Father's Day Is Fake

Episode 11 June 13, 2023 01:32:29
Father's Day Is Fake
Papa Don't Preach
Father's Day Is Fake

Jun 13 2023 | 01:32:29


Show Notes

Happy Father's Day, everyone! Bennet and Obi discuss if Father's Day is an actual holiday or just a joke. We all know it will never be "Mother's Day," but do we even want it? Should fathers take pride in this day, or is this day an afterthought? Speaking of pride... June is upon us. Happy Pride to all our fellow humans. We love you. Be you and Be Safe!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 2 00:00:35 I don't know what you're talking about. Her dead. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Papa. Don't preach. We are here on the eaves of Father's Day in our Special Father Day episode. I'm here again. My name is Obie and I'm here again with my, my man, Bennett Miller. How are you feeling? Speaker 1 00:00:54 Um, not bad right now. All things considered with, uh, with the amount of sleep I'm going on, I've got, since we last talked, um, two whole nights of sleep. Speaker 2 00:01:05 Two whole nights. Yeah. Where Speaker 1 00:01:06 I didn't wake up all night through for the week. Yeah. Since we last talked. <laugh>. Oh, shit. <laugh>, uh, this last night. It wasn't the older guy, little guy woke me up cause he couldn't, I don't know. Does, does, um, does Ozone have like a levee or like any stuffed animal? He has, uh, Speaker 2 00:01:20 Yeah. He is got, uh, his penguin and his penguin has a sister. When he was born, he got two penguins. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, for his birthday. And he's just grown up with these two penguins, obviously, with the split. Uh, one penguins at his mom. Oh yeah. One penguin's here. So he is got a, he's like, oh, he always has this one. He always goes to this. Oh. But his sister, like, you have to say goodbye and night. I'm like, ah, they're fine. <laugh>. Yeah. But he calls me, he is like, oh, this is his little sister. And I'm, it's kind of telegraphing what he wants. Yeah. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:01:46 Really Speaker 2 00:01:47 Shut that Speaker 1 00:01:47 Down. Thinly veiled commentary. Speaker 2 00:01:49 But yes, he does have, uh, uh, yeah, Speaker 1 00:01:52 So, so Miles and, uh, Miro, each have their own Miles has a sloth that he get from Target. <laugh>. Uh, and Miros is one that Nat, like, kind of handmade herself, like at a yarn. Like, kind of, she made like a big blanket and it was like a test piece and he just kind of liked it a bunch. Okay. So around three? No, I think it was like four Speaker 2 00:02:08 In the morning. Yeah. In Speaker 1 00:02:09 The morning I hear just screaming like, happy me, help me happy <laugh>. Uh, and Miles is passed out, like, like, not wig enough. Move, like, awesome. Face down. I was like, oh man. All right. So little dude lost his lovey under his pillow and he goes, oh, thank, thank you. And he goes back, he's like, oh my God. Like, that's it. <laugh>. That's it. It was literally an inch away from your face, dude. <laugh>. Thank you. And then just right back to sleep, like, oh, well, album Wake. Thanks bud. Speaker 2 00:02:36 Oh man. Speaker 1 00:02:37 So, yeah. Other than that, like yeah, this morning was like, it was a fun morning cuz like, we wrestled and played. And then also, like we were talking about earlier, like they're just, every once in a while toy owners are house and they just can't share it. Like, they just, they just don't, for whatever reason, they both want it equally as bad. And they're willing to do, they're willing to, to go do extremes. Just, Speaker 2 00:02:57 I'm gonna lose my shit. Speaker 1 00:02:58 Yeah. I, I will hit you in the face <laugh> for this plastic toy. Uh, so we had that briefly in the morning. And like this toy, it, it's like, God, like, you know, I, I I yelled at him and stopped yelling at me, which I know is counterproductive. Yes. But they did stop briefly <laugh>. It was like, you guys cannot play with this. Don't Speaker 2 00:03:15 Yell at me. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:03:16 This toy is a, you know. I know. Yeah. I apologize. The thing is like, I apologize, like, oof, because I do feel like an asshole. Like I did not need tl. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I could have gotten their attention otherwise. Uh, I think it's okay to apologize as a parent. I think you may disagree as that, but Speaker 2 00:03:30 I, I disagree. Hold <laugh>. Wait until your kids are smart enough to start figuring shit out. Speaker 1 00:03:35 I mean, miles, like, they are smart enough. Like the thing is, like, they are, but I think it's important cuz like, when they fuck up, like, I expect them to apologize. So when I fuck up, I, I am gonna hold myself of that same standard. Now Speaker 2 00:03:46 Is raising your voice to get attention of the room a fuck up. That's the Speaker 1 00:03:50 Question. Um, I acted like a child and said, stop yelling at me. Okay. At the top of my voice. <laugh>. Okay. Speaker 2 00:03:56 <laugh>. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:58 Okay. So that I, that was not, you know, I, I was bringing myself to their level. Yes. Which, when I do things like that, I usually feel bad about it. I usually apologize. I, I mean, I don't, I, I apologize. Cause I think it is important to like, you know, if I, if I fuck up like I need to because I make them do the same thing. Speaker 2 00:04:15 Okay. Yeah. Okay. I, I I don't wanna abandon. Yeah. My whole point. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And my view here, but my son has been demanding apologies after he fucks up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> from me. <laugh>. And, you know, there's times where he is like losing his shit over something mundane. I'm like, oh, that's it. Nope. That's it. And I don't yell. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I, uh, and that's the thing is that when I do yell, he knows he fucked up. Yeah. But what he's starting to notice is, well, not, I don't know if he's noticing it, but what I'm seeing is that he gets really upset that I'm not losing my shit. Like the calmer I am. He's like, why aren't you upset? Yeah. Why aren't you upset? I lost, I lost a Gallagher <laugh>, all my ships are gone. Why aren't you upset? And I'm like, listen, you can't play if you're gonna get upset. And he's like, oh, that's not fair. And he throws his game across the room, like, Nope, that's it. Go into your room. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> obviously the, the terrible room with all his games and stuff in it, and all his toys. Yeah. So he goes in his room, he has to count to 200. He counts the 200. He sits next to me with his arms crossed. He's like, alright. Right. Daddy, you have to say sorry. I'm like, for what? <laugh>? He's like, cuz you got mad at me. And I'm like, that's not how it works. Speaker 1 00:05:19 No. It, I only apologize. I my cool. Yeah. Okay. I not, not like when like, cuz like, cuz part of the screaming was I put him in timeout cuz he took a swing at, he put his car down. Miro picked it up immediately. Miles took a swing at Mi. I was like, no, no, we're not doing this time out. Did you Speaker 2 00:05:34 Laugh? Did you giggle at all? Speaker 1 00:05:35 No, I was not in the moody giggle. Okay, good. Cause I was, I literally, I was like, if you put that down, he is gonna take it <laugh>. And he didn't listen. He, he just put it down and literally he was like, down, take it swing. Speaker 2 00:05:46 Just like haymaker. Speaker 1 00:05:47 Yeah. So he's crying cuz he got hit. The other dude's crying cuz he is in a timeout. Speaker 2 00:05:51 Ozo bumped his shin then. Oh. Taking a swing at me. Oh yeah. Speaker 1 00:05:54 Oh yeah. Speaker 2 00:05:55 Like, just as hard as he could tried to punch me. <laugh>, like, just wound it up. And I'm like, oh, look at him turning it around. He's gonna go upstairs and just took a swing and wh it, but spun completely around <laugh> and hit his face on the ground and started like, ah. And I'm like, Speaker 1 00:06:10 I Speaker 2 00:06:10 Mean, I don't know what to do here. Speaker 1 00:06:12 <laugh>. That's an actor. Speaker 2 00:06:12 This is not in the parenting book. Speaker 1 00:06:16 You did that to your, I mean, that's, yeah. My Jesus Christ Speaker 2 00:06:18 Himself was intervened. Yeah. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:06:20 He gets frustrated and like, like will start crashing and fu it's like, you, I'm not touching you. You are crashing yourself. <laugh>. I dunno what you're doing, dude. Speaker 2 00:06:28 He's dumb ass kids. Well, this Speaker 1 00:06:29 Is like, yeah. Also, it's, it's a new thing. And you start to threaten to pee himself. He's like, I'm gonna pee myself. Speaker 2 00:06:34 Oh shit. Yes. Speaker 1 00:06:35 I was like, no you're not, dude. Like, we're gonna the bathroom right Speaker 2 00:06:39 Now. I'm gonna pee myself. Speaker 1 00:06:40 So all of that led up to me saying, stop. You know, not saying to screaming, stop yelling at me at at six, you know, at fucking seven 14 in the morning. What are the fuck time it was, what a Speaker 2 00:06:51 Day? What a day. But then Speaker 1 00:06:53 Afterwards we wrestled and had a fun time and then like, you know, they hit me a couple times in my face with my glasses and they said, oh, sorry, da da. You know? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And we had fun and we went to daycare and it was all okay, but Okay. Speaker 2 00:07:02 Oof. Speaker 1 00:07:03 For, for, so that's how, so that's kind Speaker 2 00:07:05 Of, God, Speaker 1 00:07:05 That's kind of like what the last like five weeks have been, just like in a morning. Speaker 2 00:07:09 Yeah. It's, uh, you know, it's a lot easier. I've noticed when your child is used to you and you alone mm-hmm. <affirmative> in a certain space. So like, when one parent goes away for it's like a instinctual thing, it's like this net of boundaries gets thrown out. Like, how far can I take this motherfucker? Yeah. Whether it's the mom or dad. Like, it's like, I haven't heard, like, uh, I remember my kid's mom would tell me these horror stories of him on the plane and when they're traveling and never have I had that issue. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, because he knows I do not fuck around in public <laugh>. Like <laugh>. That is not when you lose your shit. But with his mom, it's completely different. But I also know at home, they're like fucking thickest thieves. Like, like they're doing everything together. Anything I want him to do, he's just like, oh, we gotta go to the park. I'm like, you love the, the fucking park <laugh>. Oh, I gotta eat Uncrustable. Like, bro, you're all about uncrustable. Every single thing I I present is like, oh, my dad's the worst. I'm like, thought this shit was gonna happen in like 10 years. Not now. Speaker 1 00:08:17 Not now. I thought Speaker 2 00:08:17 It was gonna be the worst for like, you know, maybe a couple years in 10 years. <laugh>. I didn't know I'd be the worst now for the rest of my life. It starts Speaker 1 00:08:26 Now. Speaker 2 00:08:27 God damn. That's rough. That shit that motherfucker's not getting shit for his birthday or Christmas <laugh>. That's how you win 'em over. Oh, speaking of which would you, now let's say your kid's a little older and it is right now mm-hmm. <affirmative> and it came up to you Dad. I want the new Apple Vision headphones for $3,400. <laugh> $3,500. Right. It's like 34 99. $3,400, 30. Get the 35 99. Yeah. 34 99. Okay. $3,500. Like what's your, how I'm your son. I want this. Put it to me gently. Speaker 1 00:09:03 Uh, how about this <laugh>, I get you your own PlayStation five <laugh> Speaker 2 00:09:10 With Speaker 1 00:09:11 Your own VR headsets in whatever VR games you have. And then I still get to keep like, what, 1500, $2,000? Like, Speaker 2 00:09:19 Dude, you still get like <laugh> Speaker 1 00:09:23 That, uh, it, it is, you Speaker 2 00:09:25 Still have $2,500 Speaker 1 00:09:27 Left. <laugh>. Yeah. It's so untouched. And I mean, maybe just me like maybe, I don't know, maybe it's like the coolest thing ever. I just, I didn't, but like, I was like, oh, they're just doing fucking VR goggles that like, Speaker 2 00:09:37 They're testing the waters. They're gonna see Peloton did this. Speaker 1 00:09:41 Well, I mean, Google Glass did this. Like, like Speaker 2 00:09:43 People test the waters. They fuck around and they find out <laugh> they fucking find the fuck out. And I'll tell you right now, ain't nobody's spending 300 thou, uh, not 300, $3,000 on a fucking Peloton. That ain't happening. Well, Speaker 1 00:09:59 I mean, I mean, the thing is like, there are like, they, but like that's, they Speaker 2 00:10:02 Did, it's not happening now. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:10:04 It's, it is. So what is, so what is like, why is it so good? Like, so you toss it on and it's like, is it augmented reality? So Speaker 2 00:10:12 It's augmented reality mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they're calling it spatial reality. So basically the best way I've been able to describe, like, when I was trying to explain it to somebody else in my life, that is it like Speaker 1 00:10:21 Terminator vision? Speaker 2 00:10:22 I, I would say, I say it's some minority report. Think about it as minority report. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So like, you're in some place where you have infinite space to move things around. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you can drag and drop. Like, you can pull up things like it's, it recognizes your hands. It's basically minority report. And if you Speaker 1 00:10:42 Guys, so there's no, like, there's no gloves, there's just, uh, Speaker 2 00:10:44 It's just the, it's just this headset with a bunch of fucking cameras in. They've been testing it how it moved. And you know, the first one's gonna be fucking garbage. Yeah. The first one is gonna be garbage. But there's gonna be cool things you can only do on that thing. The problem is cool things get old. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like, if it's not productive, people are gonna move on. But Speaker 1 00:11:04 I, I, the Speaker 2 00:11:05 Thing is that this is also not conventional. