Bennett. Um, I'll start it off. Don't dress your kid up as Dahmer. Don't do it. Oh yeah. You shouldn't like any, any mass murderers. You shouldn't dress your children up as don't do it. The thing is like, you should ask, you should dress your children up as what They wanna be dressed up as, not as like your prop. That's how I feel. Oh. Until I get a good costume idea and I need him as a prop. Oh, that can, I'm with you <laugh>. I'm with you. Like bozo's gonna be a prop no matter what. <laugh> wanted to go with an old man. He was just gonna be a cane <laugh>. Shut up Kane. He jar him. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:59:06 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:59:08 What are you gonna be this year? Heartburn, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:59:13 Um, you know, I sometimes, like, I, it's not a huge deal, but I'm starting to see that the age of inappropriate, I guess slutty costumes is getting like lower and lower. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, you know, this is local news trying to figure out again, but they were like showing pictures of kids on like their, like their Instagram. They're showing their Instagram of like kids like dressed up as lower cro. And I'm like, that bitch is 13. She does not know who Laura Croft is. <laugh> like that is not okay. Laura Croft was inappropriately dressed for the task. She was trying to do <laugh>. It was probably very hot there. I mean, you know, hard to reach places. You know, the shorts are probably helpful for that. Just so it's just some Tim, some shorts, two handguns and a tank top. In a tank top. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, no sports bra. Hell, I mean, yeah. It's, uh, boobs. <laugh> Speaker 1 01:00:09 Always gonna be funny. But yeah, like I, some of these costumes that kids are, are dressing as like, what's appropriate to dress as like, you know, you, you were mentioning that people were embracing their tra their tragedy in Katrina and they were making light of it to show that like, you know, this is not gonna keep us down tongue in cheek, as you mentioned mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Now when is, do you think there's like a line that could have been crossed there that people come close to it? Um, not, I mean, in New Orleans, not, I mean maybe, but like New Orleans is very like, uh, like it's hard to put it into words how much they don't give a fuck if you're there. If you're like part of it. And like, like one of the big parades every year for Mardi Gras is the Cru de Vu and it's like very satirical. Speaker 1 01:00:53 Like, you know, like giant sperm floating around. Like they make fun of politicians and whatever the, you know, it's, they really, whatever the horrible things going on, they always make fun of. Yes. And I think New Orleans just kinda that old city where it's like, yeah, we're still here. Like, I don't give a fuck. Like, yeah, no. Can not even God can wipe out New Orleans. Yeah. I don't, I mean, I'm sure, of course there's some, I'm sure that could think of something that would be offensive, but like that year in particular, like everyone was having such a good time. Like relishing in the fact that like, we're here. Yeah. You know? Speaker 1 01:01:23 Uh, how do you feel about white face? Um, I mean, I personally, I think anyone who paints up is a little bit of a crazy person. Like any color. Any color. Like, I don't like that feeling of paint on my skin at all. Like, it kind of aches me out. Yeah. <laugh>. Like, just like, not even like on a moral level, just like on a, like a personal level, it makes me feel gross. <laugh>. So anyone that chooses to do that I think is kind of gross. Okay. I can get, I can get with that. Like, like I saw someone, a politician, some white girl, some white girl costumes and it's like, ooh. Like, not, not, it's like, yeah, mean do whatever. It's a fucking costume, whatever. But like, oh yeah, you paint yourself white. Ew. Gross. A member of my family dressed up as white girls for Halloween once and it was terrifying to look at. Speaker 1 01:02:06 Yeah. It's, it's unsettling. Yeah. It was a very, very unsettling and it did spark an interesting conversation. <laugh> <laugh>. I'll tell you that. I'll tell you that. It did spark a very interesting conversation. Um, but yeah, I sometimes I think that, uh, you know, you try to explain to people what cultural appropriation is and I think Halloween is a perfect example. You can't use somebody as a comedy sketch. But at the same time, if it's all in good fun, I get it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but try not to punch down. I always say that. Yeah. I try not to punch down. I, it's like I have my a little pet theory of like, why the people who like, oh, I don't get nothing offends me. I don't get offended. Uh, it's because it like, sort of articulate this the right way. Um, like if you dress up like at a Mexican guy at a party, it's because there's no Mexican people in your life. Speaker 1 01:02:57 Like if you dress up, like, you know, if you do black face at a party, it's cuz there's a chance that there's not a lot of black people in your life. Like you're dressing up and you're