My Bad Habits Weigh A Ton

Episode 18 November 08, 2021 01:09:21
My Bad Habits Weigh A Ton
Papa Don't Preach
My Bad Habits Weigh A Ton

Nov 08 2021 | 01:09:21


Show Notes

Kicking off with a review of New Orleans and an epic comedy show. The Papas recap the week talking about the best drunk food craving, trick or treating routes, and after Halloween candy avoidance strategies. Celebrating the Astros loss and the lack of punishment for cheating we also get a bonus review of Dune all before we get into some self-reflection as the Papas talk about bad habits that they see bubbling up in their offspring that are definitely being picked up by Dad's example. They discuss what they can do to change those habits not only in their kids but themselves using awareness and self motivation to help their offspring be better than them. Closing with the ever popular Papas Pulpit where we get hot takes on spelling and cops on horseback with a special section on the true weight of a ton.

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