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. They're saying that I can use this instead of my laptop. Speaker 1 00:11:10 Oh. So this is not, you're not walking around with this is, you're in your living room popping this joker on. Yeah. The reading LA times like this. Eventually Speaker 2 00:11:18 You're gonna be, this is Speaker 1 00:11:18 Very cool looking. That's another thing is Speaker 2 00:11:19 Eventually gonna have some Ray bands on the bus that can do this. But we're not there yet. No, we're Speaker 1 00:11:23 Not there yet. You're you're just looking like, um, like, like the human fly in your living room. You Speaker 2 00:11:29 Know, when people were reading newspapers on the train and the bus mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, reading, looking out, maybe talking and now everyone's looking down at their phones. Oh Speaker 1 00:11:37 Wow. So she's like, look at her pinch in the air. Cuz we're watching Blaine's pulled up the little Oh yes. We got it up again. The video. So we're showing what she's doing. It looks like she's jerking off a little air mouse. Speaker 2 00:11:45 We've gotten the <laugh>. It does Speaker 1 00:11:48 <laugh>. She's just doing this. She's Speaker 2 00:11:50 Got the little finger pinches look. Speaker 1 00:11:53 I Speaker 2 00:11:53 Mean, it, it does look like she's stroking, uh, a small, a small mammal. Yeah. A little Speaker 1 00:12:00 <laugh>. A little milk and a little rod into there. <laugh>. So you got that to look forward to in the future. But Speaker 2 00:12:06 What, like, what the fuck? This is not what people need. Speaker 1 00:12:11 It, it, it is like some like wally, like unnecessary living in your chair. Bullshit. The Speaker 2 00:12:18 Idea that this is what we need. Like, like this is what people are sitting at home waiting for. We should have to stop letting industries dictate what we need in our lives. Like, what will make our lives better? Because this dude's like in a workspace with his goggles on mm-hmm. Looking around and the fact that the world is getting more dangerous and they're trying to disconnect us from the world mm-hmm. Is idiotic. Speaker 1 00:12:43 Well it's like ready player. It's like, I get it. Like, I think is like, I understand he just as Speaker 2 00:12:48 A game as gaming, I understand mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but as like, everyday task. Like, are you telling me that I need AI in this fucking headset to write a fucking paper Like you to my boss on why I need a raise? Speaker 1 00:13:02 Like, you know, there's gonna be the first, like they look, they get a PS five controller. That's fun. Yeah. Like, uh, but like the very first time they're gonna be like, okay Apple, we're gonna convert all our offices to fucking headsets. The first time they, you see the shot of that, that dystopian future. Everyone locked in, like looking straight ahead with their goggles on. People Speaker 2 00:13:20 Are gonna be like, no, I think Speaker 1 00:13:21 People will be like, I think we're gonna pass on this. Speaker 2 00:13:23 Yeah. It's Speaker 1 00:13:23 Because it doesn't, I mean, that's it. Like you can't, I, it looks fucking stupid. Like it looks, it looks better than Google Glass, but like, it doesn't look like a cool thing you'd want to wear outside of your house. Like, that's the thing of like VR goggles and all that stuff. Like, it looks stupid. Uh, cuz you and you look stupid doing it. Yeah. And I don't think, I think that's something that you have, you can't uh, dis Well, the look dis dis discount of like, Speaker 2 00:13:49 I understand that, but the look is gonna change. We all know the look is gonna change. I'm talking about Speaker 1 00:13:53 The look right now. I Speaker 2 00:13:54 Know the look right now is stupid. Speaker 1 00:13:55 Look, she looks like an idiot. Like <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:13:57 This is what they said about the, this is like, they would make jokes about cell phones on early, early snl. You know, these guys with these giant cell phones, like these big gray Zack more talking and they made 'em huge. And we'd laugh, like, look at how stupid these business people Speaker 1 00:14:11 Look. No, you're Speaker 2 00:14:12 Not wrong. Speaker 1 00:14:12 But I thought people were talking to themselves. I didn't for, for a longest time. I know that, uh, apple had like, what the headphones all looked like, <laugh>. Oh wow. I thought people were just going crazy without, Speaker 2 00:14:23 But yeah. Even like, even the headphones that they have the in ears mm-hmm. <affirmative> like five, four or five years down the line have changed. They've gotten better. And like, we don't know what this headset's gonna look like in five years. But what I'm saying is like, even if it looks better in five years, that's not what I need. Speaker 1 00:14:41 All right. Fun. You got it out of me. <laugh> know why I don't like vr. Cause I wear glasses and I'm not wearing a contact. So I, because person one's not gonna fit in my giant fucking head. That's why I don't like it. I have one, I worked on a VR project one time Speaker 2 00:14:53 Like this right now. I Speaker 1 00:14:54 Worked in a VR project one time years ago and I couldn't en enjoy any of the things I did cause because I had to take my fucking glasses off to put the VR goggles on. <laugh>. Maybe they work now, but I'm guessing not. I'm guessing they don't have giant, they, you know, fucking massive peanut charlie, brown size VR Speaker 2 00:15:09 Goggles. No, they don't. They don't. I went to Universal Studios and did their fucking, I don't have glasses. And I did their stupid little ride and I got, before I got something that could fit me, which didn't fit me, I got laughed at. Yeah. Like, look at this bigheaded idiot trying to wear like Yeah. Speaker 1 00:15:23 It's be, that's why it's because it's not for me. That's why. Cause I know it's not for me. Yes. Speaker 2 00:15:27 Okay. I can see Speaker 1 00:15:28 That. So, so you know what? VR goggles fucking take a hike. Same thing with 3D movies. They were not for me either. Well, half of the movie, it was me doing this trying to adjust the fucking things in my glasses so I could actually see the goddamn thing I paid for. Speaker 2 00:15:41 So like, augmented reality, the way that they're having this as these VR glasses have mm-hmm. <affirmative> the re like, first of all, a like, apple is not compatible with a lot of shit that I use. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like, I, I do not have a crass cross platform device that I can use on my PlayStation. Like I can, like, do you know how much of a hassle it is to get my PlayStation remote to work as my Apple TV remote? It's, I have to like, connect it every single time unless I'm like, continuously it's a pain in the ass. So what I'm trying to tell everyone out there with this fucking headset, Uhhuh <affirmative>, this goddamn headset, Speaker 1 00:16:14 This expensive headset Speaker 2 00:16:15 Is a, this ex $3,500 to look at my phone through glasses. <laugh> is the dumbest fucking idea I've ever heard. Now you can play this back to me in a year, two or three years when everyone has them. I'm the fucking schmo who said it was stupid. But when you look at what people wanted out of their life in their devices, when we talked about, oh, that'd be so cool to have a watch where I could talk and answer my, uh, my phones and like use my phone. Everyone was stoked about that idea 15 years ago. <laugh>. 15 years ago before he even touched before it was even feasible. People were like, this is dope. Yeah. But when it comes to this fucking VR headset, which has been around, most people have been saying, yeah, nah, bro, it, it, Speaker 1 00:16:57 It's like, it's because like the iPhone was really an, a genius idea at the time. Putting everything in one place. Like making the interface the same thing as your computer. They should. And like, the thing is like, they haven't done any, like the Apple watch. Like, I don't use any of the shit on this watch. Like, like yes. Speaker 2 00:17:12 I got rid of mine. Yeah. I got rid of mine. Well, I, I just let age, I just let it age gracefully and never replaced it <laugh>. I got it as a gift and let it age grace. Yeah. Mine was Speaker 1 00:17:20 A gift too. Speaker 2 00:17:21 Yeah. So you would never buy these things, but some people will get it for you. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and you'll sport it. Great. But not to interrupt you, the kid likes Speaker 1 00:17:28 The jellyfish. Speaker 2 00:17:29 <laugh>. Yeah. Oh my, my kid used to play at my Apple watch all the time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I was like, oh, okay, good. I got five minutes to to nap. <laugh>. I get it. Five. But listen, my whole thing is that they're applying this tech in the wrong place. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, and I'll tell you this right now. And there's not anyone who would be against me. Imagine a fucking VR headset for when you're working out, for when you're riding your bike or you're on a treadmill. Something where you can immerse yourself and be a part of it where it's not just something that you're trying to get away from. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I don't wanna be in a headset connected to my fucking endless emails. Endless texts, endless fucking phone calls. What would be Speaker 1 00:18:05 Dope? Want to like really augment reality? Speaker 2 00:18:07 Oh, imagine if you can like be on a row machine. Thank you bp. If I could be on a row machine with my fucking visor on mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I can just row up Lake fucking pal if I can, if they can scan my house every fucking six months to where there's a picture of me walking my fucking dog on my block and I know exactly when Google took this satellite image of me mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there could be a way where I can put on your stupid fucking $3,500 headset and work out and be in good health. Like, take care of these fucking people. They're applying it in the stupidest fucking way. Ah, I get, I get emotional. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:18:42 Well it's like, I think what it's the next step is like, you need to leave your house. And it doesn't seem like that's where we're at. Like, you have, you, you clearly have to be in one place. Speaker 2 00:18:50 It's, I would fucking love to be on my fucking stationary bike and go connect my fucking headset and then ride down, like, or be a part of the Tour de France mm-hmm. <affirmative> and just fucking sitting there and bike and be coming last place and be like, it was cool. <laugh>, I got to look around instead of $3,400, make it $500. Put the e put, like, put the extra three K in these giant blowers that blow wind at me. So it looks like I'm rowing very fast. Like there's there like imagine, uh, watching the Saints game from the field. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like just putting it on your fucking head. And I'm, they might be going in this direction. Speaker 1 00:19:29 I wanna be, I would, I want the zip cam footage. I just wanna be zipping around. How cool Speaker 2 00:19:33 Would that be if you get to be the zip cam? You're like, yes, this is awesome. Speaker 1 00:19:36 That would be a really rad, like NFL ex, like you get to unlock the, the camera. So you get to pick what Cameron to watch that came at. Oh my God. But any like, I think so are we the people that are, like, when the iPhone presentation came out, it's like, let's just do stupid phone. Why would anybody want to, are we the people that, like when the i when the I watch came out, it's like, it's just a watch. Like Yeah. Which side of history are we gonna be on? Are we part of the, are we gonna the Google glass or are they gonna be the iPhone? Speaker 2 00:19:57 I'm gonna be the, I'm gonna be the Google Glass guy. Uh, cuz I remember like, that's what I'm saying. When the iPhone first came out, I was like, it blew my fucking mind. It Speaker 1 00:20:04 Like, it, everyone I saw was like this, when is, this is something amazing wet. Like, but also the price was outrageous. Like it didn't work. So all the, all the things that were there, but at the same point, like it was revolutionary. Like even just looking at it, it saves value. It's like, wow, this could do a lot. Yeah. That we don't have right now. I just don't think, I don't think these glasses offer that. Speaker 2 00:20:24 I, I swear Speaker 1 00:20:25 For, for extra computing, you know, for computing at the house. Speaker 2 00:20:27 No, I get it. I get it. I get it. I mean, I, I hope they don't apply this to driving. Have you, have you seen augmented reality in cars where they put like the speedometer on the windshield? No, Speaker 1 00:20:36 Not yet. Oh Speaker 2 00:20:37 Man. Though. Speaker 1 00:20:37 That's straight up. I order report stuff. Speaker 2 00:20:39 Oh dude, that's crazy. Like, imagine some guy smashing into a building cuz he was watching porn on his windshield in traffic. Oh my God. Speaker 1 00:20:45 Yeah. Imagine. Uh, Speaker 2 00:20:46 Yeah. That's never happened anywhere. Weird. Speaker 1 00:20:48 Weird. Red lights are long sometimes I don't wanna tell you. Speaker 2 00:20:51 Hey, if you can, if you can rub one out at a red light, fuck my hat goes off to you. Speaker 1 00:20:56 Not a fucking freak. Not well, but I'm just saying. Speaker 2 00:20:59 I would say a mutant <laugh>, you know, Speaker 1 00:21:01 <laugh>, like, Speaker 2 00:21:03 I wouldn't, I wouldn't demonize you, but I'd definitely let you know you're different <laugh>, you're Speaker 1 00:21:06 A really shitty way for the signals to find you <laugh>. You couldn't come in 30 seconds on his cough <laugh> Speaker 2 00:21:13 Like, oh god damn. That's your music mutant power. Yes. You can't teleport you don't have laser eyes, you don't have healing abilities or it's super smell. Or you can't fly. But you can fucking come in 30 seconds no matter what. Speaker 1 00:21:25 Only in a vehicle though. Speaker 2 00:21:27 Only <laugh>. Now that's getting too specific. He's fucking mutant. Uh, that's getting too specific. Oh man. Oh shit. Oh yes. I wanted to talk to you about this. Yeah. Speak Speaker 1 00:21:36 Speaking, speaking of mutants motor Speaker 2 00:21:38 Vehicles and motor vehicles. Um, so we talked about in the podcast, Speaker 1 00:21:43 <laugh>. I had not. So, all right. So Speaker 2 00:21:44 Have you not Speaker 1 00:21:45 Seen this yet? I've not seen this video, so Speaker 2 00:21:46 It's, oh my God. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:21:47 So hit up. So what, what's the setup for this? Speaker 2 00:21:49 So the setup is apparently a guy, um, has been robbing a store. <laugh>, he's been robbing a Dollar General. Oh. So like, this is like a dollar store with various items that might be four or $5. Uhhuh <affirmative>, he's been, apparently he's been accused, allegedly been robbing this place since shoplifting time after time and time after time. Speaker 1 00:22:10 And so the Dollar General sent out a dollar mercenary and hit him on his bike. Speaker 2 00:22:14 So that's what you would think. That's what you would think. So what I ended up happening is this guy is spotted loading, loading up a basket, walking out of the store, stealing a bunch of shit, putting his basket on his bike, and a cashier who have seen this dude. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> allegedly got so fed up, she chased him in her fucking Honda. In her fucking crv. Speaker 1 00:22:33 Yeah. She Speaker 2 00:22:34 Chased this motherfucker. And then, and Speaker 1 00:22:36 Pit maneuvers him in like all of his, like, this Speaker 2 00:22:38 Dude is on a bicycle, not a bike like a motorcycle. He's on a bicycle. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And she pulls into a driveway to try and cut him off and Speaker 1 00:22:47 Just, oh shit. She is fucked up. She Speaker 2 00:22:49 Is. She threw, Speaker 1 00:22:50 She threw that bike like it was fucking nothing. So she Speaker 2 00:22:52 Gets out of the car and starts to like, grab some of the shit to throw in her car cuz mm-hmm. <affirmative>, he hits, she hits this dude and shit goes everywhere. Luckily the guy was okay, he gets up. No, Speaker 1 00:23:01 I mean, it was like, Speaker 2 00:23:02 It was a bad, bad hit. Speaker 1 00:23:03 It was a perfect stunt. Like, she hits this dude and all of his shit goes flying. Whoever's ring Cam has two angles of this shit. Yeah. <laugh>. It is, uh, it's great. I mean, you know, it's, uh, so apparently she, so she got fired for this because she Speaker 2 00:23:17 Got fired as, as a GoFund means she, to like this thing. She said she was wrongfully terminated, but she attempted to kill a guy with $30 worth of shit in a basket. She's, Speaker 1 00:23:26 She's going fi she ain't kill him. She bumped him. Dude, Speaker 2 00:23:28 Imagine if it's Speaker 1 00:23:30 A, it's a assault. It Speaker 2 00:23:31 It, dude, imagine if like his wheel real Speaker 1 00:23:32 Assault. Speaker 2 00:23:33 Imagine if his wheel like went under the car and he just smacked his head on the pavement. Speaker 1 00:23:37 But it didn't, she tapped him in all of his, all of his hilariously colored food items. He is literally, he's got like a green stuff. Orange stuff. Blue stuff. Yeah. Low, low stuff. Speaker 2 00:23:45 I see. I see a giant bag of sun chips in there. You don't need a giant bag of SunChips. It's Speaker 1 00:23:51 Like the reason, it's so like, alright, obviously a guy hitting, getting hit with a bike, it like, he pops up and he's, he's talking shit immediately. But like, it's so funny because his cart is full with a comical amount of stuff that Oh, it's, it all explodes like a goddamn rainbow all over this person Speaker 2 00:24:05 Driveway. It's, yeah, there's Gatorade, there's shampoo. I think that's a bottle of melatonin actually. Speaker 1 00:24:09 It's like some Uncrustables like, Speaker 2 00:24:10 Oh my God. Oh, he's gotta squeeze it. Speaker 1 00:24:12 He's got that blue Gatorade's Speaker 2 00:24:14 A Mountain Dew. I'm pretty sure that's a bat. Like right there in the top next to that red bottle rolls <laugh>. That's like, I know that, that's like the, uh, the, uh, what is this? The white bag with the, the, it's got like the lady stripes on it. The red, uh, it's uh, salt and vinegar chips. The red, that Speaker 1 00:24:28 White bag. Oh, hers. Speaker 2 00:24:29 Yeah, the hers chips. Yeah, that's, yeah. So like, first of all, where's he going? Where they got hers chips? I haven't seen that shit in a minute. Dollar Speaker 1 00:24:35 General's got a good variety. They got it. Look at all the snacks he has. It might as Speaker 2 00:24:39 Well be a cvs, but he's got Speaker 1 00:24:40 At least whoof 30, $30 worth of snacks. So who's Speaker 2 00:24:43 Like, but who's at fault here? It's like, obviously she can't be chasing people down. She's obviously going through some shit where she made, like, think about the what? She went look her. Speaker 1 00:24:53 Throw this mic. Oh, Speaker 2 00:24:54 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:24:54 She throws that like a fucking, it's my kid's bike, Speaker 2 00:24:57 Dude. She, she got up there and starts taking shit. She throws her bike out. She starts screaming at him. He throws a bottle at her and like, she's like, I'm taking all this shit. Fuck you. Fuck you. Oh man. But like, here, the thing is how Speaker 1 00:25:12 His look if you want, Speaker 2 00:25:13 Is this a failure of the company to protect its employees? Is this somebody being just overzealous? It's, Speaker 1 00:25:18 It's all of the above. It is. Uh, because like, we, you know, alright, he gets hit by the bike. The first thing he does is he starts poking his shit together. Look, his first thing he does is not like, he doesn't ro No, I got hit by a bike. His first thing is I need to get my shit together and leave. Yeah. Like, he's not like, look at him watch, because he, he like, he's trying to get shit together and fucking book dude. Speaker 2 00:25:39 He grabs his, the, like, literally you are correct. He gets hit by the car, he puts his hands on the ground to soften his blow. Once the blow is done, he pushes himself up, reaches for a Gatorade. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> reaches for a pack of G. Yeah. <laugh>. He Speaker 1 00:25:54 Is not trying to protect himself. He's trying to get his shit so he can leave the scene of the crime and look that obviously he's in the wrong and she's in the wrong too. It, it's a hilarious way for a guy to, to, you know, to be stop shuffled. That she should not have hit him with a car. This Speaker 2 00:26:07 Is like dark comedy. Like, Speaker 1 00:26:08 I mean, I, it's like, these are two, I did laugh a lot at it. Speaker 2 00:26:11 This is, these are two vulnerable people. Like the Speaker 1 00:26:13 Fact, wait, fuck yes. All right. Alright. Find the way to pop my bubble. Guys. Fuck your bubble Speaker 2 00:26:18 <laugh>. Like, fuck your bubble <laugh>. If these were, I'll be honest, this is where my racism comes in, Uhhuh. This is it. If I saw this shit with two white people in Florida, wouldn't give a fuck. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'd be sitting there telling you not to pop my bubble. I'd be giggling and laughing, making salt jokes. But when I see two people of color going through this shit, for some reason this hits different. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and I, I don't know how to explain that to everybody out there. If you're white and you're listening to this, you'll never understand. But it's just one of those things where like, how the fuck are both these people? Like, this woman had a fucking job. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, she had a job. She's not going to make any money if she fucking catches this dude. She foils him. She brings this stuff back. Speaker 2 00:26:55 This is not gonna, it doesn't matter. This company doesn't notice or give a fuck. She might get a plaque, you know, maybe a Saturday off a birth, a pizza party at the fucking office. But she think about what she went through. This dude stole something. She's like, oh fuck, I'm gonna get my keys. I'm gonna get my car. I'm gonna back out of my spot. I'm gonna drive up there. This motherfucker is, I'm gonna yell at him. I'm gonna turn down this street. I'm gonna pull in front of him and cut him off. And she hit him. She didn't say, oh shit, I'm sorry. She got out of the car and slammed her shit. I talking shit immediate. She was like, you motherfucking bitch. Speaker 1 00:27:26 <laugh>. That's the thing is like, I, I obviously, I can't understand completely what you're coming from, but I do go, he's stealing from a Dollar General, obviously this, this dude's been doing it a few times. So much the p the fact that she got pissed to, you know, and lost rational thought. You think it's like, no, you should not get in your car. I've, I've seen people I've seen, like literally, you know, a couple weeks ago it was at Target, like, you know, close to closing. Some dude walked out with it with a chopping cart, security guard's. Like, it's not worth the night in jail. Dude. <laugh> and know, know what they did. That's it. They said, it's not worth it. Night in jail, dude. And he pushed that chopping cart across fucking Laga, uh, and then ran away with an arm full of shit. Like, dude, that's what, that's what you're trained to do. Speaker 2 00:28:02 <laugh>. I've seen, I've seen someone try to run away with a cart, like of groceries out of the, uh, the Albertson's, the cart's lock. Speaker 1 00:28:10 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, Speaker 2 00:28:11 I'm watching this dude flip over his cart. I didn't realize what happened. I just see this fool running. I'm like, oh shit. Who's chasing him? And he just flips over his cart because the fucking wheels lock. He's like, and tries to like pick it up and trips everything everywhere I've seen, I've got back in my car and I'm like, I'll Instagram. I've Speaker 1 00:28:27 Seen more people attempt or straight up shoplifted at Albertson as in all of the rest of my life combined. Yes. Speaker 2 00:28:33 I, and I've shoplifted from Albertson's. <laugh>. I have been on, I'm not gonna tell you what age I was by this Speaker 1 00:28:38 Happened. I can tell you what it wasn't in the state because Albertson's in Louisiana too. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:28:42 <laugh>. Ooh. That's some international crime across the state lines. Yeah. Well, not international, but Yeah. Multi-state. Oops. Yeah. Uh, so yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, like, even this other dude going into Dollar General stealing chips and juice, like, Speaker 1 00:28:58 And it wasn't, he stole like a lot of stuff. Yeah. It was like, I was joking, but it, it was like a decent amount of shit. If he Speaker 2 00:29:04 Came, like, imagine if he came outta there with like formula and diapers and pens and paper and like mm-hmm. <affirmative> fucking water and bread. And like, he came out there where you're like, God damn, this fool is struggling. He'd be like, okay. But like, nobody needs a bag of sun chips. That big <laugh>. Like, you ain't struggling. Yeah. Come on. You know, like, yeah. Like, and, and you go into a place multiple times. Like, come on bro. Speaker 1 00:29:25 But the thing is like, you, like you are right. Like, these are two people and, and she's working at Dollar General and she lost her job at Dollar Dollar General. That's a, that's a shit place to be in. Bro. Stealing from a Dollar General is a shit place to be in. But I think it was pretty funny when with the car and all this shit fell out. Speaker 2 00:29:43 It was funny. And we did watch it multiple times. It wasn't us. Like, Speaker 1 00:29:46 That wasn't, the thing is like, Blaine wasn't repeating it. Whatever inside edition clip that you played, like, they played it, uh, three dozen times. Dude, in that 80, you know, in that 92nd fucking, they, Speaker 2 00:29:55 They lean into it. They're, they had the same reaction we're having right now. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> before it went to air. Before it went to air. I'm like, sometimes journalists are so goddamn ruthless. Oh, we were just talking about this earlier in the pod. Like you heard about, uh, this Lauren Bobber missing the boat. Oh yeah. And like, yeah, yeah. Claim, like she, she's like, Speaker 1 00:30:12 I was making a stance. She's Speaker 2 00:30:13 Like, I was making a stance cuz they won't let me do my job. And like, she's such a li like, I knew that bitch in high school and that's where it ended. Like everybody grew out of that stage except for this woman who was just like the youngest Karen in America. Like, just the way she talks. But like, apparently they were supposed to vote. Um, what was the bill? I forgot the fucking Speaker 1 00:30:32 Bill. It was for the debt ceiling. Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:30:34 <affirmative>. Yeah. So Lauren pretending she was pretending over, like she, you know, was taking a stance and she was there. She would've voted known. So she had to abstain and didn't show. And like, a minute after she fucking came out with this statement, this fucking producer from I c Snbc, it's like, it's just hot mic, hot footage. Speaker 1 00:30:56 Like Yeah. Someone had the camera still rolling. Speaker 2 00:30:58 Somebody had the camera rolling and they just sent this sh it went viral clip of her running on Capitol Hill being like, oh no, you missed it. You missed the vo. She's like, oh, is it finished? Is it finished? Is done? Is it done? And just running up the steps in her little blazer and like, it's, Speaker 1 00:31:11 It like, if you go to the airport, you see that run anytime someone's late to the gate. Oh, my, I know that that is the run. She was doing the, I'm late for my flight. I need to get, except, you know, it was floating for like, Speaker 2 00:31:22 Important. She was smashing in those heels though. I like, I'm gonna give credit where credit's due upstairs in heels, in that little skirt. She was fuck. Like, Speaker 1 00:31:31 Yeah, look at her. Oh wow. Speaker 2 00:31:32 Those are, oh, they're mine. They're wedges. They're wedges. They're wedges. They're skipping steps. Yeah. Like, you could like big up to her. Like, I'll tell you right now, right about where she is right now. Like, all you can see is about nine steps. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I would've been gased. I would've been like, whoops. Speaker 1 00:31:46 I mean that Yeah. There's those, there's a, there's a couple steps at the Capitol. Dude, I, I think 50. I think it's one for each day. I, Speaker 2 00:31:52 I wish there was some footage of her like, running into the chamber. Just like, like, wait, where you bid Speaker 1 00:31:58 Lauren <laugh>? I wanna see the edit of all the footage together. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:32:01 <laugh>. Oh man. Journalists are fucking ruthless. I, I we need him. I am all about it. Holy shit. Is that Jen? Uh, Paki. Jen Paca. Pasi. Speaker 1 00:32:12 I'm unfamiliar. Speaker 2 00:32:13 Uh, she used to be the white ho, uh, white House correspondent, uh, for Biden. Oh. And now she's on c That's usually how it goes, Speaker 1 00:32:20 Ms. Yeah. That's Speaker 2 00:32:21 Usually how it goes. Gateway. Speaker 1 00:32:22 It's gate, it's a gateway job per Yeah. You either Speaker 2 00:32:23 Go to Fox or you go to CNN Governor. Yeah. Or you become a governor of North Dakota. <laugh> some shit Speaker 1 00:32:30 Even worse. Arkansas Speaker 2 00:32:32 Dude. Like these governors throwing out these laws right now that are not hurting, like these statement laws. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, Montana's like, we're not letting anybody from China buy up any land. And you're like, Speaker 1 00:32:44 Oh yeah. It was the same. I think they, they banned, uh, TikTok too. It's like hand in hand deal. Cause it's like a, like a stance against China. It's Speaker 2 00:32:51 This whole stance against China. And like, I am pretty sure China was like the first country, like, Chinese people were like, the first people ri like are named in a federal law, like constitution, like openly discriminated against. And I think it was like a hundred years ago, <laugh>. I honestly think it was like a hundred years ago. That was the first time it happened. I have to get more information on this, but this whole like performative law making is ugh. It's fucking disgusting. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's fucking like having a dude put out a law that's like, uh, forbids teachers from grooming kids and then gets locked up for fucking a 14 year old. Yeah. Is so we gotta be more vigilant. Like, we got somebody's gotta say something. We gotta do something. We're just sitting out here complaining about it. We gotta do something <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:33:39 I mean, like, uh, it's, I don't Speaker 2 00:33:41 Wanna upset you. You're in a good mood. When you came in here <laugh>, you were in a good mood when you came in here. You were watching Spider-Man. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:33:47 Was feeling good about that. Speaker 2 00:33:49 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Shit on your parade. <laugh>. No, Speaker 1 00:33:54 I mean, it's like, it, it, it's not a new tactic. It's like, it's, it's, it's a tactic as old as, uh, you know, people have been using politics to hurt other people. Oh yeah. It's like, oh, there's a bad guy. Let's make laws against this person. Or like, fucking the Simpsons. Uh, yeah. <laugh>. Let's, let's, let's tax, you know, we gotta have that. Everything Speaker 2 00:34:13 Comes back. Speaker 1 00:34:14 Whatever those, that those bear, you know, that one bear went a rampage, so they had to like, make the bear squad and bear tax and all that shit for a non-existent problem. Like that is, that's it. That's all they're doing is making, using money and wasting resources for non-existent problems. It's Speaker 2 00:34:29 Fucked up. Because Speaker 1 00:34:30 It's what? Because it's what keeps 'em, it's like, oh, well, like, if you're afraid of this, like, oh, you're afraid of ghosts. Well, I hate ghosts. <laugh>. I hate ghosts so much. Vote for me. Speaker 2 00:34:39 <laugh>. Oh, that's good stuff. Speaker 1 00:34:42 That's it. Like, that's it. Speaker 2 00:34:43 Oh man. I, that's, uh, <laugh>. Like, just so I, I'm wanna let you know the where my, my whole mind went is just picturing someone on Capitol Hill with like a blank. Like, they went to get this whole board <laugh>. They have it there. They're like, do you see this? Of course you don't. It's a ghost. It's a ghost. And it's coming for you and your kids. It's gonna tell, it's gonna this woke ghost. Yeah. I, I'm picturing like how they're Speaker 1 00:35:09 Already in the schools slamming doors, moving chairs, <laugh>, they're in bars, knocking over glasses. Speaker 2 00:35:15 I would imagine if the Ghostbusters was like a government agency. Oh my God. I would say that the sa that's like what the space force is though. But just so you know, I hate the Space Force. I think it's something that the Air Force already is there. We can just put money towards it. We have nasa, but for anybody who thinks that we're alone in this universe, whoever, anybody who thinks that the government hasn't like acquired alien tech. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. If you think that there's something that's not, like, that's not of this world that isn't sitting in a fucking lab, in a bunker under the planet, like under the ground right now, you're kind of crazy. Like conspiracy theories are conspiracy theories. But to believe not one conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> meta. Hashtag meta. Like the fact, like, think about it. Speaker 2 00:36:01 If you were to put out a conspiracy theory mm-hmm. <affirmative>, uh, there's an episode of The Office when a rumor gets out that, uh, Stanley is cheating on his wife. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So what is the first thing Michael does? Like, what is he the vice that they give him? Why don't you start a bunch of other rumors nobody will know are true and nobody will start, everybody will start arguing with each other. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That is ex that's the old talk about the oldest thing, like about politics. Fucking, oh shit. I pissed the bed. You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna break a window, push the cabinet down the hall. <laugh>, maybe ask if somebody heard an earthquake. No one's gonna be asking about the piss on the bed. Like, it's just the old fucking tactic. Ah, Bo it bothers me. What Speaker 1 00:36:40 Were we talking about? UFOs? Speaker 2 00:36:41 I, I think so. <laugh>, but I think it's time We take a break. We're getting we're There's a lot off. There's a lot off the microphone. I gotta talk to you about. I can Speaker 1 00:36:48 Talk about UFOs. Oh, we Speaker 2 00:36:50 Can talk about u. Oh, we're gonna come back with some UFOs. God damnit. All right. Anyway. You guys sit tight. This is papa. Don't preach. We'll be right back. And we are back. Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to Papa and pre nice little break. Speaker 1 00:37:17 So, like I was talking about, like with the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment, it's a very similar situation with people that are like gun nuts. <laugh>, where it's like, if the government wants to take your gun, the government has drones. They can take your gun in time. They want Yes. <laugh>. So we have a space force. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:37:31 <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:37:32 These beings have traveled through space and time to find gravity as we know it. <laugh> and our space force is gonna stop 'em. Speaker 2 00:37:39 Our, our, our space force will stop 'em. Okay. <laugh>. Thank you very much. Speaker 1 00:37:43 So, I mean, it's, it's a waste of time and money ultimately because the aliens probably are here. And if they are here, they're here. They got here, Speaker 2 00:37:50 They got here. Speaker 1 00:37:51 We can't, we could barely get to the moon. D Speaker 2 00:37:54 Think about like, if we are just, we Speaker 1 00:37:55 Could, we like, getting to Mars is a one way death trip to us. Speaker 2 00:37:59 <laugh>. We can't even send shit to Mars. No. Like, every time we send something somewhere, it comes back mangled. These are, it doesn't even come Speaker 1 00:38:05 Back. These are, these are things that have traveled across light years is we can't even observe with our fucking telescopes that we have. Speaker 2 00:38:12 It's, it's crazy that aliens can come here unnoticed and we're thinking like, yeah, we're the shit, we're the smartest on this planet. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like Jesus Christ. So yeah. Speaker 1 00:38:21 I don't think we need a space force. No, Speaker 2 00:38:24 No. I think we Speaker 1 00:38:24 Need a space love, man. Hey, even then, I think they're, I think they're beyond there. They're like, look at those fucking assholes with their music and their love <laugh>. Fuck off. Just have they killed, have they killed themselves yet? Yet? They, they just check in. Like, no, they haven't killed themselves yet. Speaker 2 00:38:37 Survived. Yeah. If you look at every alien invasion movie, people are the bad guy. We're sitting around here fucking around like the day the earth stands still, like fucking, uh, arrival, independence Day. We're the bad guys. Every other, per every other RA thing that's coming, here's like, oh shit. They're based on survival. We're like, yo, we have to find a place where we can survive. We're like, eh, eh, we're pouring fucking beer on our consoles. Like, eh, we're gonna party until it's like, it's 1999. Fuck it. We'll put a hole in the zone. Speaker 1 00:39:07 It's like, okay. We were just gonna briefly talk about UFOs. This is briefly, this is one briefly Speaker 2 00:39:12 Solid Speaker 1 00:39:12 U f o point. Uh, abduction stories, uh, encounters with UFOs. Yes. People that talk and see the Virgin Mary, a lot of those same messages are all about how we need to protect the earth and how the earth needs to be saved. Yes. Speaker 2 00:39:27 Okay. I think that is Speaker 1 00:39:28 A very interesting point that these aliens want to want us to know. That's like, Hey, hey guys, this is what you have and if you fuck it up, you're done. Uh, and I think that is pro, you know, not to be all fucking hippie dippy, but I think that's the, that's the point of like what aliens are here to do. It's like, life in this universe is very, very rare. It's clear. Yes, we have telescopes could see so much shit in this world and life is not one of 'em. <laugh>. So these things that got here are like, Hey guy, hey, hey, I see you got the Adam bomb now. Um, <laugh>. Oh fuck. How about you don't use that <laugh>? Because when you do, you're gonna destroy everything that has a, a sentience that could write songs in poems and cure cancer and make it to space. So, you know, don't do that. So I think that's a com. I think that's an interesting common message of all U f o in a lot of religious sightings, which I think are probably u f o sightings too, if we're getting to getting real weird with it, you know. Well, my Speaker 2 00:40:24 Answer to my, my, my rebuttal, my counterpoint is don't trade all me brother <laugh>. That's it. Don't, don't, don't trade all Lou for me. Don't trade on me. But yes. Anyway, UFOs, um, reason I wanted to talk to you mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what we have going here is that we are here, sitting here on Father's Day Eve. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:40:42 Nice segue. Speaker 2 00:40:44 Segue. We couldn't come Speaker 1 00:40:45 With anything. So here we are. Speaker 2 00:40:46 Here we are. Uh, it has been well documented that out of every single holiday, any celebrated day in this country, father's Day is among the worst <laugh>. It is just the afterthought. It's the worst that you could do. Like Father's Day is the only day, like when it's Mother's Day, you know, they got what you can do for your mother to pamper and love and everything. Like Mother's Day is when you take care of your mom, she doesn't have to do shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we all pay our tips, tip our hats to your mom. That's it. Father's Day, it's, you know, people are giving you grilling equipment so you can grill. They're throwing parties at your fucking house. So you have to clean up after that. Like, father's Day is get to work, dad. It's like, mom does everything. Fuck you, dad. Speaker 1 00:41:30 It's, yeah. I mean like a lot of like, it's a lot of obligation. Speaker 2 00:41:34 It's terrible. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:41:36 Uh, and that, that is very good about like, whatever I want to do. And she knows that whatever I want to do is not, involves doing a whole lot. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:41:43 <laugh> like, I, I, I was looking on this list, uh, we have one of those listicles to look at the like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Top 10 things to do on Father's Day. And it looked like a guide for ways to ruin your dad's One Sunday. <laugh>. It's like, that's, that's all it was. It's like, take the kids camping. Was Speaker 1 00:42:04 Ax throwing on there? What, Speaker 2 00:42:05 What ax take your kids camping. <laugh> throwing ax at your kid. Maybe, but I was like, go to the picnic at a local park. What <laugh> set up a barbecue. Fire up the old grill. Excuse me. Speaker 1 00:42:19 Just Saturday. Like, like gimme something else. Wait, what Speaker 2 00:42:21 Are you talking about? Yeah. What are you talking about? It was like, take the family to a movie. Are you shitting me? Nah, I Speaker 1 00:42:27 Don't want that. Want me Speaker 2 00:42:28 To drop a hundred dollars on the family to go. Speaker 1 00:42:31 I will have to leave early because they will be yelling at some point. Like, Speaker 2 00:42:35 It's like Speaker 1 00:42:35 Definitely by them. Possibly by me. Speaker 2 00:42:38 And like, I definitely don't want breakfast in bed. That's the worst thing. I think breakfast in bed is the worst I get. I Speaker 1 00:42:42 Don't like food in my bed. I Speaker 2 00:42:43 Do not like food in my fucking bed. Speaker 1 00:42:45 I like food in my bed at all. I don't Speaker 2 00:42:46 Want whatever monstrosity my child would make for me in my bed. Mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:42:50 <affirmative>, Speaker 2 00:42:50 Everything would be sticky. Fill up the cup all the way to the rim. Just fucking rattling it over to me. No, Speaker 1 00:42:55 I've seen, like, I've seen Miles, crack eggs. He does this. Speaker 2 00:42:59 Oh, he's a, he's an egg smasher. Yeah. I got one Speaker 1 00:43:01 Of those. He's not good. He's not good. Speaker 2 00:43:03 <laugh>. Oh, I Ozo cracks it and then looks away and squeezes the show. <laugh> and Speaker 1 00:43:09 Almost, Speaker 2 00:43:10 You know, it's been a big thing about trying to get him to keep his eyes open when he is doing things cuz everything fucking terrifies him. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So like, you know, we get the bubbles and he'll like go to put the bubbles like Yeah. <laugh>. Like, he just overhand swings the bubble maker over his head while looking down with his eyes tightly closed. <laugh>, uh, it's, it one of those things. Speaker 1 00:43:28 I'm about sneak up on you though. Speaker 2 00:43:29 I I What are some of the like, like, so do you remember the, I guess what would be the best gift that you could think of that you got your dad? Or do you remember the last gift that you got your dad? Speaker 1 00:43:41 That's a tough one. Yeah, it is a tough one. Um, like, I, I think I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Father's Day dad would, usually, he'd, he'd either cook cuz he always likes to cooking and I feel the same way. I usually do like, Speaker 2 00:43:52 You're part of the problem. I know you are part of the fucking, oh, he likes to cook, so just let him cook. Speaker 1 00:43:56 But no, like, he'll vi like this is like, he just something like he does like, Hey, I'm doing this. That's an Speaker 2 00:44:00 Escape. He's like, I know how to cook. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm gonna volunteer myself cooking before my rat bastard kids wrote me into something I don't want to do. Thinking I'll like it. Speaker 1 00:44:08 I mean, he, I was gonna say, he usually just plays golf. Like that's what he used to do as kids. Like, that was his, that was his Father's Day was not be around Speaker 2 00:44:15 Us. That was the number one. Yeah. Uh, that was the number one thing that to do was like, Hey, take a day of yourself and go golfing. I was like, <laugh>. That's what dads do. That's, I do Speaker 1 00:44:24 A little, I do a little disc golf. Did you ever play disc golf? Speaker 2 00:44:27 I have. And like did Speaker 1 00:44:28 You play Max? Speaker 2 00:44:29 I did. I'll tell you something. We went when we were traveling all over for work. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we got into disc golf. Yeah. And it was great. Just cuz like, it's not like a huge California thing. There's a couple places here in la but it's kind of Speaker 1 00:44:40 Wild. There's courses everywhere. Speaker 2 00:44:41 There's courses everywhere. So every place we would go, like we'd set up a nice day and go disc golfing. So it was cool. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> the first day I like went recreationally was the first, like when I wasn't traveling with a bunch of crew and like had this big team. Yeah. And it was fun. Like the first time I did it with like a couple guys, I, it was like, uh, it was like painfully white <laugh>. Like it hurt my d n a <laugh> like the shit I witnessed, the things that I was doing. I was like, mm, this is, you know, yo, this is why I draw. Did Speaker 1 00:45:13 Jimmy Buffett just start playing outta nowhere? What's going on here? Speaker 2 00:45:17 I was like, I draw the line. This is where I draw the line. Like, you lost me here. I, I, it's still hanging up everywhere I've moved and it never makes its way inside. It's just this bag. I have all my disc, I still have my Frisbees <laugh>. It's sitting out right outside on a fence and it's there. It's been weathered. Like sometimes I'll whip it out and I'll be like, oh yeah, we should go. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I'll throw it up on the stories like, yo, let's go disc golfing. And the guys that reply to me and I'm like, Ugh, I remember why I put this bag down. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:45:45 Like, Speaker 2 00:45:46 It's one of those things I gotta get rid of cuz like, I don't want my kid to see and be like, Hey daddy, would you go disc golf? I'll be like, mm, no. But yes, to answer your question, I've been disc golfing. I, Speaker 1 00:45:56 Uh, Speaker 2 00:45:57 But yeah, you can go <laugh> Speaker 1 00:45:59 So Speaker 2 00:45:59 You can go for Father's Day. I'll come with you. Speaker 1 00:46:01 So you get those discs are up for grabs, huh? Oh, if Speaker 2 00:46:03 You need some disk, we, I'll play a for em. This is how you got roped in. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:46:08 I haven't played for in a long time, but it was, uh, Speaker 2 00:46:10 I'll, I'll throw out my shoulder. I know for a fact Speaker 1 00:46:13 <laugh>, this is makeup a surprise to you. My friend Jamal did not go play with us. What we do <laugh> just golf. I Speaker 2 00:46:19 Really think you keep making up this friend Jamal <laugh>. Yeah. My friend Kyle keeps calling me <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:46:27 Uh, I definitely do have a Kyle too. Speaker 2 00:46:29 I, we all got a Kyle. We all got a Kyle. We all got a Speaker 1 00:46:31 Kyle who I played disc golf with. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:46:34 I'm sure Kyle plays disc golf. Like I, I mean, I'm gonna text him right now. CV text back. Speaker 1 00:46:39 Mike Kyle works for a nature center. He like, he is like a biology, former biology professor. Works at a nature center now. So he definitely plays gif gift golf and is definitely named Kyle. Speaker 2 00:46:48 Uh, hey, I'm gonna text him right now. Uh, should I say Speaker 1 00:46:52 It? I wouldn't do that Sunday. Do you get a couple? Could I just found there's a nine hole by our house in the Baldwin Hills. Really? Speaker 2 00:46:58 Yes. I mean, if it's, if I'm not driving out to the desert or some Speaker 1 00:47:04 <laugh>, get a Speaker 2 00:47:05 Couple. How you roped in, we'll get Speaker 1 00:47:06 A couple white claws <laugh>. That is Speaker 2 00:47:11 Real. I'll get my little, my little dolly cooler. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'll, I'll blast some. Uh, what was it? What's a taken back Sunday? What's a, what's a good AEs? Speaker 1 00:47:19 <laugh>. What? Hey, what do you listen to? <laugh>? Speaker 2 00:47:26 I was just trying to think of like some, some white band Stein. Ros. The boss got it. The boss got it. Thus the boss. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Some visors, short shorts. Couple of claws. Couple of dudes and their weed pens. Wow. Discing away. Speaker 1 00:47:37 I know it's a joke, but Speaker 2 00:47:39 <laugh> it sounds like a great day for you. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:47:41 You Speaker 2 00:47:41 Just, you guys should see Bennett lighten up. <laugh> Speaker 1 00:47:44 Sounds kind of fun. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:47:45 What? Okay, so what, like, truthfully, if I were to get you the best Father's Day gift right now mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like I had all the money in the world. What? Besides getting you a house or a car or some Yeah. Million dollar shit. Like what gift could I get you and be like the perfect Father's Day gift? Speaker 1 00:47:59 I mean, it's kind of like overpriced, but those, those apple goggles look pretty. Speaker 2 00:48:02 Son of a bitch. <laugh>. Son of a bitch. You asshole. Speaker 1 00:48:05 Uh, right now. Hmm. That is tough cuz I, you know, I think, you know, I got most of the, the dumb bullshit that I usually want, I usually purchase. Uh, so that stuff's out. So like, doing something fun, like, I know, like, you know, like doing a disc golf thing. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> would be a fun thing. Cause it's like something I don't do all the time, but like, are like doing, I don't know, like doing a mish board or like one of those like outdoor LA things. Like, Speaker 2 00:48:31 So you either want to cook or you want to eat. Speaker 1 00:48:33 I mean, eating is, I mean, yes, Speaker 2 00:48:34 That's number one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, Speaker 1 00:48:35 <laugh> eating. What I want is usually at the top of that list of like, Speaker 2 00:48:39 I got you. Speaker 1 00:48:40 It's like <laugh>, like last day, <laugh> like last day on Earth. It's like, Hey, hey, hey, what do you wanna eat today, boy? Like, Speaker 2 00:48:47 Get some lobster tail a tomahawk. Speaker 1 00:48:49 Well, you know, you're not really, you're not really dying. So <laugh> Speaker 2 00:48:52 Well, I want to <laugh>. I want to, so if I got a death, death, like my suicide trigger alert for anyone out there would be six Tomahawks in one night. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, six Tomahawks in one night, a bottle of my f your finest Jameson. Um, and then, yeah, that's it. So a lot of weed Speaker 1 00:49:13 Pop up in this fridge and there's a bunch of lobster tails, Speaker 2 00:49:15 You know, it's in the end. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:49:17 Do you wanna talk buddy? <laugh>. See you got some butter melting on the stove, like a lot of butter. Um, this is a good time to talk. Speaker 2 00:49:25 So you would want to like, go somewhere and eat. Is your family with you like a smorgasboard? Is that something you're taking to the kids? Speaker 1 00:49:30 I mean, yeah. We'll put a timer on them. Like, we'll get 'em, get 'em there for a couple hours and say later. Speaker 2 00:49:34 So like, so if, if we were to get like the grandparents, you, your wife to mm-hmm. <affirmative>, a smorgasboard you got to pay for, and you had like a special wristband that you test every mm-hmm. <affirmative> taste everything. And then the grandparents took the kids away, uh, like, you know, two hours in, three hours in, Speaker 1 00:49:48 I think they have like a vinyl Spec Pacific one where I get to like cruiser a bunch of records like this. Get some, get some food, secretly hit a weed pin when no one's looking like that. Sounds like a nice father's day. Okay. Yeah. A na an uninterrupted nap at some point. Oh. Ooh. Speaker 2 00:50:05 Dude, Speaker 1 00:50:05 I watch out World. Speaker 2 00:50:06 So I, I've came, I had this idea. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I had this idea and it's, uh, bear with me. The na the name, the name is, it's a running title if you will mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But basically it's a NA mobile. Mm. It's a NA mobile. And basically what it is, is it's like, almost like a double, uh, like a big coach doubled stairs, bus. It has a bunch of sleeping pods in there. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And what it does is like, you stand in these pods, they slightly tilt so you can fit as many pods as you can on these buses. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they slightly tilt. You can get them the rock, they'll play music. They'll be blackout, uh, temperature controlled, something vibrate, whatever you need. And you just pay to take a nap. Speaker 1 00:50:51 That's all it is. I like that idea a lot. Uh, it's also from Harry Potter. Speaker 2 00:50:56 I have not seen Harry Potter. They have a nap mobile. Speaker 1 00:50:58 There's a point where Harry Potter, uh, gets in a little spot of trouble and he gets picked up by the Night Bus, which is a bus for Wayward Wizards and it's just full of beds. Oh. And it's like a double decker British bus and it picks 'em up. Well, Speaker 2 00:51:10 Mine doesn't fly. And uh, Speaker 1 00:51:11 It drives, it's a bus. It doesn't fly. Speaker 2 00:51:13 Mine's Muggles only though. Speaker 1 00:51:15 Oh. Yeah. This is Muggles. You have to show your wand before you get onto this bus. Exactly. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:51:25 I can see a lot of lawsuits coming Speaker 1 00:51:26 In. <laugh>. No, no. Show me your whole one boy. <laugh>. Oh boy. Speaker 2 00:51:31 You were ready with that reference real quick? I, Nope. Nope. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:51:36 We're just having fun jokes. <laugh> like, fun joke time. What's the next topic? <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:51:44 Well, I was trying to think of my favorite. Speaker 1 00:51:46 It would be a great, like a realistic Father's Day. I mean, you even do wild. Like, like I wanna go to the moon <laugh> if you want. Get dumb ass. But yeah. What do you wanna do for Father's Day? Speaker 2 00:51:55 My, I guess my perfect Father's Day. Um, I don't know, like, maybe I would want to maybe go to like a day spa. Speaker 1 00:52:07 Mm-hmm. Speaker 2 00:52:07 <affirmative>, like, just like, like Speaker 1 00:52:09 Some pampering. Speaker 2 00:52:09 Some pampering. Speaker 1 00:52:10 Pampering is nice. Pampering Speaker 2 00:52:12 Would be good. Like if I can go to like all, like get a, get a nice Manny Petty and a couple massages and sit in a vibrating chair and go into a, an onset or some shit. And then have a really nice dinner. But Speaker 1 00:52:26 I, um, this is, I don't, we've never talked about this before, but like, Mandy and Petty's the right thing to do. Like that's a good, like is Speaker 2 00:52:32 That still a thing where men get shitted on for doing that? I don't that, I mean, Speaker 1 00:52:35 Am I, am Speaker 2 00:52:36 I under a rock? Is a Cause I know they like, oh guys, Speaker 1 00:52:38 Dick, I don't, I I mean, I imagine like, yes. Like, I imagine, yeah. That's not like a, a, a cool masculine thing to do, but like, it's, it's kind of nice to have someone like scrape the shit off your feet and like nails. I like it. Speaker 2 00:52:47 I like it. It's just nothing I've been willing, I've wanted to spend money on in like, the last couple years. I used to get Manny pennies all the time. Yeah. When I was bawling <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:52:55 I was balling. I was just like, I'm alright. I'm gonna get a mani-pedi and then go like, I just remember I was like keeping my shit tight. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then now, you know, I got a kid and I was like, ah, that's, that's an expense I can cut out. Yeah. Like, I'm not trying to drop 50 every 2, 2, 3 weeks mm-hmm. <affirmative> 50 or 60. And I'm like, I don't need that. And like, now, what I would love is one of those, uh, those home pedicure kits where you put your feet in the water. And so I have like Speaker 1 00:53:19 A little You peel it, peel it off. Yeah. Cause Speaker 2 00:53:21 It's like you put your little foot in the stand, it has that little drill that you can go on. Like, have you seen those little grind nail grinders? Speaker 1 00:53:26 No. I have, it's Speaker 2 00:53:27 Like a, a Breville or Speaker 1 00:53:28 Something. I've got a series of like, prison escape files from my feet. But I don't have, I don't have any hardware yet. Speaker 2 00:53:33 Okay. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:53:34 <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:53:36 Do you have one of those toes that are curling under your feet? No. To make like an actual sandal? Speaker 1 00:53:40 No. My feet, uh, are fine as long as I grind them. <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:53:45 Jesus Christ. <laugh>. Dude, I, Speaker 1 00:53:48 No, I just, like, I, they get callous. I got big feet. There's a lot of weight to carry around. They get callousy. That's something, Speaker 2 00:53:53 That's something you gotta teach your sons real early. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> that fucking nail. Like your nail game's gotta be fucking tight. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like my mom drilled that into me and she still didn't, she kind of put it in the wrong way. She would always tell me like, I'd never get a wife if I had fucked up nails. And so, like, once I locked down a chick, I'll just let that shit go <laugh>. You know? So like, Speaker 1 00:54:12 It gets all Guinness World World records up here. <laugh>, Speaker 2 00:54:16 You can hear me coming down the stairs. <laugh>, every apartment I've had, I've never been on the top floor. Be like, these bitches in their heels upstairs. Speaker 1 00:54:25 Is there Raptor? No. No. It'll be just impatient. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:54:31 Clever. A girl. <laugh>. But yeah, I would say like, that would probably be my best. Cuz like, when you look at what's being marketed towards dads mm-hmm. <affirmative> to like, uh, get like, oh, get your dad a cigar. I feel like it's for this one dude in Texas with a wine summer. Speaker 1 00:54:46 It is. I think that was, that was one of the things that, that was occurring to me is it's like, like with moms, it's like you kinda have the blanket of femininity. It's like, give her some flowers. Give her a card. Yep. Give her something to, you know, to rub her feet. Like that's all moms give her lotion. That works for all moms. Yeah. <laugh>. But like, giving a hammer for all dads or whatever, like the mi the masculine equivalent is, it doesn't like give him a lawnmower. Like it doesn't work for all dads. It Speaker 2 00:55:09 Doesn't. It doesn't. But but Speaker 1 00:55:10 Advertisers definitely don't see it that way. Speaker 2 00:55:12 And the problem is, is because there's like such, like, there's only been one picture of what masculinity is, of what like a dad should be. There's only been one fucking picture of it. And the fact that like, the world has been changing, things are getting different. I don't have to build my house with my own two hands. Yeah. Like, the fact of like what a father is and what a father should be is, it's not changing. Like Speaker 1 00:55:36 No, it's, it's virtually Speaker 2 00:55:37 Like, now I do want to dr. Like now I do want to drill. I do want to drill. But that's for my birthday. Well Speaker 1 00:55:42 My wife has all the power tools in the family. Yeah. Sweetheart. I have my side of the garage has comic books and toys. Hers has power tools. Well, Speaker 2 00:55:49 Now, so in my defense, the reason I want drills is cuz I was dropping hints on a drill that I wanted for Christmas. I did not get that drill. No. Not good enough hints. And I gave away my power tools thinking that I was gonna get this drill <laugh>. I was like, I don't need this old ryo being like this, this dumb, uh, <laugh> Milwaukee. I'm like, eh, I'm gonna get rid of this shit. Cause I'm gonna get me a dope two a two set. I'm gonna get something dope. Like everybody I was dropping hits to my brothers, to my girl. Like, I was like, somebody's gonna get me a drill. I did not get a drill. And now I'm using hammers and starters and like my forearm is getting real tough. <laugh>. And it's not from the masturbating. It's not, it's from drilling. No. Speaker 1 00:56:28 That's still at the same level. It's the extra drilling. Yeah. So thank you <laugh>. Speaker 2 00:56:33 Um, but yeah, I, there's one thing that's been marketed to me. Um, it's on, it's on the, uh, it's a targeted ad. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I don't think have, have you seen the, it's now that I mentioned it to you, but we're in close proximity. You start getting it on your ground. It looks like your phone is, uh, the, uh, it's like a grill. Steam clean. Mm. It's like you dip it, you dip this thing in water. There's no metal fibers. There's like this, this like retired firefighter made it with the same canvas. Like it's, it can't be burnt. And it has like, this foam, a super abs absorbent thing that's in it. So you dip it in water, you take it out while your grill's fucking hot, you scrape your grill and it's like a steam clean it just like p and who knows how well it actually cleans, but it does look real cool. Speaker 2 00:57:13 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like steam cleaning it. You scrape it, it smells a scraper on the back. This thing has been showing up everywhere in my algorithms everywhere. It's literally like sports blooper, political nonsense. My friend's cat. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> one booty hole. Yeah. Then a butt. It's always a booty hole. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> fucking, it's te I'm telling you man, Instagram, there's a shelf life for your favorite, uh, fucking accounts. I'll tell you right now. Every account where you're like, Ooh, this is about butterflies in the wild. It's so crazy. Like, there's this person who takes amazing pictures of science projects. Oh great. There's a shelf life. Two years into following that account. It's gonna be science, science booty hole her at is blank. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Science. Science, science. And it's gonna hit you and you're gonna be like, what the fuck? What the hell? Speaker 1 00:57:58 <laugh>. Yeah. E everyone needs an only fans. Even if you've got like a, a fun nature. I wish Instagram, Speaker 2 00:58:04 Wish, I wish I could have an only Na uh, there was like an only fans for dads. I wish dads were as bad as they said that I could just start an only fans of being like an astute father. <laugh> just, Speaker 1 00:58:13 I mean the market I'm sure is out there. Speaker 2 00:58:15 It's like, Ooh, watching his dad, dad pays 60 bucks an hour. Speaker 1 00:58:18 Yeah. Like, I'm sure like, Speaker 2 00:58:20 Take, take it private. Just watch me make some eggs. <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:58:23 Okay, wait a minute. Oh God. Speaker 2 00:58:26 <laugh>. Do we, did we just come up with a million dollar? Are Speaker 1 00:58:29 We starting our only fans? Speaker 2 00:58:30 Only dads.com. Only dads.com. It's like, Speaker 1 00:58:33 We can't mention on Instagram cuz it's against the rules. But you know where we are. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:58:37 You guys know where we are. Only Speaker 1 00:58:38 That time you have some, you know, fatherly advice Speaker 2 00:58:40 Come through. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> come through. I'll even use my dad voice. Get your ass over here. I'm gonna tell you right now. <laugh>, how to diversify your bonds. <laugh>. That's how I use you just gotta use my dad voice. Do you have your dad? Do you have a dad voice? Speaker 1 00:58:58 Yeah. The levels aren't ready for my dad voice. Okay, Speaker 2 00:59:01 Good. Good. It's someone one where Miros like, stop you stop yelling. Speaker 1 00:59:04 Yeah. I can't even, you don't want to hear it? Speaker 2 00:59:05 No, I don't want to hear it. You're such a nice guy. You're such a gentle giant that if I hear it, it's Speaker 1 00:59:10 Cuz like when I pull it out, it stops 'em in their tracks. They, they don't like, but they're like, Speaker 2 00:59:15 Yeah, my kid, my kid does that too, where I, I get real deep. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> gets real loud. It's sharp, it's quick and he's just, just like, oh, he drops everything in his hands. And I'm like, the first time it happened. Are you like, I don't know what to do with this Power Speaker 1 00:59:27 <laugh>. It's definitely a punctuation. Like it's, you know, every once in a while it's me just being a child like them. But mostly it's me like trying to be a, a controlled, like stop everything right now and pay attention to me <laugh>. Because we need to stop what we're doing. Otherwise I'm gonna just jump out the fucking window. Speaker 2 00:59:45 This is where we need to be ranked higher. This is why fathers need to get their due on Father's Day. Like how popular is Father's Day? Like as far, like if you had the list of holidays. I don't think Father's Day is even up in the top 10. Speaker 1 00:59:58 No. Cuz you don't get the day off. So, I mean, why? You don't Speaker 2 01:00:00 Get the But Mother's Day should be right? Like we all have mothers. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, not all of us got dance. I'm telling you that Speaker 1 01:00:06 Right now. <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:00:08 But we all got mothers. Like, I don't know like what the top, like if there was a list of like the top 20 holidays. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Do you think Father's Day would make the list? No. Speaker 1 01:00:18 Really? It's not like a real ho It's not like a ho It's like, it's like a made up thing. It's anything. It's like, Speaker 2 01:00:23 What do you think Mother's Day would make that list? Speaker 1 01:00:25 I think, uh, Ooh. Speaker 2 01:00:27 <laugh>. See it wasn't an essay question. I got you. No, Speaker 1 01:00:30 The thing is like, hey, hey, it's fuck. Let's be real about it. No, it's not a real holiday. Just like Valentine's Day. Not a real holiday. Just like, but Father Day is not a real Speaker 2 01:00:36 Holiday. They might be up there just Speaker 1 01:00:38 Like Memorial Day's. Not a holiday. No. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. That one, that last one shit. Last one was a joke. Speaker 2 01:00:43 Oh shit. Probably Speaker 1 01:00:44 Father's Day. Looks like it's rated number 20. Speaker 2 01:00:46 Wait, get it's rigged. Number 20. Speaker 1 01:00:48 Bank Holidays are real holidays. Let the record state. But like, Speaker 2 01:00:52 So it's ranked number 20. I'll give you, I, I'll, I'll, if you can name me seven holidays right now. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I'll give you 10 bucks. Really? Right now. Seven holidays. Speaker 1 01:01:04 Venmo, Speaker 2 01:01:05 I'll Venmo you 10 bucks. Big holidays Speaker 1 01:01:06 Or legit holidays. Well or legit. They Speaker 2 01:01:08 Gotta be on this list. And before Father's Speaker 1 01:01:10 Day, wait seven. That's it. Five Christmas Thanksgiving, president's Day. Uh, boo <laugh>, Halloween. Um, Speaker 2 01:01:22 I should have put a timer on this cuz This is hilarious. <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:01:26 Well there's the, uh, Memorial Day Veteran's Day. Okay. Labor Day. Uh, what else we got? These Speaker 2 01:01:32 Are all more important than fathers. A lot of people. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. A lot of those. A lot of fathers. Mother died a lot. Speaker 1 01:01:37 <laugh> <laugh>, Valentine's Day. Speaker 2 01:01:41 Okay. All right. So what do we have Father's Day on that list that we have? Speaker 1 01:01:45 Second Secretary Day. Speaker 2 01:01:46 Father's Day is not on that list. No. Is Mother's Day. Speaker 1 01:01:49 Oh, Easter of course. M l k. You forgot m l k. Of Speaker 2 01:01:54 Course you forgot mk. You didn't Speaker 1 01:01:56 Mention it either. Speaker 2 01:01:56 Hey, I didn't ask myself the question. <laugh>. Okay. I blame victim blaming. That's what this is. <laugh> is on here twice. I think one of those is supposed to be Mother's Day or it's actually Milk Day <laugh>. Maybe that's what that list is. On this list that we have here. Martin Luther King Day is on there twice. Is one of them his birthday and is one of them. Martin Luther King Day <laugh>. Because one is Martin Luther King Day and the other one is m l k day. So if it's Milk Day, Speaker 1 01:02:23 I think it'd be great if there were just two and nobody noticed Speaker 2 01:02:25 That. That'd be fucking amazing. Yeah. Since like Speaker 1 01:02:27 2006. Cause you get to blame. No one noticed. Speaker 2 01:02:30 <laugh>. You get to blame everybody on that one. When white people are like, we didn't notice this. There was two black people. Like, well, what do you mean you're trying to take one away? Like motherfucker, you didn't notice either. Speaker 3 01:02:38 <laugh>, Speaker 2 01:02:39 You didn't notice either. Speaker 3 01:02:41 <laugh>, what? Didn't we just have MLK day? What if No, Speaker 1 01:02:44 No. That was Martin Luther King's Speaker 2 01:02:45 Day. Wait, Blaine, what if like, I'm talking, what if we gotta kill Bennett right now? Cause he found out The one black secret we've kept <laugh> is that there's two MLK Day. The Speaker 1 01:02:52 Lights. The lights just shut off. And I hear Jay-Z's voice turn off. Speaker 2 01:02:56 All right you guys. I just turned off. Uh, our other coast microphone right now. <laugh>, welcome to Papa. Don't preach with just ob. No Whites <laugh> Speaker 3 01:03:04 Black. Illumina got me <laugh>. Oh my God. Speaker 2 01:03:09 Is Quincy Jones still running the black Illuminati? Is it still Quincy? He's Speaker 3 01:03:13 Got the big tall hat. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:03:15 I did not vote for Obama. I'll tell you right then. <laugh>. Yo. Have you ever, have you seen the show Bup Kiss yet on Peacock? No. There's a great line on that where he's, uh, Pete Davidson's like watching this chick and he's like, I wanna be a dad. So he is watching this little girl, one of his friends' nieces, like, we're gonna watch her and he loses her at a park. And then she finds him and he's like, yo, you can't run away. Like, what's going on with you? What's wrong with you? And she's like, he's like, I heard everything you said in the car. And he starts yelling at him. He's like, this, this guy never saw Black Panther. And he keeps telling people he did. He's like, what do you mean? I saw Black Panther. I loved it. <laugh>. And he is like, well, Coner forever. And then Da <laugh> David tell is one of the hecklers. He's like, there's no hard iron Wakanda you piece of shit <laugh>. It's the best fucking Speaker 1 01:03:59 Scene. Speaker 3 01:04:00 He's Speaker 2 01:04:00 Like, I love that movie Wanda Forever. Speaker 3 01:04:02 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:04:03 There's no hard iron. Wakanda forever Speaker 3 01:04:06 <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:04:08 It's such a stupid fucking joke. But I find it so fucking funny. Um, but yes, that would be my perfect day. <laugh> Speaker 1 01:04:15 Hard Article Con is pretty funny. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 3 01:04:17 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:04:19 Uh, but yeah, uh, father's Day I think is a fucking joke. I Speaker 3 01:04:23 Hate <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:04:24 You wanna know why I hate Father's Day so much? Not because of my father who was in and outta my life, which is a whole nother podcast. <laugh>. But it's because my birthday, it's my birthday is on the 17th. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So it ends up on Father Day, like every other year. So next year I, it's gonna be on Father's Day. And it's like, how dare you? Yeah. How dare you robbed me? Like I remember being a kid and nobody being able to hang out, couldn't do my parties, couldn't do anything cuz everybody's like, with their fathers. And I was still like, who cares? Yeah. Speaker 1 01:04:53 Who cares? Who Speaker 2 01:04:53 Cares? Like Mother's Day, I get, but like, father's Day. Come on bruh. Speaker 3 01:04:57 <laugh> come on. Speaker 2 01:04:59 Motherfucker is still gonna be there tomorrow. Shit. Huh? <laugh>. I won't <laugh>. Oh, we gotta go Toby's house. He just like bought six Tomahawks. Speaker 3 01:05:08 I think he's going through it. <laugh>. He just asked Speaker 1 01:05:12 Me for like more butter. I don't know, man. We Speaker 2 01:05:15 Gotta get over his house right now. All right. So now I know what you would want for Father's Day. Um, uh, with like friends and families, like, you know, do you say Happy Mother's Day to people who aren't your mother? Speaker 1 01:05:34 Um, yeah. I I'd be one of those like jolly jack offs that would be like, Hey, you're a mom. Happy Mother's Day. Speaker 2 01:05:40 Do you say, do you do that for Father's Day? Uh, yeah, I do not. Yeah. You, I, I realize that I don't say Happy Father's Day to Fathers, but I say Happy Mother's Day to Mothers. Speaker 1 01:05:49 I, uh, I try to give my support to like any parent, especially a dad that's like, going through it. It's like, Hey, I've been, it's like you're doing it. Hey, hey, it's, hey. Yeah, you're doing it. I've been there, man. Like, I at least try to let him know that there's like another dad there that knows how knows what you're going through. I've, it's, I've done that a few times where it's like, yeah. Whew. Speaker 2 01:06:08 I, I see that. I, I saw at Universal Studios the other day when I saw like this one dad who was just, you know, wife was walking ahead, very angrily, <laugh> while dad has every bag imaginable strap to him with one kid's sleep. And another kid who's bummed that he's holding, dragging Behind. And I'm like, God damn bro. Speaker 1 01:06:29 He's doing it. Speaker 2 01:06:30 I, I feel it right now. I feel it. I know what you're going through. I'm sorry <laugh>. It's, uh, one of the things I think that we should tell all fathers, like every single father should know you are appreciated, but not just not that much <laugh>. Like, I want, like you are loved, we appreciate you, you are in our hearts, but you know, you're, you're not you, you're not a mom. <laugh>. But Speaker 1 01:07:01 It's still a Sunday, so we gotta do some stuff. Yeah. <laugh> kids got daycare tomorrow. Speaker 2 01:07:07 Mother's Day should be on a Sunday. Father's Day should be on a Saturday. <laugh>. I I honestly think that Speaker 1 01:07:14 That's a bold statement. Speaker 2 01:07:15 I know I am. I am gonna get fucking shot for this. But if, you know, if you don't, Speaker 1 01:07:20 They Karen Illuminati, he's gonna come after you. Dude, Speaker 2 01:07:22 If I die, just make sure you looking for people with kids <laugh>. Cause I know a couple of the women that'll be at the top of your list. But yeah, I think Father's Day should be on a Saturday, not on a Sunday. It should be the last Saturday of every, every June. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, you know, everything like, every like thing for men should be half off. It should be half off. Cuz men aren't gonna barely buy it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But I just like to know that it is. I'd like to say that. Oh, I'm gonna go get a tv cause it's gonna be half off for Father's Day. Like the Black Friday should be Father's Day. Like imagine like going to the beach because everybody's at fucking Walmart just enjoying your Saturday. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Fuck. Yeah. <laugh>. Fuck. Yeah. That's my shit right there. Speaker 1 01:08:12 I like it. I like the idea of a holiday eclipse where it's like, <laugh>, something else. Eclipses your holiday. Yes. Speaker 2 01:08:18 <laugh>. So Speaker 1 01:08:18 It's like, ah, look at this. Speaker 2 01:08:20 That's what Carmageddon was back in the day. Speaker 1 01:08:22 Oh, back Speaker 2 01:08:23 Oof. Wow. Back in the day. For those of you who are new to Los Angeles, never heard of this or listening outta state. Uh, Carmageddon is when they have to work out. That happened twice. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there was two Carmageddon. We don't know when the next one's coming. Yeah. It's not like something that's scheduled. Speaker 1 01:08:34 No. They, it's like they had to do work on the 4 0 5, which is the busiest freeway, I think if not in the, in the, in the country. The world. Yes. It's like the more cars crash, the CRO crash cross on the 4 0 5 than any other place in Speaker 2 01:08:45 This country. It's insane. There's never not traffic on the, Speaker 1 01:08:47 So on the weekend they shut it off for an entire weekend. Right. It was like, there's like literally like the press dubbed it Carmageddon, Speaker 2 01:08:54 There's carmageddon, there's one lane that's open on the freeway and every exit through the valley in south Los Angeles is closed. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So if you're getting on the freeway, you know you're not getting off that fucking freeway to Long Beach. <laugh>. Yeah. Speaker 1 01:09:05 It's Speaker 2 01:09:06 Lbc. Yeah. It's, it's one of those things just like, it's closed, but everybody, nobody's on the road. Speaker 1 01:09:12 Like over It was an overcompensation because everyone was like, well, I was so afraid of the traffic, so no one did anything. So there was no traffic. It was like, it was like, now the more current reference would be like pandemic traffic. Yes. Speaker 2 01:09:23 Yes. Speaker 1 01:09:24 Oh, that's sweet Pandemic traffic. Speaker 2 01:09:25 No, that pandemic traffic. Like, that's just Speaker 1 01:09:27 Zigzagging on the highway. Like it's the apocalypse. That's Speaker 2 01:09:29 What I want for Father's Day. That's what I want for Father's Day. <laugh>. I want pandemic traffic. Like if somebody, if somebody woke me up in the four morning at 6:00 AM be like, yo, Obie Obie Happy Father's Day and just handed me car keys. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's like, it's pandemic traffic outside <laugh>. I'd be like, it'd be like the first day of snow. I'd be like, yeah, it's Christmas. Are you serious? Yeah. It's like singing the whole, my whole vision be turned into animated content. <laugh>. Hello. Hey, hey. Bum, bum, bum. That would be my whole entire life. I Speaker 1 01:10:03 Would just just drive. Speaker 2 01:10:03 I would just get on the f I would drive down Ventura. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I would drive through downtown Speaker 1 01:10:09 <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:10:10 I'd be, I'd be taken the street through Hollywood and Highland. I know I sound like a, a skit from the Californians, but it's fucking real out here. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I go through the Topanga Pass at five o'clock, I go down PCH in the Santa Monica Speaker 1 01:10:23 All in one hour too. All Speaker 2 01:10:25 It would take me, I'd be done with my day by by 8:00 AM by 8:00 AM I'm done with my day. It, Speaker 1 01:10:32 It's is shocking how small LA is. Damn. Like, how the, the freeways work so well when there's a quarter less pe you know, did quarter people use Speaker 2 01:10:39 It? I mentioned it on this pod before, but that's what I do on Christmas day. On Christmas day, get on my motorcycle and I just drive. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Nobody's out. I just drive. That Speaker 1 01:10:48 Is an la an la treat. Like someone that lives, because a lot of people, most people like live leave. Like, they're not from here. Speaker 2 01:10:54 Oh, it's amazing. I'm Speaker 1 01:10:55 Not from here, but like, I love staying here for that reason. You're, you're part of the problem, <laugh>. I know. I love it. It's great. Bye everybody. See you next year. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:11:07 Oh no, it's, yeah, it's great. Just going over Toole the pass. Talk about white boy Shit with Incubus Plus. Wish you just coming down the hill right at sunset. Fuck yeah, bruh. I said bruh. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's my shit right there. That's my father's day. Speaker 1 01:11:23 Father's Day. Yeah. I'm in. I sign me up for that too. Yeah, Speaker 2 01:11:26 I'm with you. So, all right. You guys saw, you guys heard it here. We're gonna start the push. We're gonna, we're gonna manufacture a carmageddon for next year's Father's Day. It's going to be be on a Saturday. Speaker 1 01:11:35 Some sort of pandemic, some sort of thing to shut down the 4 0 5. Speaker 2 01:11:38 I got you heard it here Speaker 1 01:11:39 First. Uh, F b i <laugh>. Yeah. You Those Speaker 2 01:11:42 Are jokes. Yeah. Nope, they're not. I got some variants here. <laugh>. I live on 29. 29 Alameda in Burbank, California. Bring your bros. Bring your bros. I I Speaker 1 01:11:52 Have not looked in the back of the fridge, so that could be right. Speaker 2 01:11:54 Yeah. I don't give a shit. Don't worry about that address I just gave you. Either. There's somebody I really don't like who's gonna get raided <laugh>. Oh no. But, uh, yeah, let's take a quick break. Uh, but before we go, I do wanna say, put throw out a huge, sincere, happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there. If you're listening and it's your day and you chose to spend it with us, we really appreciate it. But stands the same. You're not as good as the mother in that scenario. Speaker 1 01:12:22 Happy Father's Day. I hope there's no traffic where you are. <laugh> Speaker 2 01:12:27 Papa don't preach. We'll be right back. Speaker 2 01:12:47 Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to Papa. Don't preach. Thanks for sticking around for this podcast. You guys have been amazing. Again, happy Father's Day to everyone out there. And again, happy pride. Yeah. Happy pride to everyone, everyone out there. Happy. Pride. Um, so today, uh, there's been things, something that's been kind of irking, Ben and I, so we thought we'd get into it. Right now. It's all over. It's been happening. This isn't something new, but it's, this is the first time I've seen a state of an emergency for people in the, uh, LGBTQ plus community. Like, people are literally saying, like, protect, here's how to protect yourself. Here's not, here's how not to be who you are leaving your house if you're going to a parade, which is nuts. Speaker 1 01:13:31 It's like, you know, we, uh, have been around long enough to kind of see, uh, you know, from where we were kids in the nineties, to be like the, they're learning about aids and learning that gay people won't give you aids if you shake their hands. Yes. Up until like, oh wow. Gay people are actually, I know some gay people. Like, and then now people get, you know, gay people get married. Now it's like all this progress that we've seen in our lifetime is like within this year, threatened to be decimated. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:13:58 It's like that saloon door theory. Like it's sw the door swings both ways. Just as hard, like mm-hmm. <affirmative> as demonized as they were, they had their Stonewall, it started to be in the public eye. It started to integrate into music and media. Um, they got their rights, as you said, like they start being able to get married. They're not so demonized. We stop using offensive terminology as regular vernacular in their everyday life. And then boom, the GLP like, hold my beer. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, Speaker 1 01:14:23 And then it's like, it started with I guess, drag queens in, in line. It's like, it, its, it's, it's so, it's such a bizarre thing to start with. Cause I guarantee you these people that were, uh, so against grooming today, were very pleased with the last season of Queer Eye they watched on Netflix. Oh. Like, I, I, it's like, it is just like, I, I saw, you know, it was someone post. It was like, it wasn't about water fountains then. It's not about bathrooms now. Yes. And it, it, it, it's about who can we oppress for your vote. Yeah. It's like, we talked about it briefly, but I didn't mean to catch you off. But yeah, that's like, that's, that's Speaker 2 01:14:57 The thing is like, the drag shows is where they found their groove. Because remember when the bathroom bill started and like, uh, the first, the South Carolina, like, they lost Walmart. They lost a bunch of shit. I think they were the first ones to put a bathroom ban on transgenders, like mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they started, like, they started going in on this fucking theory, and it was a losing topic. People are like, bro, like we're, we're at war. People are dying. There's an opioid crisis. Like, why are you telling me that I gotta be Speaker 1 01:15:25 By houses? Like, there's so many big fucking, like, you're Speaker 2 01:15:28 Telling me there's some dude dressed as a girl in a bathroom trying to rape my daughter. Is that what you're telling me? You really want me to jump onto this fucking trend? Like that, Speaker 1 01:15:35 That, and the thing is like, that's the fantasy that they all have. It's like that there's some predator in a dress that's gonna attack you in the bathroom. And like, it's just, there's, there's nothing to back that up. But that is the scary thought. And like that, that's, that's all they have is scary thoughts. Speaker 2 01:15:49 That, that, that's the crazy thing is, uh, we have, uh, over four, 520 anti L lgbtq q bills that have been proposed this year alone. Speaker 1 01:15:57 This year to Speaker 2 01:15:58 This date. Six months into the year, all, Speaker 1 01:16:00 It's all the different states put together, Speaker 2 01:16:01 All of the states put together, it's over 520. I. And Speaker 1 01:16:04 Then just the statistic was like 70 just were passed. 70 plus Speaker 2 01:16:08 Pass 70 passed passed. So somebody, uh, 70 of these policies have passed and they're openly discriminatory bills against people of, uh, the LGBTQ plus community. And it's, Speaker 1 01:16:19 It's like banning against curriculum, banning against drag performances, banning against, uh, gender affirmation care. It's things that are like what private citizens should be more than welcome to do. But they started using this, like, this tired fucking arguments. Like Well, they're grooming your children. Yeah. Like Speaker 2 01:16:38 Restricting school curriculums and telling people what IDs they're allowed to get. You talk about fucking big government overreach mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, what the fuck? Speaker 1 01:16:46 And it's, it's like every time that I've seen these arguments, like, it's like, whoa, they're in documenting our children. It's like, well, it's like it starts there. Then they have the most insane, like, crazy gay sex fantasy of their, that they came up with in their heads. It's like, where do you, this is a fucking rainbow Speaker 2 01:17:01 Dude. I used to look at, what are you talking about? Like, Speaker 1 01:17:04 I lose blowing Who here? We're just talking about a rainbow flag. Speaker 2 01:17:08 You would see clips from like Iranian countries, uh, uh, like from Iran, like the Middle Eastern countries and from Nigeria. My country, like my home country where it'd just be like this black dude sitting with this gay guy and like, why are you gay? And like <laugh> politicians, like explaining gay says they put the poo poo in the mouth and like, oh, good one. You like, you see these videos that go viral. I'm like, ha, how ridiculous are these idiots? And now we're sitting here where two adults on TV are debating why something that's never happened. Nothing. That's not even a threat of happening may happen if we don't attack now. Yeah. Like drag races. Like, like Speaker 1 01:17:47 A drag, like every Speaker 2 01:17:48 RuPaul is on season 18 of Drag Race. Yeah. I think she switched to All Stars. <laugh>. There's Speaker 1 01:17:53 So many. There's multiple All Stars. Now's there's drag, there's International, Dr. Uh, Speaker 2 01:17:56 RuPaul's. Now there's, there's RuPaul's Drag La Drag Race shows without RuPaul in it. That's the thing. Speaker 1 01:18:01 It's like, like Ru Paul's not even a judge. That's the thing. It's RuPaul's been there the entire fucking time. Like, si since the early nineties, we've had RuPaul in our life, bro. RuPaul, this is not a new development. I Speaker 2 01:18:11 Have never known life without RuPaul. Speaker 1 01:18:13 No. Speaker 2 01:18:13 I've always known who RuPaul was. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> remember, remember the Drew Carey show had his brother who was, but they called him a, a cross dresser back then. Yeah. Like, that was a thing that he did. Like the, Speaker 1 01:18:23 And then that he started dating the secretary and every, it was like, just something they did. I know it was probably played for jokes, but it wasn't also, it was also just like, oh, yeah, they just do that too. Yeah. Speaker 2 01:18:32 He's like, I'm not gay. And he was like wearing a dress and everyone was laughing and like, back then I didn't understand that joke. And like, how funny that joke was. The fact that, yeah, he's sitting there in their dress telling him, oh no, I'm not gay. And they're like, oh, what Speaker 1 01:18:45 <laugh>. Yeah. And like, like if you wanna get like re you know, funny, the Speaker 2 01:18:49 Drew Carey show should not be where I find out about Speaker 1 01:18:52 No people Speaker 2 01:18:53 Who are either transgender or gay or lesbian. Like, I should not be finding that out from a TV show on syndication on Fox. That's not like the fact that we, like, they're telling kids in school that we have to erase these motherfuckers from our, like if you hear Speaker 1 01:19:09 About eradicate, like they're talking about extermination in crazy shit like that. But these are all the same people that like, if you have an abortion, you should also be executed. Yeah. These are people that have zero moral compass. Their moral compass is, is fucking white Jesus. That doesn't, they've never read a Bible Speaker 2 01:19:25 <laugh> the Bible. Speaker 1 01:19:26 They, they, they just like, they only believe what the person in the fancy suit's telling 'em. Like, they don't, like, they don't fucking have any thoughts with their own heads. They just regurgitate the bullshits that's thrown, thrown at 'em. And like, by people of authority. Yeah. And like, that's it. That's it. I hate, I I fucking hate it so much. You're you're Speaker 2 01:19:43 Getting a little emotional, Ben, if you knew Speaker 1 01:19:44 Anybody <laugh>, if you knew any gay people at all. No. You fucking, all they wanna do, all they wanna do is go to fucking brunch and like, and like, that's it. And live their lives all they wanna do. They don't wanna indoctrinate, they don't wanna do anything all gay. They just wanna live their fucking lives. If you ever Speaker 2 01:19:57 Meet a gay man, all gay men are fucking white women that act like black women. That's all that they just wanna be left the fuck alone. Just like everybody Speaker 1 01:20:06 Else. Like everybody else, they Speaker 2 01:20:07 Go to brunch and they make a fucking like, look at this <laugh> we're watching. So this is another problem I have, by the way, the media mm-hmm. <affirmative> the way the media is covering all of this, as if it's like some toss up of both sides. Like we have to stop doing that as a country. We have to stop doing that as humanity. You gotta be able to call out evil when you see evil. Yeah. That's like Fox News is Fox News because they are literally telling the wrong side and they have no fucking problem doing