doing these things because you don't have to worry about this because you don't have these people in your life. Exactly. A hundred percent. But now you do because the world's a fucking open place. We got Instagram, we got Twitter. Like the same thing with like, when you watch those inappropriate like jokes in loot tunes or whatever, like ethnic jokes or whatever, it's like yeah, maybe there's one Polish person in the entire fucking animation studio. Yeah. <laugh> or whatever it is. You know, it's like, but now that's not how the world works. The world's an open fucking place where everyone can see it. Every little joke you do. True. True. And it's like, it's not funny. Like it's not funny like you trying to get attention cuz you're like, I already saw like two Hitler costume, you know, two Nazi costumes. It's Nazi costumes. Like, it's like, come you just do, you're you're literally just being an asshole. Harry. Yeah. You, you just want attention. You're just being an asshole. You're not trying to be funny. Holy shit didn't make, I just realized Megan Merkel married Harry. Yeah. She, she is married to a guy who, who dressed up like a Nazi who dressed up like a Nazi. Speaker 1 01:04:01 Huh. Huh. Interesting. I mean, I know people change like Yeah. Okay. <laugh> change outta that goddamn costume. Fuck <laugh>. Yeah, man. Like, uh, dressing up as a, like if I dressed up as a clan member. Yeah. Like that, that's only something you would see on a sitcom that is parroting itself and like, you know, it's a Halloween part and I come running in, they're like, they're like, what the fuck did I take it off? And it's me, the black guy. And I'm like, yeah, what's going on? Oh, we really have to do this thing over there. We're not gonna talk about how you were just dressed <laugh>. We're just gonna use that as a funny. Hahaha he was dressed as a Klan member. Like, dressing up as a Nazi is not funny. No. Like what effort does it take? Like what, what's the comedy bit? What's the joke? It just, it just, what's the it's to it to get attention. Like that's it. Like it's the only reason to is to, to get attention. Best case scenario you don't get killed. Yeah. Case scenario. Like, think about it. Like if you saw a Nazi, he'd be like, Hey, fuck you. If I, I mean now I had a couple beers in me, it's Halloween night, I'm wearing a mask, I see a Nazi. Oof. If I'm in a particular mood, I might just take a chance. <laugh>, this is my, this is my great grandparents <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:05:19 Granted my great-uncle died in the fucking Pacific. Doesn't matter. You know, take this Nazi, you know, there like, we could play at both levels. There's i, if you dress up somewhere, you can't be treated that way, but you can be expected to. Yeah. You have to understand that that might happen. You know, if I had my ass hanging out and my assless chaps and I'm like pretending to be a, you know, sexy as chap cowboy and somebody slaps me in the ass, I'm like, Hey, my body my choice. Stay away from me. Don't I? I'm not condoning it, but I should have mentally prepared that that could happen. I don't know man. I'm just saying <laugh>, I, I party in West Hollywood a lot, bro. I i, if you slap a girl's butt cuz she has her butt exposed on Halloween for the same reason. I think you might have a bad Halloween. Speaker 1 01:06:06 That's a bad. Yeah, that's my example. Wasn't the greatest in retrospect, but I, I know how hands, like when you go to the, the WeHo Halloween block party, there's a lot of alcohol mm-hmm <affirmative> and people are very grabby. Yeah. It gets, yeah, it gets a little grabby. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. It gets a bits grabby. <laugh> <laugh>. It gets a bits grabby. No, but I do remember, um, when I was in Santa Barbara one year, you know, like I didn't know what to dress up as. So like, my brother and all their friends, like, they just dressed up in like really, really tight clothes. Like onesies just to like, I'm like, what are you guys? But in a group it looked funny. Yeah. Like these guys are dressed like a bunch of weirdos. We can't figure it out. <laugh> can't figure it out. And like, you know, um, one of the guys in there, I forgot his name was like Tom or some shit, was just talking about how the, like, you know, he went over there to grab some drinks. Speaker 1 01:06:55 He was hanging out with these girls and girls kept on like poking in the dick and like slapping his ass and shit. And he was just like, I just realized that this isn't okay. Like, I don't know any of these bitches. I have a girlfriend. This is not cool. <laugh>. Like, it's like, okay. Yeah. How'd it feel? Yeah, that's for all women everywhere. <laugh> it sucks to be you, but yeah. Anyway, I wanna come back cuz we do have a special game that I wanna play with you. Okay. Uh, it's gonna suck <laugh>. It's really, really gonna suck. I'm so, so sorry. But guys, stick around. Uh, this is papa. Don't preach and we'll be right back. Speaker 1 01:07:54 Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much. You're almost there. We're at the end of our podcast right now on this Bastic episode in D to dad Tober Fest. I'm here with Ben and we're about to