
Episode 14 September 01, 2021 01:10:15
Papa Don't Preach

Sep 01 2021 | 01:10:15


Show Notes

This week the Papa's threesome is a twosome! Zan and Obi climb into bed to have a conversation about sex education or in most Americans experience sex miseducation.

We start by reviewing the week and talking more about the continued struggles of kids being introduced to school.
Then we turn down the lights throw on some slow jams and get into a deep conversation about sex.
What we learned in school, from our parents, and our peers.
What they know now that they wish new in their teens and how they hope to educate their own kids differently.
Covering first experiences from methods of practice kissing to reflecting on how fear was a huge concept in sex education. The Papas then discuss ancient methods of getting a clearer picture for blocked cable porn and methods for hiding an unwanted erection. On top of all this we get a review of the greatest soft-core pornography film ever made.
Closing the episode with papas pulpit this episode is well hung from beginning to end. So get ready to get re-educated this week on Papa don’t preach.

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