2022, Me and you.

Episode 20 January 03, 2023 01:22:03
2022, Me and you.
Papa Don't Preach
2022, Me and you.

Jan 03 2023 | 01:22:03


Show Notes

In our finale episode, The dads (Obi and Bennet) reflect on the best and worst of 2022. With so much to be thankful for, there is a whole lot more we cannot wait to forget. From Dad moments, sports, pop, culture, politics, and a few seeds of gossip. The dads break it all down.

We can't do this without all of your support. We love and thank you and hope you tune in for our next season. See you in February! 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:35 Hey. Yo. Yo, yo. Hey, hey, hey. Oh my God. I feel like it's been so long. I haven't seen you in a while. It's been a long time. Uh, I've had health issues. I was in Hawaii, <laugh>. I had more health issues. <laugh>, you, you look different. Did you, did your haircut lose a tooth? What happened? I did. I got a tooth yanked outta my skull <laugh>, uh, day before yesterday. Before you showed ba anyone that picture, you gotta prepare 'em more. That I was not ready for that. It did, it looked like a, like a tiger. It's lost a tooth. Yeah. That didn't look like human <laugh>. I know. It looks like a, you know, like an animal got sedated. I can't believe that thing fit in your mouth. The dude had to pull it really hard. It's like a dinosaur tooth that's just hidden in the back of your mouth. <laugh>. It was, that was the problem. <laugh> woke up with it one day. Oh, god. Huh? Just thinking about it. Yeah. It was a rough day. Um, my teeth are made of sand, as Natalie likes to say. <laugh>. So hope I'm, this is the first I'm gonna, you know, get 'em all replaced. I'm gonna get, I'm gonna get titanium, like, jaws a bond villain. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:01:35 Oh, I can't wait to see Bennett with a grill. <laugh> just like bite a fucking two by four or whatever. Oh. How was Hawaii? Hawaii was really fun. Uh, my wife Nat was there shooting a show. Uh, so I piggybacked on her work. <laugh> as a little baby vacation. Uh, stayed in the, actually, I didn't realize that we were at the bar. They had a cocktail called The Forgetting, Sarah Marshall that I Googled. It stayed the fucking hotel they shot. Forgetting Sarah Marshall at Oh, yeah. That's how fucking bougie it was. <laugh> like a pretend movie star stayed at this hotel, but <laugh>, I mean, for free. Like, we were literally like, you know, Nat was getting paid to be there, so it was, Hey, it would rain a couple days. Um, and then it did in a couple days. It was nice. I mean, Hawaii's fucking great. Like it's the beaches. People are nice. Food's. Great. Ah, can't wait. I, I really want to go. You really should. I really want to. I really, really want to go. Yeah. Yeah. The thing. Yeah. It's like, yeah. People are really nice. Yeah. They got the whole island time thing going. You know, island time del toss at cha. A little shakka atk. That's Oh yeah. Hang loose. And then I'd just be like, hi. Thank you. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:02:40 Uh, did you get any big presents at your excited about, about we, um, yes. We got the kids, uh, that could have been saving some gift cards and stuff. So we got them a, one of those wooden playgrounds, like swing set slide Oh shit. Thing, shit. Yes. And then, so Nat and I built it. And then the biggest present is we didn't get a divorce Speaker 2 00:03:00 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:01 We built it together. It was like multiple tools, multiple steps. Like, we had to lay all that shit out. Um, so it's fun. The kids love it. Uh, we got a little fire pit, which is cool. Speaker 2 00:03:10 Nice. Speaker 1 00:03:11 Yeah. So we got a couple of those things. And then the kids got some cars and shit, which they dig. Speaker 2 00:03:15 Dude, building something with your significant other is the real test of your relationship. Speaker 1 00:03:20 Flying and building something together. Like, oh my God. You need to do that. If you're thinking about marrying somebody, go on a trip in an airplane or build a, you know, an Ikea furniture piece together, you, you know who someone is when you put something on the wrong way. Speaker 2 00:03:34 Oh my God. Speaker 1 00:03:34 Halfway through building something, Speaker 2 00:03:36 Jen and I built a table, and that was almost the end of us. Yeah. It was a table. Speaker 1 00:03:41 <laugh> <laugh>. It Speaker 2 00:03:43 Came already half built. We just had to put the legs on <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:46 I mean, in communication, like how you deal with your a it's so many things in that one tiny structure. So Yeah. Relationship advice. Yeah. <laugh>, good. Ikea. Build a table if you end up stabbing each other with an Alan wrench. Not meant to Speaker 2 00:03:59 Be <laugh>. Uh, sh Um, Shannon got me a trip to Japan. Oh, Speaker 1 00:04:05 No. Shit. That's awesome. Awesome. Speaker 2 00:04:06 Dude. I, I did not receive it well. Oh, really? Yeah. I thought we, we were, that was one thing we were supposed to do together. Yeah. And I was having one of those days and I opened this, I was like, I thought we were. Mm. And then it kind of set in and I was like, going to Japan. And I'm like, I got some planning to do. Yeah. Oh shit. But no, it was dope. Um, I don't remember what I got her cuz I got a trip to Japan. <laugh>. I think I got a bunch of shit. Speaker 1 00:04:29 Yeah. We got each other, like little stuff. And then cuz we got like the bigger things. Um, but yeah, it was like, you know, it's like I, for Christmas, ever since I was a child, that's like, it's like big chunks of stuff. Clothes, Legos, toys, whatever it is. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like, it just, whatever. Now it's just records clothes. Like, you know, it's like, it's, I get the same shit every year. It's stuff that I want, but like, it's always, it's whatever I'm into that year. Speaker 2 00:04:53 Yeah. I, this, this year wasn't so big for us because we were like putting all our energy in the adoptive family. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:00 Yeah. Which was amazing. How did it all end up? Oh man. You talk about the last episode, right? Speaker 2 00:05:04 Um, well, no, that Speaker 1 00:05:05 Was no bullshit. Tell it, fill us in. Speaker 2 00:05:07 Uh, no. We, um, uh, we took the week off, uh, me and the producer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Mr. Blaine. Pierre who showed up. Like, it was very funny cuz he showed up kind of ball humbug. He was Scrooge McDuck. He's like, ah, Christmas is bullshit. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Showed up there. But, um, yeah, we had the U-Haul loaded up everything. Um, we hit our first family and they were just absolutely stoked. Um, you know, we rolled up the new TV for 'em and That's awesome. They just like, were like, holy shit, we didn't expect anything. And we got all this. And I was just like, here, like the way we set it up is we made these giant boxes for each person in the family. And then we have this family box of just essentials. Like, uh, you know, 40 piece Tupperware set, silverware, plates, cups, toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, Swiffer, Swiffer juice. Speaker 2 00:05:56 Uh, and, and like, we modded out everything. Um, I hooked up the PS4 for the little dudes. That's crazy. And I, uh, I took my one, I took a one terabyte te uh, drive and like put some earthquake tape and stuck it to the top. Uhhuh <affirmative>. I showed 'em how to plug it in and how to access it. I made their own profile. Um, I gave 'em a box of bucks and I was like, listen, I'm gonna keep connected to this ps4. Your parents tell me you haven't read one book. You're reading one book a month. If you ever skip it, I'm deleting all these games. <laugh>, I'll delete all of them. <laugh>. Like, you'll just open up this ps4. They're all gone. It's about balance. Kids <laugh>. But yeah, I didn't realize, like, I was just like, Hey, like I wonder if I can put some games back on. Speaker 2 00:06:33 Cuz like, once you beat a game, you delete it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cuz you wanna get a new game, you're not gonna study. So I was like, how am I gonna do this? And so I, I just followed a couple YouTube videos and they got a PS4 with 44 games on it. That's red. Every single game I've ever owned. Uh, like, because you, you're hooked up to your PS network, whatever. So it's, that's really cool. So yeah, they're, they're, they got both Horizons. They got the new God of War, they got Red Dead Redemption Ghost to cima, uh, uh, grant Theft Auto Fortnite. Uh, that's, man, that's You Speaker 1 00:07:04 Mean. That's, that's so thoughtful. It's like one of those things, like a play a PS4 is one thing, Speaker 2 00:07:07 But like, the forethought to be like, well, all right, now you get a whole library too. Like, that's, I'm not accusing it. Yeah. Um, the other adoptive family, we hit up, it was weird cuz like I mentioned to Blaine, the car, like the, the person I was texting, the second family that we're doing, the person I was texting, this woman was like, so late to get back to me, was giving me one word answers. I would ask her questions, like, she'd be like, I need clothes. I'm like, for who? Yeah. Yeah. Nothing. I have a daughter. How old is she? Small size is fine. How old is she? Yeah. Yeah, she's small. I'm like, okay, some Barbies. I'm like, all right, you know what, you know what my, like, I get it. Like, she's probably like super busy and like, probably doesn't wanna be doing this in the first place. Speaker 2 00:07:52 So I was like, okay, I'll let it go. So we did the same thing. Got a few things for kids. Like I was just pulling information out of her. Yeah. Yeah. And then when we go there, um, you know, we text her that we're here, nothing, me and bla are just sitting in the U-Haul. We walk up to the door, give a little knock, then she texts. I'm not there. I'm like, okay, well we're here. She's like, my husband is though. I'm like, open with that bitch. Yeah. <laugh> like, and then, you know, the husband opens the door and he's like, you know, so happy that we're there. He's like, oh, let me help you. I'm like, no, no, no. We got all this shit. And as we're pulling in all the boxes, the last thing we got is the, uh, the fake kitchen. The little kitchenette set. Speaker 2 00:08:37 Yeah. Yeah. With all the, uh, all the stuff and pulling that in. His daughter's eyes were like, his big as plate. It was like, oh my gosh, that's a kitchen. And like, we put it down and then the dad lost it, just started crying. Yeah. And then Blaine almost started crying like a little bitch. <laugh> <laugh>. But no, like, it, like, he was just so happy. And we were telling him like, li listen man, we do this cuz I know that you would do this if the roles were reversed. Like, you'll help people if you could. I'm helping people cuz I can. Yeah. And you know, like, uh, I, um, the kids already have a PS four, so I gave them my Oculus. Same thing. Put every single game I ever had on that Oculus. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I hooked it up to my network. And so, you know, once, uh, I have, I can see what they're doing. Like make sure they have all the games that they n need, if there's any bugs or anything. I told 'em like, this is my number. Any issue, call me. I can fix it from my end. And like the little brother was like, you can play Fortnite all you want. I'm gonna play Beat Saber until my hands fall off. Speaker 1 00:09:35 Like <laugh>. I'm Speaker 2 00:09:35 Like, you, you guys know what an Oculus is. It's of Gen one. Like, you ready for this? He's like, holy shit. <laugh>. <laugh>. But they were, everybody was really stoked. Um, it was very, it was nice. Yeah. It was nice. Um, I know it's just like we can all ha like, we're all like one step away from having the worst year of our lives. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and being down, like having, like being stuck in the valley. And I don't know, for some reason I feel like if I keep putting out this energy, I know that if I fall on hard times, there might be somebody out there who's willing to help me out. Cause we gotta, we gotta be there for each other. So it was cool. And the best part of the whole day, which is gonna sound, and it is just like we get back in the U-haul and drive back. And Blaine's just kind of sitting there quiet in the front seat. He is like, yeah, it's Christmas. That's what it's about. You know, like, he's like, yep, I got the Christmas spirit now. Speaker 1 00:10:23 He's like, yeah, gimme, gimme that plump goose. Let's get outta here. