Extracurricular Hobbyist

Episode 14 November 29, 2020 01:01:16
Extracurricular Hobbyist
Papa Don't Preach
Extracurricular Hobbyist

Nov 29 2020 | 01:01:16


Show Notes

This week the Papas discuss covid testing methods, the ups and downs of doggy love, how they really feel about the other other white meat, and Mitch pitches a horror movie starring America’s least favorite former mayor. All before they get active talking about activities.

Extra curriculars! What they participated in or wished they did and how it formed who they are today.
The activities they look forward to sharing with their kids the most and the ventures they dread having to participate in, in order to not just support their spawn but keep them engaged, learning, and growing.
Things get real when they take on the hesitation they have as parents, to trust their kids with people who are essentially strangers. The dangers that come with that and ways to prevent it.

Then the Papas jump on their pulpits and hit us with takes on WTF fatigue, appreciating what you have, noise pollution, and the crime of still punishing marijuana offenders.

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