A.I. - Artificial Intellect

Episode 8 May 30, 2023 01:03:22
A.I. - Artificial Intellect
Papa Don't Preach
A.I. - Artificial Intellect

May 30 2023 | 01:03:22


Show Notes

With the dads being revitalized are finally addressing artificial intelligence. With very little knowledge, these two fathers jump right in on what they think this holds for the future. 

Also, stick around as a special guest drops by uninvited.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:33 Hey, hey, hey everybody. Welcome to Papa. Don't preach. We are back. My name is Obie and I got my man Bennett Miller here. How you doing, Bennett? Uh, not bad right now. Not bad at all. Oh, good. Uh, if you guys are wondering why we sound so energetic, we just had a nice little laugh before we started this. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, this little pod. Um, I don't know how to describe it to you. Yeah. Maybe it clipped out later on. We'll see. Yeah, we'll see what happens. <laugh> uh, I actually had something I was gonna play for you. Uh, have you heard the brand new Kanye West song? Mm. I know Kanye's got a lot going on. Kanye Corner was a constant thing on our show for a bit. Yep. This is a brand and it sounds a lot like graduation era. So let's hear, let's get a little listen and see what you think Speaker 2 00:01:18 This nigga really ask AI to make a old graduation type Kanye West Song. Let go. We do this for the shot. This aint new. Kanye saying, the old Kanye. Now everybody know this. The Crown Kanye. Why am Model Chick trying to Kanye? I try to go to Perry. I tell Kim stop fucking up. Okay. Speaker 1 00:01:39 So, so that's just a little bit. That's uh, that's not Kanye. That is all ai. That is the beat. Everything is just put in, said Kanye West. Got graduation era about today's Kanye one. And that's what came out. So, which leads us to our first topic, right? <laugh>. We're talking ai. We are talking ai. Sorry, my brother sent me that and I was like, that is, it's terrifying. It's like, that is insane. That's just a brand new song with rap that he would rap rhymes that he would rhyme. And it, you can't, it's like, okay, Jesus. Well, you know, that is fucking crazy. All computer made. See, this is when I like, uh, talking to you about some things cuz I can generally see how, how much you have to say about this, because I have a lot to say about this as well. And that's why I want you guys to stick around, uh, for our main subject when we are diving into ai. Speaker 1 00:02:27 But I actually wanted to see how you were doing this weekend. Like after, with everything going on, our last episode, if you guys were tuning in, Ben and I were on, we're hanging on by a thread <laugh>. So I just wanted see how you're doing. But it seems like you're doing all right. It, um, yeah, weekend overall was good. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, my mom was very helpful. Uh, took the big dude most of the weekend, which was nice. Like, having one kid is a lot different from having two kids. Fuck. It's a lot. It's a lot different. Um, so that being said this morning was rough. Was rough. Yeah. The big dude woke up at like, midnight. Little dude woke up at 5:00 AM They were both unhappy with their current situations and let me know about it. Dead tired loudly. Um, and then just all morning long, it was just like at one point, it's just a chorus of what I call sad sounds. It's just like <laugh>, you're just making sad sounds. You're not using words just like <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:21 Um, so I did have to, I did have to raise my voice a couple of times just to like, like guys, not, not in that tone. Much louder. Much, much deeper, much louder. Much angrier. Yeah, guys, just to get, just to make them, make 'em shut up long enough to like, I need, tell me what you want. You're just making sad sounds. Show me what you want. If you can't tell me. I, I, so yeah, that was my morning. I lo I always try to remind my kids to use words. I don't like the sounds. <laugh> definitely don't like the sounds. You know what's weird that happened to me this morning. Um, it's been fairly new that the bozo's been getting real upset going to school. He like mm-hmm. <affirmative> doesn't wanna miss his video games. Doesn't wanna miss me, doesn't wanna leave the house. Speaker 1 00:04:04 School's not fun. He gets bored. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I'm just like, okay man, but this is what we gotta do. You gotta wear clothes every day. Right. You gotta go to school. That's it. And then he started getting nasty and throwing stuff at me. So I did my dad thing and it's where I walk up to him all tough. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And then once I make eye contact, I get, I get down on one knee or eye level. So that's not me on top of him when I'm talking. Yeah. It's uh, like one of the little parenting tricks I learned. And um, this morning I walked over to him and I didn't even realize I was doing it, but I had my fist balled up, like both hands. I walk up to him and I'm like, OZO, OZO listen to me. And he covers his face and he's like, no, no, no, don't punch me in the face. Speaker 1 00:04:44 And I'm like, <laugh>. What now, mind you for people at home, not once have I punched this child in the face, <laugh>. It's not happened. It's not happened. But I was just like, oh, why are you do? And I realized like, when we are wrestling and something I like, I'll joke, I'll, he's, I'll be like, I'll, I'm gonna punch you in the face if you don't jump up. If you don't get up there. And he is like, Ooh, ooh. And he runs away. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. But the fact that he thought like seven 20 in the morning, you know, instead of Eggos instead of a, a fucking, the fresh scent of Folgers, he's getting a punch in the face. Yeah. From his dad. I was just like blown away by that. I'm like, no, wait, I'm not, I'm not gonna punch you in the face. Now what I didn't say is I'll never punch you in the face. Speaker 1 00:05:26 Cause I want the fear to remain <laugh>. I found that very, a very good tool that I'm gonna exploit for the next two years. <laugh>. But yeah, man, he's just been like, uh, he didn't have, like I told Ozo I was going to Japan. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm like, I'm gonna be, I'll be in Japan. It's right here. I showed him the map that I got. I was like, this is the Japan map. He's like, what's Japan? And I was like, it's, it's another country. And I tried to explain to him other countries. I was like, oof, you're behind. This is my, this is, this seems to be my bad. It's like far away, like super far. But he told, he told, he kept on telling everyone I was at work. Yeah. He's like, oh, daddy's at work. He's not coming back. I was like, what's wrong with you? Speaker 1 00:06:05 This kid's kids say the darnedest things, man. Yeah. I mean that's, it's like, I think, you know, miles, the older dude I think is doing something similar cuz Nats in Italy working and I think he doesn't know how to express it. So he doesn't, you know, like today he didn't wanna go to daycare, didn't wanna do swim class, didn't wanna do anything. He just wanna stay home, I think stay home with me. Yeah. Yeah. He wants stay home with you. You're the cool one. Yeah. Yeah. Gotcha. I get the like, I think he misses us. Like I think that's just, he doesn't know how to express it yet and mm-hmm. <affirmative>. I think that's just how he does. Like he does, like, he's a very, you know, he has to remind. Yeah. You remind me to use your words and not just like, yeah. I mean, especially with the attention span too. Speaker 1 00:06:43 Like when he is at school, I remember for a long time I come here and be like, yo, every time I pick this kid up, he starts crying. Like, he does not want see me there. He opens the door, he's like, oh, I gotta leave my friends. I'm not going home with my mom. It's just this nerd. Oh man. But I, yeah. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is, but, uh, I think you have something there with the expression. Um, but Segway speaking of expression, uh, one of America's, I guess Sweethearts was expressing herself on, uh, sports Illustrated. And it's been, I quote unquote breaking the internet. I'm not sure I saw that it this morning qualifies as breaking the internet. But Martha Stewart, you saw it? I did see it. She's uh, on Sports Illustrated to wearing a bikini 81. Speaker 1 00:07:25 It is a bikini. She wearing a swimsuit. It's a swim. It's a swimsuit dish. I'm not sure if it's a bikini. Might just a top. It's a swimsuit edition. I thought it was like the rugby edition. No, that's where the controversial was like the rug. That's where the controversy is. We're talking about the draft. Why is Martha Stewart on the swimsuit? They cover <laugh>? Uh, honestly, it's like the, I the only reason they did it is for people to talk about the, because it's the only reason they ever do anything. How long have they been making this? This uh, you know, it used to be the top, the swimsuit issue. The, the swimsuit, uh, swimsuit issue was like the top of my year between the ages of 13 and 19. I was like, fuck Yeah. The swimsuit edition. And still, yeah. Still, you know, sometimes miss the mark. Speaker 1 00:08:04 Sometimes they missed the mark. This is not one of them. But also I'm glad that this fucking millionaire looks good at 81. You know, <laugh>, I'm glad that this, uh, public figure that has been taking care of her figure. I'm, I'm glad. Why? She's got the prison fit. She's just like, if she wakes up, she does like a bunch of bunk pull ups. You know, she walks the yard every morning. Fucking, you can't break the cycle once you get out just cuz you're out, you know. True. That's true. Mar Stewart famous for her Kesh and toilet wine. <laugh> teaching foot, foot pairs with Bruno. Yeah, <laugh>. That white lightning. That white lightning <laugh>. I mean, honestly, it, it ju it is solely just for people that talk about it and buy the issue. Yeah. And for people to possibly complain about it. Cause it's, it's, it's complete non-issue. Speaker 1 00:08:49 It's, it's, the reason you're mad is cuz you want someone to jerk off instead of Warren Stewart <laugh>. Let, let's boil the reason why you're mad out <laugh>. It's cause there's some old broad instead of some young bra on there. Yeah. That's <laugh>. That's it. That's it. Some old gash. We've had some young gash <laugh>. Why is this old chick? I want a younger chick. <laugh>. Every time you do an insulting voice, it's always like a redneck. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Well, <laugh>, there's definitely, there's, there's a, it's not my is a David Cross Bitt where it's like, that voice is a universal. It's like, I'm from fucking, I'm from Mobile, Alabama. Fuck you. I'm from Bakersfield, California. <laugh>, like, Uhuh. I'm from, you know, I'm from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. <laugh>. It's universal. Yeah. I get you. I got you. Oh man. But yeah, I, I'm not hating on Monster Stewart. Speaker 1 00:09:34 I'm glad that she, uh, is up there. No, do it. Good thing I, I honestly think this, uh, you know, we keep talking about what you're gonna look back on history at this time period. Because this time period is so weird. We've never been able to get this much information to everybody so fast. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and, you know, those times of the water cooler and, you know, even having to get like your buddies in here to debate something without getting all the facts. Like it's all gone. Everything is right here. And, you know, with Sports Illustrated featuring an 81 year old woman in a bikini, somebody have never done that before for as long as the swimsuit edition has been opened. It's actually kind of crazy when you think about it that they haven't fucking featured someone in their golden years yet. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's kind of weird. Speaker 1 00:10:22 And, you know, we, you see like these Vanity Fair things with, uh, I don't know, it was Vanity Fair. I'm not sure if it was even Beyonce. There was the first black woman to be featured on one of those magazines. It was in like 20, 21. I was like, get the fuck outta here. Yeah. Now know there's a lot of this shit that hasn't happened before. And Yeah. You know, we were talking about earlier when people get mad, like do they really get mad or is that just one person's opinion on the internet that gets amplified? Um, it's usually like five person's opinion on the, it's like, it's not everyone. It's like eight people. And they get mad. Yeah. They get mad. Uh, you were talking about like, you forgot a certain news story was just a Reddit page. <laugh>. Oh yeah. The, like, the, um, well, it's, you know, about a teacher. Speaker 1 00:11:03 Yeah. The, the teacher, the the AI teacher thing, which we're getting to later, ladies and gentlemen. Cuz Bennett's got some shit to say. <laugh> <laugh>. Um, but no, like, that's, that's the thing. It's like the Twitter effect, like five or six people will br bring up this fucking post and start shitting on it. And then when people talk to you about it, they're like, oh yeah, the whole internet was talking about, I'm like, the whole internet was for sure not fucking talking about this. No. You know, like, if you're telling, well, it's like, like, like literally last week I was bitching, not bitching, but like talking about the Gardens of Galaxy movie. Like how the dog is a female voice as opposed to the comic. There's a male voice. Yes. And some people, instead of talking about it with their friends on a podcast, <laugh> message the fucking director. Speaker 1 00:11:41 And he's like, look, I did it because the dog they shot in a space like a was a female dog. I thought it was a, a fitting tribute. And that's a fine answer. That's fine. I think it's just funnier to have a Russian dog voice coming out of a golden golden retriever. It's true. But, uh, people are just gonna do what they want and then talk and then like, it's a stupid opinion. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, it's like it's, I don't care. Like, it, it didn't take, you know, it didn't really didn't take me outta the movie, it's whatever, but like to bring it up to the director, like, it's such a, excuse me, sir. It's such a weird thing on a movie that you wouldn't necessarily say fits into the cannon version of the comic book. It's such a weird detail mm-hmm. <affirmative> to bring up. Speaker 1 00:12:19 You know, like, it's like people care about what they care about and I guess they care about it deeply. Like it's, oh, you don't remember when Star Lord got knocked out by Don Chle during the Infinity War <laugh>? Like, that didn't happen. <laugh> <laugh>. But like the fucking Russian dog that like, there's, it's weird. I get it. People are weird. Hey, I'm a weird person. I get it. I I understand that. Um, I know, I, I, that being said, that Hag should not be on sports Illustrator <laugh> fucking, I don't care. Good for her and her people and the lighting and all that. Yeah. There's a, you know, <laugh> Jesus Christ. Well, I mean, it's a, it's goes She didn't walk out there somewhere with a Polaroid, like it's a fucking team that makes her look like that. Yeah, I know. That's, that's true. There's 30 people standing behind that camera. Speaker 1 00:13:03 At least that's a good picture too. Like, imagine if, like, I took that with a Kodak, you know? Yeah. Facing the sun. It's not, it's not <laugh>. All right, we got it. Let's go, let's go. Haha. I, I took a Polaroid, like I had to, like, when I was taking pictures of Shannon, she'd take a Polaroid and I'm like, I feel like it's wasting. I'm like, don't you know how to use Polaroids? Like, there's only specific lighting in situations where you should use a Polaroid camera where you can get a nice picture. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> the rest is just blown out bullshit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And there were some of them that were great and some of 'em that were just like, what did you expect this to look like? And I remember we were in fucking under the bamboo forest and Shannon hands her Polaroid to this guy. Speaker 1 00:13:37 I'm like, can't we just take a regular? She's like, no, I want this Polaroid. I'm like, cool. Not only is this guy who looks Mexican, but is obviously Japanese, but just for some reason looks Mexican. He takes it, he turns it to the side, a Polaroid. He takes the Polaroid and gives it like a little, Ooh, I'm gonna, let me get a profile. Yeah. Uhhuh <affirmative> snaps that picture. And I'm like, great. And the picture is just a black screen, like barely any sun with little s slivers of light didn't even look cool. He was, and by the way, when he looked through the hole, he backed up like six feet. And I'm like, Ooh, what are you doing? What are you doing? And I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is, like looking at somebody and be like, Hey, you're doing it Ro I'm just kinda like, all right, whatever. Speaker 1 00:14:17 That's $2 photo that we're not gonna get paid. Yeah. I mean, Polaroid technology, it's like 1800 technology. Like, you basically like have the lighting of the, you know, of a Civil War photographer. Exactly. Yeah. Just, yeah. That's it. Don't move <laugh>. Let me finish this drawing. Get it printed. Hold on. I don't believe your finger was that angle. Can we move about? Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I get that. I get that. But, um, you know what would fix all of this? What would fix <laugh> Sports Illustrated? So like, you know, I just had a crazy thought. Like, what if they started using artificial intelligence to do like research, like actual product research on what people like who like Chat B G P T or whatever's just gonna go out there, collect a poll, and we're gonna find out between like 10 people who we want to be featured on Sports Illustrated. Speaker 1 00:15:10 Now the company, like, this is what people want, this is what we're gonna give them. Is it something that they do? Do they actually listen to the people I want? Like, I don't wanna see Bad Bunny in a Speedo. Ah, that's you, that's your opinion. <laugh>. That's your single opinion. <laugh>. I, I saw him in bullet train and I, let me say, wasn't the only train getting a boy. You know what I mean? Dude, dude's. Dude's wrestling too. He's got a, he's got a universal fan base right now. Oh yeah. Fuck. It's, it's quiet. All right. Fuck it. Put him in a speedo. Put on it's, look. That's all it. WWE e Bennett. It's in. That's it. That's all I need. Bennett's in. All right, well, um, let's take a quick break. We're gonna come back in here cuz I don't wanna keep talking about this AI thing. We're gonna get right to it. Um, so we'll be right back. This is Papa. Don't preach. Bennett Miller. Thank you very much. We'll see you guys in a bit. Remember, don't go away. We'll be right back. Don't leave. Where'd you go? I <laugh>. That's a question. Throw your phone across the room. Yeah. <laugh> launch it. Speaker 1 00:16:21 And we're back. That was a nice little break. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, for those of you who are at home listening, you probably don't notice this because it's a podcast. But those of you who are watching our YouTube or maybe see this clip on the gram. Yes. I am. Hold holding it. Bug salt. We are not sponsored, but we got a little bugger in here. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, uh, we laid a trap of some sugar and bean boozed on the center of the table that some of you guys can't see. And at one point, I'm sorry, I'm gonna stop talking and I'm gonna blast a fly. So do not be alarmed. Yeah. All right. So anyway, we are back and we are talking about ai, artificial intelligence. Um, there was a movie that most of you guys have seen called, uh, the Iron Giant. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Classic. Speaker 1 00:17:01 Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Classic movie. For those of you don't know, it's about this kid named Hogarth, who, uh, finds this alien robot that was blasted to the planet but has a dent in his head and doesn't remember where he came from. It's a robot. It learns, he learns fairly quickly. He's able to speak English and interact with a fucking nine year old. A 10 year old. Pretty easy. But it turns out there's a, when he thinks he loses his friend, the more sinister part of this robot, it was actually built to be a weapon shows up. And, uh, at the end he, no spoilers. Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert. The robot sacrifices himself to save a, a town. Not gonna show you how. And if he actually really did sacrifice himself, cuz there's, you know, who knows, there might be an Iron Giant too. There might not. Speaker 1 00:17:47 Anyway, that was an artificial ar artificial intelligent robot. Correct. A machine learning robot. Uh, yeah, I think so. I, and it got smarter and smarter and smarter and smarter and smarter and smarter and started to learn. And we saw the great parts of that. And then it blew up before <laugh>. We could see the truth. Well actually that's, I forgot to mention, a lot of people got murdered in that movie at the end when he went all nuts. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, when the Iron Giant went all crazy. He all murder butt. He went all murderbot. Like at one point they show people jumping out of this tank before disintegrates, but then again he's shooting in the buildings and shit. They motherfuckers died. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> motherfuckers died. That, that was sad. Um, before we move on, fun fact about that movie, I saw that the director said he made that movie in memorium of his sister, who was killed by gun violence, either by a loved one or not. Speaker 1 00:18:37 I'm not sure. I don't want that part. He's the director or the, or the screenwriter Maybe. Maybe the screenwriter. Not to the director. I'm sorry. The creator, the screenwriter. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, he said that he wanted to make a movie that, you know, what if a gun had a soul and had a choice and decided that it didn't want to be a gun, I was like, huh. That's interesting. Oh yeah. Very interesting. Not the way real life is anyway, but we might be getting there. This, um, there's been some things in the news about ai. How much do you, like what's the craziest thing you've heard about artificial township? Well, so, so today, like as the day of recording, um, there was a, uh, a presentation, I'm sure it's called a presentation to Congress about ai. A hearing. A hearing, a hearing. That's probably a better word. Speaker 1 00:19:16 Uh, where someone, the presentation, the present, this is my, this is my point, my PowerPoint to Congress comes with a diorama. <laugh>. So as you see, the robot overloads wouldn't use our brains for batteries. <laugh>. Um, no. Like a senator did something I did similarly where he played a speech completely written by AI with his voice. Sounded like he just held his phone up to the speaker. And that, you know, it presented like this was, that was not me. This is all ai. So the government's being made aware of it. It, it's, there's a lot of different, uh, aspects to it. I don't know everything, but I know there's like the chat G B T, which everyone's talking about. Yes. Which is a chat robot. We have in-depth conversations with it bulls from the internet, wealth of knowledge. Yes. Can write papers, can write screenplays, can do all kind of interesting things. Speaker 1 00:19:58 Fuck all for the low, low price of what? And it was like a couple bucks worth. Yeah, yeah. <laugh>, it's not expensive to go through college. There's AI music programs, there's ai, voice technology. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there's ai, uh, video editing, AI artwork. Yes. Like I follow a couple AI artists, uh, which is amazing. The, like, you know, one guy in particular makes these unbelievable mind blowing Western, you know, spaghetti horrifying, terrible looking spaghetti westerns that never existed just by the accumulation of all the images of video and film throughout history. Like Yeah. <laugh> <laugh> and that's all it takes. <laugh>. But it's insane, you know, and one of the reasons that writers are striking right now is cuz they wanna make sure their payment, you know, that their, uh, their words are their words. Like they get credit for it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that's the reason why a lot of artists were pissed off. Speaker 1 00:20:45 But a artwork is because they're pulling from their personal artwork that they've been posted their entire lives on. The internet is being pulled from and congregated and then turned into something different. Which I think is an interesting aspect for sure. I think it's definitely, it's a cool tool. Could be used to make something new, but it's also like super wild west. There's lots of negative aspects to it. There's, I've read stories about people making like AI nudes of people, like holding people hostage, like making explicit images of people without their consent, just cuz they have a picture of their face in AI technology. Yeah. That's, that's the crazy part. Yeah. That's a, that's a, that's that's another crazy part. And like, um, I believe this senator, uh, it was, uh, Bluford, was it Bloomfield? Bloom? Bloom something. Richard Blumenthal. Blumenthal. Richard Blumenthal. Thank you very much. Speaker 1 00:21:31 Yes. Uh, I do remember, uh, when we saw that video earlier, one thing that he mentioned was like, you know what, if it wasn't an opening speech that I had this AI do, what if it was a Ukraine, uh, me saying that Ukraine should, should surrender, uh, Ukraine should surrender. And I'm like, yeah, that crazy. Or me saying Val Vladimir Putin has really pretty eyes. Yeah. Like, it's like things that he doesn't wanna be said. Yeah. I'm just like, that's actually a very interesting point. Like, if, you know, somebody was like, okay, this guy's going to get gallbladder surgery right now mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm gonna really assist. And he wakes up the next day. <laugh>. Yeah. I mean, it's like, have you heard, uh, they're pretty funny, but like the president's tear lister where it's like Biden Obama and Trump, like all doing their voices. Speaker 1 00:22:15 It's great. It's insane. It's like this really fun art form, but it's also terrifying. It is terrifying. It is terrifying because there's like, there's people out there that like, you know, we are, we barely know about it. Like, I don't know how to use it. Yeah, I know, I know it exists. I know the different capacities of it. And there's people out there that are even dumber than us that know nothing about it, that are like, oh my God, why is President Trump talking like that? Oh, oh, yes. Uh, I mean, like for instance, like, you know, uh, a lot of people, this is way back in the, you know, the palin, uh, McCain campaign, but like one of good old days, this is one, one of Na uh, one of my wife's older aunts wanna know why Sarah Palin was acting that way on Saturday Night Live. Speaker 1 00:22:52 Uh, yeah. She's talking about fucking Tina Fa, Tina Faye. Like, that's, that's the people that have no clue what AI is. She did a mean palin. Yeah, she did a mean she did a mean palin. She did. But AI could do a meaner one. That's true. So like a hundred percent this. So this is why it is an important, uh, and, and terrifying thing because there's a whole gap of people that have no clue what this is and will believe anything. I I read an article last week, maybe a couple weeks ago. Someone killed themselves because an AI program recommended they should. That's cool. Yeah. Jesus. Yeah. <laugh>. And it's one of those things, it's like AI works because it's pulling information from other, what we give them and pulling information from the whatever their, the web, you know, the web they put out there. Speaker 1 00:23:33 You know. See, I, I think that like, that think that was like one of the scarier parts. It's not AI like turning into Skynet and shooting off all the nukes because it feels like its main job is to protect the planet. And the biggest threat to the planet is are humans. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So nuke it. I'm, uh, somebody was mentioning it and this is where this guy kills himself. It's like, what if it tries to make us happy? What if it like, above all else, it just wants to make us happy. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So they'll say whatever and do whatever to make us happy. Like, this guy's, like, I wanna unbiased opinion from this rope. Should you kill yourself? Will you make this much money? Have this many friends according to this your life expecting he is only this much. You may be sick, you may blah, blah, blah. Speaker 1 00:24:09 Yes. Kill yourself. Yeah. And he's like, cool. That's all I needed. Bug salt to the brain. Done <laugh>. Well that's, that's the big, this is like a little philosophy, like a little philosophical that we usually get into, but there's a philosophical of pH I can't even talk about, I can't even say the right words, but there's a thought experiment called the, I think it's called Cyril's Chinese room experiment. Where say you're a person, you're locked in a room, you got a bunch of books that have Chinese every day you get, uh, data given to you in Chinese. You can't speak Chinese can't read Chinese. But with these books you can help translate. And what you look up the right symbols, this symbol means that symbol, this means, okay, perfect. We fill it out, we put it back in, we get it back to the network and that's all. Speaker 1 00:24:47 And then then your Chinese goes somewhere else. I don't know Chinese. I know how to use these tools to make chi look what looks like Chinese. Okay. That's ai. Ah, <laugh>. Yes. AI doesn't know feelings. AI doesn't know how you feel. AA doesn't know what a good person, bad person, it only knows what it's given. That's true. So that's one of the big dangers of it is that like, it's not, it's not, it's going to conquer the world. It's gonna be on an individual scale. It's going to invade someone's brain and make them and use our poor human brains the way it's intended. Like, like tell you to kill yourself. Like it's the same thing with like Insta, it's like Instagram, but on a massive scale. Like the algorithm you put into this shit is the algorithm you're getting back. Yeah. I fucked up my algorithm. Speaker 1 00:25:27 I don't even see my friends on Instagram anymore. <laugh>. It's just like Japan, uh, cops shootings. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, diamond necklaces and life hacks. That is my Instagram. That's what you've been up to the last six months. That is it. That's it. That is it. And I found some pretty interesting life hacks. Yeah. By the way. Yeah. My Instagram is, uh, action figures. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> Wrestling Clips and Martha's Twitter on Sports Illustrated. Yeah. There it is. That's it. That's, that's called Golden Content. My friend <laugh>. That's not, that is the Yank Supreme right there. But it's, it's the same thing. Like we were in high school whenever our Napster and all those things were around, like, it's this brand new technology, which is eventually now we all have fucking Spotify and Apple and our fuck how far we have come. That's, that's where we're at with ai. Speaker 1 00:26:13 Like, it's this, it's this fun, possibly scary wild west technology that needs some formation and needs some regulation because people are gonna, you know, it's just gonna keep going in this way. You know, this is the type of shit why we have a government and like, it's so annoying that we gotta like, get stuck. This is the, this is the government we're stuck with. Yeah. This is like, we got a bunch of fucking, uh, you know, like I could say this 25 years ago, maybe 30 and be accurate, but it's not accurate now. Before I used to say 30 years ago, I'd say, you gotta bunch your fucking grandma's and grandpas in fucking Congress. But now I can't even say that cuz these are great-grandmothers and greats on there. Yeah. Like there's, there's kids that have great-grandparents that are graduating. Uh, there's kids that are graduating high school with great grandparents in the fucking Senate. Speaker 1 00:27:04 And it's wild. Insane. And it insane. Fucking crazy. Because why, like, do we have to ask for regulation? Do we have to have a hearing on why we should have regulation for ai? It's like we have known artificial intelligence has been coming and like technology is constantly outpaced regulation. And I understand that you don't want to overreact and then start to pull back cuz that's very, very dangerous. But you also don't want to underreact, you don't wanna just be reactive. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, you just like, all right, this is ai. Let's figure out what's the worst possible scenario. You can't make something pretending to be somebody else and misrepresenting that person unless it is specifically for a movie or television show approved by this person, this person, and this person and this person. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's it. It's, yeah. I mean, there has to be some sort of structure in place because if not, they're gonna be like, oh, well I could just write a, you know, like, uh, it's art happening in the fast food network, like in the fast food industry. Speaker 1 00:28:08 Like, I saw a clip this week. What, where like someone pulled up to a checkers and they're like, hi, welcome to Checkers. What would you like, like, you know, complete AI fucking person taking their order. It's, it's like, it's those little bits that are like, how does Checkers have AI money? I don't know. <laugh>. I li I was like, god damn <laugh>. I know that's not the fucking purpose, but I was like, I didn't know Checkers had AI money. I didn't even think about it. <laugh>, I think they haven't had a new burger in like 20 years. It's like rally's bad cousin. Check that branch in Texas. <laugh> would do a quick audit on that branch. I have, I assume that franchise is selling more than fucking cheeseburgers. They're pushing weight <laugh>. That fucking AI's gonna snitch on them. <laugh>, would you like a shake fries or, that's sticky. Speaker 1 00:28:56 Icky <laugh>. <laugh>. Uh, but yeah, that's fucking, so that's one of the crazier things is that I app I appreciated people trying with ai. I like, anytime you calls, something's like, just speak it and I'll tell you where to go. And I'm just like, hate that so much. Agent, you know, human being, you're just st you're just pounding zero. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> until it's like, oh, okay, I give up. Let me get you to somebody. <laugh>. Yeah. Because like right now, like you said with uh, the music industry, having a song come out, like, I remember there was a, I think it was Rihanna singing a Beyonce song or vice versa that went viral mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it was all generated by ai. It was just, they cloned Rihanna's voice and had her sing a Beyonce song. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And you're sitting there, right there and like agencies were scrambling. Speaker 1 00:29:50 Cause you know, right now, uh, like when you put something on your reels, like clips of music, it's mostly like these original remixes coming out because the music industry's having a very, very hard time regulating who's gonna post a fucking video with their music on it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And like, uh, I don't know if you guys remember like five or six years ago when Instagram first started getting videos, you posted with a, a music and then your shit's just muted. <laugh>. Like, you're like, there's no audio. They're like, Nope, you don't own this. And then everyone figured out real quick, Instagram just sent you like, Hey, you don't own this, but if you do click this and we'll repost your video. I'm like, yeah, I do own this. Absolutely. I'm the, I am a Beatle zero repercussions <laugh>. My video has been up. No problem. Speaker 1 00:30:34 Like it, they're like, yeah. Obs Obie saying it's getting hot in her <laugh>. This is fun. This is by funky Puna <laugh>. Um, but yeah, I, it's, I'm wondering when it's gonna get, like, what it's gonna mean for like our kids and their future as far as like the way, cuz I, I know we, the way we're teaching kids to read is incorrect. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's been incorrect. The way we're teaching our kids to do math has been incorrect. And I'm specifically talking about America. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> has been incorrect. The way we teach history has been incorrect. Well, <laugh> very, very incorrect in a couple places. The way that we teach culture and, uh, self-confidence and actuality incorrect. So if we go with ai, something that's unbiased, you know, obviously the R's gonna call everything woke. Let's, let's be honest, but mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Yeah. Woke bots coming. Speaker 1 00:31:27 These woke bots coming, <laugh> coming for our guns and coming from our kids trying to queer 'em up. Yeah. <laugh>. But it'd be very easy for AI to be like, yo, um, don't listen to your dad. Uh, it's not a choice to be gay. <laugh>, he's probably gay. I think that's why he's saying that he's choosing to be straight. Talk to your dad about that. And now we're off to the races and school board meeting today. I don't know. AI Robot <laugh>. Tell me about Adam and Steve <laugh>. I, um, I think we're gonna have to go backwards. I think everyone's have to write essays in person in, in by hand. Ai, it's, it's so crazy. I think that AI's gonna make us work even harder. <laugh>. Yeah. We're have to go backwards for sure. Artists are gonna have to videotape themselves from three different angles. Speaker 1 00:32:13 Making the art. Whether it's time lapse or real, like you're like, oh, I'm working on this piece, but you know, I gotta go get another hard drive cause I forgot. I don't wanna delete this one. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> in the cloud and it's my private server. Well, you have, you're gonna have to like, cuz I know that there already are, uh, AI detecting technologies and deep fake detecting technologies. So there has to be more of like, every phone has to have that. Like, hey, deep fake check button <laugh>, press the button to see if, you know, to make, instead of making red eyes go away, which is not a thing anymore. So I am, I'm currently reaching out to some corporate jobs and I had a chatbot generate a cover letter mm-hmm. <affirmative> and a resume based off the works I've done. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's a pretty impressive cover letter. Speaker 1 00:32:55 Yeah. Pretty impressive cover letter. So what I did is I used another app to take all the, like, it's like I take, like take all nouns, all the nouns that I use, all the proper nouns that I use mm-hmm. <affirmative>, all the nouns that I use and by section go down to just, it took me like an hour to go through one by one and just change some words, change some words around. So instead of saying I, I feel confident, uh, instead of saying like, I feel confident I'm perfect for this position. It would, it would say like, I am fully capable of, of uh, completing all these tasks with ease. And it's just stuff like that. It's just like little, it just edits. Like, pretty much. So it's just edits. So basically I took a chat bot to write something for me. I put it in Google Docs. Speaker 1 00:33:42 I had Grammarly correct it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Cause like there's some punctuation things and spelling things that I wanted to move around. Grammarly's like, instead of saying this cuz it's too wordy, use this. And I was just like, great using Grammarly. And then, um, after each paragraph I would just like read it and then change my words. Like using dictation. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I just changed the words around. So it took like an hour, maybe less. Yeah. And it was fun to do it. And I realized in that hour I could have just wrote a letter. I could have just wrote a cover letter. But I was like, I think AI's like, it's, it's funny. Like what is more important? Your laziness or your creativity. <laugh> what is more important to you? Like, what is gonna win in that's decision. What is gonna win in that battle? Speaker 1 00:34:30 If I came to you and I was like, created it creativity or laziness because there's something like, what if AI could gen, like I took a machine. You like cooking, right? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, what if I made something that could cook a meal, 90% as good as you, and I just took your re and I put it in this machine and it would cook this meal for three people. Because I'm telling you like, no, you get to chill and you get to play video games while this thing cooks. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And that's just gone like a big part of your expression and your identity is now done, but now you got a little more time to kind of like, put your feet up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> maybe clean up the kids' room before they go to bed, get them all ready and PJ's before dinner and while they're like waiting for dinner to be done. Speaker 1 00:35:12 You're like, you know, building a house on, on Zelda. Yeah. That, that's the ideal <laugh>. Like, that's what technology is there for, to help us have easier, more productive, happier lives. The problem is we live in this world. Yeah. Which words? That does not work out. I as soon I, I've said it before on this pa pod, the problem with humanity is that every time we come up with new technology, somebody tries to fuck it. Literally and figuratively. It's fucking annoying. <laugh>. And it just like sucks that anytime you build something, they'll be like, Hmm, can somebody stick their dick in this thing? I mean, that's, that's human beings baby. That's how, that's how we are. I mean that's literally like, like pornography has driven almost every single major technology in this world's. It's so funny. Like, you stick the second we could put film on a camera. Speaker 1 00:35:55 Someone said, Hey, let's have sex and put it on a camera and do this, this like the second. That was the, the very first thing they shot a horse. The next thing they did, they shot each other having sex. Dude. Like, they picked the first pictures like a guy. And the next one is like a butt hole. <laugh>. <laugh>. Like picture number twos just stuff fucking whispering eyes. That's just, that's just humans being humans. Well, I, it's, it's just one of those things, like it's you throw a fax machine in the jungle, uh, to a bunch of isolated monkeys in the fucking jungle. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I've never seen it before. They're gonna try and bang it <laugh>. They're like, that's, that's how they show dominance. Like, oh, I'm gonna bang this thing now it's my bitch <laugh> for the rest of the time. They're like, oh, I can't fuck it. Speaker 1 00:36:34 I can't fuck it. Uh, but so I, I remember you're telling, I think you and our producer bla was telling me about this story in Texas. Was it Texas? Oh, about a teacher. Yeah. So like, it's another like, recent, recently breaking story. This teacher, I guess had flunked out an entire class of people. An entire class of people because he, maybe, maybe it's just a handful. I I had read it was an entire class, but we'll get the details. Yeah, we'll get the see this. Uh, because he accused of them of writing, uh, their essays on chat, G B T because he put their essays in chat. G B T asked him if they had, if the bot had written 'em, and the bot said yes. And, and okay. And the, but no concern of the truth because the truth is, uh, you know, not, not real. Speaker 1 00:37:13 It's a, it's like I said, it's like truth doesn't matter when you're dealing with books of Chinese words, you just don't understand. Yes. <laugh>. It's like, of course I wrote this essay because it's all these words that are in my memory. Like, yes, that's, um, yes, I did write this. Oh, you mean now? Like, did I actually write it? No, no, no. But no, no, no. Did I write it? Like, have I read? Could I have Yes. <laugh>. So that's, that's like another step in like, the progress is like education as a, you mean education's always tough in this country, but it's gonna make things even tougher now. Yes, it is. Because it's, because it's just like genuine thought. You know, like you said, creativity versus laziness. Like creativity versus laziness. We, uh, you know, as someone who I think is equal parts of both like lazy wins out a bunch. Speaker 1 00:37:56 Oh yeah. Like I, I realize there's just some things that I don't want to do and it's part of the creativity. And I, I would, I would, I would equate it to writer's block. There's times where I sit in front of an email and I can just be like, what's the best way to answer it? And then my ADHD kicks in. I start overthinking this whole scenario of this simple reply. Do I, oh, that doesn't seem professional enough. Oh, that seems a little wordy. Oh, that seems a little mean. Oh, that doesn't, it seems a little pathetic. And I'm like, what the fuck? I just need this thing to be straightforward. So I will just speak it into existence. <laugh> Yeah. With an AI program. And then I'll spend time tweaking it to make it sound more like me. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And it's like, maybe I just need a little boost. Speaker 1 00:38:38 Maybe that's it. <laugh>, maybe I just need a little ai. Tell me an e write an email for me saying that I'll go to this party. <laugh>. Yeah. <laugh>. Exactly. And it'll, I will go to this party. Oh thank God. <laugh> <laugh>. That's, that's all. That's all that it is. And like, I think the biggest thing, the biggest way to describe what is happening right now. I remember my buddy Ron told me this, and it's the most broken down way. Uh, I think we've talked about it before. That what AI has been doing is normally people have been going and studying for years. And some go to m i t to learn the code and make com like talk to computers. Cuz artificial intelligence has been around for a long time. But only a specific amount of people or educated people knew how to speak to these computers to get their results. Speaker 1 00:39:28 And what a, this new AI technology ha the way they're calling it, basically they've written a way for us to basically talk to computers and uh, the best way to describe it is, um, Excel and Google Sheets. I'm a sheet nerd, love my sheets. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I love making a grid. Nice fucking grid. Make it work. I fucking hate Microsoft. Love Google Sheets. Both super powerful. Excel might even be the most PO powerful, but you now have to know how to use it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Now I found this thing called Excel. G p t what XL G P T does is it's a little, it's very simple. It's two buttons. Either it says Excel or Sheets or Google. And you tell it what you want it to do and it generates the formula. Before you had to actually write code Yeah. And know how to like speak I'm repeat in formula class. Speaker 1 00:40:21 Yeah. Excel to talk to you. Exactly. And fr in the, in the month and a half that I found this and was using it and just seeing what I can do mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I, I saw it getting better cuz when I first did, I had to, I can't say I want these two cells to match. I have to say like, I want the data in this cell to match the data in this cell. Like, I had to know how to speak to that computer Yeah. To know what it's talking about. But now that more and more people are using it, it's actually learning. And now you can say, I want all the colors in the first two columns to match. And it's like, boom, this is how you do it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> like, all right, I want it to change every time it goes over 200, boom. Speaker 1 00:40:56 This is how you do it. I want everything to be capitalized automatically. Only in this one. Boom. That's how you do it. And it's, it's wild. Cuz something like that is just so easy. Yeah. Like that's what it's that's the, the good, the good side of it. What it's supposed to be there for Exactly the Yeah. Accumulation of knowledge in one place so I don't have to Google it and try to use my, it's, it's like talking to another computer. It's all right Google, let's try it. Let's get the words right here and figure this shit out. Hey, that's been the hardest thing about not knowing something is how to look up that question. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, how do I look up this question? How do I ask what are the spiny thingies outside the Santa Monica pier that people fly back and forth? What are you talking about? Speaker 1 00:41:41 <laugh>? Ah, the wheel kite <laugh>. Because, but you have to be like, only like the per only that one person who knows what those are called. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Like, uh, I was talking to, I was talking to Shannon, we were gonna go down like, I hate Santa Monica Pier. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's just as an Angelino. You ask anybody from Los Angeles, the one beats they're never gonna go to is Santa Monica. It's, it's our west side time square. That's what it is. <laugh>. Just so we're a bunch of tourists are bumping into each other. It's an awful situation. Gross bunch of scammers there. It's dirty. Hell yeah. Uh, it's just, you know, you're getting up, you can go down to anywhere and get up Pa Pusa, but if you want a $14 Ppoa, go to Santa Monica Pier <laugh>. Um, but I was like, Hey, you can get one of those. Speaker 1 00:42:22 I told her like exact words, we can get one of those car bike thingies. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> and drive down the Boulevard. And she's like, what? Like electric? I'm like, no, I never said electric. I said, a car bike. It's like, it looks like a, it looks like it should be like a stripped down car, but you're pedaling <laugh>, kind of like the duck boats. <laugh> the pedal boats. There's no duck involved. I'm trying to be specific as I can <laugh>, but she's just like, I don't know how to Google and look up that. And then she finally like, did like Rick Shaw bike and finally found like a picture of it and then found the company. I make say we still didn't find out the name <laugh>. She probably told to me, but I stopped paying attention. But it was a whole like, knowing how to speak to computers. Like we are learning how to speak to computers and I think people are fucking this opportunity up. It could be very, very helpful. Like, I need a new recipe. There's, there's, these things have always been around, but I just, I'm starting to get very, very upset now. Now I'm getting upset. Before I wasn't upset. <laugh>. Now, now I'm very, I'm very peeved. Like, what's the worst thing you think of when you think of, besides Skynet? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. What's the worst thing you think of a, when you think of ai? Speaker 1 00:43:32 Well, I think someone like are impersonating you to dam. I mean, that's the thing is like, I think that is the biggest threat of someone damaging your personal life. Like using it, uh, manipulate your money, your friends, your family and whatever fashion. Like that's, I think the most devious way to do it. Yeah. There'd be no way out of that. No. It's like, how do you, you know, how do you prove that's not me? That's not me. Yeah. It's not me. Like a texted be from your phone. I'm like, holy shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that's some enemy of the state type shit though. Yeah. That's some fucking Gene Hackman Will Smith type of shit right there. <laugh>. All right. So I, I I guess that is very, very scary to have that type of a scam. Be automated. <laugh>. Yeah. Um, I'm think when I think of like, the scariest thing, the scariest, scariest possible thing is the automation of like an entire industry. Speaker 1 00:44:19 Like, the fact that like if Ford comes out tomorrow and they're like, we don't need humans anymore. It's just like 20 dudes on the board. Mm-hmm. And they have factories that are literally just building cars from front to back. Paint shipping on these auto, these like Amazon driverless trucks from state to state. Like, that's it. That to me is terrifying. Yeah. Well, I mean that's like, we are going to head in that direction, like driverless trucks with, you know, like, it, it, it's, I think centers like Bernie Sanders and other senator have discussed this idea, but having like an AI where everyone gets money because you only got a job anymore, like <laugh> because AI is taking your job. So congratulations. Here's money for not being a trucker anymore because all the truck drivers are automated now. Yeah. And so, like my thing, I mean, no, I'm, it's, it's a Bernie Sanders idea, so it's a good idea. Speaker 1 00:45:18 No one's gonna take, you know, like all of his ideas, but it's one of those things that's like, yes. Like that is going to happen. Like think even like, think about like the Super Bowl. Think about, I did that show Love Is Blind. We had so many robocams on that show. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> people with little, you know, zip like zooming in all over the place. Like, um, that could be automated with a program. Like, oh yeah, there's in, in, in the next five years, uh, 30, you know, was it like 20 camera guys jobs could be gone. Yeah, that's true. That that's real. You know, like we're, we're on the way there. Yeah. We're on the way there. I know that like a whole nfl, like a whole entire NFL game. Like we're half, we're a decade away, if not that from being completely automated, you know, watching it from top to bottom. Speaker 1 00:45:58 You can have automated commentators, you can have automated script, you can like all of it. Yeah. I mean, it's like you, I got cameras in my house that track you mm-hmm. <affirmative> and like, they're not cutting out your head. Like they know what the body frame looks like and they literally get a perfect shot from head to toe. Yeah. And just follow you through the house. And like, it just switches, switches angles when you get into the kitchen. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, like, it's, it's wild. It's wild. I, I, I know for, uh, one of the things that we were playing around with was like, even when you talk about industry jobs, like audio engineers mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like we, there's plenty of audio, ai, audio, uh, I guess cleanup. Yeah. Like live mixing programs. Yeah. Yeah. It's like we've, we've had an audio issue and we are just like, let's see what's going on here. Speaker 1 00:46:47 Put it in an AI program and it spit out gold on the other side. I like, now here's the issue is normally we would've found out how to mix that down and kind of take care of it. And working with that program, we probably would've found out what the audio issue was, was in the beginning. But because we found something that could fix it, it took us a lot longer <laugh> to find out what that audio issue was. And so like laziness verse verse creativity. Yeah. Because like, I, I'll tell, I'll challenge any human not to feel that little, like boost in confidence and satisfaction when you figure something out, when you get something done when you build or make or create something and you're like, holy shit. That was dope. That feeling that you have when you do that. I'm not sure humanity can live without that. Speaker 1 00:47:36 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I think there's like a part of us that just goes away when we're not, you know, adding a little bit of saffron to that sauce that turns it into a bam. Well, I may, I completely agree. Like I think we're talking about in our last bit, but like, that's one of the reasons I love video games is cuz you get that sense of completion <laugh> in a micro, in a micro scale. Yes. You know? Yes. You're like, oh shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm the only one that figured this out. <laugh>. Yeah. I did that. Yeah. No, that's a hundred percent true. Oh fuck. Um, have you ever, have you used any AI tools at all? No. Never. Mm-hmm. Oh shit. I've been all over the aig. Yeah. You've been like, well, I'm, I'm a very simple man with simple purposes <laugh>. I have my pro wrestling and I have my <laugh>, my heavy metal music, and I dunno, I got my moonshot and my, my belt, my intercom man with my thrash metal in my <laugh> in my marijuana pin <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:48:31 Oh man, that's funny. Oh, I saw a very funny shirt. Uh, this is my ADHD kicking in. I, ah, Shannon's gonna have to remember. I think it was at Disneyland, we saw like a, in a Tokyo, Disney, we saw like a, a, it was a either like a goof troupe shirt, but with the Thrasher logo, like written like Thrasher, like dress metal style. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's fucking That's cool. It was sweet <laugh>. Like we saw that. It was great. Um, but yeah, I would say my AI tool, my AI tool is, I've been diving in deep, like some of the coolest ones I've been seeing are, you know, video editing art creations. And the one I'm d I'm diving into right now is music creation. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So, um, like I said, like I am trying to learn, like I love making my own beats, love remixing songs. Speaker 1 00:49:17 It's like a hobby. Like, I'm not trying to be a musician, it's just like a hobby. And when I tried to learn Ableton, it was like somebody speaking Chinese mm-hmm. <affirmative> to me who speaks English that just showed up and was like, Hey, I wanna teach you Chinese. And I have no idea what he's saying. <laugh>. Yeah. I'm like, what is this person doing here? That was Ableton. Like, I opened it up and even the interface, I was like, what do I do from here? And there was no steps. There was no, this is how you load this in. I just, yeah. I got the program, I booted it up and I, I didn't even think to myself like, holy shit, I don't even know what anything does. Like, I'm clicking on buttons, things are dropping down, they're empty. I'm trying to drag, it's not, it's not intuitive at all. Speaker 1 00:50:00 And then I found an AI program that not only teaches you how to use like, certain, uh, music programs like Fruity Loops and Ableton mm-hmm. <affirmative>, but like, live, like, shows you like, Hey, do this, do this, do this, do this. Here's the beat. And then that's what you get to work with. So now you can move this beat over here. Now you can move that down there and asking it, Hey, how do I do this? How do I add extra layers? How do I extend this track? Where's the drum? And it's just like, it's, it's wild. It's fucking wild. And yeah, it's, there's gonna be a lot of people put outta work because of it, and I think people are gonna have to work harder to kind of authenticate the fact that it came from them. Yeah. But yeah, I, I, I, every time I talk about that, I'm just like, fuck, man. Like, are kids gonna have jobs? Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, like, like things are moving very fast. Yeah. Our kids will, our grandkids might not <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:51:04 Oh. I mean, who knows if we'll have grandkids? No. We'll all be matrixed by then. Yeah. We'll just be, we'll all be pie people controlled by AI robots underground, right? Yeah. I think, I think they were overground. No, they were, well, no, that's right. They danced underground. Were theyd overground. Yeah. They, they, the humanity went underground. The robots were aboveground. They just mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I believe according to the antrix, the cannon, when the robot started to revolt and take over, they were all piled by the sun. So humanity is the one that shot the missile up in the air to block out the sun, thinking that it'll shut down the robot. But the robots were like, motherfucker, we built this shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And they decided like, Hey, we don't need sun. We just can just liquefy these humans and use their natural energy and vitamin D to run mm-hmm. Speaker 1 00:51:49 <affirmative>. So like, yeah, we don't need y'all, but we need y'all. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, we don't need the sun. You guys fucked up. Now we're gonna hunt you. Yeah. That's the grandkids plan right there. Yeah. That's it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And like, that's really all, every single apocalyptic movie has come down to, we create machine, we want machine to be smart. Machine gets smart, and we, they say, Hey humans, you guys are fucking up. And then humans say, shut up machine. And then machines are like, nah, nah. Then they go, p pew, pew, stomp stu, stump, Ibach. Yep. That's it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's it. They nailed it. Um, but yes. Um, there's gonna be things that I think I'm gonna introduce my kid to, like ai things that I wanna test out. And I think we should come back next week and discuss it. All right. Are you comfortable with like me sending you some ai AI tools to use with your kids? Yeah. I'll mess around. Yeah. All right. So we'll, we'll report back with that next week. But you guys stick around. This is the end of this little project. We're gonna be right back with more Papa Don't preach. Speaker 1 00:53:03 And we are back. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for sticking around us, listening to us rant, getting all these things, all this stuff off our chest. Um, so this is our last segment. Uh, we have something very special to argue. <laugh> <laugh> scheduled an argument for today. I'm glad you came. Um, but yeah, if you guys are not interested in video game, thank you very much. Tune in next week. But <laugh>, uh, as you guys know, Ben and I, I, I wouldn't consider myself a gamer. I'm a game enthusiast. I would consider you a gamer. I, I guess, yeah. I, I mean it's, it, it is probably my biggest hobby at the moment. It's like, if I have an hour or two, like, I'll be playing a video game. Like, there's usually something like slot, you know, like I'm usually listening to a book and I'm playing a video game. Speaker 1 00:53:45 That's true. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. See, I listen to screams and play video games. I do not listen to books. I think that might be better <laugh>. I should start listening to books instead of that. But, um, yeah. So I, I know there's been games that we agreed on. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there's games that we both liked. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, you, um, you're playing the new Zelda right now? I did, yeah. The last game, I don't think we talked to you, but I you're looking at an Eldon Lord. I beat Eldon ring. Oh, you did? I did. That was before Zelda came out. I was like, look, me, you gotta get, you gotta beat this fucking game <laugh> before another game comes out, because you're never gonna come back to it. So I, I, you know, I buckled in, I <laugh> I leveled up, uh, ridiculous amount and then beat the last boss. Speaker 1 00:54:28 And then I started playing. You play a new game plus with all your, your stuff. So literally like, you, you are a God walking around. Cause I just beat the hardest God in the game. And I just, I just walk around just backhanding people for like an hour or two. That's the best part. Game plus it was pretty sweet. I usually, I usually don't fuck around with it, but because the way the elder ring is built, you can go anywhere at any time. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. So you don't have to like, start from the smaller bad guys. You just walk up to whatever bad guy you want and be like, <laugh>. Yeah. <laugh>. Here's a sword. Oh. And guess what? I got another one. That's what I loved about Horizon's Game Plus. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, you know, you couldn't walk up to like, what was it, the fucking, uh, purple Spine Little monster. Speaker 1 00:55:04 Yeah. The big, the biggest slaughter spine. Yeah. The one that's like the T-Rex one. Yeah. Yeah. That's like this crazy thing. You're like, what the fuck? You couldn't walk up to that thing with your little, little bow and arrow and try to fuck that thing up. But now you got, you know, a machine gun, spike thrower, <laugh>. You're like, I'm gonna bigger bow and arrow. Yeah. I got a tear Dactyl I can jump off and saddest thing in the brain. So yes. I, I am a big fan of Game Plus. Yeah. And so I, so that's taken a backseat right now to just all Zelda all the time. I, uh, really like the first game a lot. It's very much like the very first Nintendo Zelda game where it's like, Hey, congratulations. Here's the world. Bye. Like <laugh>. Yeah. Like, you know what you gave, you said the princess, like good luck doing it. Speaker 1 00:55:44 Yeah. <laugh>, there's not a lot of handholding, which is great. You could go like, well that looks like an interesting thing over there. Like, I'm gonna go over there and see it, and then you can, like, there's no like, holding you back other than your imagination in this thing. I love an open world. It's, it's truly like Billy is a, a true open world and like, it seems like a lot of games took inspiration from it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Uh, and therefore this one has taken inspiration from, it seems like, like elder rings and other games where there's like added layers to it, which is really fun. Like combining weapons to make new weapons. It's like, say if I kill a bad guy and he leaves me a big nasty looking horn and I've got like a soup, ladle <laugh>, I can put that nasty horn on my soup ladle and fucking wave it around <laugh> and beat some bad guys. Speaker 1 00:56:21 You got a horn ladle now. I got a horn ladle, a sixth century horn ladle. One of the things I did is I had like a torch and like a rake and I put it on. So it's like a really long torch <laugh> swing in the back. It was early in the game before I got any good weapons. <laugh>, like swing a torch rake, you know, bunch of goblins and hope for the best. So it's, it's a really fun game. I, uh, you know, I play it like in one hour, one hour windows and then like, okay, I'm done. And then I'll play for like another hour. <laugh>. So I usually play two hour windows. I told you, all I've been seeing on the internet is people like building penis boats and then taking it across the lake. You can, I mean, I haven't made any dick. Speaker 1 00:56:54 Uh, I've been too focused on the game as opposed to make a dick a dick ship. But you can <laugh>, that's like one of the elements of the game is you combine things and there's like this ancient technology, which is very convenient. <laugh>, they made like fans and balloons and like a control stick. So you can drive a wood, a wood hovercraft around that you make Oh, look at that. Very convenient. Oh, it's really convenient. Thanks. Thanks. Ains. Ancient technology. Yeah, that's, I'm, I'm glad I figured this out now. So like for those of the, for people who have, who've stepped away from Zelda for like the last two decades mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I remember the old one and I'm not liking it that much. Cause I'm not an R PPG guy. I don't like walking up to something and being like, I'm gonna fish and then it does it for me. Speaker 1 00:57:32 Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it says, you caught this, and I like walk away, says, you want to sell that? And like, I wasn't a fan of that back then. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And I just feel like now in 2023, it's probably like a whole different world. Probably just, I, I, I really like him a lot. It, like, they've done a very good job adapting all of the modern gaming ideas and putting him in one place. Uh, there's a lot of differing, like, I think a lot of the problems with the big open world, like the horizon type games, is that it gets very, even like Horizon I think is the best at it. They do a very, got good job mixing it up of like, I need you to, like, the different tasks, I guess, or different things. You're not playing the main story, the other things you're doing. Speaker 1 00:58:12 Yes. Like the breath of the wild and here's the kingdom. We're really good at those other things. Like, exploring is really fun. The side quests are interesting. There's an entire sky levels, there's a ground level. Then spoiler alert. Spoiler alert <laugh>. There's an underground level, which is really creepy and dark. Fuck. Yeah. So there's like caves you can explore now, which is not kind of a new thing. You know, it's old thing for other games, but like, it's a new thing for Zelda games. I'm gonna give it a shot. It's, it's fun. I I'm, I'm gonna give it a shot. Shannon wants to play it. Yeah. And she's like, ah, he played the first one. So I'm like, listen, <laugh> don't, don't come out of the gate saying shit like that. Yeah. It's like, I wanna, I wanna play this mar I wanna play Mario 3d because I played the first Mario. Speaker 1 00:58:50 I'm like, you understand, these are miles. Yeah. Miles apart. And I, you know, I'm not like a definitive Zelda guy, but like, I've played way, way more than I haven't played. Like, I remember playing, you know, a friend of mine in a neighborhood, like his dad's copy of his legend Zelda and his fucking handwritten notes next to it. Like <laugh>. That's how old I remember playing Zelman. You know, like, so like, I've seen the progress, I've seen where it goes, and I really enjoy everything. They've, you know, they've done such a good job of looking at the gaming landscape and seeing what works and what doesn't work. What worked in the first game, and what people complain about in the first game and changing it for the second game. Yeah. Okay. All right. Well that's good to know. And you don't need, I'm gonna give it a shot. Speaker 1 00:59:27 You don't, it's like you jump right in. Uh, like you, you start the game and like, you're in, like the story started, so I you're you're in it. It's cool. See, that's the thing though, is like, I guess I'm just, I love killing shit and video games and that's one of the problems. Like, I love exploring and killing shit. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, that's like, I wanna be able to explore and kill shit. And that's why I love Red Dead Redemption. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. That's why I love like, cause I could just like, I can ride in, get my rifle, there's a train coming out and there's like these group of people walking their horse and I could just snipe two of them from a distance ride over there. Take their money, set up camp, kill a deer, eat it. It's love that shit. They have that, like, there's one, um, sorry, I'm, this is real SDA heavy. Speaker 1 01:00:06 I didn't know what I was gonna talk this much, but I guess I really like it. So I talk about shit I like a bunch. Yes. <laugh>. There is a side quest in the first one, the breath of the wild where you, you're, yeah. Whatever. <laugh>. I didn't say B O T w <laugh>. Okay. That's, thank you for that. I didn't say Breath of the wild. Uh, where you, you like, you fly to an island, you land on the island and you like the, it's the screen goes to black and it comes back up and all your gear is gone. You're literally just in your fucking underwear. What the fuck's? This is a true test of your strength. Like start and you know, you have to, you know, find what you need to find whatever the wording is. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> basically you have to find sticks and find whatever, you know, beat, beat a bad guy with sticks, take his weapon, beat another bad guy with that weapon. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. It's a really bad a, like, it's one of my favorite parts of that level. So in this one, there's like a half a dozen of those where you, you show up in, it's like, okay, like you've got, you know, a basic arrow, 10 arrows and then a stick. Oh, shit. Speaker 1 01:01:00 That tail just fell in there. Oh. It might be a rat family living up there. Oh, that's a Or a possum. Oh guys, Hey guys. We just discovered a little homie in our studio, so, oh man. We may cut this short. Yeah, we may have to cut this short. All right. Well that's good to know. Um, don't, don't do that. What are you doing? I don't want a rat falling on me, man. Yeah. <laugh>, what are you doing? A real ass rat towel. Yeah, I think it's a pos I think our might be a possum that we woke up. Possums are nocturnal. The rat would probably be moving a lot more. Yeah. I feel like. All right. I don't like it behind me. All right. Well you should definitely play. The second zone came out. Now we're gonna be cutting this short because we got a little critter in the studio, but yes, I'm gonna be playing Zelda. Speaker 1 01:01:45 I just downloaded it. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And, uh, we'll see how it goes. But sorry guys, we have to end it because, you know, you gotta have money to make money because I don't want to have a possum land on me if a possum lands on Bennett. The mics, I have a few mics are not ready for that. He's, he's so much bigger than you guys think. And I just feel like him like, ah, I feel like his ah, will put a hole in my <laugh> in our studio. I, I, this is, I'll leave this on this. I found this about myself. I have a pretty high pain tolerance. I have a really low surprise tolerance. <laugh> <laugh>. Speaker 1 01:02:18 So I think we're gonna take off <laugh>. Well you guys heard it here. Bennett's uh, surprise tos is very low. Just like our guests, cuz Oh man. I can feel your how uncomfortable you are here. I just don't want it to Well, to be anything. Well, I feel like, I feel like something's gonna come after me soon. So Yeah. Guys, uh, a big shout out to our producer. Blame Pierre <laugh>. Thanks for noticing it. Yeah. <laugh> DNA and Aaron Mos out. Do our music guys. Check him out on Spotify. This is Obie. Thank you very much. Bennett. Yeah. Shout out to Ceiling. Possible. Yeah, ceiling. Possible name him. Erwin. We'll name him Irwin. Uh, it's gotta be a pos Mar Rat would be gone by now. Yeah, that's a pos be sticking around anyway, this is popping up by everybody. He'll be right back next week. Memorial stuff for you guys to listen to. <laugh>. So do we murder him? How do, do we let live? Well, he's probably playing. I possum that's why he's not moving. Ah, that very good.

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