We Kinda Started The Fire

Episode 11 July 25, 2021 01:07:56
We Kinda Started The Fire
Papa Don't Preach
We Kinda Started The Fire

Jul 25 2021 | 01:07:56


Show Notes

This week the Papas are back full force and your favorite fatherly trio are tackling what may be their most important subject to date, Mother Earth.
Why do we treat her so bad, what we can do to save her, and what we can do now to teach our kids about being eco positive so that they aren’t left with the mess we are dealing with now?
Before our main subject we catch up on stories from this week, Papa Zan talks about his week in nature with the fam, anxiety around crowds and how the Olympics have lost their luster. So put you favorite pair of Toms on and get ready to hug some trees with us on this episode of Papa don’t preach.

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