it. They have no problem looking in the camera and saying they're coming for your children mixed genders. Like you have to learn a new pronoun. They're fucking with your way of life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, they're telling you that this is fucking bad for you. But on the other side, what do you have? Nothing. Yeah. Like, what the fuck? You need to, we need to be out there saying like, no, this is inhumane. This is against the constitution. This is what Hitler did. This is bullshit. This is ignorant. Like, they need to be out there. Like, Speaker 1 01:21:05 And like I I I'm not, this is like a fact that I learned recently, but like, I know comparing bad people to Nazis is, is something that gets tossed around a bunch needs to get Speaker 2 01:21:14 Toss hour more. Speaker 1 01:21:15 But the reason we only know about RuPaul, the reason we only know about, one of the biggest reasons that one of the, the largest center for sexual studies, including gay and trans studies, was in, uh, Nazi Germany mm-hmm. <affirmative> and was fucking eradicated with all of the research by the Nazis because it made them feel uncomfortable and it would not fit their, their fucking perfect white Arian bullshit program. Yep. Which I mean, you know, fucking call it, call it is call it is what it is. That's what the fucking want. That's what they want. They want everyone to be the same act the same. They want everyone to be them. Speaker 2 01:21:48 Yep. So, Speaker 1 01:21:49 And that, and Speaker 2 01:21:50 That sounds pretty Nazi Speaker 1 01:21:51 Ish. They fucking suck. Speaker 2 01:21:52 Oh yeah. That they're no fun. Speaker 1 01:21:54 No. They're fucking la Speaker 2 01:21:55 Imagine a, imagine a world without the gays or like the transgenders or the drag queens or the queers or the lesbian. Eh, we can live without the lesbians. I mean, Speaker 1 01:22:04 <laugh> Speaker 2 01:22:05 Can't we live without the lesbians? I I Speaker 1 01:22:08 Can't. I mean, no, the thing is I'm Speaker 2 01:22:10 Here for Speaker 1 01:22:11 'em. No, I'm Speaker 2 01:22:12 Here for 'em. Speaker 1 01:22:13 I want it all <laugh>. I want 'em all, I don't want any kind of cutoff. Like Speaker 2 01:22:18 You. Speaker 1 01:22:18 This is, this is another, like, another thing that's like everyone Bannon. This is, this is something that will never, ever, ever happen. Okay. But like all the, all the major league teams like go tossing up their rainbows and everyone getting offended, pouring up, tossed up their rainbow. I guarantee you nobody Speaker 2 01:22:34 Got offended. Speaker 1 01:22:35 I guarantee you their fucking traffic didn't dip an inch. Yeah. Uh, because they're a bunch of fucking hypocrites, Speaker 2 01:22:41 Dude. Like, I wish these teams, like, I honestly, I wish like every single team, like you said, everybody like some motherfucker, whoever the richest motherfucker is, who just gets all these motherfuckers together, everybody in the nba, everybody in the nfl, everybody in nascar, everyone in the mlb, everybody in the m MLS just gets 'em together. Every owner and be like, yo, throw up your flag. They can't cancel all of us. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there's nothing they can do it. Speaker 1 01:23:06 It's because we run Speaker 2 01:23:08 This ship. Speaker 1 01:23:08 It's because the profit, like it's rubbing up the capitalism, uh, you know, the two ships of capitalism of like how your profitability versus humanity rubbing up against each other. It's like, well, being pro-gay was been profitable in the past, but now people are not people. Like people are not buying Bud Light. So we have to <laugh>, like that's literally like, this is our choice. Like this is the only way they can be affected is they hurt the things that matter most, which is our money. You Speaker 2 01:23:34 See that motherfucker drinking Stella and uh, fucking throwing out his Bud Light and then the camera caught and stack of Bud Light. Who, Speaker 1 01:23:41 Uh, fucking it was Kid Rock or No, it Speaker 2 01:23:44 Wasn't Kid Rock an asshole. It was another fucking country singer. But he was drinking a stellar while pouring out Bud Light being like, bro saying Speaker 1 01:23:49 It's all the same company, company. All the same company. What are you Speaker 2 01:23:51 Doing? Uh, listen, my, my biggest thing is you've seen, everybody has seen the arm of the G O P. You have seen what they can do when they try to distract mm-hmm. <affirmative> and get rid of an manufactured problem, attack a manufactured problem. We have an actual crisis in this country. Two Speaker 1 01:24:11 Dozen crises. We have housing Speaker 2 01:24:12 Crisis, have so many crisises in this country Speaker 1 01:24:14 Have pay imbalance. We got fucking, uh, pay Speaker 2 01:24:17 And balance, housing crisis, fucking care, drug, uh, uh, uh, Speaker 1 01:24:21 Opioid addiction. Oh, Speaker 2 01:24:22 Opioid addiction. Healthcare, like you mentioned, fucking the fucking environment is melting in front of our fucking eyes. We've got violence Speaker 1 01:24:29 With the lowest birth rate of birth mortality rate of any fucking developed country in the world. Speaker 2 01:24:34 I had no idea about that until I was about to have a kid, which scared the shit outta me when I was just, they're like, what do you mean 45%? But, Speaker 1 01:24:41 But get the fuck outta here. But let's take the time, bro, to pass a law. So drag queens can't read a book to kids in a library Speaker 2 01:24:50 That who the fuck is that hurting? Speaker 1 01:24:52 The fuck cares? Who Speaker 2 01:24:53 Is that hurting? And like, so how, when did you learn about gay people among us, people who are homosexual among us? Like when did you learn that there were people that were different at different orientation? Speaker 1 01:25:04 I don't, I like, it's one of those things, like another thing growing up, it's like, it wasn't, we didn't, I didn't have any gay family members that, you know, that were out, you know mm-hmm. When I was a kid. So I think you just pick up in insults is the first thing you learn as a kid. Like, oh, why, why is that a bad thing to be? Why do I not want to be called that? Like, oh, I guess that's a thing that, that's how you used to learn about it. Well, I Speaker 2 01:25:24 Learned because I grew up in a religious household. I learned at five. Oh yeah. I learned that they're out there and they're bad <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:25:29 That's Speaker 2 01:25:30 What I learned. Speaker 1 01:25:30 I like, I don't remember parents ever telling me that. I just knew they were bad. Because that's what you were called if you fucked up or bad or Speaker 2 01:25:37 No, that I remember. Gay people are out there. It's, it's supposed to be gross and it, they're going to hell. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's what I learned. And it wasn't till I met somebody who was gay, and I'm like, Hmm, they might have got it wrong on this one. Like, cuz like, and luckily I lived in la If I didn't live in LA I probably wouldn't have met somebody who was homosexual or at least out and proud until I was like 15 or 16, maybe not even ever. Yeah. Who knows? Speaker 1 01:25:59 That's, I mean, that, like, in high school, I didn't know anybody that was out, out. Although there's people that are out now that I, that I knew in high school. Well, they Speaker 2 01:26:06 Weren't out there, but they were always been gay Speaker 1 01:26:08 At that. A couple that I def a couple that I absolutely called, but what are you gonna do <laugh>? I can't any I, any fucking points for it. But we Speaker 2 01:26:15 All got a couple of that was Speaker 1 01:26:17 Like, no, no. That, that guy's like, yeah. I, you know, we've had a Speaker 2 01:26:20 Couple of, uh mm-hmm. <affirmative> people who came out and were like, who are you telling bro <laugh>? Speaker 1 01:26:25 But, but the, the, the point of saying is that like, yes, I didn't have any exposure to any like, out gay people until I was in college. And then once I learned that they didn't bite and weren't trying to turn me gay, I was like, oh, they're just like, just people was like everybody else. Oh, well what's the fuck? You know, I, I, my, when of my first jobs in college was working, uh, my aunt worked at a musical theater company in New Orleans. So they did like lots. We did like Peter Pan, beauty of the Beast, like all of 'em. So one opening night, Peter Pan, one of the Pirates, uh, who one of the only, there's like a dozen pirates, only one of 'em was straight. And he was married to another actress in the play. So one of the, one of the very gay pirates split his, his pants right before stage. So I had his ass in my face and I was like, safety, pinning his butt together. Speaker 2 01:27:10 Did it turn you? Speaker 1 01:27:11 No. I was like, that's, it's like, it's at that moment I was like, it's just like, oh, I guess he's just like a person. Like, it was like as intimate as I had been to, you know, like a, a young 18 year old dude who's like only been in Catholic school, who's literally putting up a gay pirate's butt together, <laugh> like this. And I was like, oh. I mean, that's, oh, I just, I just like a thing. It's not like, oh yeah, his butt didn't try to bite me. Like it was, it's not a big deal. I'm just gonna happen. Speaker 2 01:27:37 That's his butt had to bite you. That would be fucking hilarious. They weren't Speaker 1 01:27:40 Right. <laugh>. Speaker 2 01:27:44 Yeah. Man. I honestly, if you hear this right now, like go to the A C L U, even glad is still up. Like go to every single, uh, organization you can think of. We're gonna put, uh, links in our bio so you guys can help and protect these institutions, support these institutions, fight some of these draconian fucking bills. Ooh, I haven't used that word a long time. You toss Speaker 1 01:28:04 That often with, with little effort. I'm very impressed. Speaker 2 01:28:06 Thank you very much. I drag bands, um, you know, book bands like restricting gender affirming, uh, affirming care. You're, you're hurting children, you're hurting children, you're coming after people and you're hurting children. It's like literally the only thing, like besides gun violence mm-hmm. <affirmative>, this is the next way. Like, this is the only other way you can come after kids that we haven't accomplished. We're already starving them. We're only, or restricting their, uh, their healthcare. We're already restricting their education. School Speaker 1 01:28:38 Lunches. Like, let's, they're trying to take away his free school lunches. It's like, and I like attacking one of children. One of the biggest, like most common arguments is like, we gotta think of the children because like, these children don't, children like, when it comes to like their healthcare, it's like, no, it's, it, it's up to their, to their parents and their doctor. It's not up to you. It's noted, uninformed, asshole voter. It's up to them and their doctor. That's what doc, that's what doctors are for, to make those private medical decisions on bro. Like with a fam, you know, with, with a, with their patient. Not for you asshole voter who has nothing to do with their life. Even Speaker 2 01:29:11 If I wasn't trans, even if I wasn't gay, if I wanted to cut off my fucking dick. That is none of your business <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:29:17 This is America is none of you should be able to, if Speaker 2 01:29:19 I can buy a goddamn AR 15, I should be able to fucking paint my fucking nails. I should be able to wear a goddamn dress. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. All right. Like the fact that we segregate so much shit in this fucking world. Speaker 1 01:29:30 It's, it's your pursuit of happiness. It's, Speaker 2 01:29:31 I swear to God, like, let me fucking Speaker 1 01:29:33 Live. Let you, I just want you to cut your dick off in this country. That's Speaker 2 01:29:36 Fucking it, man. Like I, if you wanna sew up your vagina and cut up your dick, go ahead. Speaker 1 01:29:42 It's America. You should be able to do that. Speaker 2 01:29:44 Get, get your tit, get, get new tits. Cut Speaker 1 01:29:47 Off your tits and guess what? Shave your head. Grow your hair. And if you don't wanna do that, you don't have to. Cuz that's also America. Yes. If you don't want to go to a drag show, you don't have to preach. It's America. Preach. If, if you want to keep, if you want to, if you were born or boy and you wanna stay a boy if you're born or girl and stay a girl, you can do those things. Get the Speaker 2 01:30:03 Fuck outta Speaker 1 01:30:03 Here because it's your life and you can do whatever the fuck you want with your life. Fucking Speaker 2 01:30:06 Ladies and gentlemen, Bennett motherfucking Miller. It's not that fucking hard. Let that on earth. Speaker 2 01:30:11 Let people fucking live. So like for our pulpit today, we are basically telling the g o p, we're going to come after you. Unfortunately, we got shit to do. We might get a little distracted, but you have made a very powerful enemy, a couple of powerful enemies. You are fucking up. This is a losing fucking issue. I feel bad and I am with every single person in the community right now. I am fucking with you because this shall fucking pass. This is another fucking tactic. And it's just disgusting the way it's being fucking portrayed. It's the way that they're rolling it out. I fucking hate it. I think it's the Speaker 1 01:30:43 Worst one thing. We can't do much. I could talk some shit if, if people want to talk shit, like in real life internet talking shit. Doesn't matter. That doesn't matter. Fuck that, fuck that noise. But, but if, like, if people like, you know, like, oh, I don't know about this. Talk some fucking shit. Speaker 2 01:30:58 Talk some shit. Talk Speaker 1 01:30:59 Some facts. Speaker 2 01:31:00 Spit, spit some facts, some, some kids. What about the kids name, the fir name, how this has ever happened before? How Speaker 1 01:31:06 About, how about do this, do this. Go look up every single porn ring bust in the last decade and pick out all the drag, all the drag queens in there please. And then put the drag queens versus the youth passers and see which team wins a basketball game. <laugh>, because I guarantee you drag Queens are gonna have zero members on that team, and the other one's gonna have three full basketball teams. Fuck yes, Speaker 2 01:31:28 It will. I You guys give it up for Bennett Miller right here cuz he's spitting straight facts and straight truth. Um, happy pride everyone. Happy Speaker 1 01:31:36 Pride. Talk to shit. Speaker 2 01:31:37 Happy Father's Day. We're gonna be off. Happy Father's Day. We're gonna be off next week, right? That's right. I'm, Speaker 1 01:31:40 You're gonna be an enemy. I'm leaving the country. You're Speaker 2 01:31:41 Gonna, Bennett's not gonna be here, but we're gonna check in when he gets back. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Papa on Preach. My name is ob. This is Bennett Miller. Big shout out to DNA and Aaron Mota, who do our music. Another fancy hat tip to our producer. Blame Pierre. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. We love you guys. Please be safe out there. Be safe out there. We love you. Be you. We encourage it. Yeah. I'm a dad. I care about you, <laugh>. Love y'all.

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