The Leftovers

Episode 18 December 02, 2022 01:04:02
The Leftovers
Papa Don't Preach
The Leftovers

Dec 02 2022 | 01:04:02


Show Notes

Happy Holidays!!! The dads are back and out of the "post turkey day" food comma. Right back to it with another visit to Kanye's Corner, the dads also discuss if anyone else agrees that Elon Musk is a moron. Bennet and Obi say bye-bye to Black Friday and discuss the Christmas season prep. Did it already start? Are they prepared? Do you even care? Let's find out together in this week's episode.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:29 Oh, Speaker 1 00:00:36 Hello. Oh, <laugh>. Oh, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Papa. Don't preach. We are still winding down here at Fat Debt Fall. Coming off the holidays. Bennett, how are you, uh, little skinnier than the last time you talked to me. Oh, uh, coming off a, uh, who says that after Thanksgiving? Well, it was, it was a Thanksgiving for the books <laugh>. I, uh, a nerve some on, sometime on Wednesday, so I couldn't stand up and cook. Uh, I was in bed most of the Thanksgiving and then, uh, had some sort of a stomach bug for the last week or so. You didn't cook on Thanksgiving? I didn't cook on Thanksgiving. It was the first Thanksgiving I cooked in probably a decade. Yeah. Oh my God. Jazzy Chinese food. What happened? No, I mean, uh, like a, a, uh, NATS brother came through with some food. Brock, my brother dropped off some food too, but, uh, yeah, I, I, you know, it was whatever I ate came right back, <laugh> four o'clock in the morning. Speaker 1 00:01:31 It was a terrible Thanksgiving. Oh, that sucks. It was awful. Um, so I'm have to be sitting in a chair for more than 10 minutes, which is great. Oh, damn. And then not running to the bathroom for longer than 30, which is also fantastic. Yo, I'll tell you right now, I think that's one of my hated mishaps. Like, I've, I've had the flu, I've had, uh, not, I've had covid. I don't think I've had the flu ever, which is weird. But I've had c mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I've been like deathly ill, but man, diarrhea that bubble guts. Yeah. Uhuh just having no idea. Like when it's gonna be in a <laugh>. Yeah. It's just a real Russian or lead. It's, it's terrible. It's terrible. It's the worst feeling ever. I remember I couldn't take my, my kid to school cuz I was like, I don't wanna chance it. Like Yeah. If I have to set the car on fire, bad happens. <laugh>. I know what to do with that. That's, I, I've mentioned this on the pod. My biggest fear is shit in my pants. Yeah. It's like my biggest fear ever. I don't know why. It's like dinosaurs shit in my pants. <laugh>, extreme heights. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:02:40 That's it. Yeah. In the ocean. In the ocean. In the ocean. Yeah. You can avoid most of those things. Yeah. Not, not, not some gas station shrimp. That shit will catch up with you. <laugh>. The older we get though, those Oh yeah. The ocean's not getting any closer. <laugh> What's that called? When, uh, you splash in the toilet? Is that called Poseidon's kiss? Oh yeah. That's the worst. That's the worst. Yeah. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, Katie's breath. I, it's <laugh>. Oh, well. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm ob and this is Bennett. Uh, we are, uh, the papas of papa don't preach. We're coming off Thanksgiving right now. Apparently Bennett did not cook, which is very, very odd. I don't know how his family survived. My heart goes out to them. There was not a Turkey that was a Yeah. You know, me and Turkey don't get along. So <laugh>. Yeah, I was burst it. Speaker 1 00:03:33 Yeah. That's terrible. Uh, I did, um, I went to a, uh, another family's like, uh, my brother's girlfriend's house for mm-hmm. <affirmative> Thanksgiving. It was okay, you know? Yeah. Yeah. There's a, there's this weird situation when people preemptively apologize for their family. <laugh>, you know, like, we're sitting in the car, she's like, I'm really sorry about my family. They're crazy. And, you know, oh, and this is, oh my God, he's wacky. Oh, this one's nuts. And you get there, everybody's pretty fucking normal <laugh>. Which makes you think, think two things. Either you're too oblivious to what's going on, or maybe you're the crazy one. Yeah. Maybe they're all like, did you, who the fuck did you bring to Thanksgiving? <laugh>. Maybe I'm the nutty one. <laugh>. But it was cool. Um, they had one of those little duffies, uh, they were in the Westlake Village. That's, yeah. What is that? Speaker 1 00:04:25 A Duffy is like a, uh, I I'm, it's like a pontoon boat, but small, you know, the ones that they have at like those lake neighborhoods, uh, that live, like if you go to, you know, I've only, I had no a canoe. It's not a canoe and bayou country. There's called a piro. It's like a carved out boat. I'm sure it's not that. No, no. Have you ever been on the jungle cruise at Disneyland? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that's a pontoon boat. Oh yeah. So Duffy is exactly that, but a little bit of like smaller, that's like 10 people maybe. Um, so yeah, we went on that around the little, their little like fancy Schmanzy neighborhood. Lake River. Wow. Um, terrible design in the boat. Cuz you have to distribute the weight correctly, which is fine. <laugh>. But every, I didn't know anybody really, except for my brother and his girl. So like, I'm sitting on the boat, so I'm like, let me get up and walk to the front and the thing dips forward and lets in like 40 gallons of water <laugh>, everybody is like, get in the back. Get in the back and let the fat jokes enue. Yeah. I'm assuming I would sit in the middle and not move. Nah, we wouldn't let you on boat. <laugh> be like, it's either you or eight other people. So <laugh>, uh, we're gonna need a bigger Duffy Ben. It's coming <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:05:38 Uh, but yeah, there, that was interesting. But our big thing is the Friendsgiving that we do afterwards. That's on the Friday. And it was a pretty good turnout. Uh, I had, I had, like, I get people described it as a, uh, dumpling masterclass I saw on the Instagram. Yes. It was, uh, ma it looked masterful. Yeah. It was a lot of soup dumplings. Uh, we made about 60. Yeah. You know, um, I had my, my little lobster uh, steamer, my lobster tail steamer. Big bayou steamer. So it was great. Like we did it all in one cook. Everybody was rolling, having a great time. Not as in the drugs, but as in the dumplings. I'm sure some of that previous experience probably transferred. Yeah. There you go. <laugh>. Some really tight dumplings. Yeah. <laugh>. But it was great. Uh, we played some games. Uh, there's a new game called Uno Flip. Speaker 1 00:06:29 Um, I'm not sure if anybody here, uh, a hearing this has ever played Uno flip, but Uno the card game. You know, draw four, reverse Wild, big fan. Big fan. Um, you know, people have lost family members over Uno. Uno flip is a whole different game cuz there's stuff on both sides of the card. There's one card where you play it and you flip your deck over and you flip the, uh, a discard deck over. You flip everything over. Oh, wow. And it's all madness. It's all chaos. It's like, you know, one's a wild, it's like pull until you pull a yellow and you're just yanking cards out like mud. They're fucking one's. Eat a red card, <laugh> this game's fucking crazy. Call your mom and tell her you don't love her. Or draw 25 is this <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:07:18 But yeah, it was, it was great. It was fun. It was very, very fun. Um, I wanted to go get down to business really quick. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, before we get dive into some of the normal, I guess shit, uh, I wanted to jump into a little bit of Yay. Ya's Corner. Oh. Just, oh man. Yays Corner. We're going into Kanye's corner, aka ye uh, ye's. Corner. Um, for those of you who have not been following this rolling garbage fire, I don't know how to say this politely. If you are a Kanye fan, a fan of Ye of Yeezus Yeezy mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and you are using his mental illness issues right now as some type of a buffer or excuse or, uh, any way trying to dismiss what he's been doing out there in the public, going to Mauro Lago with a known white supremacist, a Holocaust denier, fighting with right wing two personalities for not using the word the Jews and blaming his situation on all of them. <laugh> is not a good way to come off as not like he's an anti-Semite <laugh>. Like he's he's leading into it at this point. I mean, he's he's real, he's real deep into it. Oh. And I, and like, I guess, does he, he got new friends left, like there's no, he's got no friends left. Right? Like, there's no one that's gonna stop him and be like, I mean, his divorce is final, so, no. Yeah. 18 years, man, his lawyer. 