New Year, New Season, Same Rugrats

Episode 1 March 13, 2023 01:12:50
New Year, New Season, Same Rugrats
Papa Don't Preach
New Year, New Season, Same Rugrats

Mar 13 2023 | 01:12:50


Show Notes

2023! The dads are back in the season four premiere. Obi and Bennett go through their long hiatus and talk about upcoming plans for the future. They laugh, cry, and I roll over everything we've missed during their break. The Papa's quickly pivot to their extracurricular plans with their children and what they hope for in the new year. Stick around for Papa's pulpit, and more unsolicited advice from the self-proclaimed super dads!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:37 Whoa. Gotta wipe the dust off this thing a little bit. <laugh>, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to Papa. Don't preach. First episode of Season four. Bennett. How you feeling? Uh, new Year. Same exhaustion, <laugh>. We all feel that the new, uh, it's what? New New year, new me. That's never the case. No. It's usually the same person that, uh, went to bed. <laugh> at 10, at 10 o'clock on 31st. Unless you blew off your hand with some fireworks on your journey. That's true. That's why, that's why you got, you gotta do 'em before or after. Yeah. <laugh>. You wanna take all your parts from the New Year, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:16 Oh, that's, uh, that's dark. I don't know why I went there. It's good advice though. Very, very good advice. Just watch out your window. Especially. That was the one good thing about LA uh, new Year this year, is that it rained. Yes. So there was no fireworks. It was awesome. It was pretty damn chill. <laugh>. It was pretty damn chill. It usually sounds like a, just a, like a war zone. Just nonstop fireworks for hours and hours and hours. Yeah. It's wilds. It's like the theme of this podcast is complaining about the fireworks near our homes. Yeah. Like, I, I haven't told anybody where I live, but you can pinpoint where it is if you just wait for a major holiday or, uh, you know, Dodger game or <laugh> <laugh> or, you know, it gets towards graduation season. Yeah. Any, any type of holiday you'll, you'll know where I live. Speaker 1 00:02:02 Just look at the sky. <laugh> <laugh>. Um, so what, what has happened for you since we last spoke? It's been a minute, like Yeah. Talking about New Year's right now, right. Because of our hiatus. Seems like old news. <laugh>. Yeah, it's true. We're deep into February <laugh>. Um, it's, you know, nothing that drastic has changed, like back to work. The kids have had a couple of big deals. Like Miles is doing potty training now. Oh shit. Uh, he's in a big boy bed now. Ooh. Which are both two big, uh, you know, very involved changes in our life. <laugh>, the potty training stage is not my favorite. I don't wish it upon anybody. A buddy of mine is going through that same thing. Yeah. Rolled up on him yesterday. He's like, yeah, we're doing the, the Naked and Afraid approach. So that's what we did too. You just, they Donald Duckett for like a long weekend. Yeah. <laugh>. And, um, we've set a timer. These three day weekends are like the perfect weekend to do potty training. Exactly. Speaker 2 00:02:59 Yeah. Speaker 1 00:02:59 I feel, I feel for the parents that have more than one kid, though it is difficult. Speaker 2 00:03:03 It, um, Speaker 1 00:03:04 Especially if one notices that their little sibling is running around naked <laugh>. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:03:09 Yeah, yeah. So it's, yeah. Miles older. Miros the younger dude. Um, and he's been doing pretty good. You know, I think he just like, like anybody, like, he gets distracted cause he is like watching something or playing or like, literally like <laugh> the other day, I think it was, you know, it was yesterday, he had an accident cuz he was eating a Popsicle and he didn't wanna stop eating a Popsicle <laugh>, which is fucking valid. Like <laugh>, you can't set that down, you know? Speaker 1 00:03:31 Oh yeah. I, I, uh, <laugh>, I remember like my son passing out on the couch mm-hmm. <affirmative> butt naked, like Donald ducking it. And I'm like, okay, what do I do in this situation? So I put a little cup over his wiener, <laugh> put a towel down under him just so I didn't projectile onto, onto the floor, like the car, uh, the couch was fine, I just didn't wanna get on the floor <laugh>. And then I just wake up to him go like, who help me? I'm like, oh no, what happened? And just like a perfectly circular turd sitting right behind him. And so he like knew like something happened during his sleep. <laugh> and, uh, almost every single book and audio book I've listened to is like, your first couple days, they're gonna hold it cuz they don't have their diaper on. And then they're gonna go to sleep. And then it's party time. It's party <laugh>. Not every pee peepee is a poo poo, but every poo is a peepee. Speaker 2 00:04:22 <laugh>. That's true. The, uh, like, so I've been getting to work. Another reason I'm exhausted is I've been doing early, like getting to work at five 30 and something to shoot the show I'm working on. Yuck. Uh, and it's like a 30, 45 minute drive every day. So very early. So Nats been doing the kids, the daycare every day. So she's like, you know, good day. Oh, we had an accident or whatever. Uh, and the other day she's like, oh, you know, it was a good morning. And then she just sends me a video, uh, and she's walking up and Miles, um, has like, our front doors open, has like a little gate in front of it. Uh, and he's just peeing like, just peeing out the front door. She's like, what's, uh, what's going on there buddy? <laugh>? She's like, just pee peeing. He's like, you know, we, we do that in the bathroom. Speaker 1 00:04:57 Hey, I, as long as it's not in the house, uh, that's a win. Speaker 2 00:05:01 I, it it's, you know, Speaker 1 00:05:02 I don't know if it was a conscious decision. Was he like, I gotta pee. Let me go outside. I Speaker 2 00:05:06 Think it, I think it was a, he likes to see what he, what the boundaries are like to see like, what it would look like. And hon do you think maybe Nat was in the bathroom at the time? He didn't wanna interrupt her or like, she was changing or something real quick. But yeah, it was like him no pants peeing out the front door. Speaker 1 00:05:21 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:05:23 So yeah, we got that going on. Speaker 1 00:05:24 It's a hilarious thing to walk into. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:05:26 And then the little dude is moving and talking a lot more, which is great. Uh, it's less screaming. Mm. Because that was his main communication for like, the last six months of just screaming Jesus when he doesn't want. So now he is got words. So it's like, use, Hey buddy, use your words. Tell me what you want. <laugh>. I said the other night, he, uh, like, we usually do Friday night pizza, so we don't have to think about cooking or anything. Uh, so he, they had their dinner was done, they were going to bed and we'd forgotten. Like he had left his plate, or we'd left his plate on the table and like, we're literally putting him in his bed and we pick him up and he's holding a piece of pizza, pizza, just like eating it. You're like, all right, give it up, dude. And he's like, no, <laugh>. So it's like him, like eating his, like sitting in his bed, like bouncing up and down. NA's like, okay, you can't, if you're gonna eat your pizza in your bed, like, don't jump <laugh>. So like, he, he gets up and then he puts his leg straight and falls on his ass like that and finishes his pizza. So yeah. Speaker 1 00:06:15 Great way to choke. Speaker 2 00:06:16 Yeah. So then Miles is doing the big boy bed thing. Oof. Last night was, uh, it was a long night. Speaker 1 00:06:23 <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:06:23 They, because the thing is like, they're very close in age. They're gonna be really great when they get older. Like, you know, they're gonna be, they're gonna have lots of fun. They wanna play. Like, that's the thing is like, I got, you know, I woke him up cuz Miles started putting toys in Miros bed. Like he had gotten outta his big boy bed and was putting toys in Miros bed. And they were laughing and cutting it up. And I was like, all right guys, let's cut it out, <laugh>. We don't, you know, don't do this. And then I did it again. Uh, and he had pulled out like two dozen diapers and put him in Miros bed. I was like, all right guys, like <laugh>. I'm not yelling at this point. <laugh>. I was like, we gotta stop. Like, you can't do this. And he is like, I was like, what are you doing? He's like, we're playing. I was like, okay, we're not playing anymore. It's time to go to bed. Like, you can't, you can't mess. You know? That's the rules. Like, don't leave the room and don't wake up. Miro. Like, you can play, but don't do those two things because Speaker 1 00:07:08 Those Speaker 2 00:07:09 Things Yeah. Cause that wakes us up. That's, those are the two rules. Like, um, so I've like, all right, fine. Very serious. Put 'em back in their bed. Like, you know, not even three minutes later I hear 'em both losing their shit, laughing. <laugh> Miles has crawled into his bed, into Miros bed, like, pushed the chair over, climbed onto it and, and climbed to his crib. And they're both like, jumping up and down. And I was like, Speaker 1 00:07:31 <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:07:32 <laugh>. This is not happening right now. That's so literally, I just, I put 'em both in each bed and just left the door open and just watched him. Like, Speaker 1 00:07:40 <laugh>, that sucks. But that's kind of awesome that he's like, I'm gonna be my little bro, we're Speaker 2 00:07:44 Gonna turn up. It was, you know, if I wasn't so pissed, it was very, I mean, in retrospect it was very sweet, but it was also like, just listen to me, man. Stop it. <laugh>. No. Like, literally it was maybe 90 seconds. He was, he was out of his bed in his brother's bed. Speaker 1 00:07:58 I, I will tell you right now, one of my first memories of my mom messing around with us was when she like, uh, I think it was like, it had to be the same week. My sister, my mom's like, okay, my sister's gonna sleep in her room and not with the boys in their room. And my brother and I were like jumping from bed into the crib, into the, my bed, because it was set up into the corner where it was my bed on, on one side. Then the crib separated us, and then on the other adjoining corner, it was my brother's bed. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I was like, hop into the crib, hop back into my bed, and my mom comes in and we're like, terrified. She's like, go to bed, go to bed. And then she picks up the pillow and just launches it at <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:08:41 My brother throws one at me. I throw it at my mom, leaves the room. We're like, oh shit, we're gonna get whooped. And she comes back in with like five pillows and she's like, ah, everyone's gonna die <laugh>. And we're just like jumping around. And I don't know if she tried to do it, but like, she's like, you guys need to go to bed. We were just, just kind of like giggling. And, you know, I passed out on the side of my bed. My brother like passed out on the floor on another pillow. My mom just like wore us out. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And that was well played. Mama. Speaker 2 00:09:05 That's really sweet. Well played. I'll do that next time. <laugh>. I, uh, I'm always worried about, you know, traumatized. I always, it's like I'm always, you know, I know I'm going to, but I just don't want to. Yeah. <laugh>, they try to. So this morning, like he stayed in bed until, that's the other thing is he was up early. They're always up early. As long as you stay, you know, until we have a little, um, sound machine thing and it changes. Sounds like it's running water that changed. The birds chirping, <laugh> and the light changes when it's time to wake up. So this morning when he, he stayed in bed until he, the time went off, and then he ran and gave me a gigantic hug. I was like, all right, he's not okay, we're good. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:09:34 Yeah. Uh, it's hard to, uh, I must say it's hard, but it's very difficult to traumatize a kid when you have your child's best interest and you're just, you know, going with your instinct. If you're a good dude, yeah, you're a good dude. You got nothing to worry about. You know, I'm not talking about all those SVU motherfuckers out there. I'm Linda. Just talk about if you're a good person. Oh, speaking of svu, uh, Richard Belzer, detective Munch passed away. Just got that text. That's a huge Speaker 2 00:10:04 Bummer. That's a bummer. He, uh, you know, a long time stand up for a long, you know, I Speaker 1 00:10:08 Heard long time. Yep. Uh, stand up in the eighties, he was on the X-Files, I believe. I Speaker 2 00:10:13 Think, Speaker 1 00:10:14 I think he was on the X-Files. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, and then went over to svu. Great character. Yeah. Fuck man. Oh, uh, for all you, you, uh, SVU heads out there. I feel you. Uh, rest in peace. Detective Munch, Richard Belzer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> missed 78 full life. Yeah. Uh, I didn't, I'm not sure if, uh, Speaker 2 00:10:35 He was a comedian in the cocaine years too. So they, that's He made it out. Yeah, he made it out. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:10:41 I, I remember his last episode. He wasn't looking to Spry, but, you know, he was in his seventies, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I not supposed to be running down motherfucking perps. Speaker 2 00:10:50 <laugh>. Yeah. I don't think he lived like a gentle life. I'm pretty sure he lived, lived a, you know, lived a harder life. Yeah. I was telling you guys that there's a clip out there of like, in the, I think in the early eighties. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he had a talk show briefly, um, like in Arsenio Hall or one of those type talk shows. Uhhuh and Hogan, Hulk Hogan and Mr. T were on it. Uh, yeah. Promoted Wrestl, wrestl <laugh>. So if you look it up, like Richard Belzer, Hulk Hogan, uh, Hulk Hogan, ch chokes out, like I'm sure Richard Belzer's like, ah, what is wrestling? Fake, whatever. So Hogan's like, lemme blow me, put something on you brother. <laugh>. He wraps his big, you know, those 20, you know, those 20 pythons, Speaker 1 00:11:20 26 inch pythons Speaker 2 00:11:21 Around now his neck. And he's like out, like out, out, out in like, less than, you know, four or five Speaker 1 00:11:27 Seconds Right. To sleep. Speaker 2 00:11:28 And then Hogan like, fucking asshole that he is, just picks his arms up and just drops something like a sack of shit. Uh, so I think belts are like, you know, sued him in won eventually for that reason. Rightfully so. It's like I, there's like, if Speaker 1 00:11:41 You're gonna joke somebody out and put him out, at Speaker 2 00:11:44 Least put him down too. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:11:45 You're gonna be like, he's out, he's out. You know, you do the wave over. Like, he's out. I got you buddy. Richard, come back. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, if you're just like, drop your hands. Like, I didn't do anything except Speaker 2 00:11:52 Choke him the fuck out. Yeah. No pans up. Fucking Speaker 1 00:11:56 Whoops. He said it was fake. Whoop. Be right there. His fault. Speaker 2 00:12:00 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:12:01 What a dick. What a dick. Man. Uh, a lot of crazy shit has gone on since, uh, we had our break, our final episode. Speaker 2 00:12:08 Yeah. 2023. Uh, just won't quit. Speaker 1 00:12:10 God damn. You know, we've had like, I think over 70 mass shootings so far. Speaker 2 00:12:15 That sounds Speaker 1 00:12:16 Accurate. Like American shit. It's most American shit. Speaker 2 00:12:19 I mean, just like, it's like part of the background. It, it's, it's so prevalent and nonstop and it's never, I mean, not, I mean, I just don't, because it's not like if we do this one thing we could, I'd love to try one thing, but we're not going to, that's the Speaker 1 00:12:34 Problem. Yeah. I mean, that, that's the main issue, is this narrative that we can't do anything about it, so we won't do anything about it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they're like, okay, you know what we'll do, we'll pass a bullet con, uh, consumption act so everyone gets taxed. 1 cent on the dollar. Yeah. For every bullet they buy. And then, you know, you have a bunch of lobbyists, like, no, that's their second amendment. Right. And then nigga doesn't go anywhere. Speaker 2 00:12:57 It's just, it's so, guns are so entangled in the immers in the American psyche and personality and like, people's personality. Like literally they're, you're like, you're threatening someone's way of like way of life. And the way they, the way they present themselves, like, I'm a gun guy. Like I'm a gun guy. Like, that's what I do. Like, what are you trying to do? Take away my guns. Speaker 1 00:13:16 Yeah. It's kind of, but like, we don't learn from our past. That clip that I sent you of, uh, the local news, like national news, getting people's reaction that they're about to ban drinking and driving. There's, there's people like Uhhuh in their cars with a beer, and it's like, well, what's next? They're gonna tell me I can't, you know, put on my underwear and go to work. Like just a slippery slope. Speaker 2 00:13:36 And there's literally like a woman, like with a kid in the front seat. Like she's, she's doing half a dozen things that are illegal today. And she's like, is this gonna be turning to communist Russia or Speaker 1 00:13:44 Whatever? Yeah. It's like, got a baby in the front seat Speaker 2 00:13:47 Of her. I, oh, we can't be drinking and driving. They're making us wear seat belts. Like, that was what she said. Speaker 1 00:13:51 Yes. <laugh>. That's a, a very, very, like I will, I will tell everybody, just go look up that clip when you get a chance of just Yeah. Uh, United States reaction for drinking and driving laws being passed. And it's wild. And, but like, you know, get to Speaker 2 00:14:06 Be a feller. Can't have one or two beers, <laugh>, he gets off work. Speaker 1 00:14:09 <laugh>, you, you look at like 30 years later, we're not, it's not even a thought. Like sometimes like, oh, you're gonna drink a driver. You insane. Like, we've gotten that to that point. And so, you know, if somebody's like, oh yeah, I remember my day. I used to buy guns at gun shows willy-nilly, and I could get a fully automatic rifle, hopefully in like 50 years. Well look at somebody. Yeah. Talking about the golden years. Be like, that's insane. That's insane. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:14:35 Well then, you know, one of the multifaceted reasons that the people that are in charge of those things don't want it to change. Like, because they get money from gun manufacturers. It's like, it's part of that keeps them elected as saying, we're gonna protect your personality. Like, your personality's safe with me in the office. Like Yeah. And that's, it's like, like one of the stupidest, like, they're gonna come and take your guns. Like if the US <laugh> have you, you remember Waco? Like, if they, if they wanna take your guns, guess what? They're gonna take your fucking Speaker 1 00:14:59 Guns. They're gonna take your fucking guns. There's nothing you can do about Speaker 2 00:15:01 It. You know what? You don't have drone. You don't have a drone. We got a bunch of them Speaker 1 00:15:04 That's like, Speaker 2 00:15:06 They're gonna take your guns if they want Speaker 1 00:15:08 To. That's the biggest military budget on the planet for like the last a hundred years. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So to think that some douche bag with 60 guns and only two hands can fend off the federal government is insane to me. Speaker 2 00:15:21 Yeah. And that's, I mean, that's another one of the reasons that because of our military is so, uh, gigantic. Like I saw a graph of the day of like u mil us military spending combined to the rest of the world. And it's twice, you know, twice, three times as Speaker 1 00:15:34 Much just pales. Speaker 2 00:15:35 And like, literally if that, if a third of that went to education, we, I don't think we'd be in this. No, that's not what they want. Not even a third, you know, that's not what honestly, that's what either side want. Like Speaker 1 00:15:44 If a, if 5% of it went to e education, like huge difference. Yeah. Huge difference. Speaker 2 00:15:51 The thing is like, both sides are completely happy the way it is because they're a hundred percent, they're making the money. They get, they're keeping their asses elected and that's all they want. Cause that's all they fucking care about. They don't care about tomorrow. They care about what's happening. They care about tomorrow. And the fact is, if I'm, if I'm, it is an election coming up and that's it, that's on both sides of the aisle. Speaker 1 00:16:08 I, I saw this is, I, I saw this, uh, clip of one of these conservative pundits trying to drag a o c for complaining about how her, you know, six figure salary isn't really hel like she's struggling because she's required to live in DC and her district Yeah. In New York, two of the most expensive places in America. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And she's only making like 170 K and people are like, the fuck you complaining about? And you know, she's not like, people forget, like, she's not a corrupt politician, so she's not taking money from Big Cherry. Yeah. In like the Tide Corporation. She's getting money from no one from donors. Yeah. She's just like, yeah, I, I have to, she's got like a crazy traveling budget. She has to have. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> a piece of shit apartment that she sh I guess she used to sell, uh, share with Ahan Omar, she's got like roommates, <laugh>, like, she's got like a family and roommates <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:17:01 It's, no, there's like maybe half a dozen decent politicians. Ugh. Versus 300, 400, 5,000. Like <laugh> ain't that million. That's the thing is you're not gonna win. And that's my nihilism corner for the week. Speaker 1 00:17:13 Oh my God. If Joe Biden runs again, he Speaker 2 00:17:16 Is ain't, there's nobody else. Yeah. I, it sucks. Speaker 1 00:17:18 How can there be nobody Speaker 2 00:17:19 Else? The best we can hope for is that Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump, uh, tear each other's rubbery throats out <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:17:26 Oh my God. There's a good chance Speaker 2 00:17:29 Go that Goso. Yeah. That Dosome runs at Gavin Dosome. Yeah. I mean, he, at least it appears to be giving a shit. Even though all the, you know, half the state wanted impeached during 2020 Speaker 1 00:17:39 <laugh>. I don't even think it was half the state. It was just a very, very small, it Speaker 2 00:17:43 Was, it was the people that wanted to go outside with their sons. Yeah. That was <laugh>, which is not that many. Speaker 1 00:17:47 I guess I'm like, why do you want to impeach this dude? Like, we're in a pandemic. Like, who? It's so funny. Like, it's very easy for like, uh, the right to put in a shit ton of money to start a movement that means nothing. And motherfuckers would just get behind it. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:01 No, I mean, the Grifters are gonna grift, like Speaker 1 00:18:03 Grifts are gonna grift George Santos. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:18:05 Oh, that George, that Speaker 1 00:18:06 Dude is, we have not talked about this guy. He's Speaker 2 00:18:08 A cartoon character at this point. Like, Speaker 1 00:18:10 He is hilarious. Yeah, he is absolutely hilarious. Just like having someone, like if, you know what's funny, if he came, if he was like out and didn't really lie about anything, I was like, yeah, I was a drag queen. And like, I'm gay, but I'm conservative. I wanna make some money. I'd be like, that's my guy. Yeah, that's my guy. He doesn't give a shit. He's piece of shit. But he's honest about it. That's my fucking guy. But like, how many lies are you? Speaker 2 00:18:39 But he is like stealing dogs and has multiple identities. Like, what the fuck's going on? Speaker 1 00:18:43 Yeah. His like, ex-boyfriend from his college years was like, yeah, man, he stole my Burberry scarf. I saw him wearing it at one of his speeches. He told me he didn't steal it. And that's newsworthy Speaker 2 00:18:55 <laugh>. Yeah. Like one of like, I remember one of the interviews, like a college roommate, and he's like, I like his name was know something at the time. Like he Speaker 1 00:19:01 Didn't arm Armon. Taza <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:19:02 Yeah. Armon Tanser <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:19:06 Oh, that's a Simpsons joke for the small corner for Speaker 2 00:19:09 Rusty Shackle. First <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:19:11 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:19:14 Like, every time I see an article about a dude, it's ridiculous. And he's just still there, like, just smiling his little smile with his little glasses on, Speaker 1 00:19:20 Bro. And like, I love his, I, and I can't get enough of his interviews because even the softballs, he like freaks out. You're like, Hey, what are, what do you say to people that say like, you know, you're lying and the money that you donated to your campaign isn't really your money. How dare you. How dare you. Like this is the, this is the mainstream media attacking me. Yeah. Attacking me. Arminta, I'm sorry. George Santos <laugh>. I'm like, it's like, oh my, the, the crazy, the the super transparent thing about this whole situation with him is you see the right just showing their ass. Like, they're like, yeah, that's our guy. Like, yeah, Speaker 2 00:19:59 I know. Well, yeah, he won. Speaker 1 00:20:01 They're like, oh yeah. He was duly elected by his people. That's, that's the, that's his districts. If they don't want him out in two years, they can ask him like, no, he lied to everyone. That's the whole point. That's not who they voted for. They voted for a completely different dude. They this picture of a man that this motherfucker painted. If I say, Hey, my name is Armin Tanza. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> the third. All right. I was born white, and now I am black because of a skin disease that I have. And my entire family was killed in nine 11. And I fought in Vietnam. I forgot about this, but cause of my cancer that I had that turned me black. I don't age. I am actually 91. And people were like, I'm gonna vote for that guy. And then I came, I, I'm like, thank you for voting for me. Everything I said was kinda bullshit. Yes. I yout blame the voters. No. Can't blame the voters on that shit. Jesus Christ. But Speaker 2 00:20:55 At least I'll have, you know, my mom was in that tower Speaker 1 00:20:58 <laugh> at some point. Yeah. At some point. That's all I said is that she, Speaker 2 00:21:02 Excuse me, my mom is calling me now. Speaker 1 00:21:07 I said I was Jew ish. Speaker 2 00:21:09 Oh yeah. That's what I said. That was one of his explanations. Speaker 1 00:21:12 Yeah. I said I was Jew ish. Not as in like Jew wish Jew ish. There's a different, Speaker 2 00:21:16 There was a, a silent hyphen. Speaker 1 00:21:18 That's the, that's the same logic Vanilla Ice used on mtv. Old ding. It's a little extra ding. That little extra ding. That is, that's Josh Santo's new name. It's a little ding. You, Speaker 2 00:21:29 This is completely off topic, but I think he just realized a big hole in society. Kids today's, these kids today, they don't have behind the music. Speaker 1 00:21:38 That's a huge part of what's lacking. It is. Speaker 2 00:21:41 And Speaker 1 00:21:41 Like, Speaker 2 00:21:41 They wear the t-shirts, but there's no nirvana behind the music. Mm-hmm. That's what they, they need, they need the knowledge of that little ding, that little Speaker 1 00:21:48 Ching. They need, they, they need to find out what's going on so they can develop a, an actual appreciation and respect and find out who they're actually listening to. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:21:58 Like they need to have one of the guitars of Def Leopard saying, we gave them the Spanish Aha elbow <laugh> stuck in their head for the last 30 years. That's what they're missing in their lives. Speaker 1 00:22:11 Oh man. They gotta come out with all those. They like remastered Speaker 2 00:22:14 I'd I would if there was like one of those channels that just has it on all the time. I it, would it be it? Fuck Speaker 1 00:22:19 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:20 Oh Speaker 1 00:22:20 Yeah. Phil Collins behind the music. Fuck. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:22:22 Here we go. <laugh>. There you got it. Get outta Genesis there, Phil. Here your own thing. That's Speaker 1 00:22:26 How we, that's how I appeal to my audience. I'm talking about Def Leppard and Phil Collins. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:22:32 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. You Speaker 1 00:22:33 Wanna come here to listen to shit about little Nas X Speaker 2 00:22:36 Or Speaker 1 00:22:38 Nicki Minaj, who's, who's Speaker 2 00:22:39 Popular? Or the Yachty, the little Yachty. All, all the little yacht. All the littles. All the littles. None Speaker 1 00:22:43 Of them are here. All, all the littles. You're, you're in the wrong place. You're in the wrong place. Jesus. I am excited about all the movies that are coming out, uh, in the next Speaker 2 00:22:52 Big announce announcements. Speaker 1 00:22:53 Big announcements. I re I told you, we said this before, that at some point, it's just gonna be Marvel movies and DC movies. Speaker 2 00:22:59 <laugh>. Yeah. That's it. That's gonna be just, that's it. And then like, the weird a 24 horror movies that come out. Speaker 1 00:23:04 Oh, fuck. Yeah. That's it. I, Speaker 2 00:23:05 I mean, I think I just tell on myself like what movies I watch Speaker 1 00:23:08 Exclusively. Yeah. What a Jesus <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:23:11 Literally the, Speaker 1 00:23:12 If it's, if it doesn't have a superhero or screened at South by Southwest Benon ain't watching it. Speaker 2 00:23:17 Uhuh <laugh> in the middle. You go fuck yourself. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:23:22 I had a very embarrassing moment. Uh, Shannon and I were looking for a movie to watch and you know, we just, same thing we always do. Like, Hey, let's look for a movie. Then we watch like 13 trailers and go to bed <laugh> game. Yeah. Everybody knows that game. One of the trailers we watched and it was like, I wanna watch the Whale. And I'm like, Ugh. I don't feel like being bummed out. Like, this doesn't seem something that's interesting Speaker 2 00:23:40 To me. Yeah. That Darren Aronofski knows how to make a bummer movie. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:23:43 I was like, whatever. So we're watching the trailer and I'm chilling there, and I'm looking at, you know, Brenda Frazier fat suit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> the fucking comb over just looking unhealthy. And this was not my fault. I know Shannon will listen to this and fucking call me out, but this was not my fault, <laugh>. It was a bad edit in the trailer, but at one point he's just, it's like supposed to be this uplifting scene, and they're going from cut to cut, and then you just see him like jiggling on his chair yelling like, Speaker 2 00:24:12 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:24:13 Shannon's like visibly moved by this like ho holding her chest, like eyes open. And I'm like, biting on my fist, trying not to laugh. And Shannon looks at me and gives like one of those pearl clutching Obie. And I start bursting out laughing out of it. I was so embarrassed that she saw me like cracking up during his trailer, <laugh>. She started laughing and she's like, you have no soul. Speaker 2 00:24:40 <laugh>. Thank God you didn't see the Speaker 1 00:24:41 Theaters too. Oh my God. Speaker 2 00:24:43 They would've turned the lights on. Speaker 1 00:24:45 She said, I ruined the movie for her. We haven't even seen it yet. She's like, now I can't watch it. Cause I'm just gonna see your stupid face laughing <laugh>. I'm like, oh my God. So like, I'm literally gonna pop a Xanax like <laugh> pop on the whim. I'll be like, yeah, let's watch this movie. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:25:02 I promise I won't notice the jiggles this time. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:25:08 My bad, my bad. But, um, yes, there's, there's been a lot going on. I want to turn into some more serious things like, um, this earthquake in Turkey, that's, oh my God, it looks awful. I, I think I saw something about 46,000 people and I'm like, this has to be one of those wild numbers the media just throws out. Yeah. Before they get an accurate count. But they're still pulling bodies. They're still pulling live bodies that have been trapped for weeks. Speaker 2 00:25:37 Yeah. I, um, that's one of the facts that I learned about this is that like, your body can serve. Like, you, you always say your body can go without water so many days. That's because you're like moving around like people trap because you're consuming less and less that you, you know, can last longer. Just the fact that you're not moving, which is fucking Speaker 1 00:25:55 Horrifying. That's, imagine the psychological toll of just being stuck under rocks. You cannot move, you cannot get out and you're there for nine, 10 days. I Speaker 2 00:26:06 Don't want to, I, uh, it's, I usually try to like look in the face of disasters and this is one that I really like. I didn't want to, I I, it's horrifying. I don't wanna think about Speaker 1 00:26:15 It at all. I, I can't believe it. And, and Speaker 2 00:26:17 It's, it's, I mean, I don't wanna catch you off, but like, it's mainly because like, it's an infrastructural thing. Oh yeah. Like, Speaker 1 00:26:22 It's like they were not prepared at all to deal with something like this. They were not prepared at all to protect people from something like this. There was no plan. And like, say what you want about, you know, tyrannical and dictatorship, uh, and like these fucking, these, these, like these fucking dictators basically. But in some situations, this is the reason. This is not like, that type of leadership is not okay. Cuz there's literally no plan if shit hits the fucking fan. No. Speaker 2 00:26:56 Zero when you have like a, a big ya in your leader. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:26:58 Like they, they just care about money and power. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And like, they're not worried about giant floods and crazy weather and fucking, uh, earthquakes. They're not worried about that at all. That doesn't even cross their fucking mind. No. Like having vol. Like all of this is volunteers. Like, he's literally sitting in his fucking palace. Like, we gotta unite, but on those hats, get to work. Check in with me later. <laugh> like, no plan. Like he's gotten, and like, these places have nowhere to reach out to. No. Like, they isolate yourself from the world. So you have like, Hey, you can't go to, can't go to the G five and be like, yo, need some help. They're like, who the fuck are you? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I remember you, you are the motherfucker that said, stay the fuck out of our country. Deal Speaker 2 00:27:37 <laugh>. Yeah. Deal. It's, it's a real fuck situation in, you know, speaking of inf infrastructure, fucking situations like here in the us Speaker 1 00:27:45 Oh Speaker 2 00:27:45 My God, there's like the train, multiple trained derailments, like Ohio chemical plants on Speaker 1 00:27:49 Fire, Ohio is in fucking trouble. And this witnessing the cover up in real time is disgusting. Speaker 2 00:27:57 Yeah. Seeing the reporter getting thrown in jail. Like for no, for why Speaker 1 00:28:01 For no reason in fucking Speaker 2 00:28:03 America. Speaker 1 00:28:03 Um, uh, like firefighters like, yo, this, this sign says not, uh, not hazardous, but clearly I'm in a hazmat suit. <laugh>. Yeah. Like I, it's, Speaker 2 00:28:14 And like, you know, it's a both sides thing. I know that a lot of people are trying to point out, it's been a red state for a very long time. You know, sleepy Joe, just nick's the fucking union bra strike that was about union workers going overtime, underpaid Speaker 1 00:28:28 Safety regulations, Speaker 2 00:28:30 All of those things. And old and old Joe Biden, our, our Democratic president was like, Hey guys, Speaker 1 00:28:35 You're not allowed to strike. Speaker 2 00:28:36 Let's just be cool. Speaker 1 00:28:36 You're not allowed to strike. Get back to work. We need this. I need this. So fuck you. Speaker 2 00:28:40 No, our, the US infrastructure is fucked because politics are more important than, uh, those Speaker 1 00:28:45 Things. Then safety, uh, like, Speaker 2 00:28:48 Like the whole reason we have an infrastructure is because of politics, because of politicians. Were like, this is a good idea. I don't give a fuck if you're gonna stop me or not. We're gonna make it the highways. We're gonna make inf you know, we're gonna make, Speaker 1 00:28:58 Uh, you gotta make this Speaker 2 00:28:59 Shit safe. Threeways, we're gonna make all those things. Like that's what that it's a big ass country with a lot of space to cover. And a lot of that shit hasn't been updated since they made them in the fifties, in the forties, in Speaker 1 00:29:08 The thirties. And that's the thing that's wild to me, is that trains should not derail. It's 2023 Speaker 2 00:29:14 <laugh>. Yeah. What Speaker 1 00:29:15 The fuck? Yo China is sending motherfucking balloons that can't be tracked over our country. Trains can at least stay on the fucking railroad. Speaker 2 00:29:22 Yeah. We can't, we can't, you know, uh, not do one or two bombers and maybe fix all the railroads that are in fucking country. Maybe that's an idea. Speaker 1 00:29:30 Yeah. Why are we building a new submarine? Fuck that. Save that for 2050. Speaker 2 00:29:34 Yeah. How about we get chemicals across the country safely and not kill our, our civilians? Speaker 1 00:29:38 That would be nice. I don't think that's, I don't think that's hard. No, but it's, I don't got too much to ask. Speaker 2 00:29:43 It is. It is in this country, which is fucking sad. Ugh. Speaker 1 00:29:47 Can't wait till I just sleepy fucking Joe. Great nickname. I'll give that to Trump. Yeah. Is Speaker 2 00:29:55 He makes a nickname. He gives, you know, Speaker 1 00:29:56 Did you, uh, did you, I don't know if you saw this, uh, clip, but, um, somebody leaked that Trump was working on a new name for Ron DeSantis, which is Meatball, Ron <laugh>. But he got on truth and was like, I'm not trying to circle name names for Ron Sanctimonious. And I'm like, Speaker 2 00:30:14 <laugh>, first of all, meatball Ron's way better Speaker 1 00:30:17 Meatball Ron. Like, if, if Trump came out there meatball Ron is coming out here, I'll be like, this dude is Speaker 2 00:30:23 The goat. He does have a head like a meatball. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:30:25 He's, this guy's the motherfucking goat meatball. Ron would take the fuck off. Yeah. Meatball Speaker 2 00:30:31 Ron. It literally, he would not get elected if they, if if literally everyone was just calling him Meatball Speaker 1 00:30:35 Ron. If, if any everybody on the in the country was like, yeah. You hear about meatball Ron. That'd be it. President Meatball President fucking meatball. Speaker 2 00:30:43 Yeah. <laugh> trying to ban AP classes all together cuz his, cuz one course was acknowledged that fucking people were using machines for a few hundred years. Yeah. <laugh> fucking Speaker 1 00:30:55 Asshole. Fucking meatball run. It's like they don't talk enough about meatballs in black studies. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:30:59 Ban it <laugh> Speaker 1 00:31:00 Us meatballs need to be represented. Speaker 2 00:31:03 Guess what? Calculus, fuck off <laugh> Calculus is sitting in the corner. I'm just trying to be teach, trying to be taught over here. Speaker 1 00:31:12 Talk about courses we don't need, man. Yeah. Fucking a turn geometry into an AP fucking course for college. Like, I would rather people learn about American history in its true form than take fucking proofs. Yeah. A goddamn proof in my life Speaker 2 00:31:27 Guarantee. If, if more people knew about real history, uh, less about trigonometry, we'd probably be a better country. Speaker 1 00:31:33 Dude. The fact that I couldn't get a college credit cuz I opted, I took math, I took, uh, math b my senior year, which was, uh, uh, it was like integration into true algebra. So it's like all word problems, you know, like, that's all it was. It was learning to take math out of paragraphs, basically. Like if somebody gives you something, how can, and that course was actually super helpful, but that was like a lower grade math. Like I had to take Trigg or calculus and in my head, I ain't gonna be a fucking architect. There's never gonna be a situation where I'm gonna need this like, ever in my trajectory. So I don't, I don't fucking need it. But the fact that science and history and fucking basic English wasn't a factor. It was, come on man. Who, what are we doing here? Yeah. What the fuck are we doing here? Speaker 2 00:32:21 It's, it's like, you know, it's like I Speaker 1 00:32:23 Had a Blackberry at that fucking point. Speaker 2 00:32:25 <laugh>, Speaker 1 00:32:26 You couldn't sit there and tell me I needed this. I'm like, yo, my Blackberry can handle this in like two to three minutes, but I can handle it. Speaker 2 00:32:33 <laugh>. It's gotta talk to Canada first. Speaker 1 00:32:36 I can ask Gs this right now. And that's Obie dating himself 1 0 1. Yeah. <laugh>. I mean, I think it's smart to have all the buttons with all the letters. Yeah. That's great. <laugh>, you ever, uh, we've talked about before, you remember T nine? Uh, yeah. Yeah. T nine Texting. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Ah, shit. Ka somebody that T nine texting. Yeah. Not no, no. Look. Texting. Oh yeah. I was just, I was fucking 1, 2, 1, 2, 3. Fire, fire. 1, 2, 3. Fire. 1, 2, 3. Like, how'd you do that? I'm a G <laugh>. That's how I did it. I can't use a keyboard, but I can fuck around on some T nine. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I'm starting to get good at the swipe texting by the way. Oh, have you, have you fucked around with swipe texting? No, we're gonna do a little demonstration. Fat thumb. Uh, fat thumb hack. Yeah. It's a, it's a fat thumb hack. Like I'll dig it. I, I I'll show you. And it's, it's gonna change your life. Oh, I'm into it. I'll, it'll change your life. Um, but yeah man, I wanted to, uh, I wanna take a break real quick now that we've caught up and I wanna come back. Uh, let's get more into our, our first episode of season four, uh, Papa on Preach. We'll be right back y'all. Speaker 1 00:34:07 And we're back. Thanks for that quick little break, everyone. We are back. Ugh. So with this new year, we all got quote new me energy mm-hmm. <affirmative> and quote. Uh, but our kids, some of us, we go into these New Years, like these goals that we want to hit with our children, uh, extracurricular activities. We wanna put them in new habits we wanna develop. And I, I want to talk about how difficult that can be because even though we're fed this idea New Year, time to revitalize, it's, it's the same day, same shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, you know, things that were pushed on us when we were little are now gonna cost us extra, like hundreds of dollars a week, thousands of dollars a month just to get our children into, you know, uh, team-based activities. New, uh, cultural activities, things that aren't just fed through a pipeline. And it's, it's rough. Uh, it's really, really rough. I know personally, I want to get the bozo into sports mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I'm looking at sports leagues and things around us and I'm just trying to think like, how are parents supposed to do, like, most parents are working six days a week. Yeah. How am I supposed to get my kid to a soccer game at eight o'clock in the morning on a Saturday across town for $300 a week? <laugh> it. Like, it's, it's really Speaker 2 00:35:36 Difficult. Uh, we, uh, tried to do well we did, uh, like we did swimming lessons with Nevaeh, who was one of our, uh, foster kids we had for a year. And those went pretty super, you know, pretty well. We were doing it on the weekends. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think that was it. We're doing on weekends. And then we tried to do swimming lessons again with Miles and it was, it just didn't work. Like the time, it didn't work. We'd get there, he wouldn't be into it. He'd feel shy and then it's like a 30 minute session, you know, like two, you know, an hour and a half of work to get there for, you know, 25 minute, uh, thing. It's like, I don't know if this is gonna work out for us, Speaker 1 00:36:09 Bud. It's really, it's really hard. I got the bozo and piano lessons and, you know, it's affordable, but to make it affordable, this woman who's running it, uh, blue, a blue violin class, it's amazing. She has violin classes, uh, guitar classes, piano classes. She teaches on Zoom, but she's struggling. Yeah. She's struggling to keep the doors open. Like the one place she found like is having construction. So now we're using this like, fancy ass house up in the hills. That's a friend of hers. But it's just like some of the parents, like, we sit there and these parents are just like, this is too far. Yeah. Like, I can't, how the hell am I supposed to get from work to the west side at four o'clock in the afternoon? Speaker 2 00:36:49 That's the thing is like living in la like you could toss an hour on just for driving each day. Like it's, it's, it's wild that we were talking about. Like, what would be different? Like I need like three or four more hours in a day. Like that would be a lot Speaker 1 00:37:01 Would be helpful. 30 hour day would be helpful. The government should do something about that. Yeah. Like Speaker 2 00:37:05 Move earth like a little further away from the sun. Is that how that works? Or Speaker 1 00:37:08 Closer? It doesn't even fucking matter. We can make up our own shit. It doesn't even fucking matter. Speaker 2 00:37:12 <laugh>, keep your eyes Speaker 1 00:37:13 Open. Kid Fucking Bush changed. Daylight savings. It's Speaker 2 00:37:16 One and a half o'clock. Speaker 1 00:37:17 <laugh>. Like, I don't care. I don't care if Sunrise is at four 30 <laugh> in the morning. Fucking gimme some more hours in the fucking day. That's all I fucking need. I don't care if I go to work and it's daylight and then I leave at lunchtime. It's nighttime. Yeah. And then at <laugh> I leave work. Its daylight again. I don't care. Gimme more hours in the day. Speaker 2 00:37:40 What Speaker 1 00:37:41 I need Monday. Mun b <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:37:43 Well, MUN C some weeks. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:37:45 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:37:46 That would be fucking helpful. Yeah. I, I, I'm trying to make sure like I I I make some more time to do some home curricular activities. Like thank God Osos mom is like of struggling artist <laugh> and can like get him to paint and everything because I'm trying to like, okay, it's Saturday morning, I got six hours where I'm not doing shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, let's put out the plastic. Let's get some paper. Like we're doing a paint. We're doing a paint, we're gonna have some fun. Yeah. We're gonna stimulate the brain. We're gonna get all these colors in here. Let's do it. Because it's, it's, it's fucking hard. Speaker 2 00:38:18 It is like one of, you know, traffic is one thing in LA but a great thing about living in the city that there's so many things to do. Like little today Miles. Like I wanna go to the beach. Like he just wants to go around and kick some sand and run away from the waves. Like, fuck Yeah. That's something to do. You know, like there's so many parks here. We, uh, I don't know if know if we mentioned this or not, but we got like a jungle gym. Not a jungle gym, but the playground. Speaker 1 00:38:38 You were telling me that you Speaker 2 00:38:39 Built it swinging climbing thing. Uh, yeah. Speaker 1 00:38:41 And you and Natalie did not get a Speaker 2 00:38:42 Divorce. That's true. We made it through <laugh>. That's <laugh>. We built it, built a structure. It has not fall down yet either, which is another hey, plus two months in <laugh> still standing <laugh>. They, they love doing climbing and slide and stuff like that. But the organized things, it is tough right now. Like we, uh, NATS been really good about making friends in the neighborhood through like, uh, Facebook groups or anything like that. So we do like, you know, people come over and play. We go to their house, we do chalk, we'll do whatever, you know, like little art projects. Like those are, you know, those are helpful to cause the thing, it's just, you gotta burn the energy outta these dudes. Like that's what, that's what the goal is, is like get 'em something to do so they don't, uh, just scream and throw pillows all day. Speaker 1 00:39:20 Dude, I'm honestly these mommy and daddy groups on Facebook. I see friends that have 'em. I know that Nat has them. I really think that's like the new thing that most people, more people need to take advantage of. Cause I see how much help, uh, that you can get within your community. Yeah. And, Speaker 2 00:39:37 And it's nice cuz everyone's in the neighborhood. Like, we're literally just walk to each other's houses, um, as opposed to driving an hour to swim class that we're there for 25 minutes and maybe if there, if a freak out. Speaker 1 00:39:47 I've always, I've always been worried about how many weirdos you guys run in because like, on a daily basis, every other person I meet is a weirdo. We Speaker 2 00:39:53 Got lucky dude. Like most, like, I don't think there's anyone that I'd feel uncomfortable hanging out with <laugh>. They're all, all, they're all, they're all the perfect predator. Find to cool. Which is great. Perfect predator, you know? Perfect. Exactly the Speaker 1 00:40:04 Perfect predator. Speaker 2 00:40:05 No, it's been, uh, it's it's been really nice. Like it has, it's, uh, going over and, you know, hanging out with like New Year's Eve, we hung out one of our friends' houses there for a little bit. Uh, and just seeing the kids run around with other kids, it's really sweet. Mm. Speaker 1 00:40:16 All right. So one of the things I want to see if we can do is, is there any room to create your own? Like, we have no time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but I do remember growing up that some of the parents that I were around, they were run by family members and uncles and friends. Like, you know, our Boy Scout troop, it was my best friend's dad. Uh, the soccer team had, uh, you know, this girl's dad that was on it that had the whole league together, like Blue Eagle Raptors. I grew up, my best friend Seth, his dad was like running both teams. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, like, I'm wondering like, have you ever looked into like doing something like that? Like, I know you need six more hours in the day, <laugh>, but have you ever looked into anything like that? Speaker 2 00:40:58 Uh, no, but I honestly, I could see us both doing that. Yeah. Both either Natalie or maybe being a, a leader of some kind. Yeah. My, uh, friend guy, his dad was our Cubs scout leader. Speaker 1 00:41:07 Oh. Speaker 2 00:41:07 See back in the day you Speaker 1 00:41:08 Had, you had, you had a friend named Ga. No, Kyle not. Speaker 2 00:41:11 I Speaker 1 00:41:11 Was like, Speaker 2 00:41:11 Although we did play Lieutenant Ga Was your friend <laugh> we'd, uh, play. Oh, we, uh, the meetings were at his grandmother's house cuz she had like a big back porteo. Anyway, they also had a superintendent when he played Mortal Combat. Like <laugh>. Fuck yeah. Cubs Scout gettings, then Mortal Combat until I got picked Speaker 1 00:41:24 Up. Oh man. I, so like, I'm wondering if that would be something that some parents will be into is like gaming 1 0 1. Yeah. You like, just pull the kids over. You guys are playing a game. We're gonna play some learning games. You're gonna learn how to use your hands. Some hand-eye coordination, have some fun, learn how to share when your turns over. Mm-hmm. Learn how to deal with defeat. Like, I, I honestly think that would be a fucking cool thing. It's easy to run, but like everybody's gonna play video games at some point. Yeah. But it sounds crazy, but for kids these days, there's actually an opportunity to make a career out of that. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:42:01 It's weird, but yes, Speaker 1 00:42:01 It's weird but it's weird to say, but there actually is a way to make a career out of that. Whether you're developing testing, uh, promoting, like, Speaker 2 00:42:10 I mean, if you're good enough like an eSports player, like you're like a professional athlete, you Speaker 1 00:42:13 Can be level of pay, you can be an eSports athlete, even lower level eSports athletes, people who are going to tournaments and not winning Arc pulling down 80 to uh, 90 K a year just off that. And that's not bad. Nah, nah, it's not bad. It's no trigonometry involved. It sucks in la but it's everywhere else. Every, it's something you can do anywhere. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So if you're like, I can do this fucking move to Texas, fucking get a seven story house <laugh> like make that money. Uh, yeah. It's uh, that's one of the things I'm like, I'm wondering if that's ever crossed your mind of doing and what would be, let's say I gave you six more hours in a day and I gave you like some seed money. Yeah. Maybe like an extra 200 K. Just like here you go. Like, do you know what you would do like with that as far as creating extracurricular activities for kids in the neighborhood? Like what would be your go-to? Like Speaker 2 00:43:05 If I was the one designing Speaker 1 00:43:06 It? Yeah. If you're like, uh, I'm gonna start doing this. Like, have you ever thought like if it would be a cooking class, if it would be, uh, uh, a sports team or like, Speaker 2 00:43:14 I think cooking would be the easiest thing that I could help demonstrate. And we, we do Speaker 1 00:43:18 That with lean right into that. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:43:20 Uh, we try to do that with miles as much. He's always curious and always wants to help. So he is like cutting stuff up or stirring stuff or cracking, you know, trying to crack eggs. Speaker 1 00:43:29 Yeah. I mean Speaker 2 00:43:29 Like he smashing the fuck outta eggs. Speaker 1 00:43:31 I, I realize, uh, when Ozo, when the bozo was really into helping us cook mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that'd be like a cool thing to do cuz like making cookies or a fruit salad or cake, you know, you don't need anything sharp. You can even use ceramic knives or something like Speaker 2 00:43:45 That. We have these little plastic, uh, edan knives for they can make fruit with Speaker 1 00:43:48 And making du like making dumplings. Like Yeah. Teaching 'em how to make dumplings and you cook 'em and be like, this is how I'm cooking them. You just sit there and they're waiting and like, you have to put 'em in the steam bowl. Safety first and goggles. Like that would be a dope class. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:44:02 No, it is fun. Once Speaker 1 00:44:03 A week. I'm thinking we should look into that. Yeah. You, you and me getting like five, five or six kids in a neighborhood, a cooking class. It's what they cover the groceries in our time, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 2 00:44:15 I happen to know a, a, a national television show, a cooking show that has extra equipment I'm able to pifer from. Speaker 1 00:44:22 I, I don't know what you're talking about, but I'll be there for the finale. Speaker 2 00:44:26 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:44:28 Uh, for those of you guys who don't know, Ben and I worked together Oh. The first time in a while. That Speaker 2 00:44:32 Was cool. That was cool. And I, that was a big surprise. Great. Speaker 1 00:44:35 I completely forgot you worked on this show and I just like saw you. I'm like, Hey Speaker 2 00:44:38 <laugh>. Yeah. Like what you do in my room. <laugh>, come on in. Speaker 1 00:44:42 You showed me my pictures still up behind the Speaker 2 00:44:44 Door. You have a couple, you have a couple pictures of that set that's Speaker 1 00:44:46 Hiding. That's so funny. I, they'll never forget me and they're still there and I'm so surprised. But that was a nice pressure, fat there to uh, a fresh air to see you. Speaker 2 00:44:54 Yeah. It's been a long time. Speaker 1 00:44:55 Yeah. It's ni it's nice when you know the crafty dude on set. Um, because you know, he showed me where like the big, the big chip bags were. Yeah. Like, not those fucking 99 cent, not the ones Speaker 2 00:45:05 We give to the, you know, the normies of the audience. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:45:07 Yeah. The normies. I got the, the big bags. The big bags had like eight or nine chips pedal clipped. Oh yeah. I got hooked up. I got hooked up on that show. Usually when you walk into a craft service room or table, what you see is what you get. That's it. But when you go, when you go, when you go back a long ways with the, uh, the manager mm-hmm. <affirmative> who he takes you into the back room. Oh, Speaker 2 00:45:30 We got some off the menu items. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:45:31 Oh God. Done some dunk, rouse <laugh>, that kettle cooked chip fucking, you got the skinny, the little cans of the ginger a and Sprite. Not the big ones that you can't finish. You got the pocket size ones. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:45:43 No, there's like kids, this show we're talking about, we've been doing it for a long time. Uh, so there's like individual crew member. It's like, there's literally like there's apple juice we get for three people. Like, just cuz that's their apple juice. Yeah. <laugh>. And they're not executives either. They're just like dudes that we like Speaker 1 00:45:57 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:46:00 It's like, that's like, I, there's like critical life skills that we can learn. And I really wish there was like, you know, a lifestyle class for kids like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, I always thought there should be like some type of sexual education class that kids take away from the school that the parents approve of. Like, you, like someone will teach this class, whether it's a doctor or somebody that we trust. You get like 10 or 15 kids from the neighborhood in there and you like at 10 or 11, you're just like, all right, your body's gonna be changing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, this is what you need to know. This is how you treat your body. This is the, the respect you demand, boys. This is how you treat girls. Girls. This is how you treat boys. This is what safe communication is. This is what, uh, consent means. Speaker 1 00:46:48 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, this is how you protect yourself. It's okay to say no, it's okay to voice your feelings. You know, like don't be embarrassed about anything. Like those having to learn by life experience is rough. Yeah. That's literally why we end up with so many fucking psycho ILS right now. <laugh> that like, they're like my dad told me if I wanted the pussy, I can take it. That's not how it is. Ah, I'm involuntary resettlement. Like, it's like, no, that's not the way life would be, but like, I wish there were more things like that around for kids. And I would say that that would be my mind. Like the cooking one. I think we should fucking definitely look into something like that. Yeah. Just like five or six kids. What? A hundred bucks a month? Mm-hmm. <affirmative> to a hundred bucks a month for all the kids that will cover our food. Speaker 1 00:47:34 It'll cover our time. And you know, we're like, Hey, this week we're making cookies. Oh, this next week we're making a pizza. Can we let the dough rise? Show 'em how to do it. This week we're making spaghetti. Yeah. And like all this stuff just teach these kids how to work a stove. How to clean up after themselves. And like, that would be fucking amazing. Yeah. Like, we should definitely look into that. But like lifestyle. Definitely. Like I, I remember I told you, uh, investments 1 0 1, a class that my football coach made me take in high school is one of the best class. Like, I hated this dude. I thought he was a jackass. But it, until I was in that class, I didn't realize how much more like this, these 30 football players knew about balancing a checkbook. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how to check your credit, how to get a phone bill, how to pay for a car, how to open up a savings account, what a Roth IRA was. Speaker 1 00:48:26 Yeah. How the fucking stop market worked. What, uh, you know, CDs were like, what's the best investment plan? Like, you know, he made us rich, uh, read Rich Dad, poor dad <laugh>. And then we'd like discuss it in the class and like theories about, you know, like the guy was, he was like, oh yeah, if you wanna make it big, tell your parents that you want to invest in a property. Tell your parents that to go to Vegas and buy you a house. Just go to Vegas. Buy yourself a house. Tell your parents to put it in your name and rent it out. <laugh> that, that's your retirement plan right there. It's like, he literally went down. He is like, uh, like $2,200 a month. That house is sitting there. Your parents are taking care of it. Let's say you hire somebody to manage it. And he like went down a five year plan of like, oh, pipe broke. Oh, heater doesn't work. Oh, new regulations for your roof just came in. And he is like, through all these expenses that you'll have to pay after five years, you have a hundred thousand dollars in the bank. And I'm like, this guy's a genius. <laugh>, this guy's a genius. <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:49:26 That was not an option at my Catholic high school. Speaker 1 00:49:28 Ah, fucking religious, religious studies, man. What our kids are being like, it's very scary to see what we have looking down a pipeline for education for our children. Like, I'm hoping it doesn't come here. Yeah. But I like how much is on us as parents for what, uh, what we teach our kids at school. Like how much do you think we're going to have to over teach or correct some certain curriculums that come home for our kids? Speaker 2 00:50:01 Um, being in California, I don't think we're have to confront it as much as other states, I guess. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I don't know man. Like it's gonna be, I dunno the whole approach to homework and stuff like that. I remember dreading it as a kid. Um, and I don't wanna be that kind of, I want to be like helpful and not like <laugh> think it's not gonna be a punishment once you get home, Speaker 1 00:50:23 You know? Well, yeah. I mean, I don't think I'll be able to hide my emotions. I think my kid's gonna come home with homework and we're both gonna be like, Ugh, all right, let's do it. <laugh>. You know, we'll be sitting there at the dinner table and I'm like, all right, hand me that one. Let's do this one together. All right, cool. Lemme go take a shit for 50 minutes with my phone and iPad <laugh>. I'll be back and let me know. See how this is <laugh>. Um, but I, I'm worried cuz I know that my mom, who was not very versed in black history, just what she heard working in the black community as an immigrant mm-hmm. <affirmative> an African immigrant. When I would come home and, you know, my aunt or uncle or her coworker would have to correct something my brother and I were talking about and be like, Uhuh. Speaker 1 00:51:02 Yeah. It did not happen that way cuz I, we were talking about Martin Luther King gang assassinated, how it was sad. And if they remember it and they're like, yeah, that the FBI killed Martin Luther King. I was like, what? <laugh> like Yeah. The FBI did. And like, I'm like, all right, here comes this crazy conspiracy theories. And then I was taught in the middle of high school about why we have assault rifles, bands in California mm-hmm. <affirmative> and about the Black Panther March on the Capitol in Sacramento. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they're like, nobody should own guns. Especially not the blacks. Yeah. Like it, this whole like, there was things that we just didn't learn in school and sometimes they hide behind. Oh, that's a conspiracy theory when it's really not a conspiracy theory. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, you know, c r t critical race theory, that's something you have to take. Just moving any discussion about race into the curriculum of C R t. Like, oh yeah, you can't talk about gay rights. That's c r t. You can't talk about slavery. That's c r t. You can't talk about Jim Crow laws. That's c r t. That's not the truth. Speaker 2 00:52:06 Fucking history. It's Speaker 1 00:52:07 Fucking history. Yeah. Like Speaker 2 00:52:09 For a long, very, very fucking long time in this country and around the world. Like people thought you were less than, uh, because they color your skin the way you were born. And the thing is like, you know, obviously you're not like with even parts of the fucking country. Like, I remember watching Doc, I think maybe the jazz documentary, like, uh, black Creoles and New Orleans Andwhatever, Jim Crow, like rich, affluent Black Creoles, and you know, in New Orleans and the Jim Crow laws passed. They're like, oh no, no, you're just black now. I'm sorry. Yeah. <laugh> like, like, uh, no I'm not like, uh, hello Creole over here. Like, oh no, no, no. You're just black. Like dude. Yeah. Like that kind of history does not get Speaker 1 00:52:43 Taught. We, like Black History Month was the only time I ever heard about peanut butter being invented by a black man. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> or about how, uh, bill Russell wouldn't go to, uh, like, protested a game because of the way he was treated at Bo in Boston. Like, I'm not taking the court. Yeah. Cause it's fu like, we should not be supporting this town or this team. Like having, getting denied the most famous basketball player at that time getting denied staying in a hotel because he was black. Like it's, there was things that I learned for, you could say 28 days, but it was really only fine. It was like 15 days. Yeah. Out of the entire school year. I got 15 days to learn about my fucking history as an Amer. I was born here. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And to find out that there's two different history plans. Yeah. It was kind Speaker 2 00:53:32 Of, and you know, like, that's Amer Hey, ain't that America baby. Speaker 1 00:53:36 That's the most American thing. Like, Speaker 2 00:53:38 You know, not that Canada turn away like atrocities are Americans bread and butter. Like, we don't like to talk about 'em like World War ii. Like you don't, you're not gonna learn about Japanese and German camps. I'm guessing you're not gonna learn about Project Paperclip, which is one of those crazy fucking What's Pot Project Paperclip? Oh no, you don't know. Speaker 1 00:53:53 Oh, no, Speaker 2 00:53:53 I don't. I'm sorry about to tell you this. Oh Speaker 1 00:53:55 God. Speaker 2 00:53:56 Uh, so after World War ii, and this is one of those like crazy conspiracy theories, it's verified like un you know, this isn't Speaker 1 00:54:01 Like documents the government testing on the, on black people, is it? Speaker 2 00:54:04 No, no. It's different. That's another atrocity that our government did. That's public record. Uh, project paper clip was after World War ii. The, the British and the Russians and the US were all like, well fuck, there's all this rocket technology that Germans left us. Uh, so they, we need, we need it and we need, you know, so we need, so they started, all the countries started taking the records and scientists, like Nazi scientists were being immigrated into countries. The US uh, being the, the most prominent one of that. Yeah. So the reason we got to the moon is because a bunch of Nazi scientists in Huntsville, Alabama used the same technology that killed un countless union soldiers. Not union, but you know, um, just fucking Allied Soldier Allied Soldiers during World War ii. The same technology helped us get to the moon first because we had their scientists Yay. Speaker 1 00:54:49 Huntsville, Alabama. Yay. Project Paperclip. Yeah. Fantastic. And Speaker 2 00:54:55 They called it Project Paperclip cuz they would put new information over there, old information, uh, in their files with a paperclip. Cool. There's paperclip over there. All you were a Nazi. Congratulations. Now you're just a rocket scientist. Cool. See you in Huntsville. Cool. So that's, that's our country, you know, that's what we do because that's, you know, we don't wanna talk about it. Speaker 1 00:55:12 I Speaker 2 00:55:13 Remember. But that's how we got to the fucking moon because, you know, cuz Verner Braun and the rocket technology that killed Allied Soldiers got us to the moon. Speaker 1 00:55:19 I I do remember, um, we had a teacher named God Burn who made us watch a speech, uh, from uh, George Taka, uh, toay mm-hmm. <affirmative> about Japanese internment camps. Yeah. And we learned about this whole thing cuz it was in our history books, but it was just like a blip. Yeah. Like this happened. It sucked, but we didn't becau like it more justifies why they were there. Yeah. Then it does say like, yo, we took American citizens and locked them up out of fear and it was atrocious. And we hope we don't repeat it. It was, we got bombed. So we locked up all the guilty people and then we figured it out. Yeah. We figured out the rest. But we had to watch that. I remember we had another teacher, I forgot her name, that taught us about the Armenian genocide. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, she like brought in peop survivors. Speaker 1 00:56:03 It was a weak thing that she did. And it was voluntary. So she would just shut down her classroom and you would walk, you'd have to walk in at lunch mm-hmm. <affirmative> to take a class. Just, and it wasn't like there was no tests. Yeah. There was no studies. It was like, this is what happened. Here's a video that covers it. Here's a survivor, here's the outcome, here's the, the legacy of it. Here's the coverup. And it was that, that's what it was. And it was like, holy shit, I didn't know that. And you know, they, these were people going the extra mile. Yeah. Because our history doesn't teach any of that shit. And you know, not to sound too Kanye, but I didn't read anything that talked about the movie that inspired 12 Years A Slave. I didn't read Uncle Tom's cabin. We watched a video about a movie about Uncle Tom's cabin. Speaker 1 00:56:51 Yeah. You know, and like, you know, it had this sweet ending where, you know, he goes to heaven, <laugh>, <laugh>, uh, they took roots out of the curriculum cuz they said it was too brutal, uh, to show kids mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But, you know, we had a whole month dedicated to the Holocaust where we took turns reading the diary Van Frank. We had, we went to the Holocaust Museum, we went to the Museum of Tolerance. We never went to the African-Americans history Museum. Never went there, didn't know exist. And I lived down the street from it. <laugh>. You know, I, I just walk into the science center one day with my mom, like, what's that? She's like, oh, we should pop in there. <laugh> <laugh>. You know, like, um, but there is a, th there is enough power in our educational system where Jewish people say that this is something we need to learn. Speaker 1 00:57:40 So we don't go through it again. No pushback when African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, indigenous Americans, talk about curriculums that need to be put in to understand why these people need help because of systematic racism, uh, because of infrastructural racism. Like for representation, mattering like this, this matters like gay Americans less like that whole L G B T I community. I had to, that's a question mark over the eye, but it's not intended. Um, you see, anybody see the pun that okay, whatever. Anyway, there's a reason that they want this in schools and we need to have it in schools. But there's just major pushback to have it like a gay, if you have a gay teacher, I had a gay teacher, Mr. Uh, and I never understood why he had to stay in the closet. Like we all knew he was gay mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:58:34 But we couldn't talk about it. Yeah. But we understand now because if parents found out there was a openly gay teacher, they would call him a groomer. They, they'd probably lose, he'd probably lose his job. And that's built off pure ignorance. When I was in high school, gays weren't allowed to get married. Yeah. That, and like, so to think about how close that is to our history, like, it's like, that was 10, 10, 15 years ago. Like, it, it wasn't just like down the, it wasn't like a hundred years ago. You know, like, and it's, there's still fighting for rights. But Yeah. It, I, I wish though, like, these are some of the things I think I'm gonna have to tell my kid growing up. Like, and I'm gonna, I, it's not like I'm gonna create a curriculum, but I'm gonna get prompted. He's gonna come home, say some bullshit, and I'll be like, all right, sit down, let's talk. I don't think I have to do that, but I'm glad that I'm on the right side of history. I assume Speaker 2 00:59:27 <laugh> <laugh>, everybody thinks, yeah. No, I think that, um, just by the nature of where we, the world we live in, you're gonna have to talk to our kids about more things than they're gonna get at school. Speaker 1 00:59:38 Yeah. It sucks. Do you know that March's Woman's History Month? Speaker 2 00:59:41 I Speaker 1 00:59:42 Did not. Yeah. So March is Women's History Month and that did not exist. At least I didn't know it existed when I was in school. It's not like we learned about things that women can do. The only thing I knew women can do was Amelia Ear Erhardt. Uh, and I found out about Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Those are like the women I knew that did something. And if you look at our history books, like if you kind of comb through your brain, like who are the people you know that are female, that were impacted our country? There's like Helen Keller and Amelia Earhart. That's it. <laugh>. Like that's, that's, those are the only like, major stories we got into like not middle school. Yeah. Yeah. Like, like Helen Keller. Like look at this perfect woman. She couldn't see, she couldn't talk <laugh>. Like <laugh>, what a pioneer <laugh>. Like, it sucks, but like, it's kind of crazy that those are the only women that we were taught that had any impact in our history. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we learned about all the other slave fucking owners. We learned about all the fucking pedophiles. But we don't learn about any other fucking women. It's nuts. Yeah. It's fucking nuts. I think we should do a test right now. I think I'm gonna test you right now. Okay. All right. Um, do you know who the first female astronaut was? Speaker 2 01:00:53 Uh, Speaker 1 01:00:54 No. Do you know who the first female doctor in America was? I do not. Do you know what year, what year women were allowed to vote in America? Speaker 2 01:01:05 Is it, uh, 1919. Speaker 1 01:01:09 1919? I don't know. Is that your final answer? It is. Okay. Do you remember the first female general under the US Army we've ever had? Speaker 2 01:01:17 I do not. Speaker 1 01:01:17 Do you remember the first elected female into the US Congress? Speaker 2 01:01:22 Uh, no. Speaker 1 01:01:23 Do you know, uh, the first female governor we've had in the United States? Speaker 2 01:01:33 I could make a guess, but I don't, I don't know. Speaker 1 01:01:35 Do you know what year it was? Speaker 2 01:01:37 Probably the eighties. Speaker 1 01:01:38 Okay. So I wanna let everyone know that these are just questions that I came up with that I don't know, <laugh>. So I was trying to find out if Bennett knew. And I wouldn't say that you're sitting on this podcast with a couple of dummies, but, but men or women doesn't fucking matter unless you, like, this is a goal that you have to know. It's kind of scary that we don't know that about our own history. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's a little wild. And like, what are little girls supposed to grow up to want to be? They have nothing to strive for if they don't see themselves represented in the success of our country. Yeah. It's the way black people feel. It's the way Hispanic people feel, uh, uh, people that are trans, people who are gay, lesbian, whatever. Uh, people who are, uh, considered the other. If you're not a white man in this fucking country, you're not represented in our history. And it sucks. And if you say that out loud, people are saying that you hate America. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So like, it's gonna be on us to teach our kids that. Yeah. And I think that they're sh I think circling back, that might be a cool thing that we should get all of our parents friends into to kind of make sure they're getting that exposure. Cuz the US government's not gonna fucking do it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's fucking wild. It it bothers me. Bennett <laugh>. It bothers me. I'm not trying to go off on a tangent. Speaker 2 01:03:01 Well, I guess we had to come back next week with some answers. Speaker 1 01:03:02 Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. I think that will be our top 10. Uh, next week is gonna be close to Women's History month, but we should come up with our top 10 impactful women each. All right. No overlap. Speaker 2 01:03:13 Ooh. All Speaker 1 01:03:13 Right. No overlap. Let's do it. All right. So staring down the barrel of Women's History Month, that's our homework. The top 10 and women in history, according to Obie and Bennett, two Men Speaker 2 01:03:23 <laugh>. Nothing wrong with that. I hope <laugh> Speaker 1 01:03:27 Catch you there. Um, but hey, I wanna take another break. I wanna come back with our famous first 2023 Papa's pulpit and we'll be right back. So you guys stick around. This is papa. Don't preach. Speaker 1 01:04:08 Hey ladies and gentlemen, you are here. Thank you so much. You've done it. You have done it. You've reached the Promised Land. You've reached the end of our podcast where we like to do a segment called Papa's Pulpit. For those of you who are new, Papa's pulpit is a segment where we go into a subject, something that we either really like or something that really grinds our gears that we wanna rant about, talk shit about, and go in. So, uh, I'm gonna take the pulpit and pass it over to my man Bennett, real quick to see what he needs to talk about. The floor is yours. Speaker 2 01:04:38 Well, we, um, mentioned briefly about, uh, lecturing coming up. Yes. Next year. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, um, how it just seems like it's, you know, if if he survives, knock on wood, uh, old Joe Biden is gonna be the nominee and it's probably gonna be Trump again. Hey. Just because if the thing is, if if one's alive and the other one's alive, and also not in jail, <laugh>, like, the other thing is like, how is he not fucking That's what I should be pissed off. How the, how is this fucker not in jail already is insane. Fucking Speaker 1 01:05:07 Hey, Speaker 2 01:05:07 But my gut feelings is gonna be Biden Trump two election boogaloo <laugh> all over again, man. And it's fucking infuriating that we can't, we don't have a better option than two geriatric dudes with barely holding onto their sanity who don't know what's happening every day. Like you have no clue what's happening in America on a, on a fucking daily Speaker 1 01:05:26 Basis. Oh my God. So true. Speaker 2 01:05:28 It's, it's sad that we're stuck with that option and because it's like one, and the thing is, it's like one is a dude that has, it's very old, very old close. He's been doing that in a long time. You know, Speaker 1 01:05:40 He's been at it a long time, Speaker 2 01:05:41 But also does not offer a whole lot of new good ideas or someone who wants us all to die while he makes money off of it. Speaker 1 01:05:48 Eh, fucking wild. Speaker 2 01:05:50 It's wild that that's our options. And then like, he's somehow convinced half the country, although I think he's let's probably only 40% of the country now and not 50% of the country that like he's, that he is a cool guy that like, wants the best for everyone and he's smart. The other thing is like how convinced people that he's smart. Speaker 1 01:06:05 That he's smart and that he's down to earth. Speaker 2 01:06:06 It's insane. Speaker 1 01:06:08 It's wild. Speaker 2 01:06:08 He's fucking insane. Speaker 1 01:06:10 This dude has spent his entire life telling the entire country that he's not a regular person. Yeah. That he's the best thing that's ever happened. That he's got gold toilets and things that you can't do, and that he's the only person that can teach you how to be rich. And now it took one statement. Now he's like, yeah, I'm just like you. Yeah. Blue call blue collar New Yorker. Speaker 2 01:06:29 And the thing is like, this is real petty. Um, Trump's ass bothers me. <laugh> like the way that there's so much of it. Um, and this is speaking from a guy who has very little ass, so maybe there's envy there, Speaker 1 01:06:40 <laugh> ass envy, Speaker 2 01:06:42 But like, it's like 50 60% of his body is that flat am amorphous ass Speaker 1 01:06:48 No torso. Speaker 2 01:06:49 And that's, and I don't trust that in a leader, <laugh>. I want a leader that, you know, Speaker 1 01:06:55 Got some drunk Speaker 2 01:06:56 Fdr, FDR withholding can get up and move at a no moment's notice <laugh> if shit goes down. I still think FDR could've got up faster than Trump. Speaker 1 01:07:06 Damn. Speaker 2 01:07:07 I I I That's not a joke. Yeah. I really think he could've got of his wheelchair faster than Trump could stand up out of a chair. I Speaker 1 01:07:13 Think a sloth could beat Trump in a foot Speaker 2 01:07:15 Race. <laugh> Speaker 1 01:07:16 Think so. Speaker 2 01:07:16 But I'm just sick of eating shit every year. Election time and just like, just voting Democrat because literally it's the person. Like they don't, Hey, I'm not actively trying to kill you. I'm trying to scam you. I'm not actively trying to kill you. Yeah. The other side's, like, I'm trying to scam you and I'm trying to kill Speaker 1 01:07:30 You. I'm gonna grift you, but I'm better than this guy. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:07:33 It's fucking sickening. Well anyway, Speaker 1 01:07:36 Well thank you for sharing <laugh>. I appreciate it getting that off your chest. I'm gonna slide the pulpit over to my, my side. I have an equally annoying petty thing to get off my chest and I kind of wanna talk about this, uh, movement. And I'm speaking mostly to the, uh, hip hop community, the black community, the culture. Uh, there has been a rise, a very, very big spike in something very new where hip hop artists are attaching their names to certain meals at McDonald's. And whatever you got, you need to get that. You need to get that paper. I get it. You don't want to turn down half a mill just for doing a commercial. Cool. Speaker 1 01:08:21 I think the hip hop community needs to rise above corporate America and corporate greed to help the motherfuckers that are funding their fucking mansions and their benzes. I'm not saying do more community work. I'm saying that McDonald's has made a career out of compromising the health of impoverished communities and the black community. And as millennials, we understand that our kids need to eat healthier. And we understand that junk food is junk food for a reason and they can see a shift in the country. So digging in to find some of the biggest hip hop stars to market a Big Mac meal, calling it the offset Nicki, uh, offset and Cardi B Double Double Meal and the fucking little Uzi Vert shake and all this shit. I think it's fucking trash. I think it's, I think it's opportunistic and it's fucking trash. And these motherfuckers should be ashamed of themselves. Speaker 1 01:09:22 Like, just because you're gonna eat a double cheeseburger on TV and spit it the fuck out cuz you're a fucking vegetarian now <laugh>. It's, it's fucking wild man. You should practice what you fucking preach. Now listen, if Offset is sitting there eating a Big Mac every fucking day, good on you. Don't market that to fucking kids, man. Heart disease is the number one killer of black fucking men in this fucking country. Like systematic racism has compromised our health as a community and obviously our health as a country doesn't matter what color you are. The reason we are so sick is because of what we eat. And if we don't talk about it more, it's like we're gonna just be in this endless cycle of eating bullshit, getting on every pharmaceutical drug we can fucking faking that. We're gonna do something about it in our late fifties when it's too fucking late dying from some psycho ass disease that we think we couldn't have seen coming in our sixties acting like that's fucking old when it's not. Speaker 1 01:10:19 It's, that's who we are. Like baby boomers are sitting there dropping like flies. Not because they're fucking old. It's cuz they went through one of the most fucking treacherous times in American history. Like you're sitting down, sucking down cheese nachos using lead pens and doing fucking mounds of blow. You're not gonna make it out on the other side. Like, we're seeing these motherfuckers drop and being like, oh fuck. Oh man, this dude died at 62. Maybe we shouldn't have put asbestos in everything. Yeah, what the fuck? But I, I would, it's just a big fat shame on you to all these fucking hip hop artists that are tying themselves to McDonald's. It's fucking trash. They sell trash food. You guys should be fucking doing better. There shouldn't be fucking McDonald's in every corner in the hood. We should at least have a fresh and easy, or a fucking Trader Joe's or Whole Foods that isn't expensive as fuck. Speaker 1 01:11:07 Uh, we should put that money back into farmer's markets and he healthy food in our neighborhoods. So people learn how to fucking eat healthy. I'm not saying stay the fuck away from McDonald's. Everything is okay in moderation. You wanna fucking drink good on you. You wanna smoke, good on you. You wanna fucking eat a big Mac. Good on you. Having it available every day, having that as a source of your lifestyle is not fucking chill. It is detrimental to your health. And as a community, fucking, uh, it, it's, it's perpetuating bad habits and I fucking hate it. So anyway, that's the end of my pulpit. I'm sorry <laugh> went in on it. That's a good pulpit. I went in on it, but, um, so yeah, we have homework this week, ladies and gentlemen. We were talking, it's a women's history. Some women's history is what we want to do. Speaker 1 01:11:51 Um, we're gonna come back next week, you guys. Thank you so much for coming back. It was a beautiful, amazing break for, uh, papa. Don't preach season four. We're off to the races. Um, I believe we're gonna have a guest next week, but I'll keep that. Oh yeah, that'd be fun. Yeah, mix it up. Yeah, I'll keep that. Someone else I'll send you. Yeah, I'm sick of looking at your face too. Jesus Christ. Anyway, uh, big shout out to blame our producer, <laugh> Aaron Motown, d n a, do our music, A big fat. Thank you to my man Bennett, my co-host. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Papa. Don't preach and we'll see you next week. Beanie Mano.

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