close out our episode with a good old fashioned candy test. So, which candies are, oh, these look terrible. Yeah, I, um, <laugh> got some can got my candy late. Like a few other people at Target this, uh, this weekend. Uh, so I got some good stuff, but we know what the good stuff tastes like. Yeah. I got, I got the bottom bag. The bag of the Tootsie Roll variety. Yeah. So we've got every, uh, flavor of Tootsie Roll on the market. As far as I know, I didn't do any researchers. All those in the bag <laugh>. Um, so we got your basic Tootsie rolls. I see those chocolate favorite. We've got uh, orange. Speaker 1 01:08:35 We got lemon. Ugh, we got pink. Which is a cherry flavor. It says Cherry is disgusting. Green. Uh, lime. That's a lime. That's the blue one. What do you think the blue one is? I was gonna go with like blueberry. Oh, you're so fucking wrong. It's vanilla. That, that is disgusting. And then last but not least, caramel, apple, Tootsie. Roll a caramel apple. That's not I I Okay. Caramel. Let's do caramel apple first. That's what I haven't had, so yeah. Okay. I mean, we don't know if it's bad or not, so we're gonna try. Are we gonna try the caramel apple? So you guys don't know the Tutsi roll. It's, they all have colors and caramel apple as I'm opening it right now, I like the color of the packaging. Yeah, it's like a kind of tan in your two year old variety. Yeah. In the inside it's green. I was It's reptar green. This is reptar green. Look at that. At this shit. Reptar green. That is wild. So I was not expecting that. Let's give it a shot. Speaker 1 01:09:39 Mm. Okay. It's almost flavorless. Unless I have covid <laugh>. <laugh>. Oh yeah, I was looking at the same thing. I don't get anything. Yeah. What the hell? No, I'll get apple. Okay. I get a little bit of that. It's almost like a molasses apple. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's like a smell. It's not even like really a taste. It's very subtle. Mm. It's not overpowering. Mm-hmm. You know what? I thought that was gonna be worse. Me too. I'll put that in. Oh wow. On the okay pile. Okay. Or you pick the next one. Okay. Um, hold on. I might need a beer to wash this on my mouth. <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:10:26 I wanna try the cherry flavor. Let's do it now. Just a disclaimer. I'm not a fan of cherry flavored anything. <laugh>. I think all cherry flavors tastes like rocking rubber. Tussin the rub tussin that tussin it just like red. So the color inside's red. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> now it's never inviting, like how hard it is to open these taffies. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I'm gonna do a half instead of the whole one. Yeah, me too. With the caramel apple, I learned that took a while to suck down. Maybe a long segment. <laugh>. Okay. It's not good. Oh God. I had to spit that one out. That one tastes, it tastes exactly like medicine. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That is disgusting. Cherry. That one's going in the no pile. It tastes like a laughy Taffy, but bad. Yeah. That's like a frowny taffy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> not happy with that. I'm gonna go with lemon. I don't think I've had a lemon before. Oh, lemon. So this one seems like it's a hard one to mess up, ladies and gentlemen. Yellow. It's a yellow and brown tittie roll packaging. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> inside. I'm assuming it's yellow. Surprise. Surprise. Um, let's see here. Taking a bite. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Very lemony. Why off the bat? What do you think, Ben? Speaker 1 01:11:48 I've recently another side. Ofmy getting old is I started to like lemon things. Oh God. <laugh> like, you know, like as a kid, like lemon star brush, we're literally like, I'd rather eat poison than them. I'm okay with 'em now. I was a big lemon head fan. Oh yeah. Growing up. I love the lemon head. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. All right, I'm gonna pass on a lemon. Tootsie Roll. <laugh>. I just figured I knew what it was gonna taste like. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like lemon is such a, I feel like they just put lemon, a lemon juice in. They all kind of taste the same. Like it's very taffy Tootsie. Roll flavor with like a hint. Yeah. So, um, what's this with orange? Or is that where we're going with the orange? Speaker 1 01:12:32 All right guys, we have an orange Tootsie roll hon. It's bright orange, obviously. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> looks fine. Yeah. They all have that like chocolatey tootsy rolls. Taste, uh, smell, I mean mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Hmm. This one tastes like the, like plastic. It's like a plastic orange. Oh yeah. This is not good either. No. It's like a pine saw orange smell. Like the, like the kind of orange aerosol. My dad used to have it in his car. Yeah. Ugh. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Not that cool. Nope. Not a fan. Too far. Ugh. All right. What is a lemon fruit roll? It's a lime. It's a lime now. Fun facts guys. Lime tootsy roll is the same color as the gar <laugh> apple juy roll with a reptar green almost. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Okay, let's give it a shot. Well, ba that's a lime right there. I don't hate that. Wow. That's a, that's a sharp, like kick in the tooth of lime. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Woo. That's a good fake lime flavor. Yeah. I don't, I don't, I don't mind that one that's going in the Okay pile. I'm gonna eat the rest of that lime. The two green ones have been the best ones. They gotta stick in their lane. Chocolate or green <laugh>. Now I've been dreading this one. Uh, bun vanilla blue wrapper. I'm assuming it's gonna be white inside. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cause it's a vanilla flavor. Ugh. Okay. All right guys, this is our last Tootsie roll for the taste test. It's blue, white vanilla flavor echo. Speaker 1 01:14:33 Oh no. That one doesn't, it doesn't really have agar. I don't like this one at all. Oh no. It tastes like waxy vanilla. Like I'm eating a vanilla candle. There's like an after. Oh no. It hits you late. No, it's not good at all. I, I don't think I've ever eaten one of these for this reason. Ooh. It feels like I've like went to Bed Bath and Beyond and like just popped a candle in my mouth. Started Chew it away. <laugh>. Yeah. Chase the, chase it with the lime. Chased it with the rest of the lime. Get that flavor out. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 01:15:12 Oh yeah. Lime comes in real quick to save you lime to the rescue. All. Um, so we do have some dots here. We are not gonna eat them, don't worry. But we wanted to go on the record to say that Dots and Good and Plenties are the worst candies on the market. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, stop sticking them and be like, stop it. They literally are like, we'll just rip out filling <laugh>. They're the chewies. I bet if you chewed it and like stuck it, like use it as an adhesive. Like you'd like close a door pretty well. No, my my literally my teeth will not handle that. It will rip the teeth out of my head. Man. They are chalky too. They doesn't even tell you what flavors there are. There's just green, orange, yellow, red and pink. I don't even know what the flavors are for, for, uh, for a dot. Speaker 1 01:16:06 Those are the worst ever. They're so bad. Oh it's cuz it's like their candy before Candy was in, it's like they had the peppermint and then Tootsie Roll rolled out and everyone blew their fucking minds. It's okay to stop making a candy <laugh>. It's crazy. Like, you know, there's a funny line in the office where he gets like, uh, salt water taffy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then Oscar says like, you're the only one that likes that stuff. And he's like, they wouldn't make it if people didn't like it. <laugh>. And I'm like, that's a good point. <laugh>. But I really wanna see the psychopaths are like, oh yo, yo, go get me. Uh, yeah. If you can get me some toilet paper toothpaste, A pack of Good and Plenties milk cereal. Some tomatoes and pasta for tonight Dinner. I'd be like, hold on. Psychopath. Did you say good and plenty? Speaker 1 01:16:50 I'm assuming they're, they gonna die soon. Yeah. That's, that's what it is. Like all the people that like good and plenty, it's like, fuck it, I'm gonna do some heroin fucking travel the world, eat some good and plenty. And I think they're like happy with they are like, they're not, I seeing good and plenty ads. They're not really trying to make like a good and planning on a skateboard, trying to get the kids marketing. I've seen a good implant. Any advertisement, I've never seen any merchandise for it, but it just pops up every Halloween in a bag. No, the last time they advertised they had cocaine and Coca-Cola. Yeah. <laugh>. Now that's some candy <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:17:23 Uh, but ladies and gentlemen, I hope you guys all stay safe during your Halloween plans and you've, if you are listening to us after, I'm hoping that you had a great Halloween and you were staying safe. Um, ladies and gentlemen, this is papa. Don't preach. And Bennett anything to add about how kids should say safe in Halloween? Well, yeah, make sure you gotta eat a good portion of their candy. Cause if it's poison with Fentanyl, it's gonna hit you. So just try to get like a good chunk of that out of the way and it lowers their odds. Just leave the good and plenty and the dots and hot tamales. The candies that people never eat. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. There's gonna be so many tootsy rolls. They are gonna love it. Yeah. Just eat the rainbow, fentanyl and the rest of your kid's candy. Just listen to Bennett Bennett knows what he is doing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> <laugh>. He knows what to pick out the good ones. Uh, but lady gentlemen, I'm OB Bennett. Mm-hmm <affirmative> signing off. Happy Halloween. Everyone. Shout out to our producer Blaine Pierre dna. Aaron Maow. They do our music. This popping on. Preach. Have a good one. Speaker 1 01:18:30 Yuck. Yo Blaine, you want some of this nasty ass candy <laugh>? Yeah. We've all had those nights at the bottom of the bag.

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