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:10:27 Honey ham. That's it. Like, it's, it's on now. Like, he was stoked about it. But, um, another good thing is, uh, your wife's brother, your brother-in-law, ge uh, Jeffrey mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I gonna say Geoffrey cuz of the way he spells it. Speaker 1 00:10:39 Yeah. <laugh>. Yeah. It's like the giraffe. I Speaker 2 00:10:42 Get it. Yeah. Um, he, uh, I reached out to him and he answered my email. Like, I CC'd the family because one of our adoptive families, the only thing on the dad's list was, I need a job and I need help with citizenship. Yeah. He Speaker 1 00:10:55 Gives Jeff like, he is a lawyer with immigration is specialty. Speaker 2 00:10:58 Yeah. Yeah. So, um, he emailed the family back. He's like, let's talk in the new year. They were super stoked. They, that's great. They texted me back like, oh my God. He answered. I'm like, yeah, I'm CC'd on it. Speaker 1 00:11:07 <laugh>. Yeah. He's, uh, yeah. He's he's helped out. A lot of people get in this country. Yeah. Which is amazing. Speaker 2 00:11:11 Yeah. And then they're super stoked. And I hooked up the dad with my old construction boss cuz he's like, apparently an amazing carpenter. Yeah. I was like, are you, are you good? And I'm like, do you have any pictures? And he shows me all the pic. Like, he builds cabinets, doorframes window frames. He's like, this is the custom job I did. I was like, get the fuck outta Speaker 1 00:11:27 Here. Yeah. Let's get you. Yeah. Let's get you fucking Speaker 2 00:11:29 Some work, dude. Yeah. He's just like, yeah, I've been doing this since I was 16. I have 30 years of experience. And I was like, uh, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:11:36 Yeah. Speaker 2 00:11:37 I don't think I'm gonna have a, uh, a hard time placing you, but good. It was awesome. That's Speaker 1 00:11:42 That's amazing. Speaker 2 00:11:43 It was good. It was a good, it was a good Christmas. It was a good Christmas. Uh, my brother got me a hat that doesn't fit. I was pretty bummed about that <laugh> because it's a dope hat, but it doesn't fit. So that's the, the, that's the, the bummer of the Christmas. Oh Speaker 1 00:11:54 Yeah. Nat got me a hat that did fit because I tried it on Hawaii. That's why <laugh>, that's Speaker 2 00:11:59 Why I know. Speaker 1 00:12:00 Yeah. It was, uh, NATS family was in town. Like our nieces were here. Uh, her parents were here and it was really fun. Like, it was loud, but very fun. The kids, all the kids are like, all like, you know, uh, 4, 3, 2, 1, like, you know, like in a row within months shifting. But, uh, they get along really well. They play really well. Eventually one of 'em gonna start screaming at some point cuz they've been wrong because they've been hurt <laugh>. Yeah. But it, it was really great. It was really great hanging out with everybody. Speaker 2 00:12:26 That's cool. That's cool. Uh, well, with all this wholesome talk Speaker 1 00:12:31 Yeah. Let's get negative Speaker 2 00:12:33 <laugh> <laugh>. We're gonna take a quick break, but we're gonna come back with the best and worst of 2022 as we ha we come to that, uh, our year end episode. So I know you have the tendency during our breaks to blow the fuck up. Blaine <laugh>, not blame Bennett <laugh>. Just the angriest people in this room right now. But hey, you guys stick around. We'll be back, back with some more popup. Don't And we're back. All right, ladies and gentlemen, with the year coming to a screeching halt it ending mm-hmm. <affirmative> once again in the books 2022. Goodbye. It is gone. Well, we're done. It's done. We want to kind of review the year best and worst of the year. What, what it meant to us, what our hopes are for the future. <laugh>. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> our co like, the, the most, I would say best Dad joke of all time of seeing you next year. Speaker 1 00:13:52 I, I got it only once so far this year. Really? Yeah. It was for a doctor's appointment. Dude. Speaker 2 00:13:56 I've been shooting it out like a, like a <laugh>. Like a fucking a fucking AK 47 bro. Speaker 1 00:14:02 Fucking two barrels. Speaker 2 00:14:03 Just like, I'll see you next years. Hey man. All right. I'll talk to you later. I'll see you next year. Ugh. I'm like, I love Speaker 1 00:14:08 It. <laugh>. Like, you remember like in middle school, like leaving that, it's like the string of like, see you next year. See you next year. See you next Speaker 2 00:14:14 Year. <laugh>. Like, uh, so, uh, let's start off with some of the best and worst movies we've seen this year. All right. Um, let's start off with the best, huh? Movies. What's the best, best movies you've seen this year? Speaker 1 00:14:27 I, uh, actually just saw, and I was gonna be, I was skeptical of it. Cause I think the name sounds dumb still. Uh, the Spielberg's new movie. The Fable Man's. The Fable Speaker 2 00:14:35 Man's. Speaker 1 00:14:36 It was good. Like, it was an enjoy. I mean, obviously it's Steven Spielberg. He knows what the fuck he's doing. And it's like semi honestly, like a lot of biographical, like I read afterwards, like a lot of the incidents really happened and Oh shit, the story was pretty accurate. Like, um, yeah. Cause it's like him as a, as a little kid up until like him in college. Um, it's, its like, you know, Speaker 2 00:14:56 It's like about family, right? It's about Speaker 1 00:14:58 Family. Family and family dynamic. And him, like, you, you know, learning, learning film. And also like, there's a point, you know, towards the climax of the movie. Like, he makes a film for like, his class. Uh, and like, it kind of shows him the power of film. Like what film could do to an audience. And, um, it's really, it was good. Like, the actors are in it. Like Paul Dano plays his dad and that dude's great and everything. Speaker 2 00:15:19 He is man underrated Speaker 1 00:15:20 Actor. Yeah. The guy who plays, uh, little, you know, little Spielberg is really good. Speaker 2 00:15:24 I don't know who that is. Speaker 1 00:15:26 I don't know. He's, you know, I, I don't know. Kid actors. Yeah. I'm guessing he was a Disney or a Nickelodeon. Do they still do things in Nickelodeon? Speaker 2 00:15:32 I, I don't know. I thought, I thought like Nick, like Nickelodeon was like grooming kids <laugh>. They Speaker 1 00:15:37 Were <laugh>. Uh, but I don't think they do that anymore. Maybe not does. Speaker 2 00:15:40 No, maybe not. Who knows? Speaker 1 00:15:41 Uh, uh, but it was good. Um, I, I think I didn't watch Top Gun. Everyone loved that movie this year though. Speaker 2 00:15:47 You know what? I didn't see Top Gun either. I didn't see, oh Speaker 1 00:15:50 Shoot. I guess we can't talk about it then. Speaker 2 00:15:51 Yeah. I went to, I wanted to go see it in imax. Yeah. And it just never happened. It never happened. I really wanted to see it. Uh, like I was, I still like, I I've heard nothing but good things. I can't say it's one of the best of the year cause I haven't seen it, but I'm gonna try and watch it tonight. Yeah. I'm gonna try and watch it tonight. I mean, I got nothing else to do. Speaker 1 00:16:08 I, um, oh, Speaker 2 00:16:09 I, I'm not going to the club tonight. Speaker 1 00:16:11 Yeah. I don't really give a shit about Top. That's the thing is like, everyone's so excited about it. Like, I thought Top Gun was just an okay movie. Like, I thought it was fine. <laugh> the sound. I think the soundtrack's better than the movie. Speaker 2 00:16:20 That that's what made the movie the soundtrack makes the movie. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:16:23 <affirmative>. But I know that's probably not un a very unpopular opinion. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:16:27 Hey man. Speaker 1 00:16:28 And the volleyball, I mean, obviously the volleyball scene the fucking best. I, Speaker 2 00:16:31 I hope there's a lot Speaker 1 00:16:32 Playing with the boys. <laugh>, gimme gimme 90 minutes of Playing with the Boys. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:16:38 Alright. You heard it first. Natalie Speaker 1 00:16:40 <laugh> <laugh>. She already knows this. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:16:46 Um, so you haven't seen Glass Onion yet? Speaker 1 00:16:48 Haven't seen Glass Onion. Uh, I think we'll probably watch it sooner or later. Speaker 2 00:16:51 It's amazing. Yeah. Yeah. He, they, they know what they're doing. Speaker 1 00:16:54 Yeah. It's like, you know, I bring this up every time. Like, that dude knows how to make a movie. Yeah. <laugh>. Like, somehow, you know, star Wars didn't let him make a good movie. Like, Speaker 2 00:17:03 There's nothing you could do when that happens. Yeah. They, they did the same thing to Snyder. They did the same thing to Snyder. Like, he's like, I have a vision. They're like, no, we want it to suck. Speaker 1 00:17:10 No, we want it to be terrible. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:17:13 We're gonna make our money. All right. Yeah. Fuck off. Speaker 1 00:17:16 Like, dude knows how to make a movie with an ensemble cast like fucking knows how to do it. Speaker 2 00:17:20 He knows how to do it. You're right. You're Speaker 1 00:17:21 Right. Anyway. Yeah. But yeah, I'm definitely gonna see his, I really enjoyed, uh, knives Out. Yeah. It's, I like, you know, I like seeing Daniel and Craig be kind of a goofy, like, kind of be a goofball. I, it's fun. Like Speaker 2 00:17:31 Yeah. I, his, his Southern accent. It's fucking terrible. Speaker 1 00:17:35 It's awful. It's, it's, it's great. Yeah. I, I, Speaker 2 00:17:37 I But that's how great the movies are. Yeah. Is that you're not focused on how terrible his accent is. Mm-hmm. <laugh>. Like, it's Speaker 1 00:17:44 God awful. <laugh>. It's Speaker 2 00:17:46 God awful. It's, well, like it's, I'm like, like who's this Foghorn Leghorn motherfucking walking around trying to solve? He's like, well, I, I I mostly interject real Yeah. Real quick. It's like his accent is what Ameri like what everyone outside of America thinks Americans sound like. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:18:03 Uh, as someone who's like, who loves a, a good, like a, you know who I don't like bad Southern accents. That's all they have. Like the gambit. Like, oh, Mo mo me. Yeah. <laugh> or the fucking fly from, or the, uh, there's the Firefly from Princess and the Frog is awful. God Speaker 2 00:18:18 Dude, that he Speaker 1 00:18:20 Living in the Bayou, like that kinda shit. But for every reason Daniel Craig doing it, I dig <laugh> Speaker 2 00:18:26 And nobody going tell me to do nothing. He said, well, God himself still Speaker 1 00:18:29 <laugh>. Yeah. Yeah. That kind of shit. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:18:32 Oh, I love that shit. I love that shit. Uh, <laugh>. Um, my last one, which is gonna probably end up on my worst list for my own reasons, but I might take it off, is Wakanda forever? Speaker 1 00:18:42 Oh yeah. I still, still didn't see it. Cuz you squid it for me. I'm sorry. <laugh>. Yeah. I'm just fucking around. Speaker 2 00:18:47 Um, it's all black. The black guy did it. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:18:49 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:18:54 Uh, but yeah, it was a, it was a tribute movie. Um, I don't think it was that great of a Marvel movie. There's so many different ways they could have gone. Um, yep. It's still gonna end up on my worst list. We'll get back to it. But yeah. I I thought it was a great tribute movie. It made me cry at some points. So Speaker 1 00:19:10 Still bad at seeing movies like in the theater. Fucking forget about it. I'm trying to get better watching at the house though. Speaker 2 00:19:15 So this is my thing. Um, I've hooked up my, my, my living room to like the movie experience. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I got my big ass speakers. My, my house rattling base, like my giant tv. I'm ready. But like, there is something about the movie theater experience that I want for some movies. Like Yeah. You know, people getting stoked when the Hero comes Outta Nowhere. People all getting shocked together. But I keep seeing the wrong movies in the theater. Yeah. I I I I I saw them. Okay. I'm, we're not gonna get into it right now, but those are my, those are my best. Uh, uh, you need to get better at seeing movies. Speaker 1 00:19:53 I do. Cause I love, I love a good movie. Love Speaker 2 00:19:56 A good Speaker 1 00:19:56 Movie too. They, they stick in your brain and they don't go, you know, they don't go away. Like, the scenes are there. It's like, that's, you know, another thing about Fable Man's is like, like, you know, I guess that is maybe the best movie I saw this year. Cause it fuck it stuck in my brain. Yeah. But like, little Spielberg goes to see, uh, a movie and there's a big train crash and like, that's the the thing, it like sticks in his brain that like, I have to see this again. Like, I have to make it happen again. Yeah. <laugh> like, uh, yeah. It's like, that's what a good movie does. Like, it like, literally like, it, it never stops playing in your head. And it's really hard to get that shit sometimes. Yo. Speaker 2 00:20:29 I agree. I agree. I think that the biggest problem we have are trailers. Speaker 1 00:20:36 Yeah. So much. Speaker 2 00:20:37 Because I think that the studios think that they can like, misdirect us by putting out a trailer and then you see the movie, it has nothing to do with the trailer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Or you see a movie and the best lines in the movie are in the trailer. Speaker 1 00:20:49 Literally all three acts are in the trailer. Like, I hate that shit. Speaker 2 00:20:52 Yeah. You don't need a three minute trailer. You're gonna fuck the movie up. Speaker 1 00:20:55 One of the things, cause we were talking about it briefly, is I, I just watched Barbarian, uh, and you had Nick's feelings on it. I really enjoyed it. But the trailer, like, it only gives you, it doesn't even give you the first act. Like it gives you the first 20 minutes. Maybe <laugh>. And that's the, that's the shit. I'm, I wanna see that shit. Yeah. Like, I literally like, give me a reason to go see your movie. Not like, I know how your movies, I literally, you're