It’s the most wonderful time of year!! That’s right after a year of being stuck with your own rug rats parents are finally free for at least 6 hours as kids across the country head back to school.
But it’s not always easy emotionally, socially and even physically it can make some kids a wreck.
Black and Stache get into it all from school clothes shopping sprees to the awkwardness of trying to find yourself and your people in a system that ignores or punishes kids positive traits and forces them into specific programming and learning plans that are outdated and inadequately one size fits all.
So pack yourself a lunch a grab a apple for the teacher as Black and Stache head back to school this week on Papa don’t Preach
Having a potty mouth is one thing, having a potty mouth in front of your kids is another. We have all been there, even...
I'm expressing with my full capabilities, And now I'm living in correctional facilities,Cause some don't agree with how I do this, I get straight...
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