18, his lawyer doesn't need him anymore. Speaker 1 00:09:13 18 years. I got that. Yeah. Um, <laugh>. Yeah. I'm not sure what I, I, it's, it's very weird. Like I, I know people who have mental, uh, illness issues. I know people who've had breakdowns. I know people with dementia who've con sometimes say questionable shit and do questionable things. But seeking out a Holocaust denier, getting on a plane with that dude, signing a deal with that motherfucker, that's not mental health issues. That's, it's, I don't, like he seems like it's bad decision making <laugh>. Yeah. That's a lot of bad decision. Like, he just seems to be all in on what he is doing now. He's given all the people that, that are, I don't even what Donald Trump. It's like, I don't know man. Like Yeah, dude. And that dude loves that. Dude loves to gr like, I think I I think con like he's, even when the grifters are being like, I don't know, man, I dunno if I can make any money off this guy anymore, dude. Fucking so with, with Trump being off Twitter and then like the media trying not to cover him, they're actually like showing like they're posting his truths. <laugh> mm-hmm. <affirmative> and his statements about this Kanye meeting, and that's how you know it's really bad, is when they're like, oh yeah, featured right now. Donald Trump had to say this about yay. Yeah. Like when he's the voice of reason <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:10:31 Yeah. When you're agreeing, like anytime you're greeting with Donald Trump, you're like, oh my God, where are we? What bizarre fucking world are we in now? Dude, it honestly, he needs to, he needs to hide. Like he needs to go away and like not be around people. But the thing is, I don't think he has any, and this is like the saddest part. Like, he probably didn't have anyone left like, around him to be like, dude, he's going into the trenches for friends like Milo iops. Like, who the fuck is that game coming outta there? Do that and the fucking earth. Like, is he fucking gonna hire Paul Manafort? Nick? Like, what the fuck? <laugh>. I don't know where he's getting these fucking people. It's, it's wild. Well, I think they're all like, you know, like the bottom, what is it like lamp res that like clinging on the sharps, you know, like suck off of them. Like I think that's what he's attracting at this point is nothing but people that are like bottom feeders. Yeah. Like, well I could probably get some money out for this guy. Like, yeah. Crawfish. Yeah. Hey, don't bring the head. Okay. I'll say don't bring those bottom feeders into here. <laugh>, fishy ass shrimp <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:11:36 Um, but yeah. Uh, yay. Um, I think you garbage. Um, I still like your music. I've never been a fan of your fashion. Anything you do fashion wise, I think it's terrible. But, um, just like your shoes, your clothing, your personality, shit, everything you have to say is garbage. I wish you would shut the fuck up. And I wish somebody common T lib Dave Chappelle, somebody come get you. Boy, Jesus. Do you think there's anything, it'd be like, can he come back from this? Like, can he, can he like, in a year from now and be like, okay. Wow. Like he, this new album made me forget about all last year. <laugh>, I mean, or is it too gone? Is it too far gone? I mean, Mel Gibson made six movies this year. Yeah. <laugh> six movie. I heard those recordings. So she, I like, I am not a, like, that's one of those things like, after I heard that shit, it's like, I can't watch a movie this guy made again. Speaker 1 00:12:26 Have you? Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think any, honestly, anybody, like normal people can't come back. But people love a comeback story. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, when people fall real, real hard, people will sit there, they'll tune in in, we love watching people just smash their face into the ground. I don't know, it makes us feel better about whatever piece of shit life. We Oh yeah, totally. People are terrible. Like, it's, it's universal. You know? I think we're talking about Yay right now. Who're clowning on 'em. Cuz it makes me feel good. <laugh> <laugh>. I didn't say that. Kanye did. And he's a millionaire. Not anymore <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:13:00 But I do think he could come back. I just don't know how that's gonna happen because Kanye's gonna be Kanye. This isn't like, everyone's acting like this is the first time he said something wild, stupid, controversial outta touch like this. He been saying this shit. Yeah. The bigger he got the, you know, the more insane it happened. Yeah. Everybody's coming for him. Fucking <laugh>. Uh, but yes, that is, uh, I wanna wrap up Ye's. Corner. Don't wanna spend too much time on that <laugh>. Um, but, uh, dude, uh, Twitter is on fire. It, um, it's been fun watching it for a little bit. I'm already bored with it though. Honestly. <laugh>, like, it was fun. Like el like the real tip of the, I I know the tip of the iceberg. What are the, the, the tipping point? I don't know the most egregious, I don't know what the the right word is, but whenever Elon must, uh, tweeted a picture of his bedside table, and it was like a bunch of empty caffeine-free diet cokes and a loaded gun and a picture of George Washington crossing the Delaware. I was just like, oh God. I mean this guy, speaking of guys like without a fucking friend, like <laugh> that dude. And one of the things that, like the kicker about the whole Twitter thing, the whole $8 clearance thing, $8 like that came from interaction with Stephen King. Yeah. <laugh>. Like Stephen King said, I'm not paying $10. And Elon Musk said, how about $8? And that was the decision to make it $8 <laugh> a spiteful tweet with Stephen King <laugh>. That's the dude running Twitter now. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:14:29 And like the fact that Apple may drop it from the app store, which I, it's one of those things like, I doubt you, I part of me's like Yeah, do it. Come on, dude. Yeah. I fucking it. I don't think you would, but do it. Come on. Do it. Go ahead. Go ahead Apple. Go ahead. Do it. Do it. Do it. Oh yeah. Oh, you don't like what he stands for? Stop having Chinese babies. Make your phones fuck off. <laugh>. I hate these fucking giant companies with their stances. Like, oh, this is egregious target's. Like, we are no longer gonna be working with Kanye. I'd be like, bro, you use prison labor. Shut the fuck up. This is, this is literally outta left field. But did you watch Andor? Um, I did. They did halfway through and, or I was like, oh my God. They're making, they're making Apple phones. Speaker 1 00:15:08 Yeah. <laugh>. It's like, am I part of the empires? Yeah. And do has made me think, I'm like, is the Republic a good side? Is the rebellion the good side? <laugh>? Yeah. It's, it makes you think like who's bad and who's good. But one of the things for sure is that Tim Cooks not good. Oh yeah. Tim cooks a piece of shit. <laugh> and Elon Musk too. I hope. The thing is, I hope he makes, I hope he does it all. I hope he makes his own phone. Oh yeah. I hope he goes to Mars. I hope he does it all. I hope he has a Tesla phone that's super big. Like it's the biggest, like, it's the size of a giant iPad. It's supposed to do everything, but it doesn't really do anything. Doesn't, and it's solar powered only, so you have to leave your iPhone outside. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:15:51 It's like, even like the Tesla car. It's like, I hear so many, like obviously not paying for gas is great, but like having to like, push a button, open your glove box and like stuff, you know, like if your car, uh, only runs through the internet and like you're in a parking garage and your car's broken, how you get your car outta the parking garage? Yeah. There's no internet. You know, it's like that kind of shit. Yeah. The whole, like, this is gonna sound, this, this is probably the most African thing to come out my mouth, but I live in a place where sometimes the power goes out and I realize how much of my house doesn't work when that happens. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I look at these smart homes where they're like, oh, the fridge is the cook of a button and your shower, the cook of a button and like your door lock with just tapping your iPhone on it. Speaker 1 00:16:41 And I'm just like, y'all are about to have a huge problem when Yeah. They start plugging work. They start plugging all these electric cars into our grid. Y'all fucked <laugh>. Uh, I, it's, you know, I started looking up different companies outside of Tesla. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I'm like, there has to be other electric car companies, which there are Yeah. That have sweet cars that I had no idea existed. And I'm not, like, when we come back for the break, I'm going to, uh, I'm gonna look up a couple that I wanted to show you that pretty fucking dope. Yeah. And I just wondered like, how do people think Elon Musk is some type of like, genius? Like every single thing that he's done has been a failure. Well, I think he, uh, he had very controlled, I mean, he fucking hosted Saturday Night Live at one point. Like, can you imagine him hosting Saturday Night Live next week? Speaker 1 00:17:31 Dude, I can't imagine the owner of GM hosting Saturday Night, night Live. <laugh>. Like, it's, it's wild. Like his, like you wanted to make a Hyperloop failed. All right. SpaceX's government funded program that like, it's not like he's shooting rockets into the fuck into space. No. It's like he has a history of, you know, um, taking credit for shit he didn't do, buying Tesla companies and taking credit for that. Like, that's that's Tesla's kind of his Mo Yeah. Tesla. Oh, bla just, yeah, Pollstar. That's another one. That's another, it's a great electric car company. Uh, it's not my favorite. Not my favorite. Well, we got a, it's kind of like the Android <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:18:12 It's not my favorite, but like, the thing, uh, like one of the things that really like blow my mind about all of this shit is we keep giving him money and people keep holding up to him to be some type of fucking genius. Like what he bought Twitter, everybody should have been like, he's an idiot. But like, you know, rich people, rich people take out loans for their businesses because there's no taxes on loans and their profits are taxed. But they can just write that off as business expenses so they don't have to pay any taxes because their system was built for rich people. So rich people get richer by going into debt, while poor people don't have enough money to take those loans out or invest in things like this. And they end up getting shitted on. And then the government bails these fucking giant people and giant corporations out subsidized by our tax dollars. Speaker 1 00:19:00 So it's kind of like when people do stuff, stupid shit like this, when people do stupid shit like this, they should get slapped into the ground. They like, we should just be like, that guy's a moron. Everybody should say it. There should be a moron bell next to the Liberty Bell <laugh> that like, you know, you wake up in the morning, oh, just then, um, looks like Nancy Pelosi has an announcement to make at the idiot bell. Uh, today's idiot is going to be Elon Musk like, fuck Donkey at day. Get Charla to God to come out there and ring it. I don't give a fuck. The idiot bell would never stop ringing. Yes. It would just be one constant Don Gal Maxwell Don. He, I mean, yeah, he, uh, he spent 44 billion like on a whim. And the government's like, and he was like, I don't want to. Speaker 1 00:19:45 And the government's like, no, no, you have to now. Yeah. <laugh>. No, no, no. You put a bid in. They accepted it. You'd have to do it. Yeah. It would've been smarter for him to just like, lose the money and not get Twitter. Like, I mean, I, I can't even wrap my head around like, spinning and then like, firing all your employees. Just all of it. All of it's been so insane, guy's. A madman. He's a fucking mad man. So yeah. I hope Twitter burns, uh, brightly and then is gone forever. And then never again. Never again. Never again burns. All right, well, uh, this is our, that's our catch up for the week so far. I wanna take a quick break before we get back, uh, to this sun. So you guys stick around. Papa it on preacher. Be right back with more. See ya. Speaker 1 00:21:00 And we are back. We are back. Whew. That was a nice break. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> always good. Always good to take a nice little breather and talk some off mic stuff. <laugh>. We can't let the public hear. Um, but, uh, I don't want to, I, we'll get back to this. All right. I'm still, I'm still a little heated from our last conversation. <laugh>, looking back to that musk flowing through you. Yeah. I got a little musk, a little Musky in here. Um, so, uh, for the, you guys, we went to LA Car Show, uh, went to the LA Car Show last week. It was dope. It was, yeah. Little, little, uh, little dudes. We took the little dudes and it was quite the experience. We'll be dropping some videos on the Instagram. You guys can take a little bit. Um, but we can give you the, uh, play byplay of how it actually went. Speaker 1 00:21:42 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, for me, I realized growing up in LA I went to the dub show a lot, <laugh>. And when I went to the car show, I for some reason just put that in my head. Like, oh, sweet, we're gonna go see some dope cars now. It was just, it was going down fucking Van Nus. <laugh>. Yeah. I was like, oh look a Jeep. Oh look, Ford. Yeah. It was like next year's model, like future cars and stuff like that at the, and I thought, you know, I, I'd been to like, the only car shows I'd been to were like in a parking lot where old men bring their <laugh>, their 57 Chevys and pop the hood and let people look at the motors. Yeah. Just the candy pig parade down on Crenshaw. You see like guys fruit loop car with these 22 inch rims on an Impala. Speaker 1 00:22:28 I'm like, oh yeah. Sweet. And keeping it sweet and low. Yeah. Yeah. But this was, this is industry giant entire convention center full of this was MIT Romney's car show. <laugh>. It was, it was, I mean, I never been anything like it's, you know, like cars on pedestals spinning around and they had wild, like, um, like tracks, people driving cars inside the convention center on tracks. That was, the Jeep demonstrations were kind of crazy. It was just like, it was insane. This, this Jeep is just gonna drive vertical up and then vertical down. And they're like, do you wanna buy it? I'll be like, <laugh>. Yeah. Like, like trucks pull in like giant weights and stuff. Yeah. It was crazy. Going over mountains. And it was a like, you know, like Miles, who was in my three year old who I took, he, he fucking loved it. Speaker 1 00:23:16 Like, like he's a car dude through and through loves cars and, uh, he got to do whatever he like, pretty much everything he wanted to do. Like, he'd crawl through cars. He could push the buttons. He could, I could do like, you know, he'd take pictures next to cars. He could pretend he was driving. Like, it was, it was heaven for him. He was so happy about it. See, I think I did a bad thing when Oza was young. Like when I used to take him to Minnesota, I'd do this thing where I'd just, you know, it's a quiet town. There's nobody, so I'd in my rental car seats sit in my lap and he'd, he'd slowly drive the car around the block and, you know, we've been go-karting and, you know, he does the bumper cars. We've been to Disneyland a couple times. And so he went to the car show and he's like, oh look, a car, what else is here? Speaker 1 00:24:02 Yeah. You know, <laugh> you got in one car was like, great. His, the best time he had was that huge l e d wall. He was just walking around on the screen. He's like, I'm in the forest, I'm in the snow, I'm in the desert. And I'm like, Hey, let's go look at the Nissans. He's like, Ugh, my dad's the worst <laugh>. He was over it real, real quick. He was over it real quick. Um, it's, you know, the cool thing is that they were giving $50 gifts, uh, gift cards out to test drive. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I think that's what I should have done is just went to each booth. Yeah. Got my little $50 gift certificate and then spent the weekend test driving cars and come away with like 200 bucks. I didn't, uh, that makes sense. I was like, why would people want to drive a car? Speaker 1 00:24:41 It's like, I guess it's cool to drive a car inside or drive it up a ramp or whatever. Well, no. Like, um, Honda's like, Hey, we'll give you a $50 gift card if you go to any of these dealerships and test drive a car. Oh, okay. So I was like, okay, I'm not gonna buy a Honda. So <laugh> like, no, it's fine. It's, you can just, you just take this voucher. You hand this to them, they give you a $50 gift card. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you pick a card, a test drive, and you're done. And I'm like, listen, I've been scamming a long time. <laugh>, where's the old loophole? That way I'm gonna walk outta there with a fucking Honda Pilot <laugh> it. Uh, that's how they get you. Yeah. 26% interest. <laugh> second highest you can get Bro <laugh> or $25 Chili's gift card. Yeah. Oh God. It's like one of those people that gimme like a CC'S pizza place. Speaker 1 00:25:26 Who? Ccs. Like, I hate when I get gift cards to places I've never seen in real life. <laugh>, you know how many Sonic, Sonic Drive-through gift cards I have in my office right now. Oh, I'll take 'em all. I'll take, I'll, I'll make it hour and a half drive to a Sonic to go get one. <laugh>. It's like one and Altina that's open from like nine to 12. Like, will fucking do with that. Their ice is so good though. Yeah, it is. But their burgers aren't. Yeah. No. It's a drink place. They're disgusting. But all in all, all in all, um, the car show was a success. I, it was. I don't, yeah, I think Ozo probably was over it faster than Miles. Like, miles I think could have gone a lot longer. Yeah. It was, it was cool. I was glad we went there. It was nice to see how many electric cars are supposed to be coming out soon. Speaker 1 00:26:11 Yeah. There's a really cool car. Yeah. There was cool cars to look at. And uh, that was a fun part of it for sure. Yeah. The really cool, the coolest cars, they wouldn't let you get in, which was kind of No, the doors were locked. Yeah. Very clearly marked. I'm like, put this on, put some velvet rope around this. Don't fucking let me walk up to this car like an idiot. Cuz you pull the handle and then you're like, look at it. It says, these doors are locked. And I'm like, well, I'm a fool. Thank you. Yeah, whatever. He, uh, like, you know, miles is a dude. He probably has like, look great ADHD, where, you know, it's like one of those things we're working through, but he was so focused and like, he would wait in line like, you know, cuz there was like adults like excited to see these fast cars and like waiting in line. Speaker 1 00:26:48 I'm sure they were pretending to drive the cars like, like Miles, just not as, you know, as animated as he would. But like, he waited in line for cars and like sat in the driver's seat when it was his turn. Like <laugh>, like some 25 year old man got outta the car and my three year old got in <laugh>. But there was one, like, towards the end he was like, he's like, I wanna take this car on the track. Like, <laugh> this, like this. I wanna take this one outta the track. He was like, what? What was that dude like? Yeah, this one I take on the track. He's like, you are insane. We're not taking this one out of the track. You got a cute kid, man. Yeah, it was, you got a cute kid. He's adorable when he is on, but, oh well. I mean, kids are all pain in the ass when they're off. Speaker 1 00:27:21 Yeah. Yeah. That's, kids are only cute when they're in public <laugh>. Yeah. Get 'em in the dark. Uh, yeah. When they're having enough fight about whose water is theirs. Last night they weren't really fucking cute. I don't wanna wear these socks. Why? Why not <laugh>? Yeah. Why? It's like, I don't want these shoes. It's like they're all the same shoe, man. I'm not going back upstairs, bro. You can go upstairs. I, I, every time I come home, I tell this kid to take off his socks. And yesterday, like he didn't take off his socks, he slipped going up the stairs, busted his lip. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Oh man. It was hilarious. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:27:58 He's like, and then, you know, he was calming down and I was like, this is why I tell you to take off your socks. He just like threw up his hands and like melted into the floor. He's like, I'm sorry, it's got this bloody mouth. And I'm like, <laugh>. Uh, this is good stuff. I wish I took a picture of this <laugh>. It is good to take a picture of a good meltdown. Oh yeah. I have a whole album dedicated, me and his, uh, mom have a called Ozone meltdowns. And they're, they're priceless. The latest one is that he was, uh, trying to pull out a piece of Jen, uh, Jen. And he got excited and he hit the table and it fell over and he lost it. And then he tried to like, he just went and swiped it. Like tried to swipe all the blocks off and missed and hit his knee. Speaker 1 00:28:40 And then he just ran over to the bed, ran straight into the bed. It was just like, ah, my whole body life is terrible. <laugh>. That's a rough go man. Oh God. It was priceless. These are, these are golden. These are gonna be like, once he's like 16, these are gonna be like my birthday posts. Yeah. You know, like, happy birthday to this little guy. Meltdown number 46 <laugh> miss these days. Um, but, uh, yeah, car show was good. Uh, we are getting into that. Did you take advantage of, uh, now that we're getting into the holidays, any of the Black Friday deals? I did not. I was, uh, still in bed. Most of black Fri No, actually Black Friday I could move a little bit. Uh, I went to Target like late night and the only difference was like, there was more registers open. Like there was no, there was no swarming of crowds. I think it's just been like, I mean, yeah, like we were talking a little bit earlier, I think eCommerce eCommerce has just destroyed it. Oh yeah. Black Friday. And also Covid too. Like, I don't think people wanna like wait in line. I mean, I don't know man. It's like, I mean, people wait in line for a new iPhone or like, you know, modest Mouse at the Wil, but Oh, they're at the Wiltern <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:29:45 You're scarfing, your American spirits are showing Bennett <laugh>. Um, no, but yeah, I, I think that it could be a couple of things, but like, what can't you get online that you would just go to a store and get like, yeah, I want it right now. I want it right now. But you know, like I, it's kind of weird cuz we were talking about, you know, getting ready for Christmas shopping mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I don't know what I want for Christmas. I, I want like $75,000 for Christmas. Like, nothing too much. No, just cash. Cold, hard, just cash. You know, I need some spending money, some investment money. And that's about it. And I got everything I need. Like, I, I did a really good job this year of like going through the list of the things that I need to be functional. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then I don't need anything else. Speaker 1 00:30:33 Like, did someone go to the dentist for me? Yeah. <laugh> give me like, oh, you know what I do one, you know, okay, this is gonna sound wild. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's gonna sound crazy, but this can't be a gift, but I want like a consulting job, you know, I wanna fake it. Okay. You know, like, I wanna be one of those people that they hire as a consulting where I come in, I'm like, Hmm, that's a good idea. $8,000 a week. Done <laugh>, you know, seems like a good gig for Christmas. That's a lot to ask Santa for <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:31:09 I was trying to, I was trying to get a job at the tree lot cause I wanted to like, work with my hands. Yeah. I was sick of like, going into the office and like sitting on set. I'm like, you know what, I'm gonna work with my hands. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. How hard it is. It's very hard. It's like how gang Yeah. They're, they're heavy. There's chainsaws involved. They're sticky too. That'd be the, I don't mind the heavy, I don't mind the chainsaws. It's the sticky when get me out, it's sticky. All the sticky stuff and customer service. Yeah. Fuck them too. Yeah. Like I, I, I, I, you know, they have like that little lot over by the depot, like reached out. It's like, Hey, how do you get a job here? It's like, oh yeah, just call this number and you can just put your name in. So little resume. And I got there like when we fill out this resume and I'm like, I'm not filling out a fucking resume. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:31:54 It's a different type of lazy bro. Yeah. I guess that's how they weed out the lazy ones. Like if you did, you just trust me. Yeah. I was just like, I can lift a tree. Look at me. I'm bigger than that dude. <laugh>, <inaudible>, dude. Come on. I can put that tree on the fucking when I got a net. That's it. What's this? Douglas Fir <laugh>. Toss it on a car. Give me some string. Yeah. Done. Done and done. But yeah. Uh, cyber Monday didn't do, didn't do anything. I know I got, um, one of those universal sockets. The one with like all the little bars in it that it, it's uh, basically like a cor it's a socket wrench basically. Oh, a socket wrench? Okay. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's a socket. It's a socket wrench, but it has like all these little magnetic bars in it so it can clamp onto anything. Speaker 1 00:32:40 Ooh. So any size, anything. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's like a universal one piece for everything. And I was, I I can literally clear out an entire train. My, my Milwaukee tool set <laugh>. So I, that's, that's what I got. That's my $15 present to myself. Yeah. I didn't do anything. I just hope people, uh, appreciate goodwill and cheer for Christmas this year. Cause that's all they're getting. So I'll, we're not gonna storm the capital <laugh> is, is that what you're saying? Is that what we're not doing? We're actually doing, I don't know if you guys ever done this in your family. We used to do it or we'd still do it on my mom's side of the family, but, uh, it was like the aunts and would do it and the uncles would do it. But we used to do, uh, draw names where you just do, like, I do a gift for some, one gift for someone in my family and they do one gift for me as opposed to like trying to gift the hell out of the entire family. Speaker 1 00:33:26 Yeah. My family's not big enough for that. Like Yeah. I mean, in America, like we can do that in Nigeria, but uh, over here it's just, you know, the fantastic four. Like there's, we're all, we're all sitting there looking at each other. My mom be like, what do you guys want? We'd give her some like outlandish requests and then she'll get us something that we were super, super happy to have. Like, she was very, it was very good. Easy back then as a parent to be like, what's the hottest toy? You know? Yeah. My mom was very like, connected in that way of just like, oh, you know what they're gonna get this year. Super Nintendo, Sega Saturn. Yeah. <laugh> what every kid wants. The the Jaguar. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:34:09 She was very good at getting us the B level, B level stuff. Like, you know, when everybody got a PlayStation when plays like, it was very split when PlayStation in 64 came out. Oh yeah. And I don't care who you are, there was definitely a status to the kids who got an Nintendo 64 and the kids who got a PlayStation <laugh>. I remember when I got my 64, I was like, this is cool. It's not a, it's not a PlayStation, but <laugh>, this is cool. Well the PlayStation was like, it was the more, like, it was more grown up console. Yeah. You know, we were at, we were at the age where like Mario was, you know, we were trying to leave Mario behind. Yeah. But I know once I played it, I was like, I'm never going to PlayStation. Cuz that's one thing too, is when I, I remember growing up when I played my Nintendo 64, this is making me sound old as shit, but when I, when I played my Nintendo 64, I remember when I played my friend PlayStation for the first time and I was like, Ugh, garbage. Yeah. These graphics are garbage <laugh>. Like, what is this bunch of cubes running around <laugh> it. Um, it's astonishing what we, what we settled for back in the day, dude. And how short a distance it came now, now like, like the, like the, uh, super Mario movie, like Doggy Kongs jumping around like <laugh>. He wasn't that long. He just a flat dude. Just a flat dude. Just fished in front of his face. Yeah. Now look at us. Look at us. Look at us now. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:35:31 Uh, so, um, one thing for Christmas this year, this tradition that I'm bringing back to the fam, um, my mom every year used to do the adoptive family. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And I just got my two families. Oh, nice. Yeah. Just got my two families today. And you know, it was funny talking to the lady on adoptive family. Cause I wrote them this letter. I was like, Hey, I don't know how to get into this. My mom used to do it and here's my number. You know, I left a message a couple days ago and then a lady called me back right away. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like I pressed send, walked back to the fridge, my phone rang <laugh>. I was like, cool. And you know, they hit me up and uh, they told me how the program worked and you know, we got two families. I reached out to one today. Speaker 1 00:36:13 I'm reaching out to the other one after this podcast. And yeah, we're just trying to, I remember it was just, we didn't have much growing up at all. And I just like the way my mom was raised and she just wanted to make sure that we were raised the same way that like, you know, even though you don't have nothing, you can always give something. Yeah. And so, you know, my mom would make a bunch of food. We would go get a bunch of toys. We would clean some of our toys and some of our old stuff, depending on what they wanted. We would just, you know, scrub it all out, make it look brand new. And then they would get one new thing and then we would just come over the bunch of shit. And my mom, it was kinda my mom's way. Like, I'm kind of the same way. Speaker 1 00:36:51 You know, you get one cool present and then you put a bunch of shitty ones around it and make it look like this giant, like, you know, you just, yeah. Just hit like overstimulate 'em. They won't know what happened. It's a framework. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a cheerleader effect, if you will. <laugh>. I can't find the ugly one with all these similar looking things, <laugh>. Um, but that's, that's one tradition that we're, I'm passing along. Uh, what, what's, uh, do you have one that you're gonna be put, you're gonna either bringing that of retirement or passing along? Um, I, I don't know about, I don't know. We, we don't have a ton of Christmas traditions I guess. Like we were, uh, like we're, you know, I don't think we'll be doing Alpha on the shelf or anything like that. How do you feel, how do you feel out the old Alpha on the shelf? Speaker 1 00:37:35 Um, I actually did Alpha on the shelf as like a gag with your wife during work. Do you remember when we did that on Master? I did. You were there. I gave remember some of the pictures. Yeah. Yeah. So that, I like that shit cuz that got completely outta hand. Yeah. Like, um, I'm not an elephant, a shelf guy. I thought that was Reddis. But what was the, what was the Mexican one called? I'm not, I'm not familiar. Yeah, there was like a el on the shelf. There was like the Mexican one and then there was the black one, like talking, talking about now there's just like, they would say el on the shelf and then like they made a black el on the shelf and there was like a slang term for it that was just like, you know, home me on the Dommy. <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:38:12 I dunno, SNO, the stoop. What was it? Stoop on the stoop? Nah, not snoop on the stoop, but that is hilarious. Snoop on the stoop now. But, um, yeah. Uh, for those not to go off tangent, for those of you guys who are curious, when I was working with Bennett, uh, and his wife, we had el on a shelf and we hit it one day and somebody found it. So we hit it again. Another person found it and then we made wanted posters of it. And then we started doing, we started leaving like traps. Like we would go into somebody's office and wrap everything they own with caution tape <laugh>, and leave like this threatening message from the elf on the shelf with clues on where to find him. It got so outta hand, <laugh>, it got so outta hand, but it was super worth it. And that's the type of stuff I like. Speaker 1 00:39:06 But, um, I don't He made you el on the shelf? Well, no. I mean, OZO is not at an age where he, like what? One thing that I wanna start doing, like a tradition that I saw, I saw this video like a couple years ago, and it always comes floating back around is, um, I wanna do this tradition where at some point on Christmas day I get a friend or it's either me comes in on, like, on Christmas Eve comes in dressed as the Grinch <laugh>, like just barges in and just starts bagging all the presents and runs out of the house. Like I, I want it to be this thing and you know, I want my kids to eventually be prepared for this and like to be ready for the gr tech. Yeah. Like, you know, like they wake up, it's Christmas Eve, they're gearing up, they got their Nerf guns. Speaker 1 00:39:52 Like they got wiffle ball bats. Like they're setting traps. They're, wait, like, what are you like, oh, what's your family doing? Oh, they're setting gr traps. Like <laugh>, depending on how good they were this year, the Grinch might come up, he'll be along any hour. Yeah. <laugh>. And I could just see like, it'd be like a nice tradition, you know, five years down the line. I was those nine years old, I'm drunk as shit. The New Year's Eve, I get in my Grinch outfit and I just come stumbling in. I'm like, blah <laugh>. I fist fight my brother, he like throws me through a table. They start hitting me with tin foil, <laugh>. That's what, that's the tradition I would like to create is the, uh, uh, the Grinch that stole Christmas coming in every year at some point to steal packages. I, uh, I just remembered we'd kind of, we'd drive around and look at lights. That's one of our traditions. We do <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:40:44 Oh, sometimes your vanilla, sometimes your sweet sweet caramel <laugh> sometimes, uh, be it. Oh man. Yeah. I'm trying to think, um, if you were to do like your perfect like Christmas decorations, like not, like what, like, first of all, like when do you even start putting up Christmas decorations? Like, we'll be like, now that it's like, it's like we're knocking on December. Like our, our lights are already up. Like Nat. Oh shit. Uh, when I was down this last weekend, uh, I was like just laying on the couch, like holding a kid, like watching TV and she, and the, and Miles were doing the lights outside, so our lights are up. Okay. Which is nice. I like, you know, we, uh, you know, we like Christmas lights. I do too. Yeah. So we got like a couple inflatable things, a couple lights, nothing too fancy. But, uh, you know, it's nice. Speaker 1 00:41:33 I got the projectors that I put out there and I got my lights and I, it's a process for me. Like the day after Thanksgiving, I pulled all my Christmas bins out and I moved them into my bedroom so I can stare at them every day and be like, you don't have to get to this at some point <laugh>, you know. But, um, I've had to sit, I've had a sick kid at the house. Yeah. I think tomorrow, now that he's feeling better, he's off to school. I think that's gonna be my day to put up all the Christmas lights. And I like, I like doing it. I like having it up, but I just, how do I describe this? Speaker 1 00:42:10 I hate undoing shit. <laugh>. Yeah. I don't like taking it down. Yeah. Putting put it away is the worst part. Yeah. I just like putting it up. I'm just like, yeah, look at that Christmas lights, you have to have like a special kind of inspiration. Like, they're like, okay, here we go. Let's do it. I'm like, basically when the Christmas lights go up, I'm the guy on like Valentine's Day. That's like, Ugh, here's your Valentine's Day present. I'm gonna take down the Christmas lights. <laugh>, that's me. Yeah. I'm that guy. Like, I was just like, yeah. What? Like I'm, I, I have like certain <laugh> uh, it's, I have like all these different stages of grief when it comes to taking it down. You know, like I, the bar, I'm gonna start bargaining. I'm like, come on, lights should be up all year. And like the deep, deep depression. Speaker 1 00:43:00 I never like acceptance comes around Valentine's. Yeah. So that's when it happens. But, um, so what are your go to Christmas decorations? Well, we got a couple, we got a T-Rex, uh, that Santa Claus is riding. So Santa Claus is riding a T-Rex. Yeah. It's one of our fir that was like our first inflatable thing. And then we have like another like little cute like Christmas tree deal. But, uh, no, we'll do the lights. We'll do the, I think we had a projector last year. Okay. Um, different years. Like I, you know, I have been known to get on a roof and like do the roof lights, like around the trimm on the gutters and stuff. What this guy, um, but yeah, not this year. Yeah. <laugh>, I, uh, keep it simple. I I don't, I don't go on the like, top of the roof. I just do the front rim mm-hmm. <affirmative> Speaker 1 00:43:46 And then it, it looks great. But then, you know, looks like the top half of my house disappeared at night. <laugh>. It does. It looks like, like cuz our house is like, we are on the corner, so it's, it's like half of the house is illuminated to their house is just pure black. Yeah. <laugh> just pure house disappears at a certain point. Yeah. Like, I forgot what, uh, Christmas movie that was, was the Grinch when he is got like the Christmas like gun. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Like actually it is a gun or he is just sucking it all up and then reversing it when he fix. Oh, okay. Well you guys, uh, for those of you guys who are fans of the pod, you know, this is a time of year when I start advocating for my favorite Christmas movie that nobody's ever seen. It's called the Santa Claus John Ligal and I bring it up every year. Speaker 1 00:44:30 Wait, no, I, yeah. Nobody Timmy here. Yeah. Nobody's ever seen it. Right. There's a movie called the Santa Claus. Right? Uh, the Main, not, not the Tim Allen. Santa Claus. No, not Santa Claus. This is one's called the Santa Claus, but not Claus. Like with Claw? No, like now it's called Santa Claus, the movie <laugh>. Yeah. Like Santa Claus, the movie. Yeah. So this one it's got, uh, Dudley Moore, Christian Fitzpatrick, John Lithgow, you know Judy Cornwell? Like it's who plays Santa Claus? Um, I've fuck Is it Dean's? Yeah. What's pick click on David Huson? Huon. I don't think you've ever heard of him. No. Um, but anyway, the movie is set where this guy who is played by the Santa Claus guy David Huon, he's just like St. Nick and he's going to this village to hand out toys. He gets caught in a blizzard and these elves abduct him and not abduct him, but like save him and he ends up working for them in becoming Santa Claus. Speaker 1 00:45:33 And, you know, um, the other two stars of the show is just like this New York kid, this uh, patch gad. He's like, Hey, what's going on sister? That sneaks into this rich girl's house to get some food and they become unlikely friends. Yeah. Um, what ends up happening is Santa Claus has this one elf who's like super ambitious. He's like, we gotta get into the 20th century. These are new toys. We don't have to hand make them. I got these machines. He's like, no, uh, I'm gonna do it the old school way. And then he is like, you know what, I'm not gonna be here anymore. I'm gonna take my my business elsewhere. So he leaves the north. What Elf like takes rogue elf. He, these rogue el is like, fine, I don't wanna be here anymore. So he goes to New York and it's kind of like when Elf Will Farrow leaves. Speaker 1 00:46:17 So it's kind of had that same scenario where he is like, what is this? Look at all these buildings. Oh my God. He ends up meeting this evil corporate guy, John Lisko, who's like, he's like, Hey, I can make some toys for you, but Patch steel, he stole some of the dust that makes the uh, oh, the Christmas magic toys. He stole the Christmas magic, which makes the uh, the uh, the reindeer fly. Oh shit. So he starts putting this in all the toys and making candy and all this stuff. And people are starting to float and like business is going great. And then John Ligal gets greedy and Santa Claus is like, we need him back. Like, we need to have to get our guy. And these two kids, I don't really know the point of them in the story, they're just kind of like the kids running around and it's like, this girl's like, come on, we gotta save Christmas. Speaker 1 00:47:00 And like, bitch, what you doing here? Like <laugh>. But anyway, it le it leads into this whole thing where they have this big show down. They try to save Christmas and get patches out of this evil corporation so you can go back to work with Santa. And then I think John Lift Cow eats too much of the candy and floats off in the space. Whoa. Yeah. He dies in the alone in Space. That's how the movie ends. Hey, Hollywood 1 0 1, if you don't see a body can't assume they're dead <laugh>. That's true. That is, that is Hollywood 1 0 0 1. You need to see the body <laugh>. But yeah, there's on Santa Claus. I wanna see who an actor is. Yeah. Like the actor, the guy who plays his name Davidon. Yeah. I wanna see who that is. I don't know. I don't know the name. No, it's the Big Lebowski that he is the holy shit. Yeah, he's the big Lebos Santa Claus. He's the Big Lebowski. That's what I thought. I couldn't tell Speaker 0 00:47:50 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:47:52 Yeah, I'll check that out. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:47:54 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:47:55 Holy shit. I could, I never put those two together. Yeah. Not the dude. He's the big, you know. No, he is not, he's not the dude. He's the, he's l dude Reno. Yeah. If you're not in the old brevity thing. No. Um, I think he was Emb Blazing Saddles too. Yeah, I remember. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, I suggest everybody watch that one. Cuz that's the, that's the Christmas movie. I grew up with Santa Claus Colon. The movie Santa Claus Colon, the movie. I, uh, yeah. I don't think I'd ever, don't worry. Shannon loves Tell this story. Like, we ran a poll. I was like, no. People have heard this movie ran a poll on a show we worked in last Christmas mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it was like 72 to three, like three pe Like no one has seen it, but three people have heard of it. Speaker 1 00:48:38 Wow. Out of like, I wonder how it got lost. Is it You think it's bad? It might be. I I watched it all the time and I thought it was great. But we should give it a watch this year. I think we're gonna, I'm gonna watch it again. I I bought it. I have it. Yeah. In my Amazon Prime Cloud. Oh wow. Yeah. So I'm gonna, I remember I bought it and I was like, I'm gonna watch and approve everybody wrong. And then we ended up watching Elf and The Grinch and <laugh>. I was like, uh, yeah, these movies are good. <laugh>. Yeah. We gotta, you know, we gotta check it out this year. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Right. Well, um, with that, before we get into any more Christmas stuff, um, let's take another break. Uh, we'll be right back everyone. Thanks for joining us. We're gonna reach our last segment. This is Papa on Preach. See you in a minute. Speaker 1 00:49:52 Hey y'all, we are back. We are back to our last segment. Uh, what's in that bag, ladies and gentlemen, this is where Ben and I are gonna try and discuss what we're gonna get for our kids. This ex miss. If we can find it or if it's even crossed our minds <laugh>. It's a tough kid. Like he, uh, we, uh, I think I mentioned last episode, like we had his birthday in Texas and we bought a bag of just fucking toys from his birthday, like toys and clothes and all of those toys had wheels. Like he's a car kid through and through. Yeah. <laugh>. So I know that we would give him a car, but it's like he got so many cars, man. Like what? That's the problem is like, it's like the excess of like, I want to give him stuff and make him happy, but I also really tired of picking up cars. Speaker 1 00:50:36 Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So he's like, yeah, he's not, like, both of 'em aren't of age where like they, they have shows they like, like even the little guy Miro would be like, you know, he's trying to say like, blaze and like, you know, <laugh> Ru and Blaze. Blaze, yeah. Let's Blaze <laugh>. He'd be like, Machi, like for Monster Machine. He's trying, you know, so I know that any of that stuff, they'll dig. Uh, they're definitely at an age where like they'll, they recognize stuff. And like, cuz like last year for, for, uh, Christmas and stuff, it was just like, you might as well show a dog like, you know, <laugh> like a toy. Like they, there was like fucking blank stares across their faces, but now they're definitely more into it. And so, uh, but yeah, like we get rid of shit. They buy more shit. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:51:19 I relatives buy shit for 'em. I never ever look at what Ozo wants at all. It's what I want. <laugh>. It's like, what can I play with him with? Like, what do I want? Like, are we gonna get a remote control plane? Are we gonna get, uh, you know, one of those hot wheels that go all the way up the wall and then come down and shoot over the couch onto the other track? Like what? Like what are we gonna get? Cause like, like what are we gonna get? Yeah. Cause like, listen, I, you know, like you said, he's gonna get, he's an only child and so he is got aunts and uncles that are gonna come over here dropping things that I do not want in my house. You know, like he's in piano class right now, thanks to my goddamn dad. You know, I have, uh, he's like, oh yeah, I want him a piano and a microphone. Speaker 1 00:52:03 I'm like, thanks, thanks for the burden, dad. Thanks, thanks for Hey, I need more obligation to appreciate it. I'm going to a four year old concert next weekend. Can't wait. <laugh> can't wait. Like, I'm practicing with him and it's, it's great. He's like really into it and he's gonna be great. And I hope he sticks with it. It's great. But like, you know, I won't be surprised if my brother comes in with a fucking drum set. Yeah. <laugh> for Christmas and I, I'll, you know, I'll just keep it in the box. I'll like, cool. He'll leave and then I'll take it to one of the adoptive families. There's absolutely some toys that he, that never make it to the, to the, to the floor as it were. Oh yeah. <laugh> again, with the air quotes on the podcast, but like, he'll open a box like, ooh. It's like, yeah, that's great. Speaker 1 00:52:43 We'll open that up later. But now he's getting sharper, so it's like, like over it. Like in his birthday, like, we had one last one. We were dry not to open and back home, but he was like, where's my last surprise? Like, where's my leg every day? I was like, okay. All right bud. We get to Louisiana, we get to open up your last surprise <laugh>. Cause he just, he didn't forget, like he saw it and he opened it and he remember it every goddamn day. Yeah. My, oh, you know what's nuts is, oh, my kids started asking about his ball pit. Like, that thing has been in the attic for, for a year. Year for a bit. Yeah. Yeah. Like we got, like, we moved the ball pit for Christmas <laugh> and he's just like under the fireplace. He's like, dad, dad, look at this, daddy, look at this. He's like, what is that? I'm like, it's a ball. He's like, but from where? I'm like, from ball town. Yeah. It's mystery. He's like, is this for the ball pit? I was like, yeah, it's for the ball pit. He's like, oh, where's the ball pit? I'm like, it's, it's upstairs. Like, I wanna play with the ball pit. Do you only babies play with the ball pit. You're a big boy now. He's like, I wanna be a baby. Then I'm like, if he's cracked the code <laugh>, he's fine. I'll a baby and a ball pit <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:53:53 But yeah, I guess like I, that's probably what it's gonna be. I was like, I'll find one cool toy that I'm interested in that I wanna play with, and then I'll break out the ball pit. A couple, like his Thomas to train engines have been away since he got 'em. Yeah. He's just, you know, he wasn't, he was stomping all over 'em. And like, he's like, oh, I want this track to go this way and ripping it out. And I'm like, oh God. <laugh> like, no, feel like my heart getting ripped out. So I'm like, that's not, that's not what we're gonna do today. So, um, yeah, that's what we, I'm gonna wait. Yeah, I'm gonna wait. Um, but I know he might get a giant Lego set coming from, uh, Shannon's parents. Like, oh, that's fun. Like, I've always been against Legos. I'm just can't wait to be pulling those outta my Dyson <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:54:43 That's all it is. Bruce, my, my, my Roomba is gonna be coughing up Legos, coughing up Legos, but he likes building shit. So Yeah. We, uh, yeah, same here. Like he's, you know, he's in Yeah. Both of the dudes are into various things. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But, uh, does anyone, like anyone, like give your kids a gift? And it's like, that's a real shitty gift. Like, oh yeah. Not like, I know, like, of course, like, I'm not talking about like the heart, you know, like I know the heart's there and they don't know, but like, like quality. It's like he's gonna fucking destroy that thing. What were you thinking? Like, or someone giving him like a white for someone gave him a white jumpsuit. Like a white, like matching. It's like what the He's three <laugh>. You give this 40 year old man a white jumpsuit and it's a fucking risk. Speaker 1 00:55:26 A three year old <laugh>. I've gotten those before. I got like a, one of those elaborate coloring books. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I was just like, what the fuck is he gonna do with this <laugh>? Like, I can't color in these lines. Like, I don't have the patience for this shit. Like, what is he gonna do with this? I'm like looking down and I'm like, it's 60 pages. It's like eight by 11. I'm like, you haven't, you've missed the mark here, <laugh>. This is not gonna work. I'm like, all right, cool. He's got this one set. It's like these plastic, like loader, like, you know, uh, like car transporter like three different times. <laugh> from three different people. He's like, oh, look at this <laugh>. Yeah. Oh, again. And, and he always fucking breaks it cuz he always, it's because they're not made well. Like they're, they're not made well at all. They're like, but I guess they're, they look like cars, but they're not cars. No. They're just like cheap plastic, ready to be smashed. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:56:16 Yeah. I, uh, I know one thing. Um, what <laugh>, so bozo's got all this like art stuff. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that he loves and he just like, runs through all of it. And so like, do you have stuff that you've hidden away that he hasn't gotten yet? That not of like the Oh, you can open this later. Ones that you've just taken outta the mix completely. Oh yeah. Like certain, like he's not ready for yet. Yeah. Like certain toys that will frustrate the hell out of him. Or like things like, yeah, he's got a, he's got a microscope in his room that I'm like, not ready for that. You got that shit as his second birthday. Its like, no, come on. I tried to break it out a couple. I was like, Hey, look at this. And then I was just looking on Amazon of like digital microscope, you know, like, yeah. Speaker 1 00:57:01 So like a airplane of the tv. So you can see <laugh>. It's not gonna get science. No, not yet. Uh, but I think maybe those, uh, I did see that was a really popular toy is the like random experiments kit. It's like household items that can lead to all these funny cool chain reactions. Science kit do dad boxes and that's kind of fun. Yeah. You know, you're sitting here with him, you put some, you take a paper cup, you put some baking soda in it, you type it all around, you throw some vinegar in there. Volcanoes and full food coloring. Yeah. Yeah. Kids could dig that shit. I think. You dig? Yeah. It's like, honestly, you get like half an hour best at this point. At this age. Like, I, uh, when I was laid up in, in, uh, yeah. Miles and that were doing Christmas lights. Speaker 1 00:57:46 The little guy I put on like the new Blues Clue movie and he didn't move for 45 minutes watching that thing. I was shocked. That was That's great. I was like, this is incredible. Like he, cuz that's you mean, that's, that's about what you get Yeah. <laugh> before they started losing their shit. Yeah. Or moving their attention somewhere else. Yeah. I think, uh, Wally and uh, uh, MNU Mnu shows on YouTube. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's O Oh shit. <laugh>. Like mnu. I'll be like, you know when some mnu, he just like jumps to the table. He's sitting like perfect posture. It's like right here. We're watching Mnu Done and done. Done and done. But yeah, it's, uh, I get it. Um, I can't, you know, it's one of those things I love, I love this tight like getting toys. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and then I immediately regret it after they're opened. Speaker 1 00:58:34 So it's just this, I wouldn't call it a Sophie's choice. I would <laugh> It's not on the same level. No, no, no. It's not even a double edged sword, really. It's just me being a hater. <laugh> me being a crumpy ass hater. That's what, that's it is. Uh, but I, I think we talked about this last year. My number one toy. You weren't here but mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, like the one toy that I, it was an X-Wing was the, that was like your, your big toy. Like Yeah. Cause I remember it was huge. It was just like this giant X-wing. You press R two D two, the fucking come out. It was like the power of the force one. Yeah. The, the landers. You can like squeeze the pilot thing and the landers come out. The little cockpit opens and it was great. I think it shoots a little, my younger brother had that one. Speaker 1 00:59:23 That, that was a great series. Yeah, man, I, you know, I I have I showed you my little Millennium Falcon? No. Oh my God. I don't even know where that thing is. I gotta find it. I have, uh, I'll make this quick cuz we're running out of time. Um, <laugh>, there's this little a, uh, Chinese shop in Chinatown that we used to go to. And they were like a plant store that had all types of stuff and little knickknacks and toys. So when my mom went to Chinatown, we would go to the knickknack spot. Yeah. And they always had these like different amazing giant like Star Wars and Star Trek toys. And I always wanted one. And my mom's like, no, no, no, no. Not, you're not paying $150 for that. Not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen. And I walked into one of them randomly last year and I was like telling Shannon I haven't been in this part of town in forever. Speaker 1 01:00:16 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I was like, oh yeah, my mom used to take me to this shop. We walked into the shop and I saw it over the cash register, the Millennium Falcon. And it was like color faded. I'm like, no way. That's the same fucking one <laugh>. And I was just like, yo, how much is that? And he is like, oh, you want that? I'm like, yeah. How much is it? She's like, 160 bucks. I'm like, has this been the year? Like, how long have you had this? Cause I used to come here when I was a kid. He was like, oh. She's like, this has been here forever. Like <laugh> the lady is like called her husband over. Oh, you want it, you want it give you $80. And I was like half off <laugh>. I was like, boom. Here. Like take it, take it. Take my money. Speaker 1 01:00:58 And I came home with this thing and like, Shannon's like, what you gonna do it at? I'm like, this is like a role Lexus. The only point of it is having it. Yeah. Like, it doesn't do anything <laugh>. It's like the ability factor. Like from that toy line, like that giant size one. It's a giant size one. You have to like, put it together and you can put the pieces in. It has like a little comic book that comes with it. The little pilot that comes with it. It's a movable pieces. That's great. Yeah. I I If you were, I'll show, I'll, I'll show. Yeah. I mean, I'll around You'll try check out your Falcon. Yeah. Yeah. When you, you'll be around. I'll dig it out somewhere. But it's like hiding somewhere where in like the closet where I haven't like brought it out. Cause I'm like worried <laugh>. I haven't even built it or anything. I'm like, oh, this is your college fund <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:01:40 Uh, but yeah, that's, uh, that's, that's my toy. What was your toy growing up? For me, um, I dunno. I was a big Lego kid, so that was always awesome. But like one, uh, my nightmare, I know <laugh> of my room was, you would've like, literally, I don't know how my parents put up with like, just like mountains of leg, like mountains of Legos in my room. Just like a sea of Legos. But for me, the biggest one, it was like a, it was like a, a good Christmas. Like we got our toys and then dad like nonchalant and he was like, huh, I wonder there's like a more little envelope from Santa over here. And he was like, well you guys, you know, Santa said you guys have been really good this year. So we have as a super Nintendo, like there's something a surprise for you in the back room. Speaker 1 01:02:17 And it was a super Nintendo. It was like our first like console we ever got. God did. And that was huge. It was like we, cuz they were always like, you know, you have a game boy. Like, but even that's like limited. Like no Nintendo, no Sega shit. But yeah, they finally broke down and got one for us and it was huge. That was like, oh yeah, it was, it was like, it was like Christmas was over. Like we were all happy with Christmas then Dad was like, had one extra thing. That's cool. It was, it was great. Reveal. Yeah. That's awesome. That's awesome. Maybe that's a tradition that you do like the extra Yeah, the extra gift. Like out of nowhere. Maybe even two days later. You know, make 'em wait, make 'em both late. Yeah. One, one of the reindeer had a limp. Speaker 1 01:02:53 This one, uh, came in late. I love all of that. Right. Well, shit, we're gonna, I think this is, this might be, was this our last Fat Dad fall episode or we, I think we got one more next week moving into, uh, winter's coming, you know. Yeah. Winter is coming. Winter winter's coming. Uh, well ladies and gentlemen, that that's it for us here at Papa. Don't preach. You guys know my man over here. Beanie Man. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, I'm ob Thank you guys for tuning in. Big shout out to our producer, Blaine Pierre, Aaron Moow and dna. Do our music. You know who we are. You guys be you and we love you. Please subscribe to our Instagram and our YouTube channel. We love everyone here. Happy holidays and belated Thanksgiving and we'll see you very, very soon later.

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