showing me the third fucking act on the big screen right now. Why would I wanna go see it? Speaker 2 00:21:18 Yeah, that's, I mean, that's, that's what happened with, uh, the menu. Oh Speaker 1 00:21:23 Yeah. I didn't, I Yeah, that's another thing. You, you did not dig Speaker 2 00:21:26 It right. I did not dig it. All right, let's move on to, uh, well I'm gonna give one audible mention to the best cuz I did shit on this movie because of the hype was Bros. Speaker 1 00:21:35 Oh yeah, you did. Speaker 2 00:21:36 I I I just thought it was a funny movie. It was a cool little romcom, but I just did not like pun intended, all the fucking Dick Suckin that they gave this movie of saying like, it was the best fucking comedy in the first, uh, you know, gay comedy by Big Studio. And like, it was just, and I was like, okay, look, I appreciate all of that. But it was a well done movie, but it just, it wasn't better than Bridesmaids. It wasn't better than forgetting Sarah Marshall. It wasn't better. Like, they can't go, they like this whole thing that we, let's just call a Spade a spade. It's a good movie, but let's not call it the best of all time. Yeah. It can be what it Speaker 1 00:22:08 Is that, uh, I think Bri it's funny you mentioned Bridesmaid. I think that movie, like, it's such a funny movie, but it gets railroaded. It's like, it's the funniest Women. Like, it's like, it's, it's the funniest movie. It's one of the funniest movies of all time. You have to start bad taglines on it. You know, Speaker 2 00:22:22 Like I was, uh, we were going, like, we were going through like the funniest movie of all, like, all time for us mm-hmm. <affirmative> and like, things that I can watch over and over great comedies. You know, I, Tropic Thunder for me is like, number one is real Love it. Bridesmaids is number two. I can watch that movie over and over and over again. Speaker 1 00:22:37 Like, there's, every part of that movie is funny, Speaker 2 00:22:40 Every part of it. And like a sleeper for me that a lot of people don't like, but it's just for me is the movie Life with Eddie Murphy and Martin Lawrence. Oh. That movie is like Black Excellence at its peak <laugh>. Like, Speaker 1 00:22:52 It is so Speaker 2 00:22:53 Fucking funny. Like, I don't know how they even shot that movie with that many comedians on set. Yeah. With like, there's, these guys will probably show up on set. They say action, they start ripping on each other for 30 minutes. Like, all right, everybody, this is costing us millions of dollars. Get our shit together. But like e like just even the plot of the movie, how it ended all Around. Great movie, but, um, like, it came out like fucking almost 20 years ago now, Speaker 1 00:23:18 <laugh>, this is, uh, this is a complete aside, but on the way back from Hawaii, I watched, uh, Ghostbusters and, uh, diehard back to Back. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:23:25 <affirmative> Speaker 1 00:23:26 Fucking crazy coincidence. Uh, rebel Johnson plays a cop in both movies. He's fucking a cop in the, you know, like, come on, Ghostbusters May wants to see ya. And then he is also the guy in Diehard and, and fucking Walter Peck. The, the e the environmental officer is the reporter in Die Hard Too. Holy Speaker 2 00:23:46 Shit. Speaker 1 00:23:46 Not two, but Die Hard as well. Yeah. Yes. Holy shit. Like, back to Back. It's like, what the fuck? What are the coincidence of that shit? Speaker 2 00:23:52 Dude, I never realized that. Speaker 1 00:23:54 Yeah. Both those dudes are in both those movies. That's why Ghostbusters is like one of my fa like, I, I didn't have to watch it. Like, I know the Line. I know every single line that movie <laugh> and they're all fucking funny. Speaker 2 00:24:02 Dr. Bateman a great movie. Yeah. Great movie. All right. So for the worst of the year, what? You got Speaker 1 00:24:06 Worst movies? Speaker 2 00:24:07 Yeah. What, what's up there for you? Speaker 1 00:24:09 Um, I didn't, the thing is like, I'm super, super picked with my movies. Like, Speaker 2 00:24:13 You're not, you're not gonna see Speaker 1 00:24:14 It. Terrible. I'm not gonna see a shitty movie <laugh>, but I know that like, like as soon as they announced, like Morbius the movie <laugh>, like if someone who's a comic fan, like, and I like, they've made, they've made some D-list. I mean, there's, you know, Gruin Raccoon, you know, racquet Raccoon. Like everyone knows who the fuck they are. Yeah. Those are some Z list <laugh> Marvel heroes they made at work. As soon as I saw Morbius, I was like, there're no, there's no way. No one's gonna buy some genetic vampire Associa vaguely associated with Spider-Man <laugh>. Oh, and Jared Leto is gonna be in it. No, no ones, no one is gonna wanna see that. Speaker 2 00:24:45 Dude. I, I don't know who these studio heads are. I, Speaker 1 00:24:48 They're like, their heads are up their asses. <laugh>. That's, that's who they're Man Speaker 2 00:24:54 Morbius was hot garbage. Yeah. Just so you, that's like, it was Ugh. Speaker 1 00:24:58 The thing is like, Morbius can't, because the thing is like, he's a seek, you know, he's a character that can't carry a movie. Give me, if Morbius and Blade were kicking around in the same movie, that's a movie I'd be a little more interested watching maybe, you know? Yeah. That's a, that's something we can make out of. But just a vampire. Like, who's, who's he against Speaker 2 00:25:15 <laugh>? Well, is Speaker 1 00:25:16 He against himself? Who's he Speaker 2 00:25:18 Fighting? Bro, this brings us to the next terrible movie. Fucking Black Speaker 1 00:25:21 Adam. Oh. And that's another thing I'm not gonna see, but like, it Speaker 2 00:25:25 Was so bad. It was so bad. They weren't paying attention to every scene that they shot. Yeah. Like it, the movie contradicted itself and the like, I don't e I love The Rock <laugh> as a wrestler. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:25:43 I, I, but I like The Rock in a, in a lot and not all, a lot of his roles. Speaker 2 00:25:47 He, I, he this, this role he shouldn't have taken, he shouldn't have been pushing this. Like, if anything, he should have been a producer on it and stayed off the camera. Because, you know, he's had this whole story about like, this movie was 15 years in the making. Like he's wanted to make this movie mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I'm like, yeah, you should not have been in it. Like, first of all, black Adams should not have been a Samoan first of all should not have happened. It should not have been a Samoan dude. <laugh>, there's plenty of Middle Eastern actors that could have played this dude. Like, the second thing is that this guy, like the whole character, like they, there was no arc to this character Speaker 1 00:26:25 Because like, because Black Adam is a non character, Speaker 2 00:26:28 It was so bad. Speaker 1 00:26:31 Like they had to jam it full of other superheroes that no one really cares about. Like, it's, um, it's such like, it struck me such like a vanity project for The Rock. It's like, I want to be black Adam, I in Black Adam, no one's gonna stop me because I am the rocket. And no one could stop him cuz he is the rock. He, he, he literally will like, this is before the, even like Announceable, he willed this movie into existence. So he had no choice but to make it, to follow through. Speaker 2 00:26:55 He, it's the worst thing ever. Thank God. It's, we never have to deal with it again. Speaker 1 00:26:59 Yeah. I'm really happy that James Gunn is like, I'm, I'm bummed at like, the cuts he's made. Um, what cuts Speaker 2 00:27:04 Are you bummed Speaker 1 00:27:05 About? I think Henry Kale's, like, I, well I'm, I'm, I think he seems like a really solid dude and I'm sucked that he got kicked outta Witcher and Superman. Like he, he got kicked outta Witcher. Yeah. He's leaving Witcher and one of the, um, one of those Australian hunky bros is taking over. Okay. Thor Thor's brothers taking over. Okay. Uh, and then he got lost Superman like a week or two later. I guess he's doing like War Hammer for Amazon. So it's good for him. But like, okay, I am happy with James guns taking over DC and like gonna start from scratch and maybe get some, some fucking singularity to the, the shit. Cuz he knows what he's doing. He like, he knows he gave us the good, the good Suicide squad. And again, he made everyone know who Star Lord is. Yeah. Like, no one, no. Even comic book people didn't know who the fuck Star War star Lord was before <laugh> Guardians of Speaker 2 00:27:50 The Galaxy. Nothing. Nothing. Uh, yeah. I, I can't get over how bad Black Adam was. It was so bad. Uh, um, my next hate, uh, the next thing I was gonna bring up earlier, the menu Boo Boo. There's a movie called The Menu. And for those of you who are thinking about seeing it, just wait for it to come out. Speaker 1 00:28:10 There's people on the menu. Speaker 2 00:28:11 Uh, it's, it's there. It was nothing. It was a nothing movie. Yeah. Like, it had the potential to be a good movie because like, you, you know, you see that everybody's gonna go to this elite, like one of a kind experience off at this island with this super uber famous chef. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they don't like, people couldn't even imagine ever tasting his food. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, you know, turns out he is gonna kill everybody there. <laugh>. But, you know, it's, Speaker 1 00:28:37 I think I have seen that preview. Yeah. No, Speaker 2 00:28:39 The problem with the movie is that they try to turn the people who are eating into like, bad people. Like, that's the reason that they're, he's killing them is like, these people aren't good. Yeah. But the reasons are like, you couldn't, you couldn't think of something better. He's like, oh, these executives stole some money. Okay. This guy cheated on his wife. All right. This, this actor made a bad movie. Yeah. You're like, what Speaker 1 00:29:05 <laugh>, I mean, that is, that is like a, a, a horror movie trope is that like, you can't, and then, you know, you have to kill people that are bad, bad people. Yeah. It seems like that's a pretty, uh, standard deal. Speaker 2 00:29:18 Well, it was like, if he was killing people that didn't need to be killed, like he was the bad guy, that's fine. But this idea that he was the bad guy, killing bad people, I was like, nah, these, he's just a bad guy killing people. Like, there's a disconnect when he's like, you guys are bad. And then the whole audience is like, not really. Yeah. They're just people who made mistakes. Speaker 1 00:29:37 You know, he kind of double parked that one time. Like, that's all, all right. That's Speaker 2 00:29:41 Exactly it. He's like, oh, you took my parking spot. Straight to jail. Speaker 1 00:29:45 <laugh> Straight to jail. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:29:47 Well, yeah. Boo Boo. Boo boo. All right. So moving on. Moving on. Music artists. Yes. Best and Worst. Best and Worst. Um, you were telling me about this dude from, uh, flight of the Concords. Speaker 1 00:30:00 Yeah. Like all of my good, uh, music comes from my younger brother Brock, who just, uh, yeah. You always listen to Cool shit. I Speaker 2 00:30:06 Love that. Your younger brother's name is Brock. Such a broy name. Speaker 1 00:30:09 He is, uh, he's not, but it is a Broy name. <laugh>. He's like, he's very not Bro <laugh>. Uh, but no, the, uh, one of the half of the fly, the Concords, Brett McKinzie came out with an album, uh, and he's like, you know, funny Joe Credit Guy in the, uh, name of the album is called Songs Without Jokes, <laugh>. And it's like, it's fucking good. Like, it's Poppy, kind of like yacht rock at some points. Like, I don't know, like p o like Billy Joel. I don't know. It's like, it's all over the place, but it's all very good. Speaker 2 00:30:36 This is like, I wish people would just, people start making good fucking music again. Yeah. Like it's, you know, you have like, shit that we're forced to listen to and then you have like, actual bangers coming out and they never really get elevated. Speaker 1 00:30:48 It's, it's, it's, uh, it's so hard to listen to new music, even unless you have people that are like musician friends or people that's like, it's their lives. Like as a, as a casual person who's going about my life, like, I don't listen to new music. Like, he doesn't come at me very often, you Speaker 2 00:31:03 Know, <laugh>. Yeah, very true. Very true. Like, uh, I heard that there's a study saying that like, after like 35, you start, you lose the ability to appreciate new music. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like, it's something in our brain where we're just like, nah, everything's garbage. And I, I don't really believe it, but there has like, Speaker 1 00:31:21 Well, I think Speaker 2 00:31:21 I read it on Instagram. It has to be kind Speaker 1 00:31:23 Of true. It true. No, my brain goes on default. But like, I, you know, again, Brock sent me a new song yesterday from, uh, like a British rapper who had, you know, it's like one of his non rap songs. It's like, this song has been stuck in my head for two days now. Whatever. It's like, it just good music's good music. That's the way it works for me. Speaker 2 00:31:37 Dude. I just heard this song, this like, and it's like Instagram, YouTube rapper who collabed with this Zambian rapper named Killer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. They just dropped. I just heard this song and the dude made the, like, the guy, this YouTuber made the beat wrapped on it. Great rapper little white boy, he can definitely Flow, gets this Zambian rapper named Killer who's just bars, bro. Speaker 1 00:32:03 <laugh> bars. Speaker 2 00:32:05 Bars. Like, I'll I'll play the song for you when we go to break. And I'm just like, I couldn't believe it. I was like, whoa, this is some, this is some speed. <unk> Speaker 1 00:32:14 Yeah, that's the thing is like, yeah, good music. Always, you know, fucking like Bob Marley said, man, one good thing about music and it hits you feel no pain, but like, it's still fucking hits when it's good. Shit. Speaker 2 00:32:23 It still hits. It still hits. Um, I, I wanted to skip to this guy, this gentleman real quick. John Baptist I think had the best year. Yeah. Album of the Speaker 1 00:32:33 Year. That album Rocks. Like, I have it on vinyl. Uh, he's a Louisiana dude, so he is always a little special in my heart. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, but no, that, that album Fucking Rocks. He's got like Louisiana artists. He's got major artists on it. Dude. He's, it, uh, it, it's just good fucking music. The, Speaker 2 00:32:46 And like, you know, this idea that he is like, oh, he like understands like he's in a position to help others and he's doing it. Yeah. Like taking no lang, no name talented artists and just being like, yo, I want you to play this on my track. And he's like, I, how do you know who I am? Oh, I saw you play it last week. And I think you're amazing. Speaker 1 00:33:06 Yeah. I think he, I mean, I think he has like, uh, college, the college or high school band, like backing him. Like, you know, they're gonna get royalties and shit. It's like, Speaker 2 00:33:14 It's amazing. Yeah. He just got named to the board of trustees for Julliard. Speaker 1 00:33:19 That's rad. Speaker 2 00:33:20 Dude. He had the album of the year, best Album of the Year. Like, he, I think John Baptiste won 2022 when it comes to music. Yeah, definitely. Definitely, definitely. Um, but another person I wanted to bring up Beyonce, uh, she dropped an album this year that was absolutely amazing. Kicked off a bunch of fucking TikTok trends. But I think we take advantage of people like this and you're like, oh, Beyonce came with the album. Obviously it's gonna be good. And we don't actually give it the recognition it deserves because we just expect her to be amazing. But this woman is 41 dropping fucking, like how old is Beyonce? Is she 41? 41? Speaker 1 00:33:56 Yeah. She's funny in our ages. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:33:58 She's 41 and she's just been fucking killing it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. She's just been killing it. Like, this is her trade. This is her job. She takes it seriously. She's like, yo, I'm gonna put out a fucking fire ass album. Done. Done. Speaker 1 00:34:10 Well it's like, there's certain people that are just artists and like, they're gonna make art and there's gonna be, I don't know, like it's, there's not that many people in this world that can do that kind of shit, that can just like be as, uh, successful and be as current and be as fresh as throughout fucking decades at this point. Like it's, there's a, there's a hand you can count on, you know, maybe two hands people that can do that shit. It's, it's so difficult. Um, so yeah, it's like she's an artist. Like, she's like one of those top tier fucking all time people. Speaker 2 00:34:41 Yes. Definitely. Agreed. Uh, Speaker 1 00:34:43 Agreed. Also, I had to look it up and I, cuz it would've bugged me. Uh, it was just Saint a Saint Augustine marching band's, a high school marching band played on John Pipe piece album. And whenever they fucking play at Mardi Gras, they, they take up the entire fucking street. Like, oh real. Like, you know, usually like you're up on the, up against the floats and they come in, everyone's like, to the curb, to the curb and they're like a fucking city block marching. Like it, like you feel it in your chest. Watch. They're so loud. It's rad. Speaker 2 00:35:05 Dude. I wanna watch 'em. I wanna watch 'em. Yeah. Are are you gonna go back? Are you gonna do Mardi Gras? Speaker 1 00:35:09 We are talking about it. Like, if it works with our schedule, we wanna do it either this year or next year. Cuz it's like, it's one of those things I always harp on. Like, it's not like, uh, I mean, it is like, it is an over-the-top de departures thing, but it's also like a family thing with like, you take your kids to parades and there's lights and the floats are amazing and there's marching bands and it's Yeah. Festival food and like, Speaker 2 00:35:27 Let me know if you go, cause I definitely want to go to Mardi Gras. Yeah. Like, and I wanna bring the bozo. I want, I'm on my shoulders, I wanna see the floats and like Speaker 1 00:35:33 Yeah, like in New Orleans, like they have, uh, I mean the thing, it's like ladders with seats built in em and wheels on the seat. So you drag your ladder out there, pop it in place, put your kid up there, climb on the ladder and fucking watch the floats and drag it back home like it's <laugh>, it's family shit. You know, it's just Bourbon Street where you're gonna see, you might see a loose ti or two. Speaker 2 00:35:52 Yeah. Okay. <laugh>, I'll, I'll put his a I'll put his horse glasses on. So it only Speaker 1 00:35:57 Looks I've seen abo uh, in, in like in general Mardi Gras vicinity. Just Abu like on, on Mardi Gras day, some lady pulled out a boob to get beads. But it was like, that's it. Like, and I've, you know, I'm knocking on 40. I've seen, I've seen a lot of Mardi Gras parades Speaker 2 00:36:10 Every time I've been in New Orleans and that I've been hitting a face with beads, whether it was Mardi Gras or not. That's Speaker 1 00:36:15 That's a sting. Speaker 2 00:36:15 Yeah. I just take out my titty anyway. I'm like, somebody wants to see it <laugh>. Like, that's just it, it's like my running joke. Like, I'll be like a beat hits the ground. I look up, they're like, oh, sorry. I'm like, you got it <laugh>. Here you Speaker 1 00:36:27 Go. That's a, that's a sting of reality when you get a beat to the face. Nothing like hot plastic, just fucking, Speaker 2 00:36:32 Yeah. And it, fucking, it, the funny thing is it doesn't hurt, but it's like the sound it makes when it hits your face mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it feels like somebody like shattered a bottle over your head. <laugh>. Um, my last, my last shout out, um, to, I wanna name off two women. First off Taylor Swift, I wanna say had a great year and like kudos to her for going after Ticketmaster. Like, fuck these guys. And Speaker 1 00:36:53 It needs to be somebody like, yeah, somebody big enough. You know, Pearl Jam fucking was right all those years ago, man. They were <laugh> fuck, fuck Ticketmaster. Speaker 2 00:37:01 Like, um, fuck them man. Fuck them in their asshole. I'm glad she's going to toe to toe with them and does, Speaker 1 00:37:07 I didn't even know that, that they're them in Live Nation are one thing now. Like, so they literally just own it all. Speaker 2 00:37:11 I didn't know that until, yeah, this lawsuit came out. I was like, oh, well Speaker 1 00:37:16 Fuck. Well, Speaker 2 00:37:16 What the hell? Yeah. I I I had a terrible, and like, there was a great quote about Ticketmaster, uh, I forgot who said it, but they made a great quote, uh, that I read in this article about if you go to a terrible restaurant, you have a terrible experience. You have the option of never going back to that restaurant. You can tell that restaurant to go fuck off and go find a better one. When you go through Ticketmaster and have that inevitable, terrible experience, you fucking click purchase with a sneer on your face knowing that you're gonna have to do it again the next time somebody wants to see Yeah. Shows up in your town. And it's so fucking true. Like, we went to go see wa Wakanda forever at the, uh, at the Hollywood Bowl. Like with the Oh yeah, yeah. With the, with the orchestra. And, you know, buying our tickets was, was terrible first of all. Like, they never, they couldn't, we couldn't confirm our tickets till like the day before we bought the parking. When we got there, parking was full, but we bought the parking so the lady like, showed some sympathy. It's like, Hey, you can park through the Hollywood Bowl. I Speaker 1 00:38:17 Got a Hollywood Bowl parking hack for you, by the Speaker 2 00:38:19 Way. Uh, what's your Hollywood Bowl parking hack? Speaker 1 00:38:20 Uh, you park at the Kodak Center. Um, and I think you get a validation, but also if you have like a metro card, there's a bus that drops you off right in the fucking front of Hollywood Bowl and brings you back and you just park at the, brings you back to the Kodak Center and you're fucking out. Speaker 2 00:38:34 Holy shit. Speaker 1 00:38:35 Yeah. It's a good one. It's a good Speaker 2 00:38:36 Hack. Yeah. Yeah. Holy Speaker 1 00:38:38 Shit. That bus dropping off at the front of Hollywood Bowl is real nice. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:38:42 Yeah. Parking at the Hollywood Bowl is pretty dope though. Like, when we just walked out, we got in our car this like giant lane and I'm just looking at all these suckers sitting there while we drove off. I was like, this is pretty cool. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:38:52 Uh, speaking of Hollywood Bowl, I watched Disney Plus came out with Encanto live at Hollywood Bowl like yesterday, day before yesterday. How Speaker 2 00:38:58 Was it? Uh, Speaker 1 00:38:59 Oh, it made me teary eyes. <laugh>. I don't know why those songs. Uh, cause it's like the original cast, like before runs. Who did you know that fucking, uh, the Main Girl is the Angry Girl from Brooklyn Nine Nine? Speaker 2 00:39:10 No, Speaker 1 00:39:10 Like <unk> is the angry Face girl from Brooklyn. Yes. That's who, that's who the actress is. Speaker 2 00:39:16 Holy shit. Yeah. I had no idea. Speaker 1 00:39:19 Yep. She's Mad Bail. Uh, so she's like on stage with the glasses singing, but yeah, I don't know why I got Super Tear guy to watch it with Miro yesterday. Speaker 2 00:39:25 I saw that. I'm like, what the fuck are they doing with this Encanto again? So I'm gonna watch it. Speaker 1 00:39:29 It means 45 minutes. It kills time. All Speaker 2 00:39:31 Right. I'm gonna, I'm gonna pop it on. Like, I have to get those already right after this. So <laugh>, I'm gonna pop it on <laugh>. That's great. Thanks for the tip. All right. So musicians worst. Speaker 1 00:39:42 Oh, I don't listen. That's the other thing is like, I'm of an age. Like, I just, I just avoid shit if I don't listen. I mean, obviously fucking Kanye, like, Kanye, Speaker 2 00:39:48 Tori Lane's done moving on. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:39:50 I mean the trai the, the Trai Produ produced in the push of t album we're fucking fire. Yeah. Fucking great. But, uh, you know, as a person he's garbage. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:39:58 He's uh, garbage, garbage individual. You can go fuck himself. Speaker 1 00:40:01 Yeah. Fucking outta here Speaker 2 00:40:02 Bud. Yeah. So worst of the year, Tori Lane, Kanye worst artist. You guys embarrassed to trade? Nobody wants to see you around. Fuck you get outta here. Yeah. You can't shoot women in the feet and then try to dis him and Yeah. Fuck you. Drake too. Fucking disen. Mega. Yeah. Had nothing to do with this shit. Speaker 1 00:40:17 <laugh> also like, you know, video of Drake security, like beaten down some waiter the other day I saw some shit. Like, fuck that Speaker 2 00:40:21 Guy. Dude. Drake is turning out to be a fucking super villain in the music industry. I don't know. Speaker 1 00:40:25 He's a, he's a little pussy boy that like, has always been famous who's had rich parents who's like, just lived this life his entire time. Dude. Speaker 2 00:40:31 And your real name's Clarence Speaker 1 00:40:33 <laugh>? Uh, my, uh, my favorite gift, another thing I just send to Brock, whatever he sends, like literally anything, I'll just reply with Drake. Uh, fucking Courtside doing like, uh, like fucking hang. I just, you type in hang loose and Drake will come up doing this. <laugh>, he hates it. Speaker 2 00:40:48 <laugh> Speaker 1 00:40:50 Just Drake tongue out doing hang loose. Courtside. He's like, I'll be there in 15 minutes. Speaker 2 00:40:58 <laugh>. Oh. Alright. So, um, we're we're both big gamers. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, both video gamers. Uh, what do you think the best games of the year are? Speaker 1 00:41:08 I, uh, I'm still playing Eldon Ring. It's still like, it's fun. It's in depth, it's uh, horrifying. Like you see some fucked up shit. <laugh>. I think that's why it's probably because the other thing is like, we both played Ragner Rock. I think we both really liked it. Uh, it's great. Like, like, uh, not Thor Ragner Rock, the other one, God, it wore Speaker 2 00:41:25 Ragner rock. Yeah. God of wore ragner rock. Speaker 1 00:41:26 Like they're cinematics in it are great. The acting in it is fucking unbelievable. Yeah. Like there's parts where you just kind of drop your controller and just watch the story unfold. Speaker 2 00:41:34 Very Speaker 1 00:41:34 True. And elder ring is not that, uh, but it's like this is a spoiler for a game that's been out for a year. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So I was, the other night I was fighting the snake monster and it's a horrible, like, it's like falling apart in decrepit, like this giant snake that's got limbs. Uh, so I kill this snake and it's like, all right, fine. I killed the snake. And then the snake flips over and it's got a head on its back and it's eyes open and it's, he pulls a sword out of this dead snake's mouth and the sword has a bunch of like thriving limbs on it. And he goes like, <laugh>. And it's like, together we will devow the gods and then I have to fight him and then I have to fight this snake snakehead with a giant fucking limb sword. Uh, and that's what that game's my game of the year cuz of shit like that <laugh>, like the first time I met a, you know, you're, you're sneaking around a castle and you see a reptile man. Speaker 1 00:42:23 He is got like a, a soreness snail isn't the reptile man grows. His snakehead grows fucking like six feet in the air. Me. That's why it's, that's why it's my game of the year. Cuz you see insane fucked up shit the entire, you know, we never, like I'm at 50 hours, I've been playing this game or some shit. Yeah. <laugh> like 50 straight hours of insanity. Well, shit. And it's fair. Like, you know, you build your, you rank up, like you get, you find your weapons, you like, like I'm still using the same sort I got within the first two hours of the game. I just have it like maxed out with the things I like, you know, it's like, it's an abundance of choices, but like, I'm just like, okay, I like this shit now this shit's got me this far, so I'm gonna stick with this shit. Speaker 2 00:42:58 And it's full open map. Right. Speaker 1 00:42:59 It's like you, you as you, you progress. Like it's, it's, it's not because it, it really locks you in and it only lets you progress until you're ready. Okay. Gotcha. You know, so you, you get to that first big boss, it opens up the next part of the map. Like if he, if he fucking just nails you in two hits, like you gotta get back. Like you gotta level up. You gotta beat some smaller guys. Gotcha. But the thing is, like, in this point of the game, like, I've way over leveled so I just, I beat like a fire giant today on like my fifth try and it's like, you know, towards the end of the game here. Speaker 2 00:43:27 Okay. Speaker 1 00:43:28 It's rad. That's why I dig it. And, and gotta War Rag Rock was great for those things. I think we both played Horizon Dude for Midwest Speaker 2 00:43:34 Horizon. I think that's the best game of the year. Horizon for West Best Game of the Year. Oh, full open map. Yeah. And you know, they, they announced that, uh, burning Shores. Yeah. Burning Shores is coming in April. Speaker 1 00:43:46 Come in LA you saw? Speaker 2 00:43:47 Yep. It's gonna be based in LA mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So for those of you who are not video games, ner uh, nerds, there's a game called Horizon. It's about this, uh, young girl in apocalyptic future Speaker 1 00:43:56 Fighting robots. <laugh>. Yeah. It's like the, like our, our earth that we lived in has like been destroyed and they're have repopulated it in this distant future of like robot dinosaurs and robot animals. Yeah. It's fucking cool. Speaker 2 00:44:08 It's a beautiful looking game. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's a true open map, meaning you can go wherever you want. Um, you can fly around. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you can ride around. There's little missions everywhere you can run into. People do some little tricks. Speaker 1 00:44:22 It's another thing, like you have lots of combat options, but like, I usually, once you find what works for you, like you stick with it, you upgrade it all the way. Yep. And that's like what, how you can tell like a, a game game is so well made. Is that like, no matter how you decide to play it, you can get to the end. Speaker 2 00:44:35 Exactly. Exactly, exactly that one. By by far, I think Horizon, Speaker 1 00:44:39 The story is great. Yeah. Like Aloy the protagonist is fucking rad. Like she's a Speaker 2 00:44:43 Badass. She's, and like, they don't, and that's the thing, it's like, I like that there's a strong like female character that people can get behind cuz like, I'm sick of all these Batman games or like these uh, grand theft auto bullshit. Like, I love those games. I love it. But like, we got like this badass bitch in this game. Speaker 1 00:45:00 Yeah. Alos doesn't take fucking shit from anybody. Like, she'll like stand up to a, a fucking evil ass looking leader and like not move an inch. Like she's fucking great. I Speaker 2 00:45:09 Do love how you can like pick how she reacts. Like compassion? No. Like hard. Like Speaker 1 00:45:14 Tough. Loves. I'm always with a fucking fist. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:45:16 That's, that's how I do. It's like, Speaker 1 00:45:17 She's like, grow a pair. Yeah. <laugh>. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:45:22 Uh, but yeah, best, definitely best. Like, uh, and like, I don't, um, I don't think we have the worst games of the year because I can look at a game and say, I have no interest in that. Yeah. And I won't Speaker 1 00:45:33 Play it. Like, um, it's, the other thing is like, you know, same thing with movies. Like, if I'm gonna spend 60 bucks, like I wanna make sure I'm gonna, like, I'm gonna beat this game. Like, oh yeah. I didn't play Gotham Nights cuz I, it hurt. It was iffy and like Yep. Speaker 2 00:45:44 It looked, it looked shitty. Speaker 1 00:45:46 It honestly, like, I don't wanna play a Batman game without Batman. I, is that, is that that wild concept? Speaker 2 00:45:51 No, it's not. Like, I saw that and I was like, oh, this looks cool. And then I looked at the trailer and I was like, let me look at like, Batman, go out them nights. Like, Batman's not in the game. I'm like, cool, cool. Speaker 1 00:46:02 Like, I, yeah. I don't wanna play a Batman game without that. Speaker 2 00:46:04 Batman should, this, this should be $5. This should be free. There should be a free download <laugh>. Like, you don't play a Batman game without that. Maybe Speaker 1 00:46:11 It's like, it's not like, you know, like, I don't wanna play with any, I don't wanna play as Rob. I don't wanna play his night wing. I don't wanna play as Bat Girl. I don't wanna play as Red hood. I don't wanna play with like, those are my least favorite parts of the other game. So I don't know why I wanna play a whole game with my least favorite Speaker 2 00:46:21 Parts. Nah, man, I wanna be Batman. I want to be fucking, I wanna be on a bat wing shooting around Gotham City, jumping out onto buildings, stalking people, jumping down and pulling him in a dark alleys. And Speaker 1 00:46:34 I just don't think, you know, fucking talking about suspension of disbelief. I don't think Robin could, uh, convincingly break someone's leg like Batman can. And that's what I want. I want someone that want him to fucking snap an arm at the end of a combo <laugh> and leave some clown goon line on the floor. That's what I want in a Batman game. Oh. So I'm not gonna spin 60 even though, oof. You always know it's a bad move whenever. It's like, the game came out two months ago and it's time for holiday discounts and it's 50%. Yeah. <laugh>. It's like, Ooh, you made a bad game. Cause <laugh>, <laugh> fucking Eldon ring's been out for a year and it's 10% off's. Like, that's, that's a good game, Speaker 2 00:47:07 Dude. Like Horizon. If you wanna buy Horizon right now, it's still 60 bucks, man. Speaker 1 00:47:12 You know, we know we got no fucking, Speaker 2 00:47:14 Like, I bought that game, uh, pre-ordered it for $80. Now it's 60 bucks. I'm like, Speaker 1 00:47:19 <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:47:19 I'm, I'm hanging onto it. And that's a, it's, and it, it's just a game you can play over and over again too. Like, if I'm bored, I'll be like, eh, I'll start this over. Why not? Speaker 1 00:47:27 Yeah. It's, uh, I dig those games. I played the first one a few times and I'm sure I'm gonna go, you know, replay this one again too. Speaker 2 00:47:33 Yeah. I wait for Burning Shores. Wait for Burning Speaker 1 00:47:35 Shores. Okay. Ooh, I can't wait Speaker 2 00:47:36 Dude. Wait for Burning, burning Shores. I can't wait. It's gonna be dope. Um, alright. Right. So, uh, moving on. Um, best and worst things to happen this year. Best and worst things that happen this year. Like, what are some moments in he, like, so, one moment for me, which is the best and the worst, I think was the invasion of Ukraine. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. They like, how do the whole world can like, look at Putin and be like, oh, this guy's not a problem. You know, like, Speaker 1 00:48:09 It just, it, it really shows a lot of pol. It's like the politicians that are talking are calling, are literally using the Russian talking points. It's like, oh wow, that's really, I can just really see, read through right through there, huh? Yeah. That's it. That's fucking transparent because like, Speaker 2 00:48:24 It, it, Jim Jordan, they're using chemicals. Like, Speaker 1 00:48:26 I don't, I've seen, and that's another thing is like, because of our day and age, like I've seen a lot of dead bodies. Like, I've seen a lot of combat footage that like, and usually early in the morning, cuz that's when it's, it's it's posted like, yeah. <laugh> across the country, across the world. Um, ugh, fuck 'em dude. Like wars fucking shit. Like anyone, anyone has not Who thinks otherwise? Like, I'll, I've, I've got some clips of, of fucking body pits I've seen in Ukraine. That will tell you otherwise. Speaker 2 00:48:51 Yeah. It's, it's not good. But I think the only small good thing that came about this is like, this idea that he could roll over this country and then that entire country banded together to fucking say no. Yeah. This ain't fucking happening. And Speaker 1 00:49:06 Inhale the Russian army, like the fucking notorious Russian army is des is decimated. Yeah. Like, they're pulling people off the fucking streets to fight is how Speaker 2 00:49:14 Bad it is. Dude, ILO Deir Solinsky is a real life superhero man. Like, not leaving his countryside, like staying on the ground. Like, Speaker 1 00:49:23 And dude Speaker 2 00:49:23 Inspiring hope in his people. Like, Speaker 1 00:49:26 Like that's like, it's one of those things like, well good ga, you know, cuz he was on Dancing With the Stars. It's like, he was like a celebrity. Like, fucking that's a good gamble. Like, you know, <laugh>, it's like, I know that Arnold Schwartz, it's like a, a comparison. It's like maybe Arnold would step up. It's like the same deal. It's like, he's kind of like proved to be kind of a better guy than he was, but like, he was, but obviously he was a piece of shit too. So, I don't know. That's that's a, that's a rough comparison. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:49:48 It would be like if, like, uh, what's his name? Uh, Steven Colbert. Yeah. Start running the country. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:49:54 Totally. Speaker 2 00:49:54 And like, stood up to like, some invasion. Like VLA Vladimir is an amazing guy. Definitely a man of the year. Speaker 1 00:50:01 Yeah. It, uh, it's amazing that like, the world would, uh, I'm sorry, Blaine showed us us a picture. What are you doing? <laugh> Blade was shown us a video. I guess Sean Penn gave his Oscar Oscar to, to, uh, Speaker 2 00:50:16 Like, I don't know how they keep letting Sean Penn meet people. Speaker 1 00:50:19 I don't know either. Dude. He's Speaker 2 00:50:21 The worst person on the planet. <laugh>. Look at Sean. Speaker 1 00:50:24 Sean. Like what? Like what a, I mean, as Sean Penns given his Oscar to the president of Ukraine, which it's like, what kind of a gesture is that? Like, I like what does that even mean? Shit. Like, what does that like what a Hollywood gesture. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:50:36 Like, um, Speaker 1 00:50:38 What, what way to make the worst list right at the end of the year. Speaker 2 00:50:40 Right at the end of here. Sneaking in there. Fucking, Hey, I know your country's decimated. You're dealing with something. Here's my Oscar. Speaker 1 00:50:47 I know, I know, I know you didn't. You had Christmas without electricity this year. <laugh>. Here's my Oscar <laugh>. And I understand like, his heart's in the right place cuz he was down there and Katrina, like pulling people off of boats and shit. But like, there's also pictures of him pulling peoples off of boats. Like <laugh>. I don't, you don't need that shit. Needs to be journalized. Like, just do your shit. You know? Speaker 2 00:51:06 Just do your shit, man. Just do your shit. Um, uh, what was the other thing that we No, I wanted to bring up another terrible thing so we can just get it outta the way now. Uh, fucking Will Smith. Speaker 1 00:51:20 Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:51:20 Will Smith. That piece of hot garbage going and slapping a friend of his, like slapping a, like black people do not get in fu in front of white people. We learned this <laugh> like we learned this growing up. Uh, black people always have to be held to a higher standard. But besides all that, for him to walk on stage, like the entitlement, this dude had to walk on stage at work Yeah. And slap Chris Rock. Chris Rock is a small dude compared to Will Smith. And to sit there and be like, keep my fucking wife's name out my mouth, I'm gonna sit here front row and act like I didn't do anything. Oh, I won my fucking Oscar. I'm gonna go up there and start crying and talking about what thankful, like what it is to be thankful and what human he Speaker 1 00:52:06 Wins an Oscar. Ugh. Speaker 2 00:52:07 And like the spineless standing ovation. This crowd gave this dude who just assaulted a man on stage in front of everyone. Yeah. I get it. That some people are like, eh, maybe that was planned. Maybe that was stage. But no. Get that. Like, he goes on stage and slaps somebody and it needs to be like five dudes in suits in front of him and like, we're gonna drag you out, or you're gonna walk out. Speaker 1 00:52:29 Like Yeah. The fact that he like got to stay the rest of the time. And Chris Rock just got to host, like, he's just like, okay, like, I'm gonna keep posting the Oscar for three more Speaker 2 00:52:37 Hours. If he went up there and slapped Ricky Dravet in the face, do you think that they would've let him sit in the front row? Oh, no, no, no, no. Speaker 1 00:52:43 Like Speaker 2 00:52:43 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:52:44 I, I think, well, the thing is, I think Ricky Dase would've had him ass fucking kick. Yeah. I think, you know, Chris Rock is, was being a professional. I don't think anyone, I I can't imagine anyone else swallowing it and just keeping the show. You know, I, I don't know the shock of being slapped on national television by the fucking Fresh Speaker 2 00:53:00 Prince. Oh my God. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:53:04 Because I made a weak as joke about your wife's very public lack of hair, Dick. Speaker 2 00:53:09 That that was not very, not Speaker 1 00:53:11 Even, it's like, it's just a, like a lame joke. Not even a good, like, not even a, a knife digging in joke. No, just a fucking lame. Speaker 2 00:53:16 A GI Jane joke. A Speaker 1 00:53:17 GI Jane joke. Speaker 2 00:53:18 Oh, she's bald. So is GI Jane. All right, I'm gonna go slap him. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:53:23 <affirmative> Speaker 2 00:53:24 Terrible. No, dude. I had Chris Rock talking him about Speaker 1 00:53:29 Emine M was right about Will Smith. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:53:31 <laugh>. Oh, fucking amazing. Uh, fucking amazing. Um, all right. So what are some other wins that you ha that we had as a society in 2022? Speaker 1 00:53:46 Societal wins. Speaker 2 00:53:47 Weinstein went to Speaker 1 00:53:48 Jail. Weinstein went to jail. Speaker 2 00:53:50 Straight to jail. Speaker 1 00:53:51 Straight to jail. Speaker 2 00:53:52 <laugh> <laugh>. Straight to jail. That's good. Speaker 1 00:53:53 It, um, it's tough to look at the wins and there's so many Ls. Speaker 2 00:53:57 There's so many Ls. Um, fucking January 6th. A lot of fucking people Speaker 1 00:54:03 Going to jail. I dig that. Speaker 2 00:54:04 A lot of idiots going to Speaker 1 00:54:05 Jail. I hope some of the higher ups go to jail soon too. Yeah, Speaker 2 00:54:08 That's the thing that bothers me. Like, you can't bes like you can't sit there with texts from like, fucking, what's his name? Bannon. Yeah. Uh, Steve Bannon. That's like, yeah. Nah, no. Make sure you leave your guns in the van and then be like, oh, I don't know. It was just a peaceful protest. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:54:25 It. Uh, I'm happy. We gotta to see Trump's tax returns. Like, I like what, what what I thought was right all along. I don't think he's a billionaire. Yeah. I think he's just been shelling money all the way, you know, in different places, Speaker 2 00:54:35 Bro. Um, I think Trump probably had the biggest l of the year. I think he's up there with Elon Musk. He Speaker 1 00:54:42 Oh. Speaker 2 00:54:43 For having the biggest l in the, of the year. Fucking Elon. Speaker 1 00:54:46 That dude. He never, I, there's always something about him. And, you know, it was definitely his autism. Like, that was like, it was like, that's something about him. But besides that <laugh>, there was something else about him that always struck me as like, I don't know. What about this dude? Like, when he was on Rick and Morty and he did snl, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I don't, he's like, why are we, why are we giving time to this guy? And now we all know. It's like, he's just a, a shallow, thin-skinned piece. He's a piece of shit. He's a little baby fraud. He post memes on Twitter. Speaker 2 00:55:13 That's all, that's all he is. He's a troll that somebody gave a lot of money to. Speaker 1 00:55:17 And I think he's, he's, he's slotting in the same category as Trump. And then, um, whoever we were talking about earlier, where it's like finding your niche audience of assholes. It's like assholes have money too. Yep. You know, and once you ha find your niche audience of assholes that like, keep telling you how great you are, like, why would you need anybody else? Speaker 2 00:55:33 That's true. And when you have that much money, you can literally isolate yourself. Yeah. Like, this fool bought Twitter and started banning motherfuckers who were talking shit about him Speaker 1 00:55:41 Immediately. Like, like immediate. Like he, he, like he said, he wanted to be like the most free speechies place in the world and immediately started banning free speech. Speaker 2 00:55:49 Yeah. Yeah. Elon, I don't like your haircut. Speaker 1 00:55:51 Doug Speaker 2 00:55:52 Suspended. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:55:53 <laugh>. I mean, he put, he put a Twitter poll up saying like, he want to step down as ceo. And then when he lost <laugh>, he's still there. It's like, Speaker 2 00:56:04 Do you think that he honestly didn't know how that was gonna go? No. Speaker 1 00:56:07 He thought for sure he was gonna win. Speaker 2 00:56:08 That's so dumb. That's so dumb. Speaker 1 00:56:11 He's the, he's the fucking shits man. Speaker 2 00:56:13 Dude. Ugh. Ugh. Oh, man. Um, Ooh. George Santos. Speaker 1 00:56:22 That guy was, oh, that guy. Speaker 2 00:56:23 That's kind of a, a lose slash win. Like, I'm glad he got exposed for those. You don't know, I think George Santos, he was running up in New York, right? Blaine. He was running up in New York. Um, yeah, he was running up in, uh, congressman, uh, or councilman or congressman for in New York. His name's George Santos just lied about every aspect of his Speaker 1 00:56:42 Life. Like, like, yeah. Like his mom dying in nine 11. Like, just like, just a complete liar Speaker 2 00:56:46 That he's gay, that he's Jewish, <laugh>, like listening to him stick up for why he's Jewish. He's just like, yeah, I wasn't, I was raised Catholic, but I'm, I'm not Catholic. So I'd always say I'm Jewish. Like, not Jewish, but Yo Jew ish. Speaker 1 00:57:00 Oh. Like a joke. Oh. Speaker 2 00:57:01 It's like, uh, stop that. Speaker 1 00:57:06 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:57:07 No, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. That guy is a piece of shit. I, I we shouldn't know these people, but they're out there. They exist. There's Speaker 1 00:57:16 Brett Favre stealing money from kids in Mississippi. Speaker 2 00:57:18 Oh my god. Brett Favre. This guy, somebody needs to, he needs to go to jail. Remember this dude? Speaker 1 00:57:24 Yeah. Take this dude off the Speaker 2 00:57:25 Streets. Remember this dude sent his dick to a 14 year old girl, man. Like, when are we gonna start Speaker 1 00:57:29 That? Get, get that dude off the fucking Speaker 2 00:57:30 Streets. This guy needs to be off the fucking streets. Speaker 1 00:57:32 It's been a long way for me playing him on, uh, fucking N NFL dude. On 64. He's Speaker 2 00:57:37 A menace. Yeah, he's a fucking menace dude. Speaker 1 00:57:39 Off the fucking Speaker 2 00:57:39 Streets. Get, get Brad far outta here. You can't steal from the poor. Lie about it. Get caught. Lie about it again. Then get caught again and be like, all right. I, I wanna stop talking about this. Be like, no, bro, we see you. Yeah, we see we got the receipts. <laugh>, you did it. Speaker 1 00:57:52 I could, I could look it up right now. Speaker 2 00:57:55 <laugh> fool's like a bad criminal too. Leaving voicemails. <laugh> use WhatsApp. You idiot <laugh> send an iMessages and shit. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:58:06 Brit farve at iCloud. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:58:08 <laugh> <laugh>. Yo. Oh dude. Some people are some of like the worst villains of all time. Like, this shit just dropped. Yeah. This shit just dropped. But fucking Andrew Tate, like an ex kickboxer who's like friends with oligarchs and Speaker 1 00:58:25 Like male show, you know, male rights, kind of like female should be subjugated. Like, this is how you should live your life. Speaker 2 00:58:30 The biggest chauvinist, like the worst social media is fucking garbage. This guy decided to pick a fucking fight with Greta Thornberg, a 19 year old fucking climate change activist. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And he was just getting roasted on Twitter by her. Like, he would say he picked a fight with her, she slapped back. It's like, yo, you got small dick energy, bro. And everybody's like, oh. Then he is like, look at all these fucking pizza Speaker 1 00:58:52 Boxes. And then like, 10 hours. It was like hours and hours later. Yeah, it was, and he let it sit there and had to marinate on it. And think of something cl clever question mark <laugh> to reply with. And his best reply. Got his ass sent to jail. Speaker 2 00:59:05 Dude, this dude Andrew Tate, who's like Mr. Men's rights and like social media influencer, millionaire rep, like, took hours to reply back to this burn that Greta gave him to be like, I'm eating all these pizzas and I'm not recycling any of these pizza boxes. Like, said, I'm not recycling these pizza boxes. And then what did the Romanian government do? Be like, yo, I know where that pizza place is. This dude's under investigation for sex trafficking. Boom. Arrested Yeah. Hours later. Speaker 1 00:59:33 Got em. Got Speaker 2 00:59:34 Him, Speaker 1 00:59:35 Got him. I read today, like, you know, uh, in jail for 30 days at least under pending investigations. Like, yeah. <laugh>. I love watching that perp walk. It's like, yeah, perp. Walk that dude. Get him outta here. Get the fuck outta here. Go to jail. Romanian jail. I mean, it probably isn't as bad as American jail, but it's still jail. Speaker 2 00:59:53 It's still jail. Dude. Greta this's. Like, this is what happens when you don't recycle <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:59:57 It's like, this is why shows recycling. Pizza boxes. <laugh>. Yeah. Fucking like, that's the thing is like, people like her, like, whenever you've been attacked by all ends for your, you know, for your short, very life. Like, she's got sharp sword. Like she's, you know, she cuts deep. Don't fuck around with her. Like, yeah. Speaker 2 01:00:11 She's, she's a, she's Gen Z man. She doesn't, yeah, she's quick. Speaker 1 01:00:15 She knows the planet's dying. Like what? She gotta lose. I want a one way ticket to fucking hell. Kid. <laugh> recycling your pizza boxes. Speaker 2 01:00:28 Oh. Oh. Um, last piece of shit we should talk about is Deshaun Watson. Um, this guy's been accused by over 25 women of, uh, sexual misconduct, forcible touching, rape, uh, sexual assault. And the NFL suspended him for like seven games. Find him like a million bucks or some shit. Speaker 1 01:00:46 Fucking n NFL should be suspended for seven. It's like, what the, the, Speaker 2 01:00:51 The, and he's playing that Speaker 1 01:00:52 In incongruity of fucking what you do in your social life and versus what you do on the field. Suspensions is in fucking insane. Like Speaker 2 01:00:59 How we learn nothing from history. If a woman accuses you, we should look into it. If two women accuse you, yo, you got, you gotta take a look at yourself on what you're doing. If 25 women accuse you No trial. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:01:14 No trial. No. I dunno about smoke. There's a fucking forest fire. Dude. <laugh> speaking of downs. He saw that Cosby, when he gets outta jail, he wants to go in a comedy tour. Speaker 2 01:01:23 What the fuck? He's blind. Speaker 1 01:01:24 Yeah. Oh, that's, that's a, it's like, wasn't he like falling apart? Like vi like visibly falling apart during his trial? He, Speaker 2 01:01:30 He was literally like the Black Weinstein man. It looked like he was melting. Speaker 1 01:01:33 No, he's gonna get back out there. Fucking give us some fat Albert <laugh>. Dude. <laugh>. Get us up with that. Buck. Buck. Speaker 2 01:01:42 You know, Speaker 1 01:01:43 <laugh>, when Speaker 2 01:01:44 You rape a girl and you Speaker 1 01:01:46 Sleeping in your bed, Speaker 2 01:01:48 <laugh>? Uh, too far too far, Speaker 1 01:01:53 Man. Speaker 2 01:01:54 <laugh>. Oh man. But yeah, this is what the hell, what a fucking year. Um, I, I think we, we could take a break right now before we come back for our best and worst and like, the absolute best of the year and the absolute worst of the year. Come back and, um, we're gonna do our final goodbyes of 2022. Speaker 1 01:02:14 Let's Speaker 2 01:02:15 Do it. Let's do it. Man. Man, I'm gonna be real. Sam <laugh>. Real Speaker 3 01:02:19 Sad. Speaker 2 01:02:41 And we're back, man. This is, uh, this is the last segment of the year. Yeah. This is the last segment of the year. It's very sad. Speaker 1 01:02:52 Did, uh, did you have a good 2022 Speaker 2 01:02:54 Overall? It ended terribly started great. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>? Um, I think I had a pretty good year. Like it was rough at times, but, you know, coming out of a pandemic, being home, establishing my home, being able to see my kid, like all in all was a good year. Yeah. You know, like, I got the love of my life staying with me. Like, I'm happy, everything's good. Speaker 1 01:03:21 I, uh, I feel the same way. Like 2022. I had, there was some really tough parts like last year started with Covid, which fucking sucked. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> this year ended with me throwing my back out and getting a tooth ripped outta my head, which was terrible. But Speaker 2 01:03:34 <laugh>, Speaker 1 01:03:34 The in between <laugh>, it's pretty sweet. Like, uh, NATS in a really good place professionally. Like, she's in a job, she digs and it's like difficult but rewarding. Yeah. She's Speaker 2 01:03:43 A boss man. Speaker 1 01:03:43 Yeah. She's fucking killing it. Yeah. She's a boss. She's a boss lady, but she's a boss man. Oh, I Speaker 2 01:03:47 Get it. Geez. Speaker 1 01:03:49 <laugh>. She's a bossman. That's true. Speaker 2 01:03:51 Uh, make sure she hears that part <laugh>. I Speaker 1 01:03:53 Will, I, uh, you know, I've done some, I did some fun gigs this year. Um, but, you know, being so I got to spend time with the kids. The kids are getting bigger and like more fun to be around. You know, like, Speaker 2 01:04:04 You're like dad of the year, man. You've been like, Speaker 1 01:04:06 I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying, dude. Uh, but no, it's like they have, they're more expressive. Like, little Miro saying thank you. And like, yo, he's like, has so many fucking words now and wants to, like, literally last night he just telling me all this shit. None of it made any sense, but like, pointing and like, he was talking to me. But like, you know, and Miles has things he like, has like, things he likes and doesn't like, and like, he tells you what he wants to do and what he doesn't wanna do. And like, it's all great and awful at the same time. It's, yeah, it's fun. It's great. I love it. Speaker 2 01:04:34 I just realized this next year is when you're gonna turn into the actual jungle gym. Like Yeah. They're gonna, this is the year they're gonna sprout up and start. Oh, damn. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how many you're gonna put a kid through a table this Speaker 1 01:04:45 Year? I might. Well, yeah, I mean, literally like, they're, they've both been like, they're both into rough eye more and more into rough housing and like by the end of next year they'll be jumping off. They're already jumping off of things. Okay. Speaker 2 01:04:57 All right. I like that. I like that. Uh, any re uh, any New Year's resolutions? Speaker 1 01:05:02 I <laugh>. I don't do re like I'm, I know myself well enough to know I'm not gonna fulfill these resolutions <laugh>, so they usually like vague, like be more healthy or be more whatever. And like, you know, this year I did, like, I took, you know, despite throwing my back out, like I, I actually did. I went to the chiropractor a lot more and like did more of those things. And, uh, I'm gonna try to do, you know, take care of myself more as like a, a vague one where like go to actually go to the dentist, actually go to the doctor, like make sure I'm gonna stay on this earth a little longer cuz I got kids I love, you know, that kind of shit. All Speaker 2 01:05:33 Right. Well that's kind of a resolution. Like Speaker 1 01:05:35 Lose, it's like I'm gonna lose wood. I'm gonna go into diet. I know. I'm not, like, I know I can try to live my life better <laugh> and I'll start with that. Speaker 2 01:05:42 Uh, well that's, I I'm just gonna continue what I'm doing, man. Like, I'm just trying, try and eat healthier and Yeah. Speaker 1 01:05:47 Um, Speaker 2 01:05:48 One thing that I do want, uh, that I am gonna do, uh, it's like I'm not no, no alcohol first 90 days of Speaker 1 01:05:56 The year. That's Speaker 2 01:05:56 Good. Like, I'm just gonna power through that. Yeah. Get my, get my head Speaker 1 01:06:02 Right. For me, it'd be no fast food for 90 days, but I don't know if I could do that. Man, I am such, that's like, like I smoke weed. Like it's nothing <laugh> that. Then obviously that's whatever, like Yeah. But my biggest, if I had to choose, like, I could not smoke weed for a couple days. Like I really start craving sugar. Like if I like <laugh> chew with my mouth. Like having, like that's the thing is like, I could do something and not, and not, you know, like, oh, I'll read a book. I'll do whatever and I'll be fine. But like, it's really hard to get that sugar monkey off your back. Like, Speaker 2 01:06:30 Oh yeah. That, Speaker 1 01:06:31 That, that's, that's an addiction addiction Speaker 2 01:06:33 Know. Yeah. That's, that happens to me. Like, sometimes I'll just be like walking by my cabinet and I'll just shove like 10 tootsy rolls in my mouth. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:06:40 Or if, if you, you know, if you don't, if you don't think you're addicted to sugar, like go try to have a McDonald's and not have a soda. And literally my taste buds like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah. Like, this doesn't taste right. Why is there sugar in my mouth right now? I've Speaker 2 01:06:53 Drank water after a Big Mac and it was a terrible experience. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:06:56 Your your your're ta your brain, your, all your neurons are like, what are you, you're doing this wrong. <laugh>. So that's the tough one for me. Like, that's one I really have to like, try to tackle and knowingly tackle. And one that's a, a terrifying. Speaker 2 01:07:09 Okay. Is there, is there any new thing you're gonna start with the kids in the new year that, that you see down the line that you're like, uh, you're excited about? Speaker 1 01:07:15 We're trying to get like, find like classes for them. Like stuff they're into like, okay, maybe gymnastics. Like we tried swimming with miles and that wasn't, he just, uh, it wasn't right. Like it wasn't mm-hmm. He didn't dig it, you know. Yeah. And he could swim. Like he, like, he likes to pull in the backyard. Like he will terrifyingly put his head underwater for a long amount of time. So he is fine with all that shit. <laugh>, <laugh>. Look at when kids do that. Oh, I hate it. Look dad, like, look at me. It's like, I don't want to, this is, I don't like this game at all, man. <laugh>. It's a risky little game. <laugh>. <laugh> Speaker 2 01:07:45 Not a fan. Speaker 1 01:07:46 But yeah, we wanna try to do something more, uh, active. Like, now that we have like this shit in the backyard, like, it's been rain. It's the only time it's been the last decade. It's been rainy in la But yeah, <laugh>, they love it when it's been dry. They've been to be able to do it, you know. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:07:58 We need this rain. I love that. I love that it's raining right now. Speaker 1 01:08:01 I do too. Cause I think it might damper the fireworks tonight, which, uh, our neighborhoods, I mean, it's good a lot. That's the thing. It's like, it's been a lot less fireworks Yes. Leading up to New Year's, which has been su surprising. So maybe it might be Armageddon tonight. Yeah. Because everyone's saving their shit. Speaker 2 01:08:16 That's why I'm getting outta here. I'm not staying here. I'm go like, yeah. Yeah. We're having a sleepover at a friend's house. Speaker 1 01:08:21 Okay. But we, we were thinking about it and planning it and just so much shit piled up. It didn't make it go through because it was like literally our neighborhood is a war zone. Well, like he, like, if you had pst like, you know, post-traumatic stress, like you have to fucking leave. Like you couldn't Speaker 2 01:08:34 Do it. You can't stay here. Like, just hearing some of the shit where it's like, not even a firework, it's a bomb. Speaker 1 01:08:39 It's just a boom. Yeah. Just literally just a like Yeah. <laugh> explosion. Speaker 2 01:08:42 It's like you hear the same thing, it's just like, boom, your house rattles. You're like, what the fuck was that? You hear 10 car alarms going off and then dogs barking like crazy. Yep. That is not a good, who's like, this sounds like fun. No. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:08:53 Yeah. That, that's the, the level of fireworks in our neighborhood is, is car alarm jarring level of fireworks we Speaker 2 01:08:59 Get? Yeah. South LA turns into Baghdad. I'm, I'm trying to be insensitive to what actually happened, but the skies light up. It sounds like we're being attacked and it relentless. Speaker 1 01:09:08 It's relentless for like five, six hours. Yeah. I'm safe. I'm not gonna be. So hopefully the rain puts a damper on that. So it's hard. You, the other thing is like, people in LA don't like getting wet. Yeah. <laugh>. I hate getting wet. I hate getting wet. I'm from Louisiana. You Speaker 2 01:09:20 Know what's funny is that people in LA don't like getting wet. We know when it's gonna rain. No one has an umbrella. No, you never, I love seeing people like umbrella running down the street in shorts. It's been raining for three days, <laugh>, and they're running down the streets in shorts with like a backpack over their head. I'm like, bro, you are not prepared. Speaker 1 01:09:34 Just begrudgingly just like walking in the rain fully closed. Like, oh man, I know. This sucks. Like, I know. This sucks. Speaker 2 01:09:40 Yeah. I have a raincoat. That's all I, I don't fuck with umbrellas anymore. But Speaker 1 01:09:44 No, I, that's, I'm, I'm a full Angelino. I just have a hoodie that it can get wet. Speaker 2 01:09:48 No, I, I Speaker 1 01:09:49 Don't even have, I have a rain jacket. I haven't gonna put that shit on. Speaker 2 01:09:51 Yeah. I'm putting a rain jacket on cuz like, one thing I don't like is a saggy sweater. Speaker 1 01:09:55 I'll live, I'll live with it. I'll just pop a dry one on. It Speaker 2 01:09:58 Gets under my boobs and I don't like it <laugh>. I don't like it because then I take off my sweater and I just got like this tea line across my chest and people are like, oh, Obie, Obie actually is kind Speaker 1 01:10:08 Of overweight. Yeah. Well that is a set of breasts. Yeah. <laugh>. No, mine just right in the, it's just like that big old tummy that the big tummy line. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:10:17 You got a canal right Speaker 1 01:10:18 There. Anyway. What are you looking forward to in 2023? Speaker 2 01:10:21 Uh, my, the biggest thing I'm looking forward to is, uh, traveling a little bit more. Um, I, uh, I'm gonna try and do a little more side hustles and start putting a little more things out there and Yeah. Speaker 1 01:10:33 Where you going to Japan, right? Speaker 2 01:10:35 I'm going to Japan. Yeah. Um, I was supposed to be going to Nigeria. Not sure if that's gonna Speaker 1 01:10:39 Happen. Yeah. You told me it's it's your, your family was like, yeah. It's kind of rough over here right Speaker 2 01:10:43 Now. Yeah. They're, they're not. So mama's coming over here. Right, right. She's gonna be stay staying with us for a little bit. So that's my New Year's resolution is not to choke my mom. So <laugh>. Cause she, she's gonna get kind of mouthy like that. I miss you so much. Like, kidding me is gonna go away real quick. Once she says something to I'm like, Speaker 1 01:11:00 It's, uh, it's amazing, um, how fast we become children when we were around our parents at certain times. It's like, literally it's like I'm fucking 40. Like Yeah. <laugh> every once in a while. It makes you feel that way. <laugh>. Um, if you're listening, I'm not, not talking about you. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:11:15 That's the thing. I was like, my mom was like, you need to make sure that you eat enough. And I'm like, yeah. It's how I li it's how I survive. It's how I survive. Yeah, Speaker 1 01:11:24 Yeah, yeah. It's, it's how I live. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:11:26 <laugh>. Like, my mom was, my mom hasn't lived here in like a decade and you know, I told her where I lived and she's like, Ooh, that's a, that's a bad area. <laugh>. You need to be safe. Like, people get killed down there. I was like, yeah, white people. Speaker 1 01:11:38 <laugh>. <laugh>. Yeah. White people live. They're walking their dogs at one of the, for some fucking reason Speaker 2 01:11:42 I was like, yeah, I'm not on, I'm not on a hundred and 11th Street. I'm on 49th. Like Yeah. I'm next to the college <laugh> Speaker 1 01:11:48 That, uh, I mean, we got, I got the reaction every time I told an Angelina where I moved initially, like, Ooh, really? <laugh>? Like, it's, it's, you know, despite all the windows having bars, all the new houses don't have bars. Speaker 2 01:11:58 I, so one tip I'm gonna give everyone, um, there's a cool website called hood maps.com. Speaker 1 01:12:04 <laugh> Speaker 2 01:12:05 Go to hood maps.com and type in your address and it will tell you exactly the neighborhoods you live in. Like <laugh>. I got one that, uh, like right here if you like, scroll up to Valdom Hills. It says Fancy Niggas <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:12:18 That's Speaker 2 01:12:18 My, it's like celebrity blacks. Yeah. And then it's like, don't go down here. And it's like a no drive zone. It's like a big redx. Like, don't go over here. Like, once you start driving towards, uh, the, uh, i the pier blossom. Where the fuck is that? Uh, I, Speaker 1 01:12:35 I'm not sure. Yeah. Like, Speaker 2 01:12:36 I like Where's that green line in the blue line cross? Speaker 4 01:12:39 Where's the green line? In Speaker 2 01:12:40 The blue line cross? Yeah. You know where the green line and the blue line cross? Speaker 1 01:12:45 I don't know. I forgot. I don't, I don't wanna dox myself, but like, where I live, <laugh>, uh, we were watch watching at LA Riots, uh, documentary in the shopping center by our house was burnt to the ground during the la riots. <laugh> <laugh>. So it's like we live around there. You know, <laugh> Speaker 2 01:13:01 Not really No, no, no. We're the blue line and the green line, uh, meat. But, uh, yeah, I, the hood, like, you know where you're in the hood, but it's not like New York in the, like the, the eighties. You know, you can avoid trouble here. Yeah. It's not like where it comes finding you like, oh, I'm gonna get mugs. Like, nah. It's like, just don't, don't fuck around and you won't find out. Yeah. It's very, very simple. Very, very, very simple. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:13:26 We had a, I know this is late in the episode, but Yeah. We, uh, we had a, a fuck around moment and we didn't find out the other day with a fucking, like, dealing with someone who's completely unhinged. Like, you don't know what you're gonna get. So we're gonna take the metro to the, uh, science center with, uh, my nieces Mm. Brother-in-law, sister-in-law, Nat, everyone's there. Like, we've done it a bunch and it's not never, you know, the subway could be what it is. Yeah. It was the day after Christmas. It was a lot of more desperate people around than you would think. Oh shit. Get to the Subway platform. Uh, there's a dude who has a bike and a gigantic bag. Uh, and like, we just missed the, just missed the metro. So I'm holding, holding the little dude walking around. I crossed paths with this dude and he did not like that <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:14:05 So we go back to our place and he gets up in our faces and like, we'll start eyeballing us, like all of us, the entire family. And I'm like, what's up man? Like, what's going on? Uh, and he's like, what the fuck you walking over by me? And I was like, okay dude. So like hand hand, uh, hand mirror over <laugh>. I was like, Hey, Chris. Heads up. Cause he had no idea what's going on, <laugh>. And this dude starts fucking around with his waistline and he's like, he's a big dude. He's a skinny dude. I don't want to be a violent man in front of my kids. <laugh>. Like, like I, the thing is like, he also could stab me. He could also shoot me like, I don't Speaker 2 01:14:33 Know. He could bite you and you have hepatitis. Speaker 1 01:14:34 Yeah. He's, he's a dude that's getting in my face in front of it in my entire family. Uh, so it's like, Hey, we're, yeah. He's like, what? You knew exactly why you fucking walked over there, man. I was like, I'm just walking with my kids. Like, don't you fucking walk by me. It's like, we won't. And I, and like, they're like, and I was like, okay, we need to go right now. Yes. So we did. Like, I was like, we're not messing with a man who's getting in our face on a subway platform with like, I'm holding a child and he's in my face. Yeah. Like, like that's the kind of unhinge that I don't want to deal with, but like, it's a rare occurrence in La <laugh>. So we left and we caught the next subway after he fucking went away. Yeah. I, and it was, you know, but Yeah. Don't, that's, don't take the metro on Christmas Day. It's, it's the amount of desperate people who don't have places to go is staggering in the city. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:15:18 It's, it's really barely bad. Especially during the holidays. Like Yeah. The metro stops just turn into a safe place for them to be. Speaker 1 01:15:24 Exactly. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:15:25 You have like tourists, like you have all these people coming in, like all these hotels, like, oh no, we're actually nice. Like your normal sleeping blocks getting pushed out. The cops like over policing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Speaker 1 01:15:35 Well that's the thing is like, literally around the corner there was security crawling over the new line to the airport <laugh>. And they're like, ah, yeah, we're here. Like, cause we talked to 'em, it's like, yeah, we're here, man. Like, we're here cuz it's the new line. I was a tourist on it. Like, we're not really assigned, like, you know, to the other line. Like, oh, cool, thanks. There's literally six security guards, like half a block away and none at that one. Bye Speaker 2 01:15:54 Bye-Bye Speaker 1 01:15:55 <laugh>. All right. So we'll go get a coffee and come back and hopefully his crazy ass is gone. He did <laugh> and we went to the, and we went to the church museum. They loved the rocks, they loved the bones, they loved all Speaker 2 01:16:03 That stuff. Awesome. Fucking Speaker 1 01:16:03 Awesome. Yeah. They, we went fast. Fast. They, you know, barely registered that a crazy man could have stabbed me. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:16:09 <laugh>. <laugh>. Good. Good. Speaker 1 01:16:11 And I didn't have to push a man into the subway tracks, which is, which was one another option. Speaker 2 01:16:14 That's my biggest fucking nightmare is having to murder someone on the Speaker 1 01:16:17 Subway. <laugh>. That's the thing. It's like, I, you know, I don't wanna be a big tough guy. Like, I played rugby, I played football. Like I, I'm capable of violence. I know what violence hap I know what it's like being punched in the face. I know what's like having my eyes gouge. I know what it's like. Someone trying to hurt me. I get put myself in the place where I could hurt somebody. Yeah. And I don't wanna do that in front of my kids. I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do notary. Speaker 2 01:16:36 I don't wanna do that Speaker 1 01:16:37 Ever, ever again. Yeah. We've had this conversation before. Speaker 2 01:16:39 Yeah. I, I just, it's just was one of those things like, if I could avoid a fight, I will always avoid a fight. Like, I feel you. Speaker 1 01:16:45 It's, that is the thing to do. That is the thing to do. It's Speaker 2 01:16:47 Like, whatever this guy called me, a bitch in front of my family. Like, cool, I'm gonna go and enjoy my day. I'm not going to engage. Speaker 1 01:16:54 We'll go get some Starbucks and we'll come back. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:16:55 Like, not, not today. Yeah. Not Speaker 1 01:16:58 Today. So 2023. Less of that, Speaker 2 01:17:00 Less of that <laugh> Speaker 1 01:17:02 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:17:03 Less of that. All right. Well I guess this is the end of our pod. Um, I'm gonna go with the best and worst of the year. Um, I think they're both kind of resemble the same power of good guys and bad guys and things that can happen to us as a people. Um, you know, for the first thing, the worst of the year is the, uh, repeal of Roe v. Roe v Wade. The decision of Roe v. Wade, like mm-hmm. <affirmative> abortion rights being stripped like 50 years. Like president. Yeah. Like having all these superior, uh, these supreme, uh, court justice sit in front of Congress, lie and say like, you know, sitting president not gonna fuck with it and then fuck with it. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:17:41 Like lied under oath. Like fuck, uh, uh, a widely, uh, vote. Like people in, like, not in intro, people enjoy abortions. Like people are pro fucking abortions. Like, they're like, it's, it's overwhelming in this country. Even the conservative parts of the country didn't pass super conservative abortion bans. Speaker 2 01:17:59 No. They didn't. Like, Speaker 1 01:17:59 People don't vote for it. Cause they don't want it. Like, but that's, that is the worst. It's fucking six. And you know, not even six, A handful of individuals, Speaker 2 01:18:07 It's really Speaker 1 01:18:08 Bad. A couple of them fucking garbage piece of trash. Humans that fucking got voted in by a garbage piece of trash human can decide precedent for this entire country. Speaker 2 01:18:17 It's weird. It's, it's very weird to be Speaker 1 01:18:20 And Oh, and they, oh, and guess what? They get to do it until they're fucking dead. Yeah. <laugh>. And that's so, that's so Game of Thrones bullshit. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:18:27 It's like, okay, so we should kill 'em. Like, that's no other option. It's like there's no other option. Speaker 1 01:18:32 Like, he's not advocating. It's a joke. By the way, don't Speaker 2 01:18:34 Put me in that position. Speaker 1 01:18:35 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:18:36 It's like, wait, so the only way I can get rid of Speaker 1 01:18:38 This motherfucker, then I, I challenge you to dol by death. Speaker 2 01:18:41 Yeah. Like, that should be the rule. If I do not agree with you, I should be able to go fight. Fuck. I should be able to go fight Justice Thompson. If Speaker 1 01:18:49 We're talking, if we're talking about these dire circumstances, if life and death that's involved, then hey, that's, maybe that's on the line. That's what, but that brings us to our good, the best of the year old Sleepy Joe and the rest of the Congress getting together. <laugh>. I love that nickname. That's, that's his sleepy dumbest Sleepy. That's the dumbest nickname in the world. I love it. I wish, I wish I could be called Sleepy Bennett. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:19:11 <laugh> sleepy. Obs Speaker 1 01:19:12 <laugh>. Yeah. Sleepy Os is great. Speaker 2 01:19:14 Sleepy Bennett is pretty Speaker 1 01:19:15 Good. Sleepy Bee is sleepy Bee. Sleepy Bee <laugh>. If that, if I was at a Lowrider club, that'd be my, my sleepy bee. Sleepy bee airbrush in the back of my car. Speaker 2 01:19:23 Dude. That's my, that's my truck call sign. Uh, sleepy os Sleepy os sleepy oes coming around here. Breaker breaker, all nine Speaker 1 01:19:29 <laugh>. So sleepy joke. Got a shit together and slide, you know, got the Marriage equality Act sign, which thing you fucking Speaker 2 01:19:34 Best year. Speaker 1 01:19:35 Like fucking good. Speaker 2 01:19:36 Like it, it's, it's very nice to see something like, it sucks because I don't think they would've passed that if Roe v Wade didn't get repealed. Speaker 1 01:19:45 If it didn't get like the Yeah. The fucking, Speaker 2 01:19:47 If it didn't Speaker 1 01:19:48 Synergy <laugh> Yeah. Having so many rights stripped from us. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:19:51 If, like, you, I think God, that the government, the people that we voted in there saw that and was like, Nope, we gotta start, we gotta pass some laws to protect people. These Yeah. These wackadoos are coming after people that mm-hmm. <affirmative> put put us here and I, I I, the marriage equality act fucking wa fucking chef Speaker 1 01:20:07 Kiss. And this, this shocking thing that politicians are doing is like doing, thinking that people that voted for want to happen, it's this crazy thing that, to get votes, it's like, actually get shit done, Speaker 2 01:20:18 Dude. I I'm gonna give it up to Mr. Sleepy Joe, man. Like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, A lot of people are shitting on him, bud. It looks like they're moving in the right direction and Speaker 1 01:20:27 Look gratefully. So like, I'm not a, you know, like he's, he's fucking old and outta touch. Yeah. But like, he knows how to win people's support when it comes down to it. And, uh, I appre, hey, fucking, when it comes to a politician, I'll take that. At least like, if you're gonna gimme that, like I'll take it. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:20:43 I I really do appreciate all that shit, you know. Um, uh, but yeah, this is what a year, I mean to everybody out there. Um, happy New Year's Eve. Uh, we're gonna see you all next year. Uh, make 2023, the best year of your life. Um, we're gonna be off for pretty much all of January. You're not gonna see us till Speaker 1 01:21:04 February. Yeah, I'm getting back to work. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:21:06 Like it's gonna be <laugh>. I thought this was your job. Ooh. Speaker 1 01:21:09 Ooh. Speaker 2 01:21:10 Anyway, Speaker 1 01:21:11 Keep telling that. Speaker 2 01:21:11 Uh, you guys, uh, my name is Obie. This is Bennett Miller. What up Bennett? A big shout out to bla Pierre producer. Um, a big shout out to all the people that we had joining and fill in this year. Uh, dna, uh, Andrew Mouse tell they do our music. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, thank you guys for being a part of this podcast. From the whole entire papa don't preach team. We love you. Be you. We'll see you all next year. Speaker 1 01:21:38 Hey, peace <laugh>. Love y'all. Blaine, thanks for everything man. You do a whole lot. We appreciate it. Uh, I didn't prepare for this. Have a hap have a happy New Year. Have Speaker 2 01:21:49 A happy New Year. Happy New Year. Speaker 1 01:21:50 <laugh>. <laugh>. Love y'all. Speaker 2 01:21:53 <laugh>, you came to a screeching Speaker 1 01:21:55 Halt. Oh yeah. Fucking tear. I was not prepared. Obviously <